Source code for molsystem.pubchem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for handling PubChem"""

import logging
from urllib.parse import quote as url_quote

import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pug_url = ""

    import pubchempy as pcp
except ModuleNotFoundError:
        "To use PubChem, please install pubchempy using conda:\n"
        "     conda install -c conda-forge pubchempy"
        "To use PubChem, please install pubchempy using conda:\n"
        "     conda install -c conda-forge pubchempy"

[docs] class PubChemMixin: """A mixin for handling the PubChem database.""" @property def PC_cid(self): """Return the PubChem CID for this structure, or None.""" inchi = self.to_inchi() results = pcp.get_compounds(inchi, "inchi") if len(results) == 0: return None if len(results) >= 1:"PubChem search returned more than one hit of {inchi}") result = results[0].to_dict() if "cid" in result: return result["cid"] return None
[docs] def PC_from_cid(self, cid, fallback=None): """Create the configuration from the PubChem 3-D structure, if available. Parameters ---------- cid : int The PubChem CID. fallback : str A fallback SMILES, InChI, etc. to use if PubChem fails """ response = requests.get(f"{pug_url}/compound/cid/{cid}/SDF") if response.status_code == 200: self.from_sdf_text(response.text) return # An error! if fallback is None: raise RuntimeError(f"No 3-D structure available for {cid}") # See what the fallback is if len(fallback) == 27: tmp = fallback.split("-") if ( len(tmp) == 3 and len(tmp[0]) == 14 and len(tmp[1]) == 10 and len(tmp[2]) == 1 ): self.from_inchikey(fallback) return if fallback[0:7] == "InChI=": self.from_inchi(fallback) return else: self.from_smiles(fallback) return
[docs] def PC_from_identifier(self, identifier, namespace="detect", fallback=None): """Create the configuration from the PubChem 3-D structure, if available. Parameters ---------- identifier : int or str The PubChem identifier namespace : str The PubChem namespace: cid, name, smiles, inchi, inchikey fallback : str A fallback SMILES, InChI, etc. to use if PubChem fails """ if namespace == "detect": # Work through the possibilities if len(identifier) == 27: tmp = identifier.split("-") if ( len(tmp) == 3 and len(tmp[0]) == 14 and len(tmp[1]) == 10 and len(tmp[2]) == 1 ): namespace = ["inchikey"] elif identifier[0:7] == "InChI=": self.from_inchi(identifier) namespaces = ["inchi"] else: namespaces = ["name", "smiles"] else: namespaces = [namespace] for namespace in namespaces: response = requests.get( f"{pug_url}/compound/{namespace}/{url_quote(identifier)}/SDF" ) if response.status_code == 200: self.from_sdf_text(response.text) return # An error! if fallback is None: raise RuntimeError(f"No 3-D structure available for {identifier}") # See what the fallback is if len(fallback) == 27: tmp = fallback.split("-") if ( len(tmp) == 3 and len(tmp[0]) == 14 and len(tmp[1]) == 10 and len(tmp[2]) == 1 ): self.from_inchikey(fallback) return if fallback[0:7] == "InChI=": self.from_inchi(fallback) return else: self.from_smiles(fallback) return
[docs] def PC_iupac_name(self, fallback=None): """Return the IUPAC name for this structure, or None. Parameters ---------- fallback : str A name to return if PubChem doesn't have a name """ inchi = self.to_inchi() results = pcp.get_compounds(inchi, "inchi") if len(results) == 0: return fallback if len(results) >= 1:"PubChem search returned more than one hit of {inchi}") result = results[0].to_dict() if "iupac_name" in result: return result["iupac_name"] return fallback