molsystem package#
molsystem.align module#
Alignment methods for configurations
- class molsystem.align.AlignMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling alignment of configuration.
- RMSD(reference, include_h=False, symmetry=False, align=False, flavor='rdkit')[source]#
Compute the RMSD between configurations.
- Parameters:
reference (Configuration|OBMol|RDKMol) – The structure to compare and possibly align to
include_h (bool = True) – Whether to include hydrogen atoms in the RMSD
symmetry (bool = False) – Whether to detect symmetric flips. Note this requires a lot of memory for larger systems.
align (bool = False) – Whether to transform the structure to the best alignment with the target.
flavor (str = "rdkit") – The flavor to use. Currently ‘rdkit’ or ‘openbabel’
- Returns:
The RMS between the structure configuration and the target(s).
- Return type:
float or [float]
- molsystem.align.OB_RMSD(structure, reference, include_h=True, symmetry=False)[source]#
Compute the RMSD between configurations using OpenBabel.
- Parameters:
structure (OBMol) – The structure to align
reference (OBMol) – The structure to compare to.
include_h (bool = True) – Whether to include hydrogen atoms in the RMSD
symmetry (bool = False) – Whether to detect symmetric flips. Note this requires a lot of memory for larger systems.
- Returns:
{str – RMSD: The RMS between the structure and the reference. maximum displacement: The maximum displacement of any atom. displaced atom: The index of the atom with the maximum displacement.
- Return type:
The structure is modified in place to be optimally aligned with the reference.
- molsystem.align.RDK_RMSD(structure, reference, include_h=True, symmetry=False)[source]#
Compute the RMSD between configurations using RDKit.
- Parameters:
structure (RDKMol) – The structure to align
reference (RDKMol) – The structure to compare to.
include_h (bool = True) – Whether to include hydrogen atoms in the RMSD
symmetry (bool = False) – Whether to detect symmetric flips. Note this requires a lot of memory for larger systems.
- Returns:
{str – RMSD: The RMS between the structure and the reference. maximum displacement: The maximum displacement of any atom. displaced atom: The index of the atom with the maximum displacement.
- Return type:
The structure is modified in place to be optimally aligned with the reference.
- molsystem.align.RMSD(structure, reference, include_h=False, symmetry=False, align=False, flavor=None)[source]#
Compute the RMSD between configurations.
- Parameters:
structure (Configuration, RDKMol, or OBMol)
reference (Configuration, RDKMol, or OBMol) – A single configuration to match. if ‘structure’ is not a configuration, this must match the type of ‘structure’.
include_h (bool = True) – Whether to include hydrogen atoms in the RMSD
symmetry (bool = False) – Whether to detect symmetric flips. Note this requires a lot of memory for larger systems.
align (bool = False) – Whether to transform the structure to the best alignment with the reference.
flavor (str = None) – The flavor to use. Currently ‘rdkit’ or ‘openbabel’
- Returns:
{str – RMSD: The RMS between the structure and the reference. maximum displacement: The maximum displacement of any atom. displaced atom: The index of the atom with the maximum displacement.
- Return type:
molsystem.atoms module#
A dictionary-like object for holding atoms.
molsystem.bonds module#
A dictionary-like object for holding bonds
Based on tables in an SQLite database.
molsystem.cell module#
- class molsystem.cell.Cell(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)[source]#
A class to handle cell parameters and their transformations.
- property a#
The length of the first cell vector.
- property alpha#
The angle between b and c.
- property b#
The length of the second cell vector.
- property beta#
The angle between a and c.
- property c#
The length of the third cell vector.
- equal(other, tol=1e-06)[source]#
Check if we are equal to another iterable to within a tolerance.
- Parameters:
other (iterable) – The other object to check against
tol (float = 1.0e-06) – The tolerance for comparing floating point numbers.
- Returns:
equals – Boolean indicating whether the two are equal.
- Return type:
- from_vectors(vectors)[source]#
Set the cell parameters from the lattice vectors.
- Parameters:
vectors ([[float*3]*3]) – The lattice vectors as a list [a, b, c]
- property gamma#
The angle between a and b.
- property parameters#
The cell parameters as a list.
