fhi_aims_step package#
fhi_aims_step.energy module#
Non-graphical part of the Energy step in a FHI-aims flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.energy.Energy(flowchart=None, title='Energy', extension=None, module='fhi_aims_step.energy', logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.energy (WARNING)>)[source]#
The non-graphical part of a Energy step in a flowchart.
- parser#
The parser object.
- Type:
- options#
It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings.
- Type:
- subflowchart#
A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed.
- Type:
- parameters#
The control parameters for Energy.
- Type:
See also
- analyze(P=None, indent='', configuration=None, data={}, **kwargs)[source]#
Do any analysis of the output from this step.
Also print important results to the local step.out file using “printer”.
- Parameters:
indent (str) – An extra indentation for the output
- description_text(P=None, configuration=None)[source]#
Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc.
- Parameters:
P (dict) – An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters.
- Returns:
A description of the current step.
- Return type:
- property git_revision#
The git version of this module.
- property header#
A printable header for this section of output
- plot_control(P, configuration)[source]#
Create the density and orbital plots if requested
- Parameters:
data (dict()) – Dictionary of results from the calculation (results.tag file)
- run(printer=<seamm_util.printing.Printer object>, lines=None)[source]#
Get the input for an energy step.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The input for FHI-aims
- Return type:
- property version#
The semantic version of this module.
fhi_aims_step.energy_parameters module#
Control parameters for the Energy step in a SEAMM flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.energy_parameters.EnergyParameters(defaults={}, data=None)[source]#
The control parameters for Energy.
You need to replace the “time” entry in dictionary below these comments with the definitions of parameters to control this step. The keys are parameters for the current plugin,the values are dictionaries as outlined below.
parameters = { "time": { "default": 100.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "ps", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": ".1f", "description": "Simulation time:", "help_text": ("The time to simulate in the dynamics run.") }, }
- parameters{str: {str: str}}
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current step. Each key of the dictionary is a dictionary that contains the the following keys:
- parameters[“default”] :
The default value of the parameter, used to reset it.
- parameters[“kind”]enum()
Specifies the kind of a variable. One of “integer”, “float”, “string”, “boolean”, or “enum”
While the “kind” of a variable might be a numeric value, it may still have enumerated custom values meaningful to the user. For instance, if the parameter is a convergence criterion for an optimizer, custom values like “normal”, “precise”, etc, might be adequate. In addition, any parameter can be set to a variable of expression, indicated by having “$” as the first character in the field. For example, $OPTIMIZER_CONV.
- parameters[“default_units”]str
The default units, used for resetting the value.
- parameters[“enumeration”]: tuple
A tuple of enumerated values.
- parameters[“format_string”]: str
A format string for “pretty” output.
- parameters[“description”]: str
A short string used as a prompt in the GUI.
- parameters[“help_text”]: str
A longer string to display as help for the user.
