Source code for thermal_conductivity_step.thermal_conductivity

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Non-graphical part of the Thermal Conductivity step in a SEAMM flowchart

import json
import logging
from math import log10, ceil
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
import sys
import traceback

import numpy as np
import pandas
from tabulate import tabulate

from .analysis import (
from .thermal_conductivity_parameters import ThermalConductivityParameters
import thermal_conductivity_step
import molsystem
import seamm
import seamm_util
from seamm_util import Q_
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

# In addition to the normal logger, two logger-like printing facilities are
# defined: "job" and "printer". "job" send output to the main job.out file for
# the job, and should be used very sparingly, typically to echo what this step
# will do in the initial summary of the job.
# "printer" sends output to the file "step.out" in this steps working
# directory, and is used for all normal output from this step.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("Thermal Conductivity")

# Add this module's properties to the standard properties
path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/"))
csv_file = path / "properties.csv"
if path.exists():

[docs] def fmt_err(value, err, precision=2): try: decimals = -ceil(log10(err)) + precision except Exception: e = "--" try: v = f"{value:.2f}" except Exception: v = value else: if decimals < 0: decimals = 0 fmt = f".{decimals}f" e = f"{err:{fmt}}" try: v = f"{value:{fmt}}" except Exception: v = value return v, e
[docs] class ThermalConductivity(seamm.Node): """ The non-graphical part of a Thermal Conductivity step in a flowchart. Attributes ---------- parser : configargparse.ArgParser The parser object. options : tuple It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings. subflowchart : seamm.Flowchart A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed. parameters : ThermalConductivityParameters The control parameters for Thermal Conductivity. See Also -------- TkThermalConductivity, ThermalConductivity, ThermalConductivityParameters """ def __init__( self, flowchart=None, title="Thermal Conductivity", namespace="org.molssi.seamm", extension=None, logger=logger, ): """A step for Thermal Conductivity in a SEAMM flowchart. You may wish to change the title above, which is the string displayed in the box representing the step in the flowchart. Parameters ---------- flowchart: seamm.Flowchart The non-graphical flowchart that contains this step. title: str The name displayed in the flowchart. namespace : str The namespace for the plug-ins of the subflowchart extension: None Not yet implemented logger : Logger = logger The logger to use and pass to parent classes Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Creating Thermal Conductivity {self}") self.subflowchart = seamm.Flowchart( parent=self, name="Thermal Conductivity", namespace=namespace ) super().__init__( flowchart=flowchart, title="Thermal Conductivity", extension=extension, module=__name__, logger=logger, ) self._metadata = thermal_conductivity_step.metadata self.parameters = ThermalConductivityParameters() self.tensor_labels = [ ("xx", "red", "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)"), ("yy", "green", "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)"), ("zz", "blue", "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)"), ("xy", "rgb(127,127,0)", "rgba(127,127,0,0.1)"), ("xz", "rgb(255,0,255)", "rgba(255,0,255,0.1)"), ("yz", "rgb(0,255,255)", "rgba(0,255,255,0.1)"), ] self._file_handler = None # Various data self.J = None # The heat fluxes, nruns x 3 x n self.V = [] # The volumes of the runs self.T = [] # The temperatures of the runs self.timestep = [] # The timestep in fs for the run self.Ms = [] # Helfand moments per run self.M = None # The Helfand moments, 6 x m self.M_err = None # The stderr on HM, 6 x m self.Jcfs = [] # The ccf's of J, 6 x n, per run self.Jcf = None # The ccf's of J, 6 x n self.Jcf_err = None # The stderr of ccf's, 6 x n self.GK_integrals = [] # Cumulative integral of Jcf, per run self.GK_integral = None # Cumulative integral of Jcf self.GK_integral_err = None # Error of cumulative integral of Jcf # Set our citation level to 1! self.citation_level = 1 @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return thermal_conductivity_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return