Source code for molsystem.atoms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A dictionary-like object for holding atoms.

from itertools import zip_longest
import logging
import pprint  # noqa: F401
from typing import Any, Dict, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import pandas

from molsystem import elements
from .column import _Column
from .table import _Table

Atoms_tp = TypeVar("Atoms_tp", "_Atoms", str, None)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.setLevel("DEBUG")

[docs] def grouped(iterable, n): "s -> (s0,s1,s2,, (sn,sn+1,sn+2,...s2n-1), (s2n,...s3n-1), ..." return zip_longest(*[iter(iterable)] * n)
class _Atoms(_Table): """The atoms in a configuration of a system. Parameters ---------- configuration : _Configuration The configuration of interest. """ def __init__(self, configuration) -> None: self._configuration = configuration self._system_db = self._configuration.system_db self._system = None self._atomset = self._configuration.atomset self._atom_table = _Table(self.system_db, "atom") self._coordinates_table = _Table(self.system_db, "coordinates") self._velocities_table = _Table(self.system_db, "velocities") self._gradients_table = _Table(self.system_db, "gradients") super().__init__(self._system_db, "atom") def __enter__(self) -> Any: """Copy the tables to a backup for a 'with' statement.""" self.system_db["atomset_atom"].__enter__() self.system_db["atom"].__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback) -> None: """Handle returning from a 'with' statement.""" if etype is None: self.configuration.version = self.configuration.version + 1 self.system_db["atomset_atom"].__exit__(etype, value, traceback) return self.system_db["atom"].__exit__(etype, value, traceback) def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: """Allow deletion of keys""" if key in self._atom_table.attributes: del self._atom_table[key] elif key in self._coordinates_table.attributes: del self._coordinates_table[key] elif key in self._velocities_table.attributes: del self._velocities_table[key] elif key in self._gradients_table.attributes: del self._gradients_table[key] def __iter__(self) -> iter: """Allow iteration over the object""" return iter([*self.attributes.keys()]) def __len__(self) -> int: """The len() command""" return len(self.attributes) def __repr__(self) -> str: """The string representation of this object""" df = self.to_dataframe() return repr(df) def __str__(self) -> str: """The pretty string representation of this object""" df = self.to_dataframe() return df.to_string() def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: """Return a boolean indicating if a key exists.""" # Normal the tablename is used as an identifier, so is quoted with ". # Here we need it as a string literal so strip any quotes from it. tmp_item = item.strip('"') return tmp_item in self.attributes def __eq__(self, other) -> Any: """Return a boolean if this object is equal to another""" diffs = self.diff(other) return len(diffs) == 0 @property def ids(self): """The ids of the atoms.""" return self.get_ids() @property def asymmetric_atomic_numbers(self): """The atomic numbers of the asymmetric atoms. Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ return self.get_column_data("atno") @property def atomic_numbers(self): """The atomic numbers of the atoms. Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ if self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops == 1: return self.asymmetric_atomic_numbers else: result = [] atno = self.asymmetric_atomic_numbers for i in self.configuration.atom_to_asymmetric_atom: result.append(atno[i]) return result @property def asymmetric_atomic_masses(self): """The atomic masses of the atoms. Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ if "mass" in self: result = self.get_column_data("mass") else: atnos = self.atomic_numbers result = elements.masses(atnos) return result @property def atomic_masses(self): """The atomic masses of the atoms. Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ if self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops == 1: return self.asymmetric_atomic_masses else: result = [] mass = self.asymmetric_atomic_masses for i in self.configuration.atom_to_asymmetric_atom: result.append(mass[i]) return result @property def atomset(self): """The atomset for these atoms.""" return self._atomset @property def atom_generators(self): """The symmetry operations that create the symmetric atoms.""" return self.configuration.symmetry.atom_generators @property def attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """The definitions of the attributes. Combine the attributes of the atom, coordinates, velocities, and gradients tables to make it look like a single larger table. """ result = self._atom_table.attributes for key, value in self._coordinates_table.attributes.items(): if key != "atom": # atom key links the tables together, so ignore result[key] = value for key, value in self._velocities_table.attributes.items(): if key != "atom": # atom key links the tables together, so ignore result[key] = value for key, value in self._gradients_table.attributes.items(): if key != "atom": # atom key links the tables together, so ignore result[key] = value return result @property def configuration(self): """Return the configuration.""" return self._configuration @property def coordinates(self): """The coordinates as list of lists.""" return self.get_coordinates() @coordinates.setter def coordinates(self, xyz): """The coordinates as list of lists.""" return self.set_coordinates(xyz) @property def cursor(self): """The database connection.""" return self.system_db.cursor @property def db(self): """The database connection.""" return self.system_db.db @property def gradients(self): """The gradients as list of lists.""" return self.get_gradients() @gradients.setter def gradients(self, xyz): """The gradients as list of lists.""" return self.set_gradients(xyz) @property def group(self): """The space or point group of the configuration.""" return @group.setter def group(self, value): = value @property def have_gradients(self): """Whether there are any gradients for this configuration.""" sql = ( "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM atomset_atom AS aa, gradients AS ve " "WHERE aa.atomset = ?" " AND ve.atom = aa.atom AND ve.configuration = ?" ) parameters = [self.atomset,] self.cursor.execute(sql, parameters) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 @property def have_velocities(self): """Whether there are any velocities for this configuration.""" sql = ( "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM atomset_atom AS aa, velocities AS ve " "WHERE aa.atomset = ?" " AND ve.atom = aa.atom AND ve.configuration = ?" ) parameters = [self.atomset,] self.cursor.execute(sql, parameters) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 @property def loglevel(self): """The logging level for this module.""" result = logger.getEffectiveLevel() tmp = logging.getLevelName(result) if "Level" not in tmp: result = tmp return result @loglevel.setter def loglevel(self, value): logger.setLevel(value) @property def names(self): """The names of the atoms.""" return self.get_names() @property def n_asymmetric_atoms(self) -> int: """The number of symmetry-unique atoms in this configuration.""" self.cursor.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM atomset_atom WHERE atomset = ?", (self.atomset,) ) result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] return result @property def n_atoms(self) -> int: """The number of atoms in this configuration.""" if self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops == 1: return self.n_asymmetric_atoms else: n_atoms = 0 for symops in self.atom_generators: n_atoms += len(symops) return n_atoms @property def n_symops(self): """The number of symmetry operations in the group.""" return self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops @property def asymmetric_symbols(self): """The element symbols for the atoms in this configuration. Returns ------- [str] The element symbols """ return elements.to_symbols(self.asymmetric_atomic_numbers) @property def symbols(self): """The element symbols for the atoms in this configuration. Returns ------- [str] The element symbols """ if self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops == 1: return self.asymmetric_symbols else: return elements.to_symbols(self.atomic_numbers) @property def symmetry_matrices(self): """The 4x4 matrices for the symmetry operations.""" return self.configuration.symmetry.symmetry_matrices @property def symops(self): """The symmetry operators as shorthand strings.""" return self.configuration.symmetry.symops @symops.setter def symops(self, value): self.configuration.symmetry.symops = value @property def symop_to_atom(self): """List of list of symop #'s for creating symmetry atoms from asymmetric.""" return self.configuration.symmetry.symop_to_atom @property def system_db(self): """The system database that we belong to.""" return self._system_db @property def velocities(self): """The velocities as list of lists.""" return self.get_velocities() @velocities.setter def velocities(self, xyz): """The velocities as list of lists.""" return self.set_velocities(xyz) def add_attribute( self, name: str, coltype: str = "float", default: Any = None, notnull: bool = False, index: bool = False, pk: bool = False, references: str = None, on_delete: str = "cascade", on_update: str = "cascade", values: Any = None, configuration_dependent: bool = False, ) -> None: """Adds a new attribute. If the default value is None, you must always provide values wherever needed, for example when adding a row. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the attribute. coltype : str The type of the attribute (column). Must be one of 'int', 'float', 'str' or 'byte' default : int, float, str or byte The default value for the attribute if no value is given. notnull : bool = False Whether the value must be non-null index : bool = False Whether to create an index on the column pk : bool = False Whether the column is the primry keys references : str = None If not null, the column is a foreign key for this table. on_delete : str = 'cascade' How to handle deletions of a foregin keys on_update : str = 'cascade' How to handle updates of a foregin key values : Any Either a single value or a list of values length 'nrows' of values to fill the column. configuration_dependent : bool = False Whether the attribute belongs with the coordinates (True) or atoms (False) Returns ------- None """ if configuration_dependent: self._coordinates_table.add_attribute( name, coltype=coltype, default=default, notnull=notnull, index=index, pk=pk, references=references, on_delete=on_delete, on_update=on_update, values=values, ) else: self._atom_table.add_attribute( name, coltype=coltype, default=default, notnull=notnull, index=index, pk=pk, references=references, on_delete=on_delete, on_update=on_update, values=values, ) def append(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Append one or more atoms. The keys give the field for the data. If an existing field is not mentioned, then the default value is used, unless the default is None, in which case an error is thrown. It is an error if there is not a field corrresponding to a key. """ # Need to handle the elements specially. Can give atomic numbers, # or symbols. By construction the references to elements are identical # to their atomic numbers. if "symbol" in kwargs: symbols = kwargs.pop("symbol") kwargs["atno"] = elements.to_atnos(symbols) # How many new rows there are n_rows, lengths = self._get_n_rows(**kwargs) # Fill in the atom table data = {} for column in self._atom_table.attributes: if column != "id" and column in kwargs: data[column] = kwargs.pop(column) if len(data) == 0: data["atno"] = [None] * n_rows ids = self._atom_table.append(n=n_rows, **data) # Now append to the coordinates table configuration = data = {"configuration": configuration, "atom": ids} for column in self._coordinates_table.attributes: if column != "id" and column in kwargs: data[column] = kwargs.pop(column) self._coordinates_table.append(n=n_rows, **data) # And velocities table data = {"configuration": configuration, "atom": ids} have_velocities = False for column in self._velocities_table.attributes: if column != "id" and column in kwargs: data[column] = kwargs.pop(column) have_velocities = True if have_velocities: self._velocities_table.append(n=n_rows, **data) # And gradients table data = {"configuration": configuration, "atom": ids} have_gradients = False for column in self._gradients_table.attributes: if column != "id" and column in kwargs: data[column] = kwargs.pop(column) have_gradients = True if have_gradients: self._gradients_table.append(n=n_rows, **data) # And to the atomset table = _Table(self.system_db, "atomset_atom") table.append(atomset=self.atomset, atom=ids) self.configuration.symmetry.reset_atoms() return ids def atoms(self, *args): """Return an iterator over the atoms. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- sqlite3.Cursor A cursor that returns sqlite3.Row objects for the atoms. """ have_velocities = self.have_velocities have_gradients = self.have_gradients columns = self._columns(velocities=have_velocities, gradients=have_gradients) column_defs = ", ".join(columns) # What tables are requested in the extra arguments? tables = set() if len(args) == 0: tables.add("at") tables.add("co") if have_velocities: tables.add("ve") if have_gradients: tables.add("gr") else: atom_columns = [*self._atom_table.attributes] coordinates_columns = [*self._coordinates_table.attributes] velocities_columns = [*self._velocities_table.attributes] gradients_columns = [*self._gradients_table.attributes] for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if "." in col: tables.add(col.split(".")[0]) elif col in atom_columns: tables.add("at") elif col in coordinates_columns: tables.add("co") elif col in velocities_columns: if have_velocities: tables.add("ve") else: raise ValueError( "Query for atom has velocities, but the atoms don't" ) elif col in gradients_columns: if have_gradients: tables.add("gr") else: raise ValueError( "Query for atom has gradients, but the atoms don't" ) else: raise ValueError(f"Column '{col}' is not available") # Build the query based on the tables needed from_string = ["atomset_atom AS aa", "atom AS at", "coordinates AS co"] if "ve" in tables: from_string.append("velocities AS ve") if "gr" in tables: from_string.append("gradients AS gr") from_string = ", ".join(from_string) sql = ( f"SELECT {column_defs}\n" f" FROM {from_string}\n" "WHERE aa.atomset = ?\n" " AND = aa.atom\n" " AND co.atom = AND co.configuration = ?" ) parameters = [self.atomset,] if "ve" in tables: sql += "\n AND ve.atom = AND ve.configuration = ?" parameters.append( if "gr" in tables: sql += "\n AND gr.atom = AND gr.configuration = ?" parameters.append( # And any extra selection criteria if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f'\n AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) logger.debug("atoms query:") logger.debug(sql) logger.debug(parameters) logger.debug("---") return self.db.execute(sql, parameters) def diff(self, other): """Difference between these atoms and another Currently ignores velocities and gradients. Not sure what we want to do.... Parameters ---------- other : _Atoms The other atoms to diff against Result ------ result : Dict The differences, described in a dictionary """ result = {} # Check the columns columns = self._columns(velocities=False, gradients=False) other_columns = other._columns(velocities=False, gradients=False) column_defs = ", ".join(columns) other_column_defs = ", ".join(other_columns) if columns == other_columns: column_def = column_defs else: added = columns - other_columns if len(added) > 0: result["columns added"] = list(added) deleted = other_columns - columns if len(deleted) > 0: result["columns deleted"] = list(deleted) in_common = other_columns & columns if len(in_common) > 0: column_def = ", ".join(in_common) else: # No columns shared return result # Need to check the contents of the tables. See if they are in the same # database or if we need to attach the other database temporarily. db = self.system_db other_db = other.system_db detach = False schema = self.schema if db.filename != other_db.filename: if db.is_attached(other_db): other_schema = db.attached_as(other_db) else: # Attach the other system_db in order to do comparisons. other_schema = self.system_db.attach(other_db) detach = True else: other_schema = other.schema atomset = self.atomset other_atomset = other.atomset changed = {} last = None sql = f""" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT {column_def} FROM {other_schema}.atom AS at, {other_schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {other_schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {other_atomset} ) EXCEPT SELECT {column_def} FROM {schema}.atom AS at, {schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {atomset} ) ) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ( SELECT {column_def} FROM {schema}.atom AS at, {schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {atomset} ) EXCEPT SELECT {column_def} FROM {other_schema}.atom AS at, {other_schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {other_schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {other_atomset} ) ) ORDER BY id """ for row in self.db.execute(sql): if last is None: last = row elif row["id"] == last["id"]: # changes = [] changes = set() for k1, v1, v2 in zip(last.keys(), last, row): if v1 != v2: changes.add((k1, v1, v2)) changed[row["id"]] = changes last = None else: last = row if len(changed) > 0: result["changed"] = changed # See about the rows added added = {} sql = f""" SELECT {column_defs} FROM {schema}.atom AS at, {schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {atomset} ) AND NOT IN ( SELECT atom FROM {other_schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {other_atomset} ) """ for row in self.db.execute(sql): added[row["id"]] = row[1:] if len(added) > 0: result["columns in added rows"] = row.keys()[1:] result["added"] = added # See about the rows deleted deleted = {} sql = f""" SELECT {other_column_defs} FROM {other_schema}.atom AS at, {other_schema}.coordinates AS co WHERE co.atom = AND IN ( SELECT atom FROM {other_schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {other_atomset} ) AND NOT IN ( SELECT atom FROM {schema}.atomset_atom WHERE atomset = {atomset} ) """ for row in self.db.execute(sql): deleted[row["id"]] = row[1:] if len(deleted) > 0: result["columns in deleted rows"] = row.keys()[1:] result["deleted"] = deleted # Detach the other database if needed if detach: self.system_db.detach(other_db) return result def get_as_dict(self, *args, asymmetric=False): """Return the atom data as a Python dictionary of lists. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- dict(str: []) A dictionary whose keys are the column names and values as lists """ if asymmetric: rows = self.atoms(*args) columns = [x[0] for x in rows.description] data = {key: [] for key in columns} for row in rows: for key, value in zip(columns, row): data[key].append(value) else: data = {} properties = [*self.attributes.keys()] for name in properties: if name in ("id", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "name"): continue data[name] = self.get_property(name) if "name" in properties: data["name"] = self.get_names() xyz = self.get_coordinates() data["x"] = [v[0] for v in xyz] data["y"] = [v[1] for v in xyz] data["z"] = [v[2] for v in xyz] data["id"] = [*range(len(xyz))] return data def get_ids(self, *args): """The ids of the selected atoms. Any extra arguments are triplets of column, operator, and value force additional selection criteria. The table names must be used in the column specification and are 'at' for the atom table and 'co' for the coordinate table. For example, if there are three arguments "at.atno", "=", "6" only the ids of the carbon atoms in the configuration will be returned. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Further selection arguments, in sets of three: column, operator, and value, e.g. "at.atno = 6" Returns ------- [int] The ids of the requested atoms. """ # What tables are requested in the extra arguments? tables = set() if len(args) > 0: atom_columns = [*self._atom_table.attributes] coordinates_columns = [*self._coordinates_table.attributes] for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if "." in col: tables.add(col.split(".")[0]) elif col in atom_columns: tables.add("at") elif col in coordinates_columns: tables.add("co") else: raise ValueError(f"Column '{col}' is not available") # Build the query based on the tables needed sql = "SELECT aa.atom FROM atomset_atom AS aa" if "at" in tables or "co" in tables: sql += ", atom AS at" if "co" in tables: sql += ", coordinates AS co" # The WHERE clauses bringing joining the tables sql += " WHERE aa.atomset = ?" parameters = [self.atomset] if "at" in tables or "co" in tables: sql += " AND = aa.atom" if "co" in tables: sql += " AND co.atom = AND co.configuration = ?" parameters.append( # And any extra selection criteria if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f' AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) logger.debug("get_id query:") logger.debug(sql) logger.debug(parameters) logger.debug("---") return [x[0] for x in self.db.execute(sql, parameters)] def get_coordinates( self, fractionals=True, in_cell=False, as_array=False, asymmetric=False, ): """Return the coordinates optionally translated back into the principal unit cell. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = True Return the coordinates as fractional coordinates for periodic systems. Non-periodic systems always use Cartesian coordinates. in_cell : bool, str = False Whether to translate the atoms into the unit cell, and if so whether to do so by molecule or just atoms. as_array : bool = False Whether to return the results as a np array or as a list of lists (the default). asymmetric : bool = False If true, return coordinates for only the symmetry-unique atoms. By default, expand to all atoms in the system. Returns ------- abc : [N][float*3] The coordinates, either Cartesian or fractional """ xyz = [[row["x"], row["y"], row["z"]] for row in self.atoms()] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity if periodicity == 0: if asymmetric and self.configuration.symmetry.n_symops > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Point-group symmetry not handled yet.") if as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz cell = self.configuration.cell UVW = None if not asymmetric and self.n_symops > 1: # Get the asymmetric fractional coordinates as np array if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": UVW_asym = cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=True) elif not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): UVW_asym = np.array(xyz) else: UVW_asym = xyz # Move into unit cell, remembering shift trans = np.floor(UVW_asym) UVW_asym -= trans # Apply the generating symmetry operators op = self.configuration.symmetry.symmetry_matrices generators = self.configuration.symmetry.atom_generators for i, indices in enumerate(generators): uvw4 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) uvw4[0:3] = UVW_asym[i] xformed = np.einsum("ijk,k", op[indices, :, :], uvw4) uvw = xformed[:, 0:3] if UVW is None: UVW = uvw else: UVW = np.concatenate((UVW, uvw)) if ( isinstance(in_cell, str) and "molecule" in in_cell and self.configuration.n_bonds > 0 ): # Need fractionals... if UVW is None: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": UVW = cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=True) elif not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): UVW = np.array(xyz) else: UVW = xyz molecules = self.configuration.find_molecules(as_indices=True) for indices in molecules: indices = np.array(indices) uvw_mol = np.take(UVW, indices, axis=0) center = np.average(uvw_mol, axis=0) delta = np.floor(center) uvw_mol -= delta np.put_along_axis(UVW, np.expand_dims(indices, axis=1), uvw_mol, axis=0) if fractionals: if as_array: return UVW else: return UVW.tolist() else: return cell.to_cartesians(UVW, as_array=as_array) elif in_cell: # Need fractionals... if UVW is None: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": UVW = cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=True) elif not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): UVW = np.array(xyz) else: UVW = xyz delta = np.floor(UVW) UVW -= delta if fractionals: if as_array: return UVW else: return UVW.tolist() else: return