Source code for molsystem.cif

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for handling CIF files

Bond Orders
1 sing	single bond
2 doub	double bond
3 trip	triple bond
4 quad	quadruple bond
5 arom	aromatic bond
6 delo	delocalized double bond
7 pi	pi bond
8 poly	polymeric bond

import io
import json
import logging
import re

import CifFile

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

bond_order = {
    1: "SING",
    2: "DOUB",
    3: "TRIP",
    4: "QUAD",
    5: "AROM",
    6: "DELO",
    7: "PI",
    8: "POLY",
to_bond_order = {j: i for i, j in bond_order.items()}

[docs] class CIFMixin: """A mixin for handling CIF files."""
[docs] def read_cif_file(self, path): """Create new systems from a CIF file. Read a CIF file and create a new system from each datablock in the file. If the datablock has an ensemble, as denoted by a section '_pdbx_nmr_ensemble', a configuration will be created for each conformer. If there is a representative conformer, the current configuration will point to it; otherwise to the last conformer. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path A string or Path object pointing to the file to be read. Returns ------- [_System] List of systems created. """ if "SystemDB" in str(type(self)): sys_db = self else: sys_db = self.system_db lines = [] systems = [] configurations = {} in_block = False block_name = "" with open(path, "r") as fd: for line in fd: if line[0:5] == "data_": logger.debug(f"Found block {line}") if not in_block: in_block = True else: new_systems, new_configurations = self.from_mmcif_text( "\n".join(lines) ) logger.debug( f" added system {sys_db.n_systems}: {block_name}" ) systems.extend(new_systems) configurations.update(new_configurations) block_name = line[5:].strip() lines = [] lines.append(line) if len(lines) > 0: # The last block just ends at the end of the file new_systems, new_configurations = self.from_mmcif_text("\n".join(lines)) logger.debug(f" added system {sys_db.n_systems}: {block_name}") systems.extend(new_systems) configurations.update(new_configurations) return systems, configurations
[docs] def to_cif_text(self): """Create the text of a CIF file from this configuration. Returns ------- text : str The text of the file. """ lines = [] atoms = self.atoms # Get the chemical formula formula, empirical_formula, Z = self.formula system_name = conf_name = if system_name == "" or conf_name == "": _id = empirical_formula.replace(" ", "") else: _id = f"SEAMM:{system_name}/{conf_name}" _id = _id.replace(" ", "") # And create the file, line-by-line lines = [] lines.append("# Generated by MolSSI SEAMM") lines.append(f"data_{_id}") # Cell information if self.periodicity == 3: cell = self.cell symmetry = self.symmetry a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = cell.parameters volume = cell.volume spgname = if spgname == "": pass elif symmetry.n_symops == 1: lines.append("_space_group_name_H-M_full 'P 1'") else: spgname_system = symmetry.spacegroup_names_to_system()[spgname] lines.append(f"_space_group_{spgname_system} '{spgname}'") hall = symmetry.hall_symbol lines.append(f"_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '{hall}'") it_number = symmetry.IT_number lines.append(f"_space_group_IT_number {it_number}") lines.append(f"_cell_length_a {a}") lines.append(f"_cell_length_b {b}") lines.append(f"_cell_length_c {c}") lines.append(f"_cell_angle_alpha {alpha}") lines.append(f"_cell_angle_beta {beta}") lines.append(f"_cell_angle_gamma {gamma}") lines.append(f"_cell_volume {volume}") lines.append(f"_cell_formula_units_Z {Z}") lines.append("loop_") lines.append(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id") lines.append(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz") if symmetry.n_symops == 1: lines.append(" 1 x,y,z") else: for i, op in enumerate(symmetry.symops, start=1): lines.append(f" {i:2} {op}") lines.append(f"_chemical_formula_structural '{empirical_formula}'") lines.append(f"_chemical_formula_sum '{formula}'") # The atoms lines.append("loop_") lines.append(" _atom_site_type_symbol") lines.append(" _atom_site_label") lines.append(" _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity") lines.append(" _atom_site_fract_x") lines.append(" _atom_site_fract_y") lines.append(" _atom_site_fract_z") lines.append(" _atom_site_occupancy") # Need unique names if "names" in atoms: original_names = atoms.get_column("names") else: original_names = atoms.asymmetric_symbols names = [] tmp = {} for name in original_names: if name in tmp: tmp[name] += 1 names.append(name + str(tmp[name])) else: tmp[name] = 1 names.append(name + "1") if symmetry.n_symops == 1: UVW = atoms.get_coordinates( fractionals=True, in_cell="molecule", asymmetric=True ) else: # For the moment can't center molecules in cell with symmetry. UVW = atoms.get_coordinates(fractionals=True, asymmetric=True) symbols = atoms.asymmetric_symbols for element, name, uvw in zip(symbols, names, UVW): u, v, w = uvw lines.append(f" {element} {name} 1 {u:.3f} {v:.3f} {w:.3f} 1") # Handle bonds. if self.n_asymmetric_bonds > 0: bonds = self.bonds sym_bonds = bonds.bonds_for_asymmetric_bonds indx = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(atoms.ids)} Is = [indx[i] for i in bonds.get_column_data("i")] Js = [indx[j] for j in bonds.get_column_data("j")] op1s = bonds.get_column_data("symop1") op2s = bonds.get_column_data("symop2") Rs = bonds.get_lengths(asymmetric=True) lines.append("loop_") lines.append("_geom_bond_atom_site_label_1") lines.append("_geom_bond_atom_site_label_2") lines.append("_geom_bond_distance") lines.append("_geom_bond_site_symmetry_1") lines.append("_geom_bond_site_symmetry_2") for i, j, r, op1, op2, n_sym_bonds in zip( Is, Js, Rs, op1s, op2s, [len(x) for x in sym_bonds] ): if n_sym_bonds > 0: lines.append(f" {names[i]} {names[j]} {r:.4f} {op1} {op2}") # And that is it! lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def from_cif_text(self, text): """Create this configuration from a CIF file.. Parameters ---------- text : str The text from the CIF file Returns ------- None """ result = "" cif = CifFile.ReadCif(io.StringIO(text)) data_blocks = [*cif.keys()] if len(data_blocks) != 1: raise RuntimeError( f"There are {len(data_blocks)} data blocks in the cif file." ) data_block = cif[data_blocks[0]] logger.debug(json.dumps({**data_block}, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # Reset the system self.clear() # The cell dot = "." if "_cell_length_a" in data_block: dot = "_" a = data_block["_cell" + dot + "length_a"].split("(")[0] b = data_block["_cell" + dot + "length_b"].split("(")[0] c = data_block["_cell" + dot + "length_c"].split("(")[0] alpha = data_block["_cell" + dot + "angle_alpha"].split("(")[0] beta = data_block["_cell" + dot + "angle_beta"].split("(")[0] gamma = data_block["_cell" + dot + "angle_gamma"].split("(")[0] if float(a) != 1 and float(b) != 1 and float(c) != 1: self.periodicity = 3 self.coordinate_system = "fractional" self.cell.parameters = (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) # Where is the symmetry info? used_symops = False if "_space_group_symop" + dot + "operation_xyz" in data_block: symdata = "_space_group_symop" + dot + "operation_xyz" self.symmetry.symops = data_block[symdata] used_symops = True elif "_symmetry_equiv" + dot + "pos_as_xyz" in data_block: symdata = "_symmetry_equiv" + dot + "pos_as_xyz" self.symmetry.symops = data_block[symdata] used_symops = True else: found = False for section in ( "_space_group" + dot + "name_Hall", "_space_group" + dot + "name_H-M_full", "_space_group" + dot + "name_H-M_alt", "_symmetry" + dot + "space_group_name_Hall", "_symmetry" + dot + "space_group_name_H-M", ): if section in data_block: found = True = data_block[section] if not found: raise RuntimeError( "CIF file does not contain required symmetry information. " "Neither " "'_symmetry_equiv" + dot + "pos_as_xyz' or " "'_space_group_symop" + dot + "operation_xyz' or " "_symmetry" + dot + "space_group_name_Hall or " "_symmetry" + dot + "space_group_name_H-M " "is present." ) x_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "fract_x" if x_label in data_block: have_fractionals = True y_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "fract_y" z_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "fract_z" else: have_fractionals = False x_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_x" y_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_y" z_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_z" else: x_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_x" y_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_y" z_label = "_atom_site" + dot + "Cartn_z" n_atoms = len(data_block[x_label]) # Check for alternate sites, warn and take highest occupation use_alt_id = None labels = [] alt_ids = None if "_atom_site" + dot + "label_alt_id" in data_block: key = "_atom_site" + dot + "label_alt_id" if any(x != "." for x in data_block[key]): comp_id = "_atom_site" + dot + "label_comp_id" asym_id = "_atom_site" + dot + "label_asym_id" entity_id = "_atom_site" + dot + "label_entity_id" seq_id = "_atom_site" + dot + "label_seq_id" if ( comp_id in data_block and asym_id in data_block and entity_id in data_block and seq_id in data_block ): alt_ids = data_block[key] comp_ids = data_block[comp_id] asym_ids = data_block[asym_id] entity_ids = data_block[entity_id] seq_ids = data_block[seq_id] occupancy = "_atom_site" + dot + "occupancy" if occupancy in data_block: occs = data_block[occupancy] else: result += ( "Warning: No occupancy information in CIF file with alt " "ids.