See also
- energy_parameters = {'NAO-J-n_level': {'default': 'NAO-J-2', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Basis set level:', 'enumeration': ('NAO-J-2', 'NAO-J-3', 'NAO-J-4', 'NAO-J-5'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The level of NAO-j (spin-coupling) basis sets used.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'NAO-VCC-nZ_level': {'default': 'NAO-VCC-2Z', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Basis set level:', 'enumeration': ('NAO-VCC-2Z', 'NAO-VCC-3Z', 'NAO-VCC-4Z', 'NAO-VCC-5Z'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The level of NAO-VCC (valence correlation) basis sets used.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'basis_version': {'default': 'defaults_2020', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Basis set version:', 'enumeration': ('defaults_2010', 'defaults_2020', 'NAO-VCC-nZ', 'NAO-J-n', 'non-standard/gaussian_tight_770', 'non-standard/Tier2_aug2', 'custom'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The version of basis sets used.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'defaults_2010_level': {'default': 'light', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Basis set level:', 'enumeration': ('light', 'intermediate', 'tight', 'really_tight'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The level of 2010 basis sets used.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'defaults_2020_level': {'default': 'light', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Basis set level:', 'enumeration': ('light_spd/light', 'light', 'intermediate', 'tight', 'really_tight'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The level of 2010 basis sets used.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'dispersion': {'default': 'nonlocal many-body dispersion (MBD-NL)', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Long-range vdW term:', 'enumeration': ('none', 'nonlocal many-body dispersion (MBD-NL)', 'range-separated self-consistently screened (MBD@rsSCS)'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether and how to calculate the many-body dispersions effects.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'fixed_spin_moment': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Fix the spin moment:', 'enumeration': ('no', 'yes'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': "Whether to fix the spin moment, by default to the configuration's multiplicity. You may also specifiy and integer multiplicity here.", 'kind': 'integer'}, 'model': {'default': 'Generalized-gradient approximations (GGA)', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Computational model:', 'enumeration': ('Local-density approximation (LDA)', 'Generalized-gradient approximations (GGA)', 'Meta-generalized gradient approximations (meta-GGA)', 'Hartree-Fock and hybrid functionals', 'Hybrid meta generalized gradient approximation (Hybrid meta-GGA)'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The high-level computational model employed.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'primitive cell': {'default': 'yes', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'If possible, use primitive cell:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to use the primitive cell for the calculation.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'relativity': {'default': 'atomic ZORA approximation', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Relativity:', 'enumeration': ('none', 'atomic ZORA approximation'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether and how to calculate relatavistic effects.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'spin_polarization': {'default': 'default', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Spin polarized?:', 'enumeration': ('default', 'none'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to do a spin polarized calculation. The default is to do so if there are spins on any atoms. You can also turn this off, but cannot force a spin-polarized calculation without setting spins on one or more atoms in the structure.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'submodel': {'default': 'pbe : Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Model version:', 'enumeration': ('pbe : Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof', 'am05 : Armiento and Mattsson', 'blyp : Becke and Lee-Yang-Parr', 'pbeint', 'pbesol : modified PBE GGA', 'rpbe : the RPBE modified PBE functional', 'revpbe : the revPBE modified PBE GGA', 'r48pbe : 0.52*pbe and 0.48*rpbe', 'pw91_gga : Perdew-Wang 1991 GGA', 'b86bbpe : Becke’s B86b + PBE'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The version of the model employed.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}}#
- kspace_parameters = {'centering': {'default': '𝚪-centered', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Centering of grid:', 'enumeration': ('𝚪-centered', 'off-center', 'Monkhorst-Pack'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'How to center the grid in reciprocal space.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'k-grid method': {'default': 'grid spacing', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Specify k-space grid using:', 'enumeration': ('grid spacing', 'explicit grid dimensions'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'How to specify the k-space integration grid.', 'kind': 'string'}, 'k-spacing': {'default': 0.2, 'default_units': '1/Å', 'description': 'K-spacing:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The spacing of the grid in reciprocal space.', 'kind': 'float'}, 'na': {'default': 4, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'NPoints in a:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of points in the first direction of the Brillouin zone.', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'nb': {'default': 4, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'b:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of points in the second direction of the Brillouin zone.', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'nc': {'default': 4, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'c:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of points in the third direction of the Brillouin zone.', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'occupation type': {'default': 'Gaussian', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Smearing:', 'enumeration': ('Gaussian', 'Methfessel-Paxton', 'Fermi', 'integer', 'cubic', 'cold'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'How occupy the orbitals, typically smearing the electrons as they would be at finite temperature.', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'odd grid': {'default': 'yes', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Force to odd numbers:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to force the grid sizes to odd numbers.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'smearing width': {'default': 0.01, 'default_units': 'eV', 'description': 'Width:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '.3f', 'help_text': 'The smearing or broadening width.', 'kind': 'float'}}#
