Source code for read_structure_step.formats.mop.find_mopac

import seamm_util
from pathlib import Path
import os

mopac_error_identifiers = []

[docs] def find_mopac(): # Try the commandline options / config file parser = seamm_util.getParser() options = parser.get_options() if "mopac-step" in options: mopac_options = options["mopac-step"] exe = mopac_options["mopac_exe"] mopac_path = mopac_options["mopac_path"] if mopac_path != "": exe = str(Path(mopac_path).expanduser().resolve() / exe) try: mopac_exe = seamm_util.check_executable(exe) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: return mopac_exe # Next try common locations try: mopac_exe = "/opt/mopac/mopac" if os.path.isfile(mopac_exe) is False: raise FileNotFoundError( 'The directory "/opt/mopac/" exists, but the executable \ "mopac" is not there' ) except FileNotFoundError: try: mopac_path = os.path.split(os.environ["mopac"])[0] mopac_exe = mopac_path + "mopac" if os.path.isfile(mopac_exe) is False: raise FileNotFoundError( 'The environment variable "mopac" is defined, but \ the executable "mopac" is not there' ) except (KeyError, FileNotFoundError): try: mopac_exe = Path(os.environ["MOPAC_LICENSE"]) / "mopac" mopac_exe = str(mopac_exe) if os.path.isfile(mopac_exe) is False: raise FileNotFoundError( 'The environment variable "mopac" is defined, but the \ executable "mopac" is not there' ) except (KeyError, FileNotFoundError): try: mopac_exe = seamm_util.check_executable("mopac") except FileNotFoundError: return None return mopac_exe