\n\n" ) occs = [1] * n_atoms label = "" alt_data = {} for alt, comp, asym, entity, seq, occ in zip( alt_ids, comp_ids, asym_ids, entity_ids, seq_ids, occs ): label = (asym, entity, seq) labels.append(label) if alt != ".": if label not in alt_data: alt_data[label] = {} data = alt_data[label] if alt not in data: data[alt] = {"occ": float(occ), "count": 1, "res": comp} else: data[alt]["occ"] += float(occ) data[alt]["count"] += 1 if len(alt_data) > 0: key = "_entry" + dot + "id" if key in data_block: result += f"Entry {data_block[key]} " else: result += "An entry " result += ( "in the CIF file has multiple alternates. " "Picking those with the largest occupancy:\n\n" ) use_alt_id = {} for label, data in alt_data.items(): max_occ = -1.0 for alt, tmp in data.items(): occ = tmp["occ"] / tmp["count"] tmp["occ"] = occ if occ > max_occ: use_alt_id[label] = alt max_occ = occ for label, val in use_alt_id.items(): comp = alt_data[label][val]["res"] chain, mol, entity = label line = ( f" {mol} {chain} {comp}{entity} alt_id={val} selected from" ) for alt, tmp in alt_data[label].items(): line += f" | {alt} {tmp['res']} {tmp['occ']:.2f} " result += line result += "\n" if alt_ids is None: alt_ids = ["."] * n_atoms labels = [""] * n_atoms xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] symbols = [] names = [] # May have type symbols or labels, or both. Use type symbols by preference if "_atom_site" + dot + "type_symbol" in data_block: type_section = "_atom_site" + dot + "type_symbol" elif "_atom_site" + dot + "label" in data_block: type_section = "_atom_site" + dot + "label" else: raise KeyError( f"Neither _atom_site{dot}type_label or _atom_site{dot}label are in file" ) # May need site labels later if "_atom_site" + dot + "label" in data_block: label_section = "_atom_site" + dot + "label" have_names = True else: label_section = type_section have_names = False for x, y, z, symbol, label, alt, name in zip( data_block[x_label], data_block[y_label], data_block[z_label], data_block[type_section], labels, alt_ids, data_block[label_section], ): # Atom symbols may be followed by number, etc. if alt != "." and label in use_alt_id and alt != use_alt_id[label]: logger.debug(f" Skipping alternate configuration {label} -- {alt}") continue if len(symbol) > 1: if symbol[1].isalpha(): symbol = symbol[0:2] else: symbol = symbol[0] if symbol == "D": symbol = "H" # May have uncertainties in () x = x.split("(")[0] y = y.split("(")[0] z = z.split("(")[0] # Check for 1/3 and 2/3 if "." in x: xx, dx = x.split(".") if re.fullmatch(r"333+", dx): x = float(xx) - 1.0 / 3.0 if "-" in xx else float(xx) + 1.0 / 3.0 elif re.fullmatch(r"66+(6|7)?", dx): x = float(xx) - 2.0 / 3.0 if "-" in xx else float(xx) + 2.0 / 3.0 else: x = float(x) else: x = float(x) if "." in y: yy, dy = y.split(".") if re.fullmatch(r"333+", dy): y = float(yy) - 1.0 / 3.0 if "-" in yy else float(yy) + 1.0 / 3.0 elif re.fullmatch(r"66+(6|7)?", dy): y = float(yy) - 2.0 / 3.0 if "-" in yy else float(yy) + 2.0 / 3.0 else: y = float(y) else: y = float(y) if "." in z: zz, dz = z.split(".") if re.fullmatch(r"333+", dz): z = float(zz) - 1.0 / 3.0 if "-" in zz else float(zz) + 1.0 / 3.0 elif re.fullmatch(r"66+(6|7)?", dz): z = float(zz) - 2.0 / 3.0 if "-" in zz else float(zz) + 2.0 / 3.0 else: z = float(z) else: z = float(z) logger.debug(f"xyz = {x:7.3f} {y:7.3f} {z:7.3f}") if self.periodicity == 3: if not have_fractionals: # Convert Cartesians to fractionals x, y, z = self.cell.to_fractionals([[x, y, z]])[0] # Non-periodic xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) symbols.append(symbol) names.append(name) if have_names: if "name" not in self.atoms: self.atoms.add_attribute("name") ids = self.atoms.append(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, symbol=symbols, name=names) else: ids = self.atoms.append(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, symbol=symbols) # Are there bonds? have_bonds = False if "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_label_1" in data_block: label_1_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_label_1" label_2_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_label_2" symmetry_1_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "site_symmetry_1" symmetry_2_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "site_symmetry_2" have_bonds = True elif "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_id_1" in data_block: label_1_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_id_1" label_2_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "atom_site_id_2" symmetry_1_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "site_symmetry_1" symmetry_2_section = "_geom_bond" + dot + "site_symmetry_2" have_bonds = True if have_bonds: if not have_names: raise RuntimeError("CIF file has bonds but no atom labels (names)") atom_id = {name: i for name, i in zip(names, ids)} for key in (symmetry_1_section, symmetry_2_section): if key not in data_block: data_block[key] = ["."] * len(data_block[label_1_section]) Is = [] Js = [] symop1s = [] symop2s = [] for label1, label2, sym1, sym2 in zip( data_block[label_1_section], data_block[label_2_section], data_block[symmetry_1_section], data_block[symmetry_2_section], ): i = atom_id[label1] j = atom_id[label2] if i < j: Is.append(i) Js.append(j) symop1s.append(sym1) symop2s.append(sym2) else: Is.append(j) Js.append(i) symop1s.append(sym2) symop2s.append(sym1) self.bonds.append( i=Is, j=Js, symop1=symop1s, symop2=symop2s, ) # If used symops, need to find the spacegroup name(s) if used_symops: before = self.symmetry.symops international_name = self.symmetry.find_spacegroup_from_operators() self.symmetry.update_group(international_name) after = self.symmetry.symops if before != after: print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SYMOPS CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") # import pprint # print("Reading CIF file") # print(f"{self.symmetry.hall_number=}") # print(f"{self.symmetry.hall_symbol=}") # print(f"{}") # pprint.pprint(self.atoms.get_coordinates(asymmetric=True)) # print("all atoms") # pprint.pprint(self.atoms.get_coordinates(asymmetric=False)) # print("\n\nSymmetry info") # pprint.pprint(self.get_symmetry_data(self.symmetry.hall_number)) return result
[docs] def to_mmcif_text(self): """Create the text of a mmCIF file from this configuration. Returns ------- text : str The text of the file. """ lines = [] atoms = self.atoms bonds = self.bonds # Get the chemical formula formula, empirical_formula, Z = self.formula _id = empirical_formula.replace(" ", "") # And created the file, line-by-line lines = [] lines.append("# Generated by MolSSI SEAMM") lines.append(f"data_{_id}") lines.append(f" '{formula}'") lines.append(f" '{_id}'") lines.append(f"_chem_comp.formula '{formula}'") # Cell information if self.periodicity == 3: cell = self.cell a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = cell.parameters volume = cell.volume # lines.append("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1'") lines.append(f"_cell.length_a {a}") lines.append(f"_cell.length_b {b}") lines.append(f"_cell.length_c {c}") lines.append(f"_cell.angle_alpha {alpha}") lines.append(f"_cell.angle_beta {beta}") lines.append(f"_cell.angle_gamma {gamma}") # lines.append("_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 1") lines.append(f"_cell.volume {volume}") lines.append(f"_cell.formula_units_Z {Z}") # lines.append("loop_") # lines.append(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id") # lines.append(" _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz") # lines.append(" 1 'x, y, z'") # lines.append(f"_chemical_formula_structural '{empirical_formula}'") lines.append(f"_chemical_formula.sum '{formula}'") # The atoms lines.append("loop_") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.comp_id") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.atom_id") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id") lines.append(" _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_residue_numbering") # Need unique names if "names" in atoms: original_names = atoms.get_column("names") else: original_names = atoms.symbols names = [] tmp = {} for name in original_names: if name in tmp: tmp[name] += 1 names.append(name + str(tmp[name])) else: tmp[name] = 1 names.append(name) XYZ = atoms.get_coordinates(in_cell="molecule", fractionals=False) XYZa = atoms.get_coordinates(fractionals=False) XYZa = XYZ symbols = atoms.symbols for element, name, xyza, xyz in zip(symbols, names, XYZa, XYZ): xa, ya, za = xyza x, y, z = xyz lines.append( f"MOL1 {name} {element} {xa:.3f} {ya:.3f} {za:.3f} " f"{x:.3f} {y:.3f} {z:.3f} HET 1" ) # The bonds if bonds.n_bonds > 0: lines.append("#") lines.append("loop_") lines.append(" _chem_comp_bond.comp_id") lines.append(" _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1") lines.append(" _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2") lines.append(" _chem_comp_bond.value_order") index = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(atoms.ids)} for row in bonds.bonds(): i = index[row["i"]] j = index[row["j"]] order = bond_order[row["bondorder"]] nm1 = names[i] nm2 = names[j] lines.append(f"MOL1 {nm1} {nm2} {order}") # And that is it! lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def from_mmcif_text(self, text): """Create this configuration from an MMCIF file.. Parameters ---------- text : str The text from the MMCIF file Returns ------- None Notes ----- This can be called from a `SystemDB`, `_System` or `_Configuration` object. The behavior and errors differ depending on what type of object is calling it: `SystemDB` When called from a `_System` object, a new `_System` will be created for each datablock in the CIF data, and a configuration will be created to hold the structure, unless their is an NMR ensemble, in which case each structure in the ensemble will be placed in a different configuration. `_System` In this case it is an error if there is more than one datablock. A new configuration will be created with the structure in the CIF datablock, unless the CIF data contains an NMR ensemble, in which case a configuration will be added for each conformer. `_Configuration` It is an error if there is more than one datablock in the CIF data. The configuration will be cleared and the structure from CIF data inserted into it. If there is an NMR ensemble in the datablock, and the representative conformer is identified, it will be loaded into the configuration. Otherwise an error will be raised. """ # What type of object is this? if "SystemDB" in str(type(self)): my_class = "SystemDB" elif "_System" in str(type(self)): my_class = "System" elif "_Configuration" in str(type(self)): my_class = "Configuration" cif = CifFile.ReadCif(io.StringIO(text)) if my_class != "SystemDB" and len(cif) != 1: raise RuntimeError(f"There are {len(cif)} data blocks in the mmcif file.") # Loop over the datablocks, processing as we go. systems = [] configurations = {} for name, data in cif.items(): # Check the sanity of the input coordinate_system = "Cartesian" if "" in data: if "_chem_comp_atom.atom_id" in data: raise ValueError("Have both atom_site and chem_comp atoms") # Fractional or Cartesian coordinates? if "_atom_site.fract_x" in data: coordinate_system = "fractional" elif "_atom_site.Cartn_x" not in data: raise KeyError("Couldn't find coordinates in atom_site data") elif "_chem_comp_atom.atom_id" in data: if "_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x" not in data: raise KeyError("Couldn't find coordinates in chem_comp_atom data") # Get the name of the system/configuration for key in [ "", "", "", "_chem_comp.three_letter_code", ]: if key in data: name = data[key] break key = "_pdbx_nmr_ensemble.conformers_submitted_total_number" ensemble = key in data if ensemble: n_ensemble = int(data[key]) key = "_pdbx_nmr_representative.conformer_id" configuration_name = "model_1" if key in data: representative = int(data[key]) if representative == 1: configuration_name == "representative" else: representative = None else: configuration_name = name if my_class == "SystemDB": system = self.create_system(name) systems.append(system) configuration = system.create_configuration(configuration_name) configurations[] = [configuration] elif my_class == "System": system = self configuration = system.create_configuration(configuration_name) configurations[] = [configuration] else: configuration = self # Reset the configuration configuration.clear() configuration.periodicity = 0 configuration.coordinate_system = "Cartesian" = configuration_name # Add the atoms atoms = configuration.atoms kwargs = {} # Get the data from the CIF file, creating columns if needed. for cif_key, key, _type, default in [ ("_chem_comp_atom.atom_id", "name", "str", ""), ("_chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id", None, "str", ""), ("_chem_comp_atom.type_symbol", "symbol", "str", ""), ("_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x", "x", "float", 0.0), ("_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y", "y", "float", 0.0), ("_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z", "z", "float", 0.0), ("_chem_comp_atom.charge", "formal_charge", "int", 0), ("_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align", None, "int", 