- reciprocal_lengths()[source]#
The length of the reciprocal space lattice vectors, physics definition
- Returns:
The 3 vector lengths
- Return type:
- reciprocal_vectors(as_array=False)[source]#
The reciprocal space lattice vectors. Physics definition with 2 pi
- Parameters:
as_array (bool = False) – Whether to return a numpy array or Python lists
- Returns:
transform – The transformation matrix
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- strain(*args)[source]#
Strain the cell.
- Parameters:
args (6 * [float] or 6 floats) – The strain in Voigt notation, either a 6-vector or six floats.
- to_cartesians(uvw, as_array=False)[source]#
Convert fraction coordinates to Cartesians
see for a description.
- Parameters:
uvw ([N][3*float] or ndarray) – The fractional coordinates.
- Returns:
xyz – The Cartesian coordinates.
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- to_cartesians_transform(as_array=False)[source]#
Matrix to convert fractional coordinates to Cartesian.
see for a description.
- Parameters:
as_array (bool = False) – Whether to return a numpy array or Python lists
- Returns:
transform – The transformation matrix
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=False)[source]#
Convert Cartesian coordinates to fractional.
see for a description.
- Parameters:
xyz ([N][3*float] or ndarray) – The Cartesian coordinates.
- Returns:
uvw – The ractional coordinates.
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- to_fractionals_transform(as_array=False)[source]#
Matrix to convert Cartesian coordinates to fractional.
see for a description.
- Parameters:
as_array (bool = False) – Whether to return a numpy array or Python lists
- Returns:
transform – The transformation matrix
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- vectors(as_array=False)[source]#
The cell or lattice vectors.
- Parameters:
as_array (bool = False) – Whether to return a numpy array or Python lists
- Returns:
transform – The transformation matrix
- Return type:
[N][float*3] or ndarray
- property volume#
The volume of the cell.
molsystem.cif module#
Functions for handling CIF files
Bond Orders#
1 sing single bond 2 doub double bond 3 trip triple bond 4 quad quadruple bond 5 arom aromatic bond 6 delo delocalized double bond 7 pi pi bond 8 poly polymeric bond
- class molsystem.cif.CIFMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling CIF files.
- from_cif_text(text)[source]#
Create this configuration from a CIF file..
- Parameters:
text (str) – The text from the CIF file
- Return type:
- from_mmcif_text(text)[source]#
Create this configuration from an MMCIF file..
- Parameters:
text (str) – The text from the MMCIF file
- Return type:
This can be called from a SystemDB, _System or _Configuration object. The behavior and errors differ depending on what type of object is calling it:
When called from a _System object, a new _System will be created for each datablock in the CIF data, and a configuration will be created to hold the structure, unless their is an NMR ensemble, in which case each structure in the ensemble will be placed in a different configuration.
In this case it is an error if there is more than one datablock. A new configuration will be created with the structure in the CIF datablock, unless the CIF data contains an NMR ensemble, in which case a configuration will be added for each conformer.
It is an error if there is more than one datablock in the CIF data. The configuration will be cleared and the structure from CIF data inserted into it. If there is an NMR ensemble in the datablock, and the representative conformer is identified, it will be loaded into the configuration. Otherwise an error will be raised.
- read_cif_file(path)[source]#
Create new systems from a CIF file.
Read a CIF file and create a new system from each datablock in the file.
If the datablock has an ensemble, as denoted by a section ‘_pdbx_nmr_ensemble’, a configuration will be created for each conformer. If there is a representative conformer, the current configuration will point to it; otherwise to the last conformer.
- Parameters:
path (str or Path) – A string or Path object pointing to the file to be read.
- Returns:
List of systems created.
- Return type:
molsystem.cms_schema module#
Interface to the CMS schema.
molsystem.column module#
molsystem.configuration module#
molsystem.configuration_properties module#
Property methods for configurations.
molsystem.elements module#
Tabulated data about the elements.
- molsystem.elements.masses(atno_or_symbols)[source]#
Get the atomic mass given atomic symbols or numbers.
- Parameters:
atno_or_symbols ([int or str]) – The atomic numbers or symbols
- Returns:
masses – The atomic masses
- Return type:
molsystem.frozencolumn module#
molsystem.inchi module#
Functions for handling InChI
- class molsystem.inchi.InChIMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling InChI.
- from_inchi(inchi, name=None, reorient=True, openbabel=True)[source]#
Create the system from a InChI string.
