Source code for molsystem.table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import zip_longest
import logging
import pandas

from .column import _Column

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

column_types = {"int": "INTEGER", "float": "REAL", "str": "TEXT", "bytes": "BLOB"}

[docs] def grouped(iterable, n): "s -> (s0,s1,s2,, (sn,sn+1,sn+2,...s2n-1), (s2n,...s3n-1), ..." return zip_longest(*[iter(iterable)] * n)
class _Table( """A dictionary-like object for holding tabular data This is a wrapper around an SQL table, with columns being the attributes. Attributes can be created, either from a list of predefined ones or by specifying the metadata required of an attribute. Attributes can also be deleted. See the method 'add_attribute' for more detail. Rows can be added ('append') or deleted ('delete'). """ def __init__(self, system_db, table: str, other=None, logger=logger): self._system_db = system_db self.logger = logger if "." in table: self._schema, self._table = table.split(".") else: self._schema = "main" self._table = table if other is not None: self.copy(other) self._checkpoints = [] def __enter__(self): """Copy the table to a backup for a 'with' statement.""" n = len(self._checkpoints) checkpoint = f"temp.{self._table}_checkpoint_{n}" self.db.execute(f"CREATE TEMP TABLE {checkpoint} AS SELECT * FROM {self.table}") self.db.commit() self._checkpoints.append(checkpoint) return self def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback) -> None: """Handle returning from a 'with' statement.""" checkpoint = self._checkpoints.pop() if etype is None: self.db.commit() # Log the changes previous = _Table(self.system_db, checkpoint) diffs = self.diff(previous) if diffs is not None: self.logger.debug(diffs) else: # Delete everything in the table and copy the checkpoint back. self.db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF") self.clear() self.db.execute(f"INSERT INTO {self.table} SELECT * FROM {checkpoint}") self.db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") self.db.commit() # Drop the temporary table self.db.execute(f"DROP TABLE {checkpoint}") self.db.commit() return False def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow [] to access the data!""" return self.get_column(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: """Allow x[key] access to the data""" self[key][0:] = value def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: """Allow deletion of keys""" # The easy way, which is not supported in SQLite :-( # self.cursor.execute(f'ALTER TABLE {self.table} DROP {key}') columns = set(self.attributes) columns.remove(key) column_def = ", ".join(columns) # Need the unquoted version! table = self._table sql = f""" -- disable foreign key constraint check PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; -- Here you can drop column CREATE TABLE {self.schema}."tmp_{table}" AS SELECT {column_def} FROM {self.table}; -- drop the table DROP TABLE {self.table}; -- rename the new_table to the table ALTER TABLE {self.schema}."tmp_{table}" RENAME TO "{self._table}"; -- enable foreign key constraint check PRAGMA foreign_keys=on; """ self.db.executescript(sql) self.db.commit() def __iter__(self) -> iter: """Allow iteration over the object""" return iter([*self.attributes.keys()]) def __len__(self) -> int: """The len() command""" return len(self.attributes) def __repr__(self) -> str: """The string representation of this object""" df = self.to_dataframe() return repr(df) def __str__(self) -> str: """The pretty string representation of this object""" df = self.to_dataframe() return str(df) def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: """Return a boolean indicating if a key exists.""" # Normal the tablename is used as an identifier, so is quoted with ". # Here we need it as a string literal so strip any quotes from it. tmp_item = item.strip('"') return tmp_item in self.attributes def __eq__(self, other): """Return a boolean if this object is equal to another""" # Check numbers of rows if self.n_rows != other.n_rows: return False # Check the columns attributes = self.attributes columns = set(attributes) other_attributes = other.attributes other_columns = set(other_attributes) if columns != other_columns: return False is_same = True # Need to check the contents of the tables. See if they are in the same # database or if we need to attach the other database temporarily. db = self.system_db other_db = other.system_db detach = False if db.filename != other_db.filename: if db.is_attached(other_db): schema = db.attached_as(other_db) else: # Attach the other system_db in order to do comparisons. schema = self.system_db.attach(other_db) detach = True other_table = f'"{schema}"."