thermal_conductivity_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def create_parser(self): """Setup the command-line / config file parser""" parser_name = "thermal-conductivity-step" parser = seamm_util.getParser() self.subflowchart._parser = self.flowchart._parser # Remember if the parser exists ... this type of step may have been # found before parser_exists = parser.exists(parser_name) # Create the standard options, e.g. log-level super().create_parser(name=parser_name) if not parser_exists: # Any options for thermal conductivity itself parser.add_argument( parser_name, "--html", action="store_true", help="whether to write out html files for graphs, etc.", ) # Now need to walk through the steps in the subflowchart... self.subflowchart.reset_visited() node = self.subflowchart.get_node("1").next() while node is not None: node = node.create_parser() return
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None, short=False): """Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc. Parameters ---------- P: dict An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters. Returns ------- str A description of the current step. """ if P is None: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() text = ( f"Calculate the thermal conductivity at {P['T']} using " f"the {P['approach']} approach. {P['nruns']} runs will be averaged for " "the final results.\n\n" ) if not short: # The subflowchart self.subflowchart.root_directory = self.flowchart.root_directory # Get the first real node node = self.subflowchart.get_node("1").next() while node is not None: try: text += __(node.description_text()).__str__() except Exception as e: print( f"Error describing thermal_conductivity flowchart: {e} in " f"{node}" ) self.logger.critical( f"Error describing thermal_conductivity flowchart: {e} in " f"{node}" ) raise except: # noqa: E722 print( "Unexpected error describing thermal_conductivity flowchart: " f"{sys.exc_info()[0]} in {str(node)}" ) self.logger.critical( "Unexpected error describing thermal_conductivity flowchart: " f"{sys.exc_info()[0]} in {str(node)}" ) raise text += "\n" node = return self.header + "\n" + __(text, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def run(self): """Run a Thermal Conductivity step. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- seamm.Node The next node object in the flowchart. """ next_node = super().run(printer) # Get the values of the parameters, dereferencing any variables P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Print what we are doing printer.important(__(self.description_text(P, short=True), indent=self.indent)) # Find the handler for job.out and set the level up job_handler = None out_handler = None for handler in job.handlers: if ( isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler) and "job.out" in handler.baseFilename ): job_handler = handler job_level = job_handler.level job_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): out_handler = handler out_level = out_handler.level out_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) # Get the first real node first_node = self.subflowchart.get_node("1").next() # Ensure the nodes have their options node = first_node while node is not None: node.all_options = self.all_options node = # And the subflowchart has the executor self.subflowchart.executor = self.flowchart.executor # Loop over the runs nruns = P["nruns"] fmt = f"0{len(str(nruns))}" for run in range(1, nruns + 1): # Direct most output to iteration.out run_dir = Path( / f"run_{run:{fmt}}" run_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # A handler for the file if self._file_handler is not None: self._file_handler.close() job.removeHandler(self._file_handler) path = run_dir / "Run.out" path.unlink(missing_ok=True) self._file_handler = logging.FileHandler(path) self._file_handler.setLevel(printing.NORMAL) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="{message:s}", style="{") self._file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) job.addHandler(self._file_handler) # Add the run to the ids so the directory structure is reasonable self.flowchart.reset_visited() self.set_subids((*self._id, f"run_{run:{fmt}}")) # Run through the steps in the loop body node = first_node try: while node is not None: node = except DeprecationWarning as e: printer.normal("\nDeprecation warning: " + str(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) except