- Parameters:
inchi (str) – The InChI string
name (str = None) – The name of the molecule
reorient (bool = True) – Whether to reorient to the standard orientation
openbabel (bool = False) – Whether to use Openbabel rather than default of RDKit
- Return type:
- from_inchikey(inchikey, name=None, reorient=True)[source]#
Create the system from an InChIKey string.
- Parameters:
inchikey (str) – The InChIKey string
name (str = None) – The name of the molecule
reorient (bool = True) – Whether to reorient to the standard orientation
- Return type:
- property inchi#
Return the InChI string for this object.
- property inchikey#
Return the InChIKey string for this object.
- to_inchi(key=False, openbabel=False)[source]#
Create the InChI string from the system.
- Parameters:
key (bool = False) – Whether to create the InChIKey
openbabel (bool = False) – Whether to use OpenBabel rather than default of RDkit
- Returns:
The InChI string, or (InChI, name) if the rname is requested
- Return type:
molsystem.molfile module#
Functions for handling MDL molfiles
- class molsystem.molfile.MolFileMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling MDL Molfiles.
- from_molfile_text(data)[source]#
Create the system from an MDL Molfile, version 3
- Parameters:
data (str) – The complete text of the Molfile.
- to_molfile_text(title=None, comment='Exported from SEAMM')[source]#
Create the text of the Molfile from the system.
- Parameters:
title (str = None) – The title for the structure, by default the system name.
comment (str = 'Exported from SEAMM') – Comment line
- Returns:
text – The text of the file.
- Return type:
molsystem.openbabel module#
Interface to openbabel.
- class molsystem.openbabel.OpenBabelMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling OpenBabel via its Python interface.
- coordinates_to_OBMol(ob_mol)[source]#
Update the coordinates of an Open Babel molecule from the configuration.
- find_substructures(template)[source]#
Find the substructures matching the template.
- Parameters:
template (str, _Configuration, _Template, or _Subset) – The template, which may be a SMARTS string, or a molecular object.
- Returns:
Lists of atom ids for matches.
- Return type:
- from_OBMol(ob_mol, properties='all', atoms=True, coordinates=True, bonds=True)[source]#
Transform an Open Babel molecule into the current object.
- Parameters:
rdk_mol (rdkit.chem.molecule) – The RDKit molecule object
properties (str = "all") – Whether to include all properties or none
atoms (bool = True) – Recreate the atoms
coordinates (bool = True) – Update the coordinates
bonds (bool = True) – Recreate the bonds from the RDKit molecule
- Returns:
(str, str)
- Return type:
system_name, configuration_name
- from_sdf(path)[source]#
Directly read an SDF file for the configuration.
- Parameters:
path (pathlib.Path or str) – The path or name of the file to write.
- Returns:
system name, configuration name
- Return type:
(str, str)
- from_sdf_text(text, properties='all')[source]#
Get the text of an SDF file for the configuration.
- Parameters:
text (str) – The text of an SDF file
properties (str = "all") – Whether to include all properties or none
- Returns:
system name, configuration name
- Return type:
(str, str)
- to_OBMol(properties=None)[source]#
Return an OBMol object for the configuration, template, or subset.
molsystem.openeye module#
Interface to OpenEye OEChem.
molsystem.pdb module#
Functions for handling PDB files
To Do#
Need to understand more fully the PDB/mmcif format and the how to carry the information about residues, chains, hetero groups, waters, etc. At the moment this is ignoring much of the information, and putting residue, chain, etc information directly on atoms.
I think we should use templates and subsets, but am not (yet) sure.
Presumably this metadata is most useful for setting up complicated simulations.
File Format#
For complete documentation, see
Order of records:
HEADER Mandatory
OBSLTE Optional Mandatory in entries that have been
replaced by a newer entry.
TITLE Mandatory
SPLIT Optional Mandatory when large macromolecular
complexes are split into multiple PDB
CAVEAT Optional Mandatory when there are outstanding errors
such as chirality.
COMPND Mandatory
SOURCE Mandatory
KEYWDS Mandatory
EXPDTA Mandatory
NUMMDL Optional Mandatory for NMR ensemble entries.
MDLTYP Optional Mandatory for NMR minimized average
Structures or when the entire polymer
chain contains C alpha or P atoms only.
AUTHOR Mandatory
REVDAT Mandatory
SPRSDE Optional Mandatory for a replacement entry.
JRNL Optional Mandatory for a publication describes
the experiment.
