Source code for thermal_conductivity_step.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Routines to help do Green-Kubo and Helfand moments analysis."""
import logging
import pprint
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, OptimizeWarning
import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as stattools

logger = logging.getLogger("thermal_conductivity")

tensor_labels = [
    ("xx", "red", "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)"),
    ("yy", "green", "rgba(0,255,0,0.1)"),
    ("zz", "blue", "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)"),
    ("xy", "rgb(127,127,0)", "rgba(127,127,0,0.1)"),
    ("xz", "rgb(255,0,255)", "rgba(255,0,255,0.1)"),
    ("yz", "rgb(0,255,255)", "rgba(0,255,255,0.1)"),
a1 = 0
tau1 = 0

[docs] def moving_average(a, n): ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float) ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n] return ret[n - 1 :] / n
[docs] def frequencies(data): ps = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(data)) ** 2 # time_step = 1 / 100 freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(data.size) idx = np.argsort(freqs) for i in idx[0:500]: print(f"{freqs[i]:.4f} {ps[i]:12.0f}")
[docs] def exp_1(t, a, tau): return a * (1 - np.exp(-t / tau))
[docs] def exp_1a(t, a2, tau2): global a1, tau1 return a1 * (1 - np.exp(-t / tau1)) + a2 * (1 - np.exp(-t / tau2))
[docs] def exp_2(t, a1, tau1, a2, tau2): return a1 * (1 - np.exp(-t / tau1)) + a2 * (1 - np.exp(-t / tau2))
[docs] def axb(x, a, b): return a * x + b
[docs] def fit_h(x, a, b, tau): return a * (tau * np.exp(-x / tau) + x) + b
[docs] def acf_err(acf): """The standard error of the autocorrelation function. Copied from statsmodels.tsa.stattools.acf """ nobs = acf.shape[0] varacf = np.ones_like(acf) / nobs varacf[0] = 0 varacf[1] = 1.0 / nobs varacf[2:] *= 1 + 2 * np.cumsum(acf[1:-1] ** 2) std = np.sqrt(varacf) return std
[docs] def ccf_err(acf1, acf2): """The standard error of crosscorrelation functions. Copied from statsmodels.tsa.stattools.acf """ nobs = acf1.shape[0] varccf = np.ones_like(acf1) / nobs varccf[0] = 0 varccf[1] = 1.0 / nobs varccf[2:] *= 1 + 2 * np.cumsum(acf1[1:-1] * acf2[1:-1]) std = np.sqrt(varccf) return std
[docs] def create_correlation_functions(J, m=None): """Create the correlation functions of the heat fluxes. Parameters ---------- J : numpy.ndarray(3, n) The heat fluxes in x, y, and z Returns ------- numpy.ndarray(6, n) The correlation functions """ if m is None: m = J.shape[1] ccf = np.zeros((6, m)) integral = np.zeros((6, m)) ccf[0] = stattools.ccovf(J[0], J[0])[:m] ccf[1] = stattools.ccovf(J[1], J[1])[:m] ccf[2] = stattools.ccovf(J[2], J[2])[:m] ccf[3] = stattools.ccovf(J[0], J[1])[:m] ccf[4] = stattools.ccovf(J[0], J[2])[:m] ccf[5] = stattools.ccovf(J[1], J[2])[:m] integral[0] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[0], initial=0.0) integral[1] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[1], initial=0.0) integral[2] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[2], initial=0.0) integral[3] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[3], initial=0.0) integral[4] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[4], initial=0.0) integral[5] = cumulative_trapezoid(ccf[5], initial=0.0) return ccf, integral
[docs] def create_helfand_moments(J, m=None): """Create the Helfand moments from heat fluxes. Parameters ---------- J : numpy.ndarray(3, n) The heat fluxes in x, y, and z m : int The length of the Helfand moments wanted Returns ------- numpy.ndarray(6, m) The Helfand moments """ n = J.shape[1] if m is None: m = min(n // 20, 10000) M = np.zeros((6, m)) for i in range(n - m): Ix = cumulative_trapezoid(J[0, i : m + i], initial=0.0) Iy = cumulative_trapezoid(J[1, i : m + i], initial=0.0) Iz = cumulative_trapezoid(J[2, i : m + i], initial=0.0) M[0, :] += Ix * Ix M[1, :] += Iy * Iy M[2, :] += Iz * Iz M[3, :] += Ix * Iy M[4, :] += Ix * Iz M[5, :] += Iy * Iz M /= n - m return M
