Source code for molsystem.qcschema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Interface to qcschema."""

import json
import logging

from seamm_util import Q_

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class QCSchemaMixin: """A mixin for handling QCSchema."""
[docs] def to_qcschema_dict(self, properties=None): """Create a dictionary compliant with QCSchema.""" result = { "schema_name": "qcschema_molecule", "schema_version": 2, } # Symbols and coordinates (in Bohr) result["symbols"] = [*self.atoms.symbols] factor = Q_(1.0, "Å").m_as("a_0") xyz = [] # round() below helps tests work across platforms. 9 digits are enough! for row in self.atoms.get_coordinates(fractionals=False): for val in row: xyz.append(round(val * factor, 9)) result["geometry"] = xyz # Charge and multiplicity result["molecular_charge"] = self.charge result["molecular_multiplicity"] = self.spin_multiplicity # Bonds, if any bonds = [] index = {j: i for i, j in zip(range(self.n_atoms), self.atoms.ids)} for row in self.bonds.bonds(): bonds.append((index[row["i"]], index[row["j"]], row["bondorder"])) if len(bonds) > 0: result["connectivity"] = bonds # Molecules (fragments in QCSchema speak) result["fragments"] = self.find_molecules(as_indices=True) result["name"] = f"{} / {}" if "name" in self.atoms: result["atom_labels"] = self.atoms.get_column_data("name") return result
[docs] def to_qcschema_json(self): """Create the QCSchema JSON for the molecule.""" data = self.to_qcschema_dict() return json.dumps(data)
[docs] def from_qcschema_dict(self, data): """Reset the molecule from the QCSchema data.""" self.clear() self.periodicity = 0 symbols = data["symbols"] factor = Q_(1.0, "a_0").m_as("Å") Xs = [] Ys = [] Zs = [] for x, y, z in zip(*[iter(data["geometry"])] * 3): Xs.append(x * factor) Ys.append(y * factor) Zs.append(z * factor) ids = self.atoms.append(x=Xs, y=Ys, z=Zs, symbol=symbols) if "atom_labels" in data: if "name" not in self.atoms: self.atoms.add_attribute("name", values=data["atom_labels"]) else: self.atoms["name"] = data["atom_labels"] if "connectivity" in data and len(data["connectivity"]) > 0: Is = [] Js = [] orders = [] for i, j, order in data["connectivity"]: Is.append(i) Js.append(j) orders.append(order) i = [ids[x - 1] for x in Is] j = [ids[x - 1] for x in Js] self.bonds.append(i=i, j=j, bondorder=orders)
[docs] def from_qcschema_json(self, json_data): """Reset the molecule from the QCSchema JSON.""" data = json.loads(json_data) self.from_qcschema_dict(data)