Source code for read_structure_step.tk_write_structure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The graphical part of a Write Structure step"""

from pathlib import PurePath
import pprint  # noqa: F401
import tkinter as tk

from .formats.registries import get_format_metadata
import seamm
from seamm_util import ureg, Q_, units_class  # noqa: F401
import seamm_widgets as sw

[docs] class TkWriteStructure(seamm.TkNode): """The graphical part of a Write Structure step in a flowchart.""" def __init__( self, tk_flowchart=None, node=None, canvas=None, x=None, y=None, w=200, h=50 ): """Initialize a graphical node Keyword arguments: tk_flowchart: The graphical flowchart that we are in. node: The non-graphical node for this step. namespace: The stevedore namespace for finding sub-nodes. canvas: The Tk canvas to draw on. x: The x position of the nodes cetner on the canvas. y: The y position of the nodes cetner on the canvas. w: The nodes graphical width, in pixels. h: The nodes graphical height, in pixels. """ self.dialog = None super().__init__( tk_flowchart=tk_flowchart, node=node, canvas=canvas, x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h )
[docs] def create_dialog(self): """Create a dialog for editing the control parameters""" frame = super().create_dialog("Write Structure Step") # Create the widgets P = self.node.parameters for key in P: self[key] = P[key].widget(frame) # Set bindings for name in ("file", "file type"): combobox = self[name].combobox combobox.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.reset_dialog) combobox.bind("<Return>", self.reset_dialog) combobox.bind("<FocusOut>", self.reset_dialog) # and lay the widgets out self.reset_dialog()
[docs] def reset_dialog(self, widget=None): """Layout the widgets in the dialog This initial function simply lays them out row by rows with aligned labels. You may wish a more complicated layout that is controlled by values of some of the control parameters. """ # Remove any widgets previously packed frame = self["frame"] for slave in frame.grid_slaves(): slave.grid_forget() # What type of file? extension = "" filename = self["file"].get().strip() file_type = self["file type"].get() if self.is_expr(filename) or self.is_expr(file_type): extension = "all" else: if file_type != "from extension": extension = file_type.split()[0] else: if filename != "": path = PurePath(filename) extension = path.suffix if extension == ".gz": extension = path.with_suffix("").suffix # Get the metadata for the format metadata = get_format_metadata(extension) # and put the correct ones back in. row = 0 widgets = [] for item in ("file", "file type"): self[item].grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.EW) widgets.append(self[item]) row += 1 sw.align_labels(widgets) items = [] if extension == "all" or not metadata["single_structure"]: items.append("structures") items.append("configurations") items.append("ignore missing") items.append("number per file") items.append("remove hydrogens") if len(items) > 0: widgets = [] for item in items: self[item].grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=tk.EW) widgets.append(self[item]) row += 1 sw.align_labels(widgets) # Set the widths and expansion frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
[docs] def right_click(self, event): """Probably need to add our dialog...""" super().right_click(event) self.popup_menu.add_command(label="Edit..", command=self.edit) self.popup_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)