[docs] def fit_green_kubo_integral(y, xs, sigma=None): """Find the best a * (1 - exp(-tau/t)) form. Parameters ---------- y : [float] or numpy.ndarray() The integral of the correlation functions xs : [float] The time (x) coordinate sigma : [float] or numpy.ndarray() Optional standard error of y Returns ------- a : [float] The list of coefficients tau : [float] The time constants a_err : [float] The standard error of the coefficients. tau_err : [float] The standard error of the time constants n : int The point in the x (time) vector that is 3*tau """ # frequencies(y) dx = xs[1] - xs[0] width = int(0.4 / dx) ma = moving_average(y, width) # Find the initial, steep rise. Ignore first couple points. for i in range(2, len(ma) // 2): if ma[i] > 0.9 * ma[i + width]: break npts = i + width tau_guess = xs[npts] a_guess = ma[i] npts *= 20 if 2 * npts > y.size: npts = y.size // 2 sigma0 = sigma + np.average(sigma[0 : y.size // 10]) # First fit with single exponential with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", OptimizeWarning) popt1, pcov1, infodict1, msg1, ierr1 = curve_fit( exp_1, xs[1:npts], y[1:npts], full_output=True, sigma=sigma0[1:npts], absolute_sigma=True, p0=[a_guess, tau_guess], ) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov1)).tolist() a1 = popt1[0] tau1 = popt1[1] # find a range for the next fit to keep it a "good" part of the data i_min = int(tau1 / dx / 2) # tau / 2 i_max = int(tau1 / dx * 20) # 20 * tau1 # And add a second exponential try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", OptimizeWarning) popt, pcov, infodict, msg, ierr = curve_fit( exp_2, xs[i_min:i_max], y[i_min:i_max], full_output=True, sigma=sigma[i_min:i_max], absolute_sigma=True, p0=[a1, tau1, 0.1 * a1, 5 * tau1], ) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)).tolist() a = [popt[0], popt[2]] a_err = [err[0], err[2]] tau = [popt[1], popt[3]] tau_err = [err[1], err[3]] kappa = a[0] + a[1] kappa_err = a_err[0] + a_err[1] if kappa < 0 or abs(kappa) > 2 * abs(a1): # Shouldn't change this much! err = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov1)).tolist() a = [popt1[0]] a_err = [err[0]] tau = [popt1[1]] tau_err = [err[1]] kappa = a[0] kappa_err = a_err[0] except Exception: err = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov1)).tolist() a = [popt1[0]] a_err = [err[0]] tau = [popt1[1]] tau_err = [err[1]] kappa = a[0] kappa_err = a_err[0] # Find point for 3 * tau tmp = max(tau) nf = int(tmp / dx) * 20 if nf > len(xs): nf = len(xs) fy = [] if len(a) == 1: for t in xs[1:nf]: fy.append(exp_1(t, a[0], tau[0])) else: for t in xs[1:nf]: fy.append(exp_2(t, a[0], tau[0], a[1], tau[1])) return kappa, kappa_err, a, a_err, tau, tau_err, xs[1:nf], fy
[docs] def fit_helfand_moment(y, xs, sigma=None, start=1, logger=logger): """Find the best linear fit to longest possible segment. Parameters ---------- y : [float] or numpy.ndarray() The Helfand moment xs : [float] The time (x) coordinate sigma : [float] or numpy.ndarray() Optional standard error of y Returns ------- slope : float The fit slope. stderr : float The 95% standard error of the slope xs : [float] The x values (time) for the fit curve ys : [float] The y values for the fit curve. """ dx = xs[1] - xs[0] # We know the curves curve near the origin, so ignore the first part i = int(start / dx) if i > len(y): i = len(y) // 2 popt, pcov, infodict, msg, ierr = curve_fit( axb, xs[i:], y[i:], full_output=True, sigma=sigma[i:], absolute_sigma=True, ) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("") logger.debug(f"{popt=}") logger.debug(f"{pcov=}") logger.debug(pprint.pformat(infodict, compact=True)) logger.debug(f"{msg=}") logger.debug(f"{ierr=}") slope = float(popt[0]) b = float(popt[1]) err = float(np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)[0])) ys = [] for x in xs[i:]: ys.append(axb(x, slope, b)) return slope, err, xs[i:], ys