Exception as e: printer.job(f"Caught exception in run {run}: {str(e)}") with open(run_dir / "stderr.out", "a") as fd: traceback.print_exc(file=fd) if "continue" in P["errors"]: continue elif "exit" in P["errors"]: break else: raise else: self.process_run(run, run_dir) if True and len(self.V) > 1: if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(job_level) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(out_level) self.analyze(P=P, style="1-line", run=run) if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) self.logger.debug(f"End of run {run}") # Remove any redirection of printing. if self._file_handler is not None: self._file_handler.close() job.removeHandler(self._file_handler) self._file_handler = None if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(job_level) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(out_level) # Analyze the results self.analyze(P=P, style="full") # Add other citations here or in the appropriate place in the code. # Add the bibtex to data/references.bib, and add a self.reference.cite # similar to the above to actually add the citation to the references. return next_node
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", P=None, style="full", run=None, **kwargs): """Do any analysis of the output from this step. Also print important results to the local step.out file using "printer". Parameters ---------- indent: str An extra indentation for the output """ if style == "1-line": table = { "Run": [], "Kxx": [], "exx": [], "Kyy": [], "eyy": [], "Kzz": [], "ezz": [], "Kxy": [], "exy": [], "Kxz": [], "exz": [], "Kyz": [], "eyz": [], } elif style == "full": table = { "Method": [], "Dir": [], "Kappa": [], "±": [], "95%": [], "Units": [], } dt = Q_(self.timestep[0], "fs") ts = np.arange(self.M.shape[1]) * dt.m_as("ps") # Scale to ps ts = ts.tolist() # Get and plot the slopes of the Helfand moments slopes = [] xs = [] errs = [] fit0 = [] for i in range(6): slope, x, err = get_helfand_slope(self.M[i], ts, sigma=self.M_err[i]) slopes.append(slope) xs.append(x) errs.append(err) if i < 3: ( kappa, kappa_err, a, a_err, tau, tau_err, tf, yf, ) = fit_green_kubo_integral(slope, x, sigma=err) fit0.append( { "kappa": kappa, "stderr": kappa_err, "xs": tf, "ys": yf, "a": a, "a_err": a_err, "tau": tau, "tau_err": tau_err, } ) v, e = fmt_err(kappa, 2 * kappa_err) if style == "1-line": if i == 0: table["Run"].append(len(self.V)) alpha = self.tensor_labels[i][0] table["K" + alpha].append(v) table["e" + alpha].append(e) elif style == "full": table["Method"].append("Helfand Derivative" if i == 0 else "") table["Dir"].append(self.tensor_labels[i][0]) table["Kappa"].append(v) table["±"].append("±") table["95%"].append(e) table["Units"].append("W/m/K" if i == 0 else "") else: if style == "1-line": # blank the off-diagonals alpha = self.tensor_labels[i][0] table["K" + alpha].append("") table["e" + alpha].append("") figure = self.create_figure( module_path=("seamm",), template="line.graph_template", title="Helfand Derivatives", ) plot_helfand_slopes( figure, slopes, xs[0], err=errs, fit=fit0, labels=self.tensor_labels ) figure.grid_plots("Slope") # Write to disk filename = "HelfandDerivatives.graph" path = Path( / filename figure.dump(path) if "html" in self.options and self.options["html"]: path = path.with_suffix(".html") figure.template = "line.html_template" figure.dump(path) # Fit the slopes fit = [] for i in range(6): if i < len(fit0): start = max(fit0[i]["tau"]) * 3 else: start = 1 if start < 1: start = 1 if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug("\n\n\n**********************\n") self.logger.debug(f"{i=}") for v1, v2, v3 in zip(ts[0:9], self.M[i][0:9], self.M_err[i][0:9]): self.logger.debug(f" {v1:.3f} {v2:12.4e} {v3:12.4e}") self.logger.debug("...") for v1, v2, v3 in zip( ts[-9:-1], self.M[i][-9:-1], self.M_err[i][-9:-1] ): self.logger.debug(f" {v1:.3f} {v2:12.4e} {v3:12.4e}") self.logger.debug(f"{start=}") self.logger.debug("--------") self.logger.debug("") try: slope, err, xs, ys = fit_helfand_moment( self.M[i], ts, sigma=self.M_err[i], start=start, logger=self.logger ) fit.append( { "kappa": slope, "stderr": err, "xs": xs, "ys": ys, } ) v, e = fmt_err(slope, 2 * err) if style == "1-line": alpha = self.tensor_labels[i][0] table["K" + alpha].append(v) table["e" + alpha].append(e) elif style == "full": table["Method"].append("Helfand Moments" if i == 0 else "") table["Dir"].append(self.tensor_labels[i][0]) table["Kappa"].append(v) table["±"].append("±") table["95%"].append(e) table["Units"].append("W/m/K" if i == 0 else "") except Exception as e: logger.warning("The fit of the Helfand moments failed. Continuing...") logger.warning(e) self.plot_helfand_moment(self.M, ts, M_err=self.M_err, fit=fit) # Now for the Green-Kubo method dt = Q_(self.timestep[0], "fs") # Plot the correlation functions ts = (np.arange(self.Jcf.shape[1]) * dt.m_as("ps")).tolist() end = len(ts) // 4 self.plot_JJ_correlation(self.Jcf[:, :end], ts[:end], err=self.Jcf_err[:, :end]) # Fit the integrals to 1 - e(-tau/t0) ts = np.arange(self.GK_integral.shape[1]) * dt.m_as("ps") ts = ts.tolist() fit = [] for i in range(3): kappa, kappa_err, a, a_err, tau, tau_err, tf, yf = fit_green_kubo_integral( self.GK_integral[i], ts, sigma=self.GK_integral_err[i] ) fit.append( { "kappa": kappa, "stderr": kappa_err, "xs": tf, "ys": yf, "a": a, "a_err": a_err, "tau": tau, "tau_err": tau_err, } ) v, e = fmt_err(kappa, 2 * kappa_err) if style == "1-line": if i == 0: table["Run"].append("") alpha = self.tensor_labels[i][0] table["K" + alpha].append(v) table["e" + alpha].append(e) elif style == "full": table["Method"].append("Green-Kubo" if i == 0 else "") table["Dir"].append(self.tensor_labels[i][0]) table["Kappa"].append(v) table["±"].append("±") table["95%"].append(e) table["Units"].append("W/m/K" if i == 0 else "") for i in range(3, 6): alpha = self.tensor_labels[i][0] if style == "1-line": # blank the off-diagonals table["K" + alpha].append("") table["e" + alpha].append("") # Plot the Green-Kubo integrals self.plot_GK_integral(self.GK_integral, ts, err=self.GK_integral_err, fit=fit) # Print the table of results if style == "1-line": text = "" tmp = tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple_outline", disable_numparse=True, ) if len(self.V) == 2: length = len(tmp.splitlines()[0]) text += "\n" text += "Thermal Conductivity".center(length) text += "\n" text += "--------------------".center(length) text += "\n" text += "First line is the fit to Helfand derivative".center(length) text += "\n" text += "Second line is the slope of the Helfand moments".center(length) text += "\n" text += "Third line is the fit to Green-Kubo integral".center(length) text += "\n" text += "\n".join(tmp.splitlines()[0:-1]) else: if run is not None and run == P["nruns"]: text += "\n".join(tmp.splitlines()[-4:]) else: text += "\n".join(tmp.splitlines()[-4:-1]) printer.normal(__(text, indent=8 * " ", wrap=False, dedent=False)) else: text = "" tmp = tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple_outline", disable_numparse=True, colalign=( "center", "center", "decimal", "center", "decimal", "left", ), ) length = len(tmp.splitlines()[0]) text += "\n" text += "Thermal Conductivity".center(length) text += "\n" text += tmp text += "\n" printer.normal(__(text, indent=8 * " ", wrap=False, dedent=False))
[docs] def plot_GK_integral(self, x, ts, err=None, fit=None, filename="GK_integral.graph"): """Create a plot of the GK integrals and any fit to them. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The cumulative integrals ts : [float] List of times for the points, in ps err : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The standard errors of the integrals (optional) fit : The fit parameters for the integrals (optional) filename : str The filename to write """ figure = self.create_figure( module_path=("seamm",), template="line.graph_template", title="Green-Kubo Integrals", ) max_tau = 0 for i in range(3): tau = fit[i]["tau"][-1] if tau > max_tau: max_tau = tau if max_tau * 4 > ts[-1]: rng = None else: rng = [0, max_tau * 4] plot_GK_integrals( figure, x, ts, err=err, fit=fit, labels=self.tensor_labels, _range=rng ) figure.grid_plots("GKI") # Write to disk path = Path( / filename figure.dump(path) if "html" in self.options and self.options["html"]: path = path.with_suffix(".html") figure.template = "line.html_template" figure.dump(path)
[docs] def plot_helfand_moment( self, M, ts, M_err=None, fit=None, filename="HelfandMoments.graph" ): """Create a plot of the Helfand moments and any fit to them. Parameters ---------- M : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The Helfand moments. ts : [float] List of times for the points, in ps """ figure = self.create_figure( module_path=("seamm",), template="line.graph_template", title="Helfand Moments", ) plot_helfand_moments( figure, M, ts, err=M_err, fit=fit, labels=self.tensor_labels ) figure.grid_plots("M") # Write to disk path = Path( / filename figure.dump(path) if "html" in self.options and self.options["html"]: path = path.with_suffix(".html") figure.template = "line.html_template" figure.dump(path)