REMARK 0 Optional Mandatory for a re-refined structure
REMARK 1 Optional
REMARK 2 Mandatory
REMARK 3 Mandatory
REMARK N Optional Mandatory under certain conditions.
DBREF Optional Mandatory for all polymers.
DBREF1/DBREF2 Optional Mandatory when certain sequence database
accession and/or sequence numbering
does not fit preceding DBREF format.
SEQADV Optional Mandatory if sequence conflict exists.
SEQRES Mandatory Mandatory if ATOM records exist.
MODRES Optional Mandatory if modified group exists in the
HET Optional Mandatory if a non-standard group other
than water appears in the coordinates.
HETNAM Optional Mandatory if a non-standard group other
than water appears in the coordinates.
HETSYN Optional
FORMUL Optional Mandatory if a non-standard group or
water appears in the coordinates.
HELIX Optional
SHEET Optional
SSBOND Optional Mandatory if a disulfide bond is present.
LINK Optional Mandatory if non-standard residues appear
in a polymer
CISPEP Optional
SITE Optional
CRYST1 Mandatory
MTRIX1 MTRIX2 MTRIX3 Optional Mandatory if the complete asymmetric unit
must be generated from the given coordinates
using non-crystallographic symmetry.
MODEL Optional Mandatory if more than one model
is present in the entry.
ATOM Optional Mandatory if standard residues exist.
ANISOU Optional
TER Optional Mandatory if ATOM records exist.
HETATM Optional Mandatory if non-standard group exists.
ENDMDL Optional Mandatory if MODEL appears.
CONECT Optional Mandatory if non-standard group appears
and if LINK or SSBOND records exist.
MASTER Mandatory
END Mandatory
Description of HETATM records:
1 - 6 Record name "HETATM"
7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number.
13 - 16 Atom name Atom name.
17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator.
18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name.
22 Character chainID Chain identifier.
23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number.
27 AChar iCode Code for insertion of residues.
31 - 38 Real(8.3) x Orthogonal coordinates for X.
39 - 46 Real(8.3) y Orthogonal coordinates for Y.
47 - 54 Real(8.3) z Orthogonal coordinates for Z.
55 - 60 Real(6.2) occupancy Occupancy.
61 - 66 Real(6.2) tempFactor Temperature factor.
77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol; right-justified.
79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom.
Description of CONECT records:
1 - 6 Record name "CONECT"
7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number
12 - 16 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom
17 - 21 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom
22 - 26 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom
27 - 31 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom
- class molsystem.pdb.PDBMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling PDB files.
- from_pdb_text(data)[source]#
Create the system from a PDF file.
- Parameters:
data (str) – The complete text of the Molfile.
- to_pdb_text(title=None, comment='Exported from SEAMM')[source]#
Create the text of the PDB file from the system.
- Parameters:
title (str = None) – The title for the structure, by default the system name.
comment (str = 'Exported from SEAMM') – Comment line
- Returns:
text – The text of the file.
- Return type:
str module#
The standard properties recognized by SEAMM.
These are officially defined properties that can be used anywhere in SEAMM, as long as the type and definition correspond to the standard.
Each property is defined by a string with up to three parts:
<property name>#<code or ‘experiment’>#<technique or model chemistry>
The property name is required. In most cases this is followed by either ‘experiment’ or the name of the code, e.g. ‘MOPAC’, ‘Gaussian’, or ‘VASP’. The final part, if present, is either the experimental technique used to measure the property, or the model chemistry, such as ‘MP2/6-31G**’, ‘PM7’, or a forcefield name such as ‘AMBER/ff19SB’.
You can create other properties on the fly, but they follow the above convention and should have an appropriate code and, if necessary, model chemistry, so that they full name is unique and does not conflict with any other defined name.
For example, the standard property “enthalpy of formation” refers to the experimental heat of formation, or a calculated value comparable to experimental values. If you are not sure what the heat of formation in e.g. MOPAC is, you could create a new property “enthalpy of formation#MOPAC#<parameterization>”, which is clearly similar to the standard “enthalpy of formation”. If the community decides that it is indeed the same, it can be replaced by the standard form, and also aliased to it for backwards compatibility.
molsystem.pubchem module#
Functions for handling PubChem
- class molsystem.pubchem.PubChemMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling the PubChem database.