[docs] def get_helfand_slope(y, xs, sigma=None): """Get the instantaneous slope of the Helfand moments Parameters ---------- y : [float] or numpy.ndarray() The Helfand moment xs : [float] The time (x) coordinate sigma : [float] or numpy.ndarray() Optional standard error of y Returns ------- slope : float The fit slope. stderr : float The 95% standard error of the slope xs : [float] The x values (time) for the fit curve ys : [float] The y values for the fit curve. """ n = len(y) dx = xs[1] - xs[0] slope = np.zeros_like(y) slope[2:] = (y[2:] - y[0 : n - 2]) / (2 * dx) new_x = xs new_sigma = np.zeros_like(y) new_sigma[2:] = sigma[2:] + sigma[0 : n - 2] new_sigma[0] = new_sigma[3] new_sigma[1] = new_sigma[3] return slope, new_x, new_sigma
[docs] def plot_correlation_functions( figure, CCF, ts, err=None, fit=None, labels=tensor_labels ): """Create a plot for the heat flux cross-correlation functions. Parameters ---------- figure : seamm_util.Figure The figure that contains the plots. CCF : numpy.mdarray(6, m) The cross-correlation functions in W^2/m^4 ts : [float] The times associated with the CCF, in ps err : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The standard errors of the CCF (optional) fit : The fit parameters for any fit of the CFF (optional) """ plot = figure.add_plot("CCF") x_axis = plot.add_axis("x", label="t (ps)") y_axis = plot.add_axis("y", label="J0Jt (W^2/m^4)", anchor=x_axis) x_axis.anchor = y_axis for i, tmp in enumerate(labels): label, color, colora = tmp if fit is not None: hover = f"{label} = {fit[i]['kappa']:.3f} ± {fit[i]['stderr']:.3f} W/m/K" plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"fit{label}", hovertemplate=hover, x=fit[i]["xs"], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=fit[i]["ys"], ylabel=f"fit{label}", yunits="W/m/K*ps", color=color, dash="dash", width=3, ) if err is not None: errs = np.concatenate((CCF[i] + err[i], CCF[i, ::-1] - err[i, ::-1])) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f{label}", x=ts + ts[::-1], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=errs.tolist(), ylabel=f{label}", yunits="W^2/m^4", color=colora, fill="toself", visible="legendonly", ) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"J0Jt{label}", x=ts, xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=CCF[i].tolist(), ylabel=f"J0Jt{label}", yunits="W^2/m^4", color=color, ) return plot
[docs] def plot_GK_integrals( figure, x, ts, err=None, fit=None, labels=tensor_labels, _range=None ): """Create a plot of the Green-Kubo integrals Parameters ---------- figure : seamm_util.Figure The figure that contains the plots. x : numpy.mdarray(6, m) The cumulative integrals in W/m/K ts : [float] The times associated with the integrals, in ps err : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The standard errors of the integrals (optional) fit : The fit parameters for any fit of the CFF (optional) _range : [float] The range of the x-axis in terms of units in x. """ plot = figure.add_plot("GKI") x_axis = plot.add_axis("x", label="t (ps)") y_axis = plot.add_axis("y", label="Kappa (W/m/K)", anchor=x_axis) x_axis.anchor = y_axis if _range is not None: x_axis["range"] = _range for i, tmp in enumerate(labels): label, color, colora = tmp if fit is not None and i < len(fit): hover = f"{label} = {fit[i]['kappa']:.3f} ± {fit[i]['stderr']:.3f} W/m/K" plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"fit{label}", hovertemplate=hover, x=fit[i]["xs"], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=fit[i]["ys"], ylabel=f"fit{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=color, dash="dash", width=3, ) if err is not None: errs = np.concatenate((x[i] + err[i], x[i, ::-1] - err[i, ::-1])) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f{label}", x=ts + ts[::-1], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=errs.tolist(), ylabel=f{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=colora, fill="toself", visible="legendonly", ) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"K{label}", x=ts, xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=x[i].tolist(), ylabel=f"K{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=color, ) return plot
[docs] def plot_helfand_moments(figure, M, ts, err=None, fit=None, labels=tensor_labels): """Create a plot for the Helfand moments. Parameters ---------- figure : seamm_util.Figure The figure that contains the plots. M : numpy.mdarray(6, m) The Helfand moments, in W/m/K*ps ts : [float] The times associated with the moments, in ps """ plot = figure.add_plot("M") x_axis = plot.add_axis("x", label="Time (ps)") y_axis = plot.add_axis("y", label="M (W/m/K*ps)", anchor=x_axis) x_axis.anchor = y_axis for i, tmp in enumerate(labels): label, color, colora = tmp if fit is not None: hover = f{label} = {fit[i]['kappa']:.3f} ± {fit[i]['stderr']:.3f} W/m/K" plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"fit{label}", hovertemplate=hover, x=fit[i]["xs"], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=fit[i]["ys"], ylabel=f"fit{label}", yunits="W/m/K*ps", color=color, dash="dash", width=3, ) if err is not None: errs = np.concatenate((M[i] + err[i], M[i, ::-1] - err[i, ::-1])) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f{label}", x=ts + ts[::-1], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=errs.tolist(), ylabel=f{label}", yunits="W/m/K*ps", color=colora, fill="toself", visible="legendonly", ) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"M{label}", x=ts, xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=M[i, :].tolist(), ylabel=f"M{label}", yunits="W/m/K*ps", color=color, ) return plot
[docs] def plot_helfand_slopes( figure, x, ts, err=None, fit=None, labels=tensor_labels, _range=None ): """Create a plot of the slope of the Helfand moments Parameters ---------- figure : seamm_util.Figure The figure that contains the plots. x : numpy.mdarray(6, m) The slope in W/m/K ts : [float] The times associated with the points, in ps err : numpy.ndarray(6, m) The standard errors of the points (optional) fit : The fit parameters for any fit of the slope (optional) _range : [float] The range of the x-axis in terms of units in x. """ plot = figure.add_plot("Slope") x_axis = plot.add_axis("x", label="t (ps)") y_axis = plot.add_axis("y", label="Kappa (W/m/K)", anchor=x_axis) x_axis.anchor = y_axis if _range is not None: x_axis["range"] = _range for i, tmp in enumerate(labels): label, color, colora = tmp if fit is not None and i < len(fit): hover = f"{label} = {fit[i]['kappa']:.3f} ± {fit[i]['stderr']:.3f} W/m/K" plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"fit{label}", hovertemplate=hover, x=fit[i]["xs"], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=fit[i]["ys"], ylabel=f"fit{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=color, dash="dash", width=3, ) if err is not None: errs = np.concatenate((x[i] + err[i], x[i][::-1] - err[i][::-1])) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f{label}", x=ts + ts[::-1], xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=errs.tolist(), ylabel=f{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=colora, fill="toself", visible="legendonly", ) plot.add_trace( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, name=f"K{label}", x=ts, xlabel="t", xunits="ps", y=x[i].tolist(), ylabel=f"K{label}", yunits="W/m/K", color=color, ) return plot