cell.to_cartesians(UVW, as_array=as_array) else: if fractionals: if UVW is None: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": return cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz else: if as_array: return UVW else: return UVW.tolist() else: if UVW is None: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "fractional": return cell.to_cartesians(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz else: return cell.to_cartesians(UVW, as_array=as_array) def get_names(self, asymmetric=False): """Return the names of the atoms, return a default if not in the database. Parameters ---------- asymmetric : bool = False Return just the names for the asymmetric atoms. Returns ------- [str] The names of the atoms. """ if "name" in self: name = self.get_column_data("name") else: name = [] count = {} for symbol in self.asymmetric_symbols: if symbol not in count: count[symbol] = 1 else: count[symbol] += 1 name.append(f"{symbol}{count[symbol]}") symmetry = self.configuration.symmetry if asymmetric or symmetry.n_symops == 1: return name # Expand to the asymmetric atoms result = [] count = {i: 0 for i in range(len(name))} for asym_atom in symmetry.atom_to_asymmetric_atom: count[asym_atom] += 1 result.append(f"{name[asym_atom]}_{count[asym_atom]}") return result def get_n_atoms(self, *args): """Return the number of atoms meeting the cirteria. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- int The number of atoms matching the criteria. """ # What tables are requested in the extra arguments? tables = set() if len(args) > 0: atom_columns = [*self._atom_table.attributes] coordinates_columns = [*self._coordinates_table.attributes] for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if "." in col: tables.add(col.split(".")[0]) elif col in atom_columns: tables.add("at") elif col in coordinates_columns: tables.add("co") else: raise ValueError(f"Column '{col}' is not available") # Build the query based on the tables needed sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM atomset_atom AS aa" if "at" in tables or "co" in tables: sql += ", atom AS at" if "co" in tables: sql += ", coordinates AS co" # The WHERE clauses bringing joining the tables sql += " WHERE aa.atomset = ?" parameters = [self.atomset] if "at" in tables or "co" in tables: sql += " AND = aa.atom" if "co" in tables: sql += " AND co.atom = AND co.configuration = ?" parameters.append( # And any extra selection criteria if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f' AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) logger.debug("get_n_atoms query:") logger.debug(sql) logger.debug(parameters) logger.debug("---") self.cursor.execute(sql, parameters) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] def get_property(self, name, asymmetric=False): """Return the property from the atoms, expanded to symmetric atoms. Parameters ---------- name : str The property (attribute) to return asymmetric : bool = False Return just the names for the asymmetric atoms. Returns ------- [any] The values of the property on the symmetric atoms """ if name == "name": return self.get_names(asymmetric=asymmetric) data = self.get_column_data(name) symmetry = self.configuration.symmetry if asymmetric or symmetry.n_symops == 1: return data # Expand to the asymmetric atoms return [data[i] for i in symmetry.atom_to_asymmetric_atom] def get_gradients( self, fractionals=True, as_array=False, ): """Return the gradients. Symmetry is not supported, because it makes no (little?) sense for gradients. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = True Return the gradients as fractional gradients for periodic systems. Non-periodic systems always use Cartesian gradients. as_array : bool = False Whether to return the results as a np array or as a list of lists (the default). Returns ------- abc : [N][float*3] The gradients, either Cartesian or fractional """ gxs = self.get_column_data("gx") gys = self.get_column_data("gy") gzs = self.get_column_data("gz") xyz = [[gx, gy, gz] for gx, gy, gz in zip(gxs, gys, gzs)] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity if periodicity == 0: if as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz cell = self.configuration.cell if fractionals: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": return cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz else: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "fractional": return cell.to_cartesians(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz def get_velocities( self, fractionals=True, as_array=False, ): """Return the velocities. Symmetry is not supported, because it makes no (little?) sense for velocities. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = True Return the velocities as fractional velocities for periodic systems. Non-periodic systems always use Cartesian velocities. as_array : bool = False Whether to return the results as a np array or as a list of lists (the default). Returns ------- abc : [N][float*3] The velocities, either Cartesian or fractional """ vxs = self.get_column_data("vx") vys = self.get_column_data("vy") vzs = self.get_column_data("vz") xyz = [[vx, vy, vz] for vx, vy, vz in zip(vxs, vys, vzs)] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity if periodicity == 0: if as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz cell = self.configuration.cell if fractionals: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "Cartesian": return cell.to_fractionals(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz else: if self.configuration.coordinate_system == "fractional": return cell.to_cartesians(xyz, as_array=as_array) elif as_array: return np.array(xyz) else: return xyz def set_coordinates(self, xyz, fractionals=True): """Set the coordinates to new values. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = True The coordinates are fractional coordinates for periodic systems. Ignored for non-periodic systems. Returns ------- None """ as_array = isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray) if as_array: n_coords = xyz.shape[0] else: n_coords = len(xyz) # May need to handle symmetry if n_coords != self.n_asymmetric_atoms and n_coords == self.n_atoms: # print("set_coordinates: symmetrizing the coordinates") # pprint.pprint(xyz) xyz, error = self.configuration.symmetry.symmetrize_coordinates( xyz, fractionals=fractionals ) # print("results in") # pprint.pprint(xyz) x_column = self.get_column("x") y_column = self.get_column("y") z_column = self.get_column("z") xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity coordinate_system = self.configuration.coordinate_system if ( periodicity == 0 or (coordinate_system == "Cartesian" and not fractionals) or (coordinate_system == "fractional" and fractionals) ): if as_array: for x, y, z in xyz.tolist(): xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) else: for x, y, z in xyz: xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) else: cell = self.configuration.cell if coordinate_system == "fractional": # Convert coordinates to fractionals for x, y, z in cell.to_fractionals(xyz): xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) else: for x, y, z in cell.to_cartesians(xyz): xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) x_column[0:] = xs y_column[0:] = ys z_column[0:] = zs def set_gradients(self, gxyz, fractionals=False): """Set the gradients to new values. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = False The gradients are fractional gradients for periodic systems. Ignored for non-periodic systems. Returns ------- None """ if self.n_symops > 1: raise RuntimeError("Can't handle gradients with symmetry.") as_array = isinstance(gxyz, np.ndarray) gxs = [] gys = [] gzs = [] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity coordinate_system = self.configuration.coordinate_system if ( periodicity == 0 or (coordinate_system == "Cartesian" and not fractionals) or (coordinate_system == "fractional" and fractionals) ): if as_array: for gx, gy, gz in gxyz.tolist(): gxs.append(gx) gys.append(gy) gzs.append(gz) else: for gx, gy, gz in gxyz: gxs.append(gx) gys.append(gy) gzs.append(gz) else: cell = self.configuration.cell if coordinate_system == "fractional": # Convert gradients to fractionals for gx, gy, gz in cell.to_fractionals(gxyz): gxs.append(gx) gys.append(gy) gzs.append(gz) else: for gx, gy, gz in cell.to_cartesians(gxyz): gxs.append(gx) gys.append(gy) gzs.append(gz) gx_column = self.get_column("gx") if len(gx_column) == 0: # No gradients in the database, so need to add rather than setFormatter self._gradients_table.append( n=len(gxs), gx=gxs, gy=gys, gz=gzs, atom=self.ids,, ) else: gy_column = self.get_column("gy") gz_column = self.get_column("gz") gx_column[0:] = gxs gy_column[0:] = gys gz_column[0:] = gzs def set_velocities(self, vxyz, fractionals=False): """Set the velocities to new values. Parameters ---------- fractionals : bool = False The velocities are fractional velocities for periodic systems. Ignored for non-periodic systems. Returns ------- None """ if self.n_symops > 1: raise RuntimeError("Can't handle velocities with symmetry.") as_array = isinstance(vxyz, np.ndarray) vxs = [] vys = [] vzs = [] periodicity = self.configuration.periodicity coordinate_system = self.configuration.coordinate_system if ( periodicity == 0 or (coordinate_system == "Cartesian" and not fractionals) or (coordinate_system == "fractional" and fractionals) ): if as_array: for vx, vy, vz in vxyz.tolist(): vxs.append(vx) vys.append(vy) vzs.append(vz) else: for vx, vy, vz in vxyz: vxs.append(vx) vys.append(vy) vzs.append(vz) else: cell = self.configuration.cell if coordinate_system == "fractional": # Convert velocities to fractionals for vx, vy, vz in cell.to_fractionals(vxyz): vxs.append(vx) vys.append(vy) vzs.append(vz) else: for vx, vy, vz in cell.to_cartesians(vxyz): vxs.append(vx) vys.append(vy) vzs.append(vz) vx_column = self.get_column("vx") if len(vx_column) == 0: # No velocities in the database, so need to add rather than setFormatter self._velocities_table.append( n=len(vxs), vx=vxs, vy=vys, vz=vzs, atom=self.ids,, ) else: vy_column = self.get_column("vy") vz_column = self.get_column("vz") vx_column[0:] = vxs vy_column[0:] = vys vz_column[0:] = vzs def get_column(self, key: str) -> Any: """Get a Column object with the requested data Parameters ---------- key : str The attribute to get. Returns ------- Column A Column object containing the data. """ if key in self._atom_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT at.rowid, at."{key}"' " FROM atom as at, atomset_atom as aa" f" WHERE = aa.atom AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return _Column(self._atom_table, key, sql=sql) elif key in self._coordinates_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT co.rowid, co."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " coordinates as co," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE co.atom =" f" AND co.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return _Column(self._coordinates_table, key, sql=sql) elif key in self._velocities_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT ve.rowid, ve."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " velocities as ve," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE ve.atom =" f" AND ve.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return _Column(self._velocities_table, key, sql=sql) elif key in self._gradients_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT gr.rowid, gr."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " gradients as gr," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE gr.atom =" f" AND gr.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return _Column(self._gradients_table, key, sql=sql) else: raise KeyError(f"'{key}' not in atoms") def get_column_data(self, key: str) -> Any: """Return a column of data from the table. Parameters ---------- key : str The attribute to get. Returns ------- Column A Column object containing the data. """ if key in self._atom_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT at."{key}"' " FROM atom as at, atomset_atom as aa" f" WHERE = aa.atom AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] elif key in self._coordinates_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT co."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " coordinates as co," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE co.atom =" f" AND co.