- property PC_cid#
Return the PubChem CID for this structure, or None.
- PC_from_cid(cid, fallback=None)[source]#
Create the configuration from the PubChem 3-D structure, if available.
- Parameters:
cid (int) – The PubChem CID.
fallback (str) – A fallback SMILES, InChI, etc. to use if PubChem fails
- PC_from_identifier(identifier, namespace='detect', fallback=None, properties='all')[source]#
Create the configuration from the PubChem 3-D structure, if available.
- Parameters:
identifier (int or str) – The PubChem identifier
namespace (str) – The PubChem namespace: cid, name, smiles, inchi, inchikey
fallback (str) – A fallback SMILES, InChI, etc. to use if PubChem fails
properties (str = "all") – Whether to include all properties or none
molsystem.qcschema module#
Interface to qcschema.
molsystem.rdkit_ module#
Interface to RDKit.
- class molsystem.rdkit_.RDKitMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling RDKit via its Python interface.
- from_RDKMol(rdk_mol, properties='all', atoms=True, coordinates=True, bonds=True)[source]#
Transform an RDKit molecule into the current object.
- Parameters:
rdk_mol (rdkit.chem.molecule) – The RDKit molecule object
properties (str = "all") – Whether to include all properties or none
atoms (bool = True) – Recreate the atoms
coordinates (bool = True) – Update the coordinates
bonds (bool = True) – Recreate the bonds from the RDKit molecule
- Returns:
(str, str)
- Return type:
system_name, configuration_name
molsystem.smiles module#
Functions for handling SMILES
- class molsystem.smiles.GenSMARTS(mol_object=None)[source]#
A class to generate SMARTS strings for an object.
- Parameters:
mol_object (_Configuration, _Template, _Subset)
- property mol_object#
The molecular object to work with.
- class molsystem.smiles.SMILESMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling SMILES.
- property canonical_smiles#
Return the canonical SMILES string for this object.
- from_smiles(smiles, name=None, reorient=True, flavor='rdkit')[source]#
Create the system from a SMILES string.
- Parameters:
smiles (str) – The SMILES string
name (str = None) – The name of the molecule
reorient (bool = True) – Whether to reorient to the standard orientation
rdkit (bool = False) – Whether to use RDKit rather than default of OpenBabel
- Return type:
- property isomeric_smiles#
Return the canonical, isomeric SMILES string for this object.
- property smarts#
Return the SMARTS string for this object.
- property smiles#
Return the SMILES string for this object.
- to_smarts()[source]#
Generate a SMARTS string for this object.
- Returns:
The SMARTS string.
- Return type:
- to_smiles(canonical=False, hydrogens=False, isomeric=True, flavor='rdkit')[source]#
Create the SMILES string from the system.
- Parameters:
canonical (bool = False) – Whether to create canonical SMILES
hydrogens (bool = False) – Whether to keep H’s in the SMILES string.
isomeric (bool = True) – Whether to use isomeric SMILES
rdkit (bool = False) – Whether to use RDKit rather than default of OpenBabel
- Returns:
The SMILES string, or (SMILES, name) if the rname is requested
- Return type:
molsystem.subset module#
molsystem.subsets module#
A class providing a convenient interface for subsets
molsystem.symmetry module#
molsystem.system module#
A dictionary-like object for holding a system
molsystem.system_db module#
A dictionary-like object for holding a system
- class molsystem.system_db.SystemDB(parent=None, logger=<Logger molsystem.system_db (WARNING)>, **kwargs)[source]#
A database of systems for SEAMM.
A class based on a SQLite database for describing molecular and periodic systems.
See the documentation at for a complete description of the database schema, including a diagram.
The key concepts are:
- System
The overall container for the configurations, atoms, bonds, etc. A system has one or more configurations (conformers), each of which details the atoms, bonds, etc.
- Configuration
The configuration is a single instance of the system, with atoms, coordinates, bonds and subsets. It is close to what most programs consider the molecule or crystal.
There may be different set of atoms in different configurations of a single system. This supports e.g. grand canonical ensembles.
The set of bonds may also differ between different configurations, whether or not the set of atoms changes. This supports e.g. reactive forcefields.
Each configuration also has its own set of subsets, which are a way of collecting atoms into groups, and can be thought of as a generalization of the chain and residue nomenclature for proteins. A configuration may have any number of subsets, and atoms may be in more than one subset.
