Source code for read_structure_step.formats.mop.obabel

Implementation of the reader for XYZ files using OpenBabel

import os
import sys
import threading
import time

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import string
import subprocess

from openbabel import openbabel
from read_structure_step.formats.registries import register_reader
import seamm
from seamm_util import Q_
from .find_mopac import find_mopac

if "OpenBabel_version" not in globals():
    OpenBabel_version = None

logger = logging.getLogger("read_structure_step.read_structure")

metadata = {
    "CP": "constant pressure heat capacity#experiment",
    "CPR": "reference.constant pressure heat capacity#experiment",
    "D": "dipole moment#experiment",
    "DR": "dipole moment.reference#experiment",
    "H": "enthalpy of formation#experiment",
    "HR": "enthalpy of formation.reference#experiment",
    "S": "entropy#experiment",
    "SR": "entropy.reference#experiment",
    "I": "ionization energy#experiment",
    "IE": "ionization energy#experiment",
    "IA": "ionization energy#experiment",
    "IR": "ionization energy.reference#experiment",
    "GR": "geometry.reference#experiment",
multiplicities = {
    "SINGLET": 1,
    "DOUBLET": 2,
    "TRIPLET": 3,
    "QUARTET": 4,
    "QUINTET": 5,
    "SEXTET": 6,
    "SEPTET": 7,
    "OCTET": 8,
    "NONET": 9,