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] elif key in self._velocities_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT ve."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " velocities as ve," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE ve.atom =" f" AND ve.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] elif key in self._gradients_table.attributes: sql = ( f'SELECT gr."{key}"' " FROM atom as at," " gradients as gr," " atomset_atom as aa" " WHERE gr.atom =" f" AND gr.configuration = {}" " AND = aa.atom" f" AND aa.atomset = {self.atomset}" ) return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] else: raise KeyError(f"'{key}' not in atoms") def _get_n_rows(self, **kwargs): """Get the total number of rows represented in the arguments.""" n_rows = None lengths = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in self: raise KeyError(f'"{key}" is not an attribute of the atoms.') length = self.length_of_values(value) lengths[key] = length if n_rows is None: n_rows = 1 if length == 0 else length if length > 1 and length != n_rows: if n_rows == 1: n_rows = length else: raise IndexError( 'key "{}" has the wrong number of values, '.format(key) + "{}. Should be 1 or the number of atoms ({}).".format( length, n_rows ) ) return n_rows, lengths def length_of_values(self, values: Any) -> int: """Return the length of the values argument. Parameters ---------- values : Any The values, which might be a string, single value, list, tuple, etc. Returns ------- length : int The length of the values. 0 indicates a scalar """ if isinstance(values, str): return 0 else: try: return len(values) except TypeError: return 0 def delete(self, atoms) -> int: """Delete the atoms listed Parameters ---------- atoms : [int] The list of atoms to delete, or 'all' or '*' Returns ------- None """ # Delete the listed atoms, which will cascade to delete coordinates, # velocities, and gradients if atoms == "all" or atoms == "*": sql = """ DELETE FROM atom WHERE id IN (SELECT atom FROM atomset_atom WHERE atomset = ?) """ parameters = (self.atomset,) self.db.execute(sql, parameters) else: sql = """ DELETE FROM atom WHERE id = ? AND id IN (SELECT atom FROM atomset_atom WHERE atomset = ?) """ parameters = [(i, self.atomset) for i in atoms] self.db.executemany(sql, parameters) self.configuration.symmetry.reset_atoms() def to_dataframe(self): """Return the contents of the table as a Pandas Dataframe.""" data = {} rows = self.atoms() for row in rows: data[row[0]] = row[1:] columns = [x[0] for x in rows.description[1:]] df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="index", columns=columns) return df def _columns(self, velocities=True, gradients=True): """The list of columns across the atom, coordinates, velocities, and gradients tables. Uses 'at', 'co', 've', and 'gr' as the shorthand for the full table names. """ atom_columns = [*self._atom_table.attributes] coordinates_columns = [*self._coordinates_table.attributes] coordinates_columns.remove("atom") columns = [f'at."{x}"' for x in atom_columns] columns += [f'co."{x}"' for x in coordinates_columns] if velocities: velocities_columns = [*self._velocities_table.attributes] velocities_columns.remove("atom") columns += [f've."{x}"' for x in velocities_columns] if gradients: gradients_columns = [*self._gradients_table.attributes] gradients_columns.remove("atom") columns += [f'gr."{x}"' for x in gradients_columns] return columns class _SubsetAtoms(_Atoms): """The atoms in a subset. Parameters ---------- configuration : _Configuration The configuration of interest. subset_id : int The id of the subset. template_order : bool Whether to return atoms and properties in the order of the template if the template is full. Defaults to True. """ def __init__(self, configuration, subset_id) -> None: self._sid = subset_id self.template_order = True # Caching self._template_id = None self._template = None super().__init__(configuration) def __eq__(self, other) -> Any: """Return a boolean if this object is equal to another""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for subsets, yet!") @property def subset_id(self): """The subset for these atoms.""" return self._sid @property def atomic_numbers(self): """The atomic numbers of the subset atoms. Note that subsets refer to asymmetric atoms! Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ return self.get_column_data("atno") @property def atomic_masses(self): """The atomic masses of the atoms in the subset. Note that subsets refer to asymmetric atoms! Returns ------- [int] The atomic numbers. """ if "mass" in self: result = self.get_column_data("mass") else: atnos = self.atomic_numbers result = elements.masses(atnos) return result @property def have_velocities(self): """Whether there are any velocities for this configuration.""" sql = ( "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM subset_atom AS sa, velocities AS ve " "WHERE sa.subset = ?" " AND ve.atom = sa.atom AND ve.configuration = ?" ) parameters = [self.subset_id,] self.cursor.execute(sql, parameters) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 @property def ids(self): """The ids of atoms in this subset.""" sql = """ SELECT atom FROM subset_atom WHERE subset = ? """ if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY templateatom" return [x[0] for x in self.db.execute(sql, (self.subset_id,))] @property def n_atoms(self) -> int: """The number of atoms in this subset.""" sql = """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM atomset_atom WHERE atomset = ? AND atom IN (SELECT atom FROM subset_atom WHERE subset = ?) """ self.cursor.execute(sql, (self.atomset, self.subset_id)) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] @property def template(self): """The template for this subset.""" if self._template is None: self._template = self.system_db.templates.get(self.template_id) return self._template @property def template_id(self): """The id of the template for this subset.""" if self._template_id is None: sql = "SELECT template FROM SUBSET WHERE id = ?" self.cursor.execute(sql, (self.subset_id,)) self._template_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] return