Source code for molsystem.molfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for handling MDL molfiles"""

import logging
import time

from molsystem import elements

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MolFileMixin: """A mixin for handling MDL Molfiles."""
[docs] def to_molfile_text(self, title=None, comment="Exported from SEAMM"): """Create the text of the Molfile from the system. Parameters ---------- title : str = None The title for the structure, by default the system name. comment : str = 'Exported from SEAMM' Comment line Returns ------- text : str The text of the file. """ lines = [] atoms = self.atoms bonds = self.bonds n_atoms = atoms.n_atoms n_bonds = bonds.n_bonds nsgroups = 0 n3d = 0 is_chiral = 0 # may need to think about this later. if title is None: lines.append( else: lines.append(title) date_time = time.strftime("%m%d%y%H%M") lines.append("PS" + "SEAMM_WF" + date_time + "3D") lines.append(comment) lines.append(" 0 0 0 0 0 999 V3000") lines.append("M V30 BEGIN CTAB") lines.append( "M V30 COUNTS {} {} {} {} {}".format( n_atoms, n_bonds, nsgroups, n3d, is_chiral ) ) lines.append("M V30 BEGIN ATOM") count = 0 if "formal charges" in atoms: for row in atoms.atoms(): count += 1 symbol = elements.to_symbols([row["atno"]])[0] lines.append( f"M V30 {count} {symbol} {row['x']} {row['y']} {row['z']}" " 0 CHG={row['formal charge']}" ) else: for row in atoms.atoms(): count += 1 symbol = elements.to_symbols([row["atno"]])[0] lines.append( f"M V30 {count} {symbol} {row['x']} {row['y']} {row['z']}" " 0" ) lines.append("M V30 END ATOM") lines.append("M V30 BEGIN BOND") count = 0 for row in bonds.bonds(): count += 1 lines.append(f"M V30 {count} {row['bondorder']} " f"{row['i']} {row['j']}") lines.append("M V30 END BOND") lines.append("M V30 END CTAB") lines.append("M END") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def from_molfile_text(self, data): """Create the system from an MDL Molfile, version 3 Parameters ---------- data : str The complete text of the Molfile. """ self.clear() self.periodicity = 0 n_molecules = 0 lines = enumerate(data.splitlines()) # title lineno, title = next(lines) = title.strip() # header next(lines) # comment next(lines) lineno, line = next(lines) if line.split()[6] != "V3000": raise RuntimeError( f"molfile:to_seamm -- the file is not version 3: '{line}'" ) for lineno, line in lines: logger.debug(f"{lineno}: {line}") if "M END" in line: break elif "M V30 BEGIN CTAB" in line: n_molecules += 1 if n_molecules > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Multiple molecules?") elif "M V30 END CTAB" in line: pass elif "M V30 COUNTS" in line: natoms, nbonds, nsgroups, n3d, is_chiral = line.split()[3:] natoms = int(natoms) nbonds = int(nbonds) # not used, yet. # nsgroups = int(nsgroups) # n3d = int(n3d) # is_chiral = bool(is_chiral) elif "M V30 BEGIN ATOM" in line: logger.debug("In atom table") xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] symbols = [] formal_charges = [] have_formal_charges = False for lineno, line in lines: if "M V30 END ATOM" in line: logger.debug(f"Saving {len(xs)} atoms to system") if have_formal_charges and "formal_charge" not in self.atoms: logger.debug(" with formal charges") self.atoms.add_attribute( "formal_charge", coltype="int", default=0 ) atom_ids = self.atoms.append( x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, symbol=symbols, formal_charge=formal_charges, ) else: atom_ids = self.atoms.append( x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, symbol=symbols ) break i, symbol, x, y, z, q = line.split()[2:8] xs.append(float(x)) ys.append(float(y)) zs.append(float(z)) symbols.append(symbol) if "CHG=" in line: for tmp in line.split()[8:]: if "CHG=" in tmp: formal_charges.append(int(tmp[4:])) have_formal_charges = True else: formal_charges.append(0) elif "M V30 BEGIN BOND" in line: logger.debug("In bond table") iatoms = [] jatoms = [] bondorders = [] for lineno, line in lines: if "M V30 END BOND" in line: if len(iatoms) > 0: self.bonds.append( i=iatoms, j=jatoms, bondorder=bondorders, ) break bondorder, iatom, jatom = line.split()[3:6] iatoms.append(atom_ids[int(iatom) - 1]) jatoms.append(atom_ids[int(jatom) - 1]) bondorders.append(int(bondorder))