[docs] def plot_JJ_correlation(self, CCF, ts, err=None, fit=None, filename="JJ.graph"): """Create a plot of the orrelation functions and any fit to them. Parameters ---------- CCF : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The cross-correlation functions. ts : [float] List of times for the points, in ps err : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The standard errors of the CCF (optional) fit : The fit parameters for any fit of the CFF (optional) filename : str The filename to write """ figure = self.create_figure( module_path=("seamm",), template="line.graph_template", title="Heat Flux Correlation Functions", ) plot_correlation_functions( figure, CCF, ts, err=err, fit=fit, labels=self.tensor_labels ) figure.grid_plots("CCF") # Write to disk path = Path( / filename figure.dump(path) if "html" in self.options and self.options["html"]: path = path.with_suffix(".html") figure.template = "line.html_template" figure.dump(path)
[docs] def process_run(self, run, run_dir): """Get the heat fluxes from the run and do initial processing. Parameters ---------- run : int The run number run_dir : pathlib.Path The toplevel directory of the run. """ paths = sorted(run_dir.glob("**/heat_flux.trj")) if len(paths) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f"There is no heat flux data for run {run} in {run_dir}." ) elif len(paths) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot handle multiple HeatFlux files from run {run} in {run_dir}." ) # Process the trajectory data control_properties = lambda x: x not in ["tstep"] # noqa: E731 with paths[0].open() as fd: # Get the initial header line and check line = fd.readline() tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) < 3: raise RuntimeError(f"Bad header for {paths[0]}: {line}") if tmp[0] != "!MolSSI": raise RuntimeError(f"Not a MolSSI file? {paths[0]}: {line}") if tmp[1] != "trajectory": raise RuntimeError(f"Not a trajectory file? {paths[0]}: {line}") if tmp[2][0] != "2": raise RuntimeError( f"Can only handle version 2 trajectory files. {paths[0]}: {line}" ) metadata = json.loads(" ".join(tmp[3:])) data = pandas.read_csv( fd, sep=" ", header=0, comment="!", usecols=control_properties, index_col=None, ) dt = Q_(metadata["dt"], metadata["tunits"]) data = data.reset_index(drop=True) data.index *= dt.m_as("fs") Jx = data["Jx"].to_numpy() Jy = data["Jy"].to_numpy() Jz = data["Jz"].to_numpy() J = np.stack((Jx, Jy, Jz)) # Get the state function V & T path = paths[0].parent / "state.json" if path.exists(): with as fd: state = json.load(fd) T = state["T"]["mean"] if "V" in state: V = state["V"]["mean"] else: _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() V = configuration.volume self.V.append(V) self.T.append(T) else: self.V.append(None) self.T.append(None) self.timestep.append(dt.magnitude) # We need properties like the temperature and volume. T = Q_(T, "K") V = Q_(V, "Å^3") k_B = Q_("k_B") Jsq = Q_("W^2/m^4") # Limit the lengths of the data n = J.shape[1] m = min(n // 10, 10000) # Create the Helfand moments constants = Jsq * V * dt**2 / (2 * k_B * T**2) M = create_helfand_moments(J, m=m) * constants.m_as("W/m/K*ps") self.Ms.append(M) # And correlation functions for Green-Kubo method constants = V / (k_B * T**2) * Jsq * dt Jcf, integral = create_correlation_functions(J, m=m) self.Jcfs.append(Jcf) self.GK_integrals.append(integral * constants.m_as("W/m/K")) # Merge the results and get the averages and errors tmp = np.stack(self.Ms) self.M = np.average(tmp, axis=0) self.M_err = np.std(tmp, axis=0) tmp = np.stack(self.Jcfs) self.Jcf = np.average(tmp, axis=0) self.Jcf_err = np.std(tmp, axis=0) tmp = np.stack(self.GK_integrals) self.GK_integral = np.average(tmp, axis=0) self.GK_integral_err = np.std(tmp, axis=0)
[docs] def set_id(self, node_id=()): """Sequentially number the subnodes""" self.logger.debug("Setting ids for subflowchart {}".format(self)) if self.visited: return None else: self.visited = True self._id = node_id self.set_subids(self._id) return
[docs] def set_subids(self, node_id=()): """Set the ids of the nodes in the subflowchart""" node = self.subflowchart.get_node("1").next() n = 1 while node is not None: node = node.set_id((*node_id, str(n))) n += 1