self._template_id def add(self, ids): """Add atoms to the subset. Parameters ---------- ids : [int] The ids of the atoms to add. They are silently ignored if they are already in the subset. Raises ------ ValueError If this subset has a full template or if an atom is not in the configuration. """ # Check if the template has a template configuration if self.template.is_full: raise ValueError("Cannot add atoms to a subset for a full template.") # Remove any ids already in the subset atom_ids = set(self.ids) for aid in atom_ids & set(ids): ids.remove(aid) sa = self.system_db["subset_atom"] sa.append(subset=self.subset_id, atom=ids) def append(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Append one or more atoms. This is not allowed for a subset. Raises ------ RuntimeError Adding atoms to a configuration is not allowed from a subset. """ raise RuntimeError( "Adding atoms to a configuration is not allowed from a subset." ) def atoms(self, *args): """Return an iterator over the atoms. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- sqlite3.Cursor A cursor that returns sqlite3.Row objects for the atoms. """ have_velocities = self.have_velocities have_gradients = self.have_gradients columns = self._columns(velocities=have_velocities, gradients=have_gradients) column_defs = ", ".join(columns) from_string = ["atom as at", "coordinates as co", "subset_atom as sa"] if have_velocities: from_string.append("velocities AS ve") if have_gradients: from_string.append("gradients AS gr") from_string = ", ".join(from_string) sql = f""" SELECT {column_defs} FROM {from_string} WHERE co.atom = AND co.configuration = ? AND = sa.atom AND sa.subset = ? """ parameters = [, self.subset_id] if have_velocities: sql += "\n AND ve.atom = AND ve.configuration = ?" parameters.append( if have_gradients: sql += "\n AND gr.atom = AND gr.configuration = ?" parameters.append( if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f'\n AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "\nORDER BY sa.templateatom" return self.db.execute(sql, parameters) def get_n_atoms(self, *args): """Return the number of atoms meeting the criteria. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- int The number of atoms matching the criteria. """ sql = """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM atom as at, coordinates as co, subset_atom as sa WHERE co.atom = AND co.configuration = ? AND = sa.atom AND sa.subset = ? """ parameters = [, self.subset_id] if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f' AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) self.cursor.execute(sql, parameters) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] def diff(self, other): """Difference between these atoms and another Parameters ---------- other : _Atoms The other atoms to diff against Result ------ result : Dict The differences, described in a dictionary """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_column(self, key: str) -> Any: """Get a Column object with the requested data Parameters ---------- key : str The attribute to get. Returns ------- Column A Column object containing the data. """ if key in self._atom_table.attributes: sql = f""" SELECT at.rowid, at."{key}" FROM atom as at, subset_atom as sa WHERE = sa.atom AND sa.subset = {self.subset_id} """ if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY sa.templateatom" return _Column(self._atom_table, key, sql=sql) elif key in self._coordinates_table.attributes: sql = f""" SELECT co.rowid, co."{key}" FROM coordinates as co, subset_atom as sa WHERE co.atom = sa.atom AND co.configuration = {} AND sa.subset = {self.subset_id} """ if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY sa.templateatom" return _Column(self._coordinates_table, key, sql=sql) else: raise KeyError(f"'{key}' not in atoms") def get_column_data(self, key: str) -> Any: """Return a column of data from the table. Parameters ---------- key : str The attribute to get. Returns ------- Column A Column object containing the data. """ if key in self._atom_table.attributes: sql = f""" SELECT at."{key}" FROM atom as at, subset_atom as sa WHERE = sa.atom AND sa.subset = {self.subset_id} """ if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY sa.templateatom" return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] elif key in self._coordinates_table.attributes: sql = f""" SELECT co."{key}" FROM coordinates as co, subset_atom as sa WHERE co.atom = sa.atom AND co.configuration = {} AND sa.subset = {self.subset_id} """ if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY sa.templateatom" return [row[0] for row in self.db.execute(sql)] else: raise KeyError(f"'{key}' not in atoms") def get_ids(self, *args): """The ids of the atoms. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- [int] The ids of the requested atoms. """ sql = """ SELECT FROM atom as at, coordinates as co, subset_atom as sa WHERE = sa.atom AND co.configuration = ? AND sa.subset = ? """ parameters = [, self.subset_id] if len(args) > 0: for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" sql += f' AND "{col}" {op} ?' parameters.append(value) if self.template.is_full and self.template_order: sql += "ORDER BY sa.templateatom" return [x[0] for x in self.db.execute(sql, parameters)] def delete(self, atoms) -> int: """Delete the atoms listed Parameters ---------- atoms : [int] The list of atoms to delete, or 'all' or '*' Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError() def remove(self, ids): """Remove the given atoms from the subset. Parameters ---------- ids : [int] The ids of the atoms to delete. Raises ------ ValueError If this subset has a full template or if an atom is not in the subset. """ # Check if the template has a template configuration if self.template.is_full: raise ValueError("Cannot add atoms to a subset for a full template.") # Check that the atoms are in this subset! atom_ids = self.ids for aid in ids: if aid not in atom_ids: raise ValueError(f"Atom id={aid} is not in the subset.") parameters = [(_id, self.subset_id) for _id in ids] self.db.executemany( "DELETE FROM subset_atom WHERE atom=? AND subset=?", parameters )