[docs] class OutputGrabber(object): """Class used to grab standard output or another stream. see # noqa: E501 """ escape_char = "\b" def __init__(self, stream=None, threaded=False): self.origstream = stream self.threaded = threaded if self.origstream is None: self.origstream = sys.stdout self.origstreamfd = self.origstream.fileno() self.capturedtext = "" # Create a pipe so the stream can be captured: self.pipe_out, self.pipe_in = os.pipe() def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.stop()
[docs] def start(self): """ Start capturing the stream data. """ self.capturedtext = "" # Save a copy of the stream: self.streamfd = os.dup(self.origstreamfd) # Replace the original stream with our write pipe: os.dup2(self.pipe_in, self.origstreamfd) if self.threaded: # Start thread that will read the stream: self.workerThread = threading.Thread(target=self.readOutput) self.workerThread.start() # Make sure that the thread is running and has executed: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop capturing the stream data and save the text in `capturedtext`. """ # Print the escape character to make the readOutput method stop: self.origstream.write(self.escape_char) # Flush the stream to make sure all our data goes in before # the escape character: self.origstream.flush() if self.threaded: # wait until the thread finishes so we are sure that # we have until the last character: self.workerThread.join() else: self.readOutput() # Close the pipe: os.close(self.pipe_in) os.close(self.pipe_out) # Restore the original stream: os.dup2(self.streamfd, self.origstreamfd) # Close the duplicate stream: os.close(self.streamfd)
[docs] def readOutput(self): """ Read the stream data (one byte at a time) and save the text in `capturedtext`. """ while True: char =, 1).decode(self.origstream.encoding) if not char or self.escape_char in char: break self.capturedtext += char
def _find_charge(regex, input_file): text =, input_file) if text is not None: return def _find_standard(regex, input_file): text =, input_file) if text is not None: return def _find_field(regex, input_file): text =, input_file) if text is not None: return (,, def _find_open(regex, input_file): text =, input_file) if text is not None: return (, extras = { "structure": { "net_charge": { "regex": r"(CHARGE=)([\+\-]?\d)", "find": _find_charge, "value": None, }, "field": { "regex": ( r"FIELD=\(([-+]?\d+(\.\d+(e[-+]\d+)?)?)\,([-+]?\d+" r"(\.\d+(e[-+]\d+)?)?)\,([-+]?\d+(\.\d+(e[-+]\d+)?" r")?)\)" ), "find": _find_field, "value": None, }, "open": { "regex": r"(OPEN\()(\d+)\,\s*(\d+)\)", "find": _find_open, "value": None, }, }, } obabel_error_identifiers = ["0 molecules converted"] @register_reader(".mop") def load_mop( file_name, configuration, extension=".mop", add_hydrogens=True, system_db=None, system=None, indices="1:end", subsequent_as_configurations=False, system_name="Canonical SMILES", configuration_name="sequential", printer=None, references=None, bibliography=None, save_data=True, **kwargs, ): """Read a MOPAC input file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str or Path The path to the file, as either a string or Path. configuration : molsystem.Configuration The configuration to put the imported structure into. We'll use OpenBabel to read the file; however, OpenBabel is somewhat limited, so we'll first preprocess the file to extract extra data and also to fit it to the format that OpenBabel can handle. """ global OpenBabel_version # Get the text in the file if isinstance(file_name, str): path = Path(file_name) else: path = file_name path.expanduser().resolve() lines = iter(path.read_text().splitlines()) # Work through the file capturing data and also reformatting as needed. text = [] # The file may have comments at the beginning or interspersed. The first non-comment # line is keywords, followed by two lines of description. Conventionally the first # line of description is a title. # # The keyword line may be extended in one of two ways. If there is an '&' keyword # in the first line of keywords, the second line contains keywords rather than # description. If that second line contains an '&', then the third line is also # taken as keywords, leaving no description lines. # # If the keyword line contains a '+' keyword, the next line is also considered to be # keywords, but in this case the number of description lines following the keyword # lines is unchanged. # # Finally, the MOPAC test data usually has three comment lines to start, with a # single number on the second line, which is the heat of formation calculated by # MOPAC. If this format is found the HOF is captured. kcal2kJ = Q_(1, "kcal").m_as("kJ") run_mopac = False keywords = [] description_lines = [] energy = None geometry_lines = [] raw_geometry_lines = [] line_no = 0 comment_lines = 0 n_description_lines = 2 section = "keywords" for line in lines: line_no += 1 line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "*": comment_lines += 1 if line_no == 2 and comment_lines == 2 and len(line.split()) == 