0), ("_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag", None, "bool", False), ("_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag", None, "bool", False), ("_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config", None, "bool", False), ("_chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id", None, "bool", False), ("_atom_site.group_PDB", None, "str", "HETATOM"), ("", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.type_symbol", "symbol", "str", None), ("_atom_site.label_atom_id", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.label_alt_id", None, "str", ""), ("_atom_site.label_comp_id", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.label_asym_id", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.label_entity_id", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.label_seq_id", None, "int", None), ("_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code", None, "str", None), ("_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num", "ignore", "int", None), ("_atom_site.Cartn_x", "x", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.Cartn_y", "y", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.Cartn_z", "z", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.fract_x", "x", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.fract_y", "y", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.fract_z", "z", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.occupancy", "occupancy", "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv", None, "float", 0.0), ("_atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge", "formal_charge", "int", 0), ]: if cif_key in data: if key is None: key = cif_key if key == "ignore": key = cif_key elif key not in atoms and key != "symbol": atoms.add_attribute(key, _type, default=default) if _type == "bool": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else x == "N" for x in data[cif_key] ] elif _type == "int": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else int(x) for x in data[cif_key] ] elif _type == "float": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else float(x) for x in data[cif_key] ] else: kwargs[key] = [None if x in ".?" else x for x in data[cif_key]] if ensemble: if "_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num" not in kwargs: raise KeyError("Is an ensemble but no model numbers.") model_num = kwargs.pop("_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num") first = 0 last = first model = model_num[0] for i in model_num: if i == model: last += 1 else: atoms = configuration.atoms model_args = {k: v[first:last] for k, v in kwargs.items()} atom_ids = atoms.append(**model_args) # Make the next configuration and reset pointers model = i first = last last += 1 if model == representative: configuration_name = "representative" else: configuration_name = f"model_{model}" configuration = system.create_configuration(configuration_name) configurations[].append(configuration) # Put in the last model atoms = configuration.atoms model_args = {k: v[first:last] for k, v in kwargs.items()} atom_ids = atoms.append(**model_args) if model != n_ensemble: logger.warning( f"The actual number of models ({model}) does not " f"match the claimed number ({n_ensemble})." ) else: if coordinate_system != "Cartesian": raise NotImplementedError("Can't handle fractional coords") atom_ids = atoms.append(**kwargs) if "_chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1" in data: # Prepare for the bonds, which are labeled by atom name atom_id = {name: i for i, name in zip(atom_ids, kwargs["name"])} # And the bonds bonds = configuration.bonds kwargs = {} for cif_key, key, _type, default in [ ("_chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1", "i", "str", ""), ("_chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2", "j", "str", ""), ("_chem_comp_bond.value_order", "bondorder", "int", 1), ("_chem_comp_bond.comp_id", None, "str", None), ("_chem_comp_bond.aromatic_flag", None, "bool", False), ("_chem_comp_bond.stereo_flag", None, "str", None), ("_chem_comp_bond.value_dist", None, "float", None), ("_chem_comp_bond.value_dist_esd", None, "float", None), ]: if cif_key in data: if key is None: key = cif_key if key == "ignore": key = cif_key elif key not in bonds: bonds.add_attribute(key, _type, default=default) if key == "i" or key == "j": kwargs[key] = [atom_id[x] for x in data[cif_key]] elif key == "bondorder": kwargs[key] = [to_bond_order[x] for x in data[cif_key]] elif _type == "bool": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else x == "N" for x in data[cif_key] ] elif _type == "int": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else int(x) for x in data[cif_key] ] elif _type == "float": kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else float(x) for x in data[cif_key] ] else: kwargs[key] = [ None if x in ".?" else x for x in data[cif_key] ] bonds.append(**kwargs) return systems, configurations