- output_parameters = {'difference density': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Plot difference density:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to plot the difference density.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'nx': {'default': 50, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Grid:', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of grid points in first direction', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'ny': {'default': 50, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'x', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of grid points in second direction', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'nz': {'default': 50, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'x', 'enumeration': None, 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Number of grid points in first direction', 'kind': 'integer'}, 'orbitals': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Plot orbitals:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to plot orbitals.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'region': {'default': 'default', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Region:', 'enumeration': ('default', 'explicit'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The region for the plots', 'kind': 'string'}, 'selected k-points': {'default': 'none', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'For crystals, k-points:', 'enumeration': ('none', 'all'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Plots the orbitals at these k-points.', 'kind': 'string'}, 'selected orbitals': {'default': '-1, HOMO, LUMO, +1', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Selected orbitals:', 'enumeration': ('all', '-1, HOMO, LUMO, +1'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Which orbitals to plot.', 'kind': 'string'}, 'total density': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Plot total density:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to plot the total charge density.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'total spin density': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Plot total spin density:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to plot the total spin density.', 'kind': 'boolean'}}#
- parameters = {'calculate_gradients': {'default': 'yes', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Calculate gradients:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Whether to calculate the gradients in a single-point calculation.', 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'gui': {'default': 'with recommended features for energy or structure of molecules or nonmetallic solids', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Configure GUI', 'enumeration': ('with recommended features for energy or structure involving metallic solids', 'with recommended features for energy or structure of molecules or nonmetallic solids', 'with recommended features for band structures of metallic solids', 'with recommended features for orbital energies of molecules or band structures for nonmetallic solids', 'with all standard features', 'including experimental features'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'How to configure the GUI', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'input only': {'default': 'no', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Write the input files and stop:', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'no'), 'format_string': 's', 'help_text': "Don't run MOPAC. Just write the input files.", 'kind': 'boolean'}, 'results': {'default': {}, 'default_units': '', 'description': 'results', 'enumeration': (), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'The results to save to variables or in tables.', 'kind': 'dictionary'}}#
fhi_aims_step.energy_step module#
- class fhi_aims_step.energy_step.EnergyStep(flowchart=None, gui=None)[source]#
Helper class needed for the stevedore integration.
This must provide a description() method that returns a dict containing a description of this node, and create_node() and create_tk_node() methods for creating the graphical and non-graphical nodes.
The dictionary for the description is the class variable just below these comments. The felds are as follows:
- my_description{str, str}
A human-readable description of this step. It can be several lines long, and needs to be clear to non-expert users. It contains the following keys: description, group, name.
- my_description[“description”]tuple
A description of the Energy step. It must be clear to non-experts.
- my_description[“group”]str
Which group in the menus to put this step. If the group does not exist it will be created. Common groups are “Building”, “Control”, “Custom”, “Data”, and “Simulations”.
- my_description[“name”]str
The name of this step, to be displayed in the menus.
- create_node(flowchart=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the new node object.
- Parameters:
flowchart (seamm.Node) – A non-graphical SEAMM node
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as title, namespace or extension representing the title displayed in the flowchart, the namespace for the plugins of a subflowchart and the extension, respectively.
- Return type:
- create_tk_node(canvas=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the graphical Tk node object.
- Parameters:
canvas (tk.Canvas) – The Tk Canvas widget
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as tk_flowchart, node, x, y, w, h representing a graphical flowchart object, a non-graphical node for a step, and dimensions of the graphical node.
- Return type:
- description()[source]#
Return a description of what this step does.
- Returns:
- Return type:
dict(str, str)
- my_description = {'description': 'An interface for Energy', 'group': 'Calculations', 'name': 'Energy'}#
fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims module#
Non-graphical part of the FHI-aims step in a SEAMM flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims.FHIaims(flowchart=None, title='FHI-aims', namespace='org.molssi.seamm.fhi_aims', extension=None, logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims (WARNING)>)[source]#
The non-graphical part of a FHI-aims step in a flowchart.
- parser#
The parser object.
- Type:
- options#
It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings.