- Atoms
Each configuration contains a set of atoms, though different configurations may contain different atoms. Each atom is identified by its atomic number and unique name and has coordinates. It may also have other attributes, but that depends on the simulation.
- Bonds
Each configuration may also have information on bonds between the atoms. A bond connects two atoms, and has a bond order (single, double, triple, aromatic, …). In periodic systems with an infinite network of bonds, each bond also has a cell offset to identify the relative cells of the two atoms.
- Templates and Subsets
Subsets define groups of atoms in a general way. They are defined by a template, which may be nothing more than a type and name, e.g. ‘residue/ala’, or the template may be linked with a system which has atoms, bonds, etc.
Each subset is linked to its group atoms. For example, the template ‘residue/ala’ mentioned above would have a subset for each alanine in the protein. If the template were linked to a system which was the alanine residue, then each atom would also be connected with the appropriate atom in the template system, so even if the order and names of atoms in the system were different, we could still identify each atom with the corresponding atom in the template system.
The tables that implement this are:
- system
The list of all the systems in the database
- configuration
The list of all configurations of all systems, labeled by the system they belong to.
- atom
The list of atoms in all systems and configurations. The attributes of the atoms do not depend on the configuration, i.e. are unchanging.
- bond
The list of all bonds in all systems and configurations, giving the two atoms that are bonded plus the bond order.
- coordinates
The fractional or Cartesian coordinates of the atoms as well as any other atomic properties that vary by configuration.
- subset
The instances of subsets.
- element
The periodic table, used as a foreign key to identify atoms.
- template
The templates – labels – for subsets, which may connect the subset to a template system.
- configuration_subset
A joining table used to define which subsets are “in” a configuration.
- subset_atom
A joining table to define with atoms are in a subset. There is an optional field for the template atom if the template has an associated system. In this case, the template atom identifies which atom in the template system is the same as the given atom.
- symmetry
Information about point or space group symmetry.
- cell
The information about the periodicity of a configuration, if needed.
- atomset
A set of atoms, used with a joining table to connect atoms with configurations.
- atomset_atom
The joining table connecting atomsets with their atoms.
- bondset
A set of bonds, used with a joining table to connect bonds with configurations.
- bondset_bond
The joining table connecting bondsets with their bonds.
- attach(other)[source]#
Attach another system to this one’s database.
- Parameters:
other (SystemDB) – The other SystemDB object containing the database
- Returns:
name – The attachment name.
- Return type:
- attached_as(other)[source]#
The attachment name for another system.
- Parameters:
other (SystemDB) – The other SystemDB object containing the attached database
- Returns:
name – The attachment name.
- Return type:
- attributes(tablename: str)[source]#
The attributes – columns – of a given table.
- Parameters:
tablename (str) – The name of the table, optionally including the schema followed by a dot.
- Returns:
attributes – A dictionary of dictionaries for the attributes and their descriptors
- Return type:
Dict[str, Any]
- property configuration_ids#
The list of configuration ids.
- property configurations#
The list of configuration objects.
- create_system(name='', make_current=True)[source]#
Add a new system.
- Parameters:
name (str = None) – A user-friendly name for the system, defaults to no name.
make_current (bool = True) – If True, make this the current system.
- Returns:
The newly created system.
- Return type:
- create_table(name, cls=<class 'molsystem.table._Table'>, other=None)[source]#
Create a new table with the given name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the new table.
cls (Table subclass) – The class of the new table, defaults to Table
- Returns:
table – The new table
- Return type:
class Table
- property cursor#
A database cursor.
- property db#
The database connection.
- property db_version#
The version string for the database.
- delete_system(system)[source]#
Delete an existing system.
- Parameters:
system (int or _System) – The system to delete.
- Return type:
- detach(other)[source]#
Detach an attached system.
- Parameters:
other (SystemDB) – The other SystemDB object containing the database
- property filename#
The name of the file (or URI) for the database.
- find_configurations(atomset=None, bondset=None)[source]#
Return the configurations that have given atom- or bondsets
- Parameters:
atomset (int = None) – The id of the atomset.
bondset (int = None) – The id of the bondset.
- Return type:
- get_configuration(cid)[source]#
Return the specified configuration.
- Parameters:
cid (int) – The id of the configuration.
- Returns:
The requested configuration.