2: try: tmp_energy = float(line.split()[1]) except ValueError: pass else: energy = tmp_energy else: if section == "keywords": tmp = line.split() keywords.extend(tmp) if "&" in tmp: n_description_lines -= 1 elif "+" in tmp: pass else: if n_description_lines > 0: section = "description" else: section = "geometry" elif section == "description": description_lines.append(line) n_description_lines -= 1 if n_description_lines == 0: section = "geometry" elif section == "geometry": if line == "": break raw_geometry_lines.append(line) # The element may have () after... line = re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "", line) # Look for dummy atoms if line.split()[0] in ("X", "XX", "99"): run_mopac = True geometry_lines.append(line) # Sort out if the geometry looks like internals. Note that there may be a charge at # the end of each line. n_atoms = len(geometry_lines) # Need to know if the first atoms coordinates are zero ... which are the default # for missing values. Anyway, put default values into first line, treating as # Cartesians for time being. x0 = y0 = z0 = 0.0 tmp = geometry_lines[0].split() el0 = tmp[0] if len(tmp) >= 6: z0 = float(tmp[5]) if len(tmp) >= 4: y0 = float(tmp[3]) if len(tmp) >= 2: x0 = float(tmp[1]) geometry_lines[0] = f"{el0} {x0} 0 {y0} 0 {z0} 0" if n_atoms == 1: internals = False elif n_atoms > 2: internals = None for index, line in enumerate(geometry_lines[2:], 2): tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) > 7: if len(tmp) >= 9: if index == 2: if "0" in tmp[7:9]: geometry_lines[index] = " ".join(tmp[0:7]) elif "0" in tmp[7:10]: geometry_lines[index] = " ".join(tmp[0:7]) else: internals = True else: if internals is None: internals = False if internals is None: internals = True else: tmp = geometry_lines[1].split() if len(tmp) > 7: if tmp[7] == 1 or tmp[7] == 0: internals = True else: internals = False else: internals = False if n_atoms > 1: tmp = geometry_lines[1].split() x = y = z = 0.0 el1 = tmp[0] if len(tmp) >= 6: z = float(tmp[5]) if len(tmp) >= 4: y = float(tmp[3]) if len(tmp) >= 2: x = float(tmp[1]) if internals: geometry_lines[1] = f"{el1} {x} 1 {y} 0 {z} 0 1 0 0" else: geometry_lines[1] = f"{el1} {x} 1 {y} 0 {z} 0" if internals: # Add connectivity to first atom since OpenBabel requires geometry_lines[0] += " 0 0 0" else: # In Cartesians, OpenBabel requires 7 items per line for i in range(len(geometry_lines)): tmp = geometry_lines[i].split() el = tmp[0] x = y = z = 0.0 if len(tmp) >= 6: z = float(tmp[5]) if len(tmp) >= 4: y = float(tmp[3]) if len(tmp) >= 2: x = float(tmp[1]) geometry_lines[i] = f"{el} {x} 1 {y} 0 {z} 0" # Reassemble an input file. text = ["0SCF", "title", "description"] text.extend(geometry_lines) # An empty line denotes end of input, but OpenBabel requires a blank in the line text.append(" ") if internals:"Using internal coordinates for {file_name}") else:"Using Cartesians coordinates for {file_name}") input_data = "\n".join(text)"Input data:\n\n{input_data}\n") # Now try to convert using OpenBabel out = OutputGrabber(sys.stderr) with out: obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() if internals: obConversion.SetInFormat("mopin") else: obConversion.SetInFormat("mopcrt") obMol = openbabel.OBMol() try: if run_mopac: raise RuntimeError("Forcing use of MOPAC output") success = obConversion.ReadString(obMol, input_data) if not success: raise RuntimeError("obConversion failed") except Exception:"**** falling back to MOPAC") # Try using a MOPAC output file instead. Works for e.g. mixed coordinates mopac_exe = find_mopac() if mopac_exe is None: raise FileNotFoundError("The MOPAC executable could not be found") # Create an input file text = ["0SCF", "title", "description"] text.extend(raw_geometry_lines) # An empty line denotes end of input text.append(" ") files = {"mopac.dat": "\n".join(text)} logger.debug(f"MOPAC input file:\n\n{files['mopac.dat']}\n") local = seamm.ExecLocal() result = cmd=[mopac_exe, "mopac.dat"], files=files, return_files=["mopac.out"] ) if result["mopac.out"]["data"] is None: raise RuntimeError("MOPAC failed: " + result["mopac.out"]["exception"]) text = result["mopac.out"]["data"] logger.debug(f"MOPAC output:\n\n{text}\n") obConversion.SetInFormat("mopout") success = obConversion.ReadString(obMol, text) if not success: raise RuntimeError("Could not process MOPAC file") if add_hydrogens: obMol.AddHydrogens() configuration.from_OBMol(obMol) # Check any stderr information from obabel. if out.capturedtext != "": tmp = out.capturedtext if "Failed to kekulize aromatic bonds in OBMol::PerceiveBondOrders" not in tmp: logger.warning(tmp) # Record the charge, and the spin state charge = 0 for keyword in keywords: if "CHARGE=" in keyword: charge = int(float(keyword.split("=")[1].strip())) break configuration.charge = charge n_active_electrons = None n_active_orbitals = None multiplicity = None for keyword in keywords: if keyword in multiplicities: multiplicity = multiplicities[keyword] elif "MS=" in keyword: try: multiplicity = int(2 * float(keyword.split("=")[1].strip())) + 1 except Exception: ValueError(f"Error with multiplicity: '{keyword}'") elif keyword == "BIRADICAL": multiplicity = 1 n_active_electrons = 2 n_active_orbitals = 2 elif "OPEN(" in keyword or "OPEN=(" in keyword: tmp = keyword.split("(")[1].rstrip(")") n_active_electrons, n_active_orbitals = tmp.split(",") elif "ROOT=" in keyword: tmp = keyword.split("=") configuration.state = tmp[1] if multiplicity is None: n_electrons = sum(configuration.atoms.atomic_numbers) - charge if n_electrons % 2 == 0: multiplicity = 1 else: multiplicity = 2 configuration.spin_multiplicity = multiplicity if n_active_electrons is not None: configuration.n_active_electrons = n_active_electrons configuration.n_active_orbitals = n_active_orbitals"{charge=} {multiplicity=}") f"open({n_active_electrons},{n_active_orbitals}) {configuration.state=}" ) # Set the system name if system_name is not None and system_name != "": lower_name = system_name.lower() if "from file" in lower_name: = str(path) elif lower_name == "title": if len(description_lines) > 0: = description_lines[0] else: = str(path) elif "canonical smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.canonical_smiles elif "smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.smiles else: = system_name # And the configuration name if configuration_name is not None and configuration_name != "": lower_name = configuration_name.lower() if "from file" in lower_name: = obMol.GetTitle() elif "canonical smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.canonical_smiles elif "smiles" in lower_name: = configuration.smiles elif lower_name == "sequential": = "1" else: = configuration_name if references: # Add the citations for Open Babel references.cite( raw=bibliography["openbabel"], alias="openbabel_jcinf", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle Open Babel citation.", ) # See if we can get the version of obabel if OpenBabel_version is None: path = shutil.which("obabel") if path is not None: path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() try: result = [str(path), "--version"], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, text=True, ) except Exception: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" else: OpenBabel_version = "unknown" lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 9 and tmp[0] == "Open": OpenBabel_version = { "version": tmp[2], "month": tmp[4], "year": tmp[6], } break if isinstance(OpenBabel_version, dict): try: template = string.Template(bibliography["obabel"]) citation = template.substitute( month=OpenBabel_version["month"], version=OpenBabel_version["version"], year=OpenBabel_version["year"], ) references.cite( raw=citation, alias="obabel-exe", module="read_structure_step", level=1, note="The principle citation for the Open Babel executables.", ) except Exception: pass # Save keywords, description and any data encoded in the file to the database if save_data: properties = system_properties = if len(keywords) != 0: key = "keywords#MOPAC" properties.add( key, "str", description="The keywords for MOPAC", noerror=True ) properties.put(key, " ".join(keywords)) if len(description_lines) > 0: key = "description#MOPAC" properties.add( key, "str", description="The description in the MOPAC input", noerror=True, ) properties.put(key, "\n".join(description_lines)) if energy is not None: key = "reference energy#MOPAC" properties.add( key, "float", description="The reference energy from MOPAC", units="kJ/mol", noerror=True, ) properties.put(key, energy * kcal2kJ) # Handle properties encoded in the description if len(description_lines) == 2 and "=" in description_lines[1]: # Don't handle geometry lines yet. if "GR=" not in description_lines[1] and "gr=" not in description_lines[1]: for key in description_lines[1].split(): if "=" in key: try: keyword, value = key.split("=") keyword = keyword.upper() if keyword in ("WT", "DWT", "IWT", "HWT", "GWT", "ROOT"): continue if keyword not in metadata: print("\n".join(description_lines)) print(f"Missing keyword={keyword}") print() continue keyword = metadata[keyword] if value == "": print(f"Value for {keyword} missing in MOPAC .mop file") continue if "reference" in keyword: description = keyword.split(".")[0] system_properties.add( keyword, "str", description=f"Reference for the {description}.", noerror=True, ) elif "," in value: # value , stderr tmp = value.split(",") value = tmp[0].strip() stderr = tmp[1].strip() tmp = keyword.split("#") tmp[0] = tmp[0] + ", stderr" new_keyword = "#".join(tmp) system_properties.add( new_keyword, "float", description=f"stderr for the {keyword}.", noerror=True, ) if ( "heat capacity" in keyword or "enthalpy" in keyword or "entropy" in keyword ): stderr = float(stderr) * kcal2kJ system_properties.put(new_keyword, stderr) if ( "heat capacity" in keyword or "enthalpy" in keyword or "entropy" in keyword ): value = float(value) * kcal2kJ system_properties.put(keyword, value) except Exception as e: print(f"{e}: {key}") return [configuration]