- Type:
- subflowchart#
A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed.
- Type:
- parameters#
The control parameters for FHI-aims.
- Type:
See also
- analyze(indent='', **kwargs)[source]#
Do any analysis of the output from this step.
Also print important results to the local step.out file using “printer”.
- Parameters:
indent (str) – An extra indentation for the output
- description_text(P=None)[source]#
Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc.
- Parameters:
P (dict) – An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters.
- Returns:
A description of the current step.
- Return type:
- property git_revision#
The git version of this module.
- run()[source]#
Run a FHI-aims step.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The next node object in the flowchart.
- Return type:
- property version#
The semantic version of this module.
fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims_parameters module#
Control parameters for the FHIaims step in a SEAMM flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims_parameters.FHIaimsParameters(defaults={}, data=None)[source]#
The control parameters for FHIaims.
You need to replace the “time” entry in dictionary below these comments with the definitions of parameters to control this step. The keys are parameters for the current plugin,the values are dictionaries as outlined below.
parameters = { "time": { "default": 100.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "ps", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": ".1f", "description": "Simulation time:", "help_text": ("The time to simulate in the dynamics run.") }, }
- parameters{str: {str: str}}
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current step. Each key of the dictionary is a dictionary that contains the the following keys:
- parameters[“default”] :
The default value of the parameter, used to reset it.
- parameters[“kind”]enum()
Specifies the kind of a variable. One of “integer”, “float”, “string”, “boolean”, or “enum”
While the “kind” of a variable might be a numeric value, it may still have enumerated custom values meaningful to the user. For instance, if the parameter is a convergence criterion for an optimizer, custom values like “normal”, “precise”, etc, might be adequate. In addition, any parameter can be set to a variable of expression, indicated by having “$” as the first character in the field. For example, $OPTIMIZER_CONV.
- parameters[“default_units”]str
The default units, used for resetting the value.
- parameters[“enumeration”]: tuple
A tuple of enumerated values.
- parameters[“format_string”]: str
A format string for “pretty” output.
- parameters[“description”]: str
A short string used as a prompt in the GUI.
- parameters[“help_text”]: str
A longer string to display as help for the user.
See also
- parameters = {}#
fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims_step module#
- class fhi_aims_step.fhi_aims_step.FHIaimsStep(flowchart=None, gui=None)[source]#
Helper class needed for the stevedore integration.
This must provide a description() method that returns a dict containing a description of this node, and create_node() and create_tk_node() methods for creating the graphical and non-graphical nodes.
The dictionary for the description is the class variable just below these comments. The felds are as follows:
- my_description{str, str}
A human-readable description of this step. It can be several lines long, and needs to be clear to non-expert users. It contains the following keys: description, group, name.
- my_description[“description”]tuple
A description of the FHI-aims step. It must be clear to non-experts.
- my_description[“group”]str
Which group in the menus to put this step. If the group does not exist it will be created. Common groups are “Building”, “Control”, “Custom”, “Data”, and “Simulations”.
- my_description[“name”]str
The name of this step, to be displayed in the menus.
- create_node(flowchart=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the new node object.
- Parameters:
flowchart (seamm.Node) – A non-graphical SEAMM node
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as title, namespace or extension representing the title displayed in the flowchart, the namespace for the plugins of a subflowchart and the extension, respectively.
- Return type:
- create_tk_node(canvas=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the graphical Tk node object.
- Parameters:
canvas (tk.Canvas) – The Tk Canvas widget
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as tk_flowchart, node, x, y, w, h representing a graphical flowchart object, a non-graphical node for a step, and dimensions of the graphical node.
- Return type:
- description()[source]#
Return a description of what this step does.
