Source code for read_structure_step.formats.openbabel_io.obabel

"""Implementation of the chemical file reader/write using Open Babel

from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import string
import subprocess

from openbabel import openbabel

if "OpenBabel_version" not in globals():
    OpenBabel_version = None

# Get the list of file formats from Open Babel
obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion()
known_input_formats = obConversion.GetSupportedInputFormat()
known_output_formats = obConversion.GetSupportedOutputFormat()
del obConversion

[docs] def load_file( path, configuration, extension=".sdf", add_hydrogens=True, system_db=None, system=None, indices="1:end", subsequent_as_configurations=False, system_name="Canonical SMILES", configuration_name="sequential", printer=None, references=None, bibliography=None, **kwargs, ): """Use Open Babel for reading any of the formats it supports. See for a description of the format. This function is using Open Babel to handle the file, so trusts that Open Babel knows what it is doing. Parameters ---------- file_name : str or Path The path to the file, as either a string or Path. configuration : molsystem.Configuration The configuration to put the imported structure into. extension : str, optional, default: None The extension, including initial dot, defining the format. add_hydrogens : bool = True Whether to add any missing hydrogen atoms. system_db : System_DB = None The system database, used if multiple structures in the file. system : System = None The system to use if adding subsequent structures as configurations. indices : str = "1:end" The generalized indices (slices, SMARTS, etc.) to select structures from a file containing multiple structures. subsequent_as_configurations : bool = False Normally and subsequent structures are loaded into new systems; however, if this option is True, they will be added as configurations. system_name : str = "from file" The name for systems. Can be directives like "SMILES" or "Canonical SMILES". If None, no name is given. configuration_name : str = "sequential" The name for configurations. Can be directives like "SMILES" or "Canonical SMILES". If None, no name is given. printer : Logger or Printer A function that prints to the appropriate place, used for progress. references : ReferenceHandler = None The reference handler object or None bibliography : dict The bibliography as a dictionary. Returns ------- [Configuration] The list of configurations created. """ global OpenBabel_version if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) path.expanduser().resolve() obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats(extension.lstrip("."), "smi") obMol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadFile(obMol, str(path)) if add_hydrogens: obMol.AddHydrogens() configuration.from_OBMol(obMol) # Set the system name if system_name is not None and system_name != "": lower_name = system_name.lower() if "from file" in lower_name: = obMol.GetTitle() elif "canonical smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.canonical_smiles elif "smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.smiles else: = system_name # And the configuration name if configuration_name is not None and configuration_name != "": lower_name = configuration_name.lower() if "from file" in lower_name: = obMol.GetTitle() elif "canonical smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.canonical_smiles elif "smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.smiles elif lower_name == "sequential": = "1" else: = configuration_name if references: # Add the citations for Open Babel references.cite( raw=bibliography["openbabel"], alias="openbabel_jcinf", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle Open Babel citation.", ) # See if we can get the version of obabel if OpenBabel_version is None: path = shutil.which("obabel") if path is not None: path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() try: result = [str(path), "--version"], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, text=True, ) except Exception: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" else: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 9 and tmp[0] == "Open": OpenBabel_version = { "version": tmp[2], "month": tmp[4], "year": tmp[6], } break if isinstance(OpenBabel_version, dict): try: template = string.Template(bibliography["obabel"]) citation = template.substitute( month=OpenBabel_version["month"], version=OpenBabel_version["version"], year=OpenBabel_version["year"], ) references.cite( raw=citation, alias="obabel-exe", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle citation for the Open Babel executables.", ) except Exception: pass return [configuration]
[docs] def write_file( path, configurations, extension=".sdf", remove_hydrogens="no", printer=None, references=None, bibliography=None, **kwargs, ): """Use Open Babel for reading any of the formats it supports. See for a description of the format. This function is using Open Babel to handle the file, so trusts that Open Babel knows what it is doing. Parameters ---------- file_name : str or Path The path to the file, as either a string or Path. configurations : [molsystem.Configuration] The configurations to write -- should be one for this module extension : str, optional, default: None The extension, including initial dot, defining the format. remove_hydrogens : str = "no" Whether to remove any hydrogen atoms before writing the file. printer : Logger or Printer A function that prints to the appropriate place, used for progress. references : ReferenceHandler = None The reference handler object or None bibliography : dict The bibliography as a dictionary. Returns ------- [Configuration] The list of configurations created. """ global OpenBabel_version if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) path.expanduser().resolve() obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", extension.lstrip(".")) configuration = configurations[0] system = configuration.system obMol = configuration.to_OBMol() title = f"{}/{}" obMol.SetTitle(title) if remove_hydrogens == "nonpolar": obMol.DeleteNonPolarHydrogens() elif remove_hydrogens == "all": obMol.DeleteHydrogens() obMol.SetTitle(f"{}/{}") obConversion.WriteFile(obMol, str(path)) if references: # Add the citations for Open Babel references.cite( raw=bibliography["openbabel"], alias="openbabel_jcinf", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle Open Babel citation.", ) # See if we can get the version of obabel if OpenBabel_version is None: path = shutil.which("obabel") if path is not None: path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() try: result = [str(path), "--version"], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, text=True, ) except Exception: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" else: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 9 and tmp[0] == "Open": OpenBabel_version = { "version": tmp[2], "month": tmp[4], "year": tmp[6], } break if isinstance(OpenBabel_version, dict): try: template = string.Template(bibliography["obabel"]) citation = template.substitute( month=OpenBabel_version["month"], version=OpenBabel_version["version"], year=OpenBabel_version["year"], ) references.cite( raw=citation, alias="obabel-exe", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle citation for the Open Babel executables.", ) except Exception: pass return [configuration]