- Return type:
- get_configuration_ids(pattern='*')[source]#
Return the configuration ids matching the glob pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (list or str = "*") – The glob-style pattern for matching the configuration names
- Returns:
The requested configuration ids
- Return type:
- get_configurations(pattern='*')[source]#
Return the configurations matching the glob pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (list or str = "*") – The glob-style pattern for matching the configuration names
- Returns:
The requested configuration ids
- Return type:
- get_system(id_or_name)[source]#
Get the specified system object.
- Parameters:
id_or_name (int or str) – The id (int) or name (str) of the system
- Returns:
The requested system.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the system does not exist, or more than one have the requested name.
- get_system_ids(pattern='*')[source]#
Return the system ids matching the glob pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (list or str = "*") – The glob-style pattern for matching the system names
- Returns:
The requested system ids
- Return type:
- get_systems(pattern='*')[source]#
Return the systems matching the glob pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (list or str = "*") – The glob-style pattern for matching the system names
- Returns:
The requested system ids
- Return type:
- is_attached(other)[source]#
Return whether another system is attached to this one.
- Parameters:
other (SystemDB) – The other SystemDB object containing the database
- Returns:
Whether the database is attached.
- Return type:
- property n_configurations#
The number of configurations in the database.
- property n_systems#
The number of systems in the database.
- property n_templates#
The number of templates.
- property names#
The names of the system.
- property parent#
The parent of this, i.e. a Systems object.
- property properties#
The class to handle the properties.
- property system#
The current system object.
- system_exists(id_or_name)[source]#
See if the given system exists.
- Parameters:
id_or_name (int or str) – The id (int) or name (str) of the system
- Returns:
Whether it exists.
- Return type:
- property system_ids#
The list of system ids.
- property systems#
The list of system objects.
- property templates#
The defined templates.
molsystem.system_properties module#
Property methods for systems.
molsystem.table module#
molsystem.template module#
molsystem.templates module#
A dictionary-like object for holding templates
molsystem.topology module#
Topological methods for the system
- class molsystem.topology.TopologyMixin[source]#
A mixin for handling topology in a configuration.
- bonded_neighbors(as_indices=False, first_index=0)[source]#
The atoms bonded to each atom in the system.
- Parameters:
as_indices (bool = False) – Whether to return 0-based indices (True) or atom ids (False)
first_index (int = 0) – The smallest index, e.g. 0 or 1
- Returns:
neighbors – list of atom ids for each atom id
- Return type:
{int: [int]} or [[int]] for indices
- create_molecule_subsets()[source]#
Create a subset for each molecule in a configuration.
- Returns:
The ids of the subsets, one per molecule.
- Return type:
- create_molecule_templates(full_templates=True, create_subsets=True)[source]#
Create a template for each unique molecule in a configuration.
By default also create subsets linking each template to the atoms of the molecules in the system.
- Parameters:
full_templates (bool = True) – If true, create full templates by creating systems for the molecules.
create_subsets (bool = True) – If true, create subsets linking the templates to the molecules.
- Returns:
The ids of the templates, or if create_subsets is True a two-element list containing the list of templates and list of subsets.
- Return type:
[int] or [[int], [int]]
- find_molecules(as_indices=False)[source]#
Find the separate molecules.
- Parameters:
as_indices (bool = False) – Whether to return 0-based indices (True) or atom ids (False)
- Returns:
molecules – A list of lists of atom ids or indices for the molecules
- Return type:
- get_molecule_smiles()[source]#
Return the a list of the canonical SMILES for each molecule..
- Returns:
The canonical SMILES for each molecule, in order that they are found.
- Return type:
- reimage_bonded_atoms(reimage_molecules=True)[source]#
Ensure that the atoms in a molecule are “near” each other.
In a periodic system atoms can be translated by a unit cell without changing anything. However the bonds in a molecule need to account for such translations of atoms otherwise a bond may appear to be very long.
It is often convenient physically move atoms by the correct cell translations to bring the atoms of a molecule close to each other. That is what this method does, moving all the atoms close to the first. Optionally the molecule is also moved to bring its geometric center into the primary unit cell, i.e. with fractional coordinates in the range [0..1).
- Parameters:
reimage_molecules (bool = True) – Whether to move molecules into the primary unit cell.
- Returns:
True if the coordinates were changed.
- Return type:
Module contents#
molsystem A general implementation for molecular and periodic systems.