- Returns:
- Return type:
dict(str, str)
- my_description = {'description': 'An interface for FHI-aims', 'group': 'Simulations', 'name': 'FHI-aims'}#
fhi_aims_step.metadata module#
This file contains metadata describing the results from FHIaims
- fhi_aims_step.metadata.metadata = {'computational models': {'Density Functional Theory (DFT)': {'models': {'Generalized-gradient approximations (GGA)': {'parameterizations': {'am05 : Armiento and Mattsson': {'description': 'GGA functional designed to include surface effects in self-consistent density functional theory, according to Armiento and Mattsson [9]', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'b86bbpe : Becke’s B86b + PBE': {'description': 'Becke’s B86b exchange[19] plus PBE correlation[181].', 'gui': 'molecule/energy'}, 'blyp : Becke and Lee-Yang-Parr': {'description': 'The BLYP functional: Becke (1988) exchange [20] and Lee-Yang-Parr correlation [150].', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'pbe : Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof': {'description': 'GGA of Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof 1997 [181].', 'gui': 'metal/energy molecule/energy'}, 'pbeint': {'description': 'PBEint functional of Ref. [67]', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'pbesol : modified PBE GGA': {'description': 'Modified PBE GGA according to Ref. [187].', 'gui': 'metal/energy'}, 'pw91_gga : Perdew-Wang 1991 GGA': {'description': "GGA according to Perdew and Wang, usually referred to as 'Perdew-Wang 1991 GGA'. This GGA is most accessibly described in Reference 26 and 27 of Ref. [182]. Note that the often mis-quoted reference [183] does not(!) describe the Perdew-Wang GGA but instead only the correlation part of the local-density approximation described above.", 'gui': 'metal/energy'}, 'r48pbe : 0.52*pbe and 0.48*rpbe': {'description': 'The mixed functional containing 0.52*pbe and 0.48*rpbe according to Ref. [173]', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'revpbe : the revPBE modified PBE GGA': {'description': 'The revPBE modified PBE GGA suggested in Ref. [247].', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'rpbe : the RPBE modified PBE functional': {'description': 'The RPBE modified PBE functional according to Ref. [93].', 'gui': 'standard'}}}, 'Hybrid functionals and Hartree-Fock': {'parameterizations': {'b3lyp': {'description': "'B3LYP' hybrid functional as allegedly implemented in the Gaussian code (i.e., using the RPA version of the Vosko-Wilk-Nusair local-density approximation, see Refs. [233, 210] for details). Note that this is therefore not exactly the same B3LYP as originally described by Becke in 1993.", 'gui': 'molecule/energy'}, 'b86bpbe-25': {'description': 'B86bPBE hybrid functional [19, 181], mixing 75 % GGA exchange with 25 % Hartree-Fock exchange.', 'gui': 'molecule/energy'}, 'b86bpbe-50': {'description': 'B86bPBE hybrid functional [19, 181], mixing 75 % GGA exchange with 50 % Hartree-Fock exchange.', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'hf : Hartree-Fock': {'description': 'Hartree-Fock exchange, only', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'hse03 : Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof': {'description': 'Hybrid functional as used in Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof [105, 106]. In this functional, 25 % of the exchange energy is split into a short-ranged, screened Hartree-Fock part, and a PBE GGA-like functional for the longrange part of exchange. The remaining 75 % exchange and full correlation energy are treated as in PBE. As clarified in Refs. [141, 106], two different screening parameters were used in the short-range exchange part and longrange exchange part of the original HSE functional, respectively. The ’hse03’ functional in FHI-aims reproduces these original values exactly.', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'hse06 : Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof': {'description': 'Hybrid functional according to Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof [105], following the naming convention suggested in Ref. [141]. In this case, the additional option value is needed, representing the single real, positive screening parameter omega as clarified in Ref. [141]. In this functional, 25 % of the exchange energy is split into a short-ranged, screened Hartree-Fock part, and a PBE GGA-like functional