{other._table}"' else: other_table = other.table table = self.table self.cursor.execute( f""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT rowid, * FROM {other_table} EXCEPT SELECT rowid, * FROM {table}) """ ) if self.cursor.fetchone()[0] != 0: is_same = False else: self.cursor.execute( f""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT rowid, * FROM {table} EXCEPT SELECT rowid, * FROM {other_table}) """ ) if self.cursor.fetchone()[0] != 0: is_same = False # Detach the other database if needed if detach: self.system_db.detach(other_db) return is_same @property def system_db(self): """The system_db that we belong to.""" return self._system_db @property def db(self): """The database connection.""" return self.system_db.db @property def cursor(self): """The database connection.""" return self.system_db.cursor @property def schema(self): """The database schema the table is in.""" return f'"{self._schema}"' @property def table(self) -> str: """The name of this table.""" return f'"{self._schema}"."{self._table}"' @property def n_rows(self) -> int: """The number of rows in the table.""" self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {self.table}") result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] return result @property def attributes(self): """The definitions of the attributes.""" result = {} for row in self.db.execute( " SELECT *" f" FROM {self.schema}.pragma_table_info('{self._table}')" " ORDER BY 'cid'" ): result[row["name"]] = { "type": row["type"], "notnull": bool(row["notnull"]), "default": row["dflt_value"], "primary key": bool(row["pk"]), } for row in self.db.execute(f"PRAGMA foreign_key_list('{self.table}')"): if row["to"] is None: result[row["from"]]["fk"] = row["table"] else: result[row["from"]]["fk"] = f"{row['table']}.{row['to']}" return result # @property # def version(self): # return self.system_db.version def add_attribute( self, name: str, coltype: str = "float", default=None, notnull: bool = False, index: bool = False, pk: bool = False, references: str = None, on_delete: str = "cascade", on_update: str = "cascade", values=None, ) -> None: """Adds a new attribute. If the default value is None, you must always provide values wherever needed, for example when adding a row. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the attribute. coltype : str The type of the attribute (column). Must be one of 'int', 'float', 'str' or 'byte' default : int, float, str or byte The default value for the attribute if no value is given. notnull : bool = False Whether the value must be non-null index : bool = False Whether to create an index on the column pk : bool = False Whether the column is the primry keys references : str = None If not null, the column is a foreign key for this table. on_delete : str = 'cascade' How to handle deletions of a foregin keys on_update : str = 'cascade' How to handle updates of a foregin key values : Any Either a single value or a list of values length 'nrows' of values to fill the column. Returns: None """ # Does the table exist? if self.table in self.system_db: table_exists = True if pk: raise ValueError( "The primary key can only be set on the first attribute " "of a table that does not yet exist." ) else: table_exists = False if pk: notnull = True if name in self: raise RuntimeError( "{} attribute '{}' is already defined!".format( self.__class__.__name__, name ) ) # not null columns must have defaults if not pk and notnull and default is None: raise ValueError(f"Not null attributes must have defaults: {name}") # see if the values are given if values is not None: length = self.length_of_values(values) if length > 1 and length != self.n_rows: raise IndexError( f"The number of values given, {length}, must be either 1, " f"or the number of rows in {self.table}: {self.n_rows}" ) # Create the column parameters = [] if coltype in column_types: column_type = column_types[coltype] else: column_type = coltype column_def = f'"{name}" {column_type}' if default is not None: if coltype == "str": column_def += f" DEFAULT '{default}'" else: column_def += f" DEFAULT {default}" if notnull: column_def += " NOT NULL" if references is not None: column_def += f" REFERENCES {references}" if on_delete is not None and on_delete != "": column_def += f" ON DELETE {on_delete}" if on_update is not None and on_update != "": column_def += f" ON UPDATE {on_update}" if table_exists: self.cursor.execute( f"ALTER TABLE {self.table} ADD {column_def}", parameters ) else: if pk: column_def += " PRIMARY KEY" self.cursor.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {self.table} ({column_def})", parameters) if index == "unique": self.cursor.execute( f'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {self.schema}."idx_{name}"' f' ON "{self._table}"' f" ('{name}')" ) elif index: self.cursor.execute( f'CREATE INDEX {self.schema}."idx_{name}"' f' ON "{self._table}"' f" ('{name}')" ) if values is not None: self[name] = values self.db.commit() def append(self, n=None, **kwargs): """Append one or more rows The keywords are the names of attributes and the value to use. The default value for any attributes not given is used unless it is 'None' in which case an error is thrown. It is an error if there is not an exisiting attribute corresponding to any given as arguments. Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword arguments Giving existing attributes and values. Returns ------- [int] The ids of the created rows. """ if len(kwargs) > 0: n_rows, lengths = self._get_n_rows(**kwargs) else: lengths = {} if n is not None: n_rows = n else: n_rows = 1 if n is not None: if n_rows != 1 and n_rows != n: raise RuntimeError( f"Requested number of rows ({n}) not compatible with the " f"length of the data ({n_rows})." ) n_rows = n # Check that any missing attributes have defaults attributes = self.attributes for key in attributes: if not attributes[key]["notnull"] or attributes[key]["primary key"]: continue if key not in kwargs: if ( "default" not in attributes[key] or attributes[key]["default"] is None ): raise KeyError( "There is no default for attribute " "'{}'. You must supply a value".format(key) ) # Add id's if needed if "id" not in kwargs and "id" in attributes: self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT MAX(id) FROM {self.table}") last_id = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] if last_id is None: # Table is empty last_id = 0 kwargs["id"] = [*range(last_id + 1, last_id + n_rows + 1)] lengths["id"] = n_rows # All okay, so proceed. values = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if lengths[key] == 0: values[key] = [value] * n_rows elif lengths[key] == 1: values[key] = [value[0]] * n_rows else: values[key] = value parameters = [] for row in range(n_rows): line = [] for key, value in values.items(): line.append(value[row]) parameters.append(line) columns = '"' + '", "'.join(kwargs.keys()) + '"' places = ", ".join(["?"] * len(values.keys())) self.cursor.executemany( f"INSERT INTO {self.table} ({columns}) VALUES ({places})", parameters ) self.db.commit() if "id" in kwargs: return kwargs["id"] def clear(self): """Delete all rows from the table.""" self.db.execute(f"DELETE FROM {self.table}") def diff(self, other): """Difference between this table and another Parameters ---------- other : _Table The other table to diff against Result ------ result : dict The differences, described in a dictionary """ self.logger.debug("diffs for {self.table}") result = {} summary = {} # Check the columns attributes = self.attributes columns = set(attributes) other_attributes = other.attributes other_columns = set(other_attributes) if columns == other_columns: column_def = "rowid, *" else: added = columns - other_columns if len(added) > 0: self.logger.debug(f" columns added: {', '.join(sorted(added))}") result["columns added"] = added summary["columns add"] = added deleted = other_columns - columns if len(deleted) > 0: self.logger.debug(f" columns deleted: {', '.join(sorted(deleted))}") result["columns deleted"] = deleted summary["columns deleted"] = deleted in_common = other_columns & columns if len(in_common) > 0: column_def = "rowid, " + ", ".join([f'"{x}"' for x in in_common]) else: # No columns shared return result # Need to check the contents of the tables. See if they are in the same # database or if we need to attach the other database temporarily. db = self.system_db other_db = other.system_db detach = False if db.filename != other_db.filename: if db.is_attached(other_db): schema = db.attached_as(other_db) else: # Attach the other system_db in order to do comparisons. schema = self.system_db.attach(other_db) detach = True other_table = f'"{schema}"."{other._table}"' else: other_table = other.table table = self.table changed = {} last = None sql = f""" SELECT {column_def} FROM ( SELECT {column_def} FROM {other_table} EXCEPT SELECT {column_def} FROM {table} ) UNION ALL SELECT {column_def} FROM ( SELECT {column_def} FROM {table} EXCEPT SELECT {column_def} FROM {other_table} ) ORDER BY rowid """ changed_columns = set() for row in self.db.execute(sql): if last is None: last = row elif row["rowid"] == last["rowid"]: changes = set() for k1, v1, v2 in zip(last.keys(), last, row): if v1 != v2: changed_columns.add(k1) changes.add((k1, v1, v2)) changed[row["rowid"]] = changes last = None else: last = row if len(changed) > 0: self.logger.debug( f" columns changed: {', '.join(sorted(changed_columns))}" ) result["changed"] = changed summary["columns changed"] = changed_columns # See about the rows added added = {} if "id" in self: for row in self.db.execute( f""" SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE rowid NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM {other_table}) """ ): added[row["id"]] = row[1:] else: for row in self.db.execute( f""" SELECT rowid, * FROM {table} WHERE rowid NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM {other_table}) """ ): added[row["rowid"]] = row[1:] if len(added) > 0: self.logger.debug(f" rows added: {len(added)}") result["columns in added rows"] = row.keys()[1:] result["added"] = added summary["rows added"] = len(added) # See about the rows deleted deleted = {} if "id" in self: for row in self.db.execute( f""" SELECT * FROM {other_table} WHERE rowid NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM {table}) """ ): deleted[row["id"]] = row[1:] else: for row in self.db.execute( f""" SELECT rowid, * FROM {other_table} WHERE rowid NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM {table}) """ ): deleted[row["rowid"]] = row[1:] if len(deleted) > 0: self.logger.debug(f" rows deleted: {len(deleted)}") result["columns in deleted rows"] = row.keys()[1:] result["deleted"] = deleted summary["rows deleted"] = len(deleted) # Detach the other database if needed if detach: self.system_db.detach(other_db) if len(result) == 0: self.logger.debug(" no changes") result = None else: result["summary"] = summary return result def get_as_dict(self, *args): """Return the table data as a Python dictionary of lists. Parameters ---------- args : [str] Added selection criteria for the SQL, one word at a time. Returns ------- dict(str: []) A dictionary whose keys are the column names and values as lists """ rows = self.rows(*args) columns = [x[0] for x in rows.description] data = {key: [] for key in columns} for row in rows: for key, value in zip(columns, row): data[key].append(value) return data def get_column(self, column, sql=None, where=""): """Return a column of data from the table. Parameters ---------- column : str The name of the column. sql : str = None Optional SQL statement to get the rows. where : str = '' Optional WHERE clause when getting the rows if no SQL is given. Should be the complete clause, starting with 'WHERE ...' """ return _Column(self, column=column, sql=sql, where=where) def get_column_data(self, column, sql=None, where=""): """Return a column of data from the table as a list. Parameters ---------- column : str The name of the column. sql : str = None Optional SQL statement to get the rows. where : str = '' Optional WHERE clause when getting the rows if no SQL is given. Should be the complete clause, starting with 'WHERE ...' """ result = [] if sql is None: sql = f"SELECT {column} FROM {self.table} {where}" for row in self.db.execute(sql): result.append(row[0]) return result def delete(self, *args): """Delete rows matching the selection.""" if len(args) == 0: return self.db.execute(f"DELETE FROM {self.table}") sql = f"DELETE FROM {self.table} WHERE" parameters = [] clause = [] for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" clause.append(f'"{col}" {op} ?') parameters.append(value) sql += " AND ".join(clause) return self.db.execute(sql, parameters) def rows(self, *args): """Return an iterator over the rows.""" if len(args) == 0: return self.db.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {self.table}") sql = f"SELECT * FROM {self.table} WHERE" parameters = [] clause = [] for col, op, value in grouped(args, 3): if op == "==": op = "=" clause.append(f'"{col}" {op} ?') parameters.append(value) sql += " AND ".join(clause) return self.db.execute(sql, parameters) def _get_n_rows(self, **kwargs): """Get the total number of rows represented in the arguments.""" n_rows = None lengths = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in self: raise KeyError( f'"{key}" is not an attribute of the table ' f"{self.table}!" ) length = self.length_of_values(value) lengths[key] = length if n_rows is None: n_rows = 1 if length == 0 else length if length > 1 and length != n_rows: if n_rows == 1: n_rows = length else: raise IndexError( 'key "{}" has the wrong number of values, '.format(key) + "{}. Should be 1 or the number of rows in {} ({}).".format( length, self.table, n_rows ) ) return n_rows, lengths def copy(self, other): """Replace this object with a copy of another.""" if self.table in self.system_db: del self.system_db[self.table] # Need the contents of the tables. See if they are in the same # database or if we need to attach the other database temporarily. name = self.system_db.nickname other_name = other.system_db.nickname detach = False if name != other_name: if not self.system_db.is_attached(other_name): # Attach the other system_db in order to do comparisons. self.system_db.attach(other.system_db) detach = True other_table = f'"{other_name}"."{other._table}"' else: other_table = other.table table = self.table self.cursor.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table} AS SELECT * FROM {other_table}") self.db.commit() # Detach the other database if needed if detach: self.system_db.detach(other.system_db) def length_of_values(self, values): """Return the length of the values argument. Parameters ---------- values : Any The values, which might be a string, single value, list, tuple, etc. Returns ------- length : int The length of the values. 0 indicates a scalar """ if isinstance(values, str): return 0 else: try: return len(values) except TypeError: return 0 def to_dataframe(self): """Return the contents of the table as a Pandas Dataframe.""" data = {} for line in self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT rowid, * FROM {self.table}"): data[line[0]] = line[1:] columns = [x[0] for x in self.cursor.description[1:]] df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="index", columns=columns) return df