for the long-range part of exchange. The remaining 75 % exchange and full correlation energy are treated as in PBE.', 'gui': 'molecule/energy'}, 'lc_wpbeh': {'description': 'Range separated hybrid functional LC-!PBEh using 100 % Hartree-Fock exchange in the long-range part and omegaPBE [179] in the shortrange part. The full correlation energy is treated as in PBE.', 'gui': 'standard'}, 'pbe0': {'description': 'PBE0 hybrid functional [1], mixing 75 % GGA exchange with 25 % Hartree-Fock exchange', 'gui': 'molecule/energy'}, 'pbesol0': {'description': 'Hybrid functional in analogy to PBE0 [1], except that the PBEsol [187] GGA functionals are used, mixing 75 % GGA exchange with 25 % Hartree-Fock exchange.', 'gui': 'recommended'}}}, 'Hybrid meta generalized gradient approximation (Hybrid meta-GGA)': {'parameterizations': {'m06': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized hybrid meta-GGA of the 'M06' suite of functionals; with 27% exact exchange. [249]", 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'm06-2x': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized hybrid meta-GGA of the 'M06' suite of functionals, with double contribution (54%) from the hartree-fock exact exchange. [249]", 'gui': 'standard'}, 'm06-hf': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized hybrid meta-GGA of the 'M06' suite of functionals, with 100% exact exchage contribution. [248]", 'gui': 'standard'}, 'm08-hx': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized hybrid meta-GGA of the 'M08' suite of functionals, with 52.23% contribution from the hartree-fock exact exchange. [251]", 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'm08-so': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized hybrid meta-GGA of the 'M08' suite of functionals, with 56.79% contribution from the hartree-fock exact exchange. [251]", 'gui': 'standard'}, 'm11': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized range-separated local meta-GGA of the 'M11' suite of functionals [190]. The range-separation variable is also hardcoded in this implementation with omega = 0.25 bohr−1", 'gui': 'recommended'}}}, 'Local-density approximation (LDA)': {'parameterizations': {'pw-lda : Perdew-Wang': {'description': 'Homogeneous electron gas based on Ceperley and Alder [42] as parameterized by Perdew and Wang 1992 [183]. Recommended LDA parameterization.', 'gui': 'metal/energy'}, 'pz-lda : Perdew-Zunger': {'description': 'Homogeneous electron gas based on Ceperley and Alder [42], as parameterized by Perdew and Zunger 1981 [184]', 'gui': 'metal/energy'}, 'vwn : Vosko-Wilk-Nusair': {'description': 'LDA of Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair 1980 [233].', 'gui': 'metal/energy'}, 'vwn-gauss : VWN based on random phase approx.': {'description': 'LDA of Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair 1980, but based on the random phase approximation [210]. Do not use this LDA unless for one specific reason: In the B3LYP implementation of the Gaussian code, this functional is allegedly used instead of the correct VWN functional. It is therefore now present in many reference results in the literature, and also available here for comparison.', 'gui': 'standard'}}}, 'Meta-generalized gradient approximations (meta-GGA)': {'parameterizations': {'m06-l : Truhlar’s optimized meta-GGA': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized meta-GGA of the 'M06' suite of functionals. [250]", 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'm11-l : Truhlar’s optimized range-separated local meta-GGA': {'description': "Truhlar’s optimized range-separated local meta-GGA of the 'M11' suite of functionals. [191]", 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'revtpss': {'description': ('Meta-GGA revTPSS functional of Ref. [185, 186]',), 'gui': 'standard'}, 'scan or SCAN:': {'description': "'Strongly Constrained and Appropriately Normed Semilocal Density Functional,' i.e., the SCAN meta-GGA functional by Sun, Ruzsinszky, and Perdew.[219]", 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'tpss': {'description': 'Meta-GGA TPSS functional of Ref. [223]', 'gui': 'recommended'}, 'tpssloc': {'description': 'Meta-GGA TPSSloc functional, thanks to E. Fabiano and F. Della Sala. L.A. Constantin, E. Fabiano, F.Della Sala, Ref. [51].', 'gui': 'standard'}}}}}}, 'results': {'atoms_proj_charge': {'description': 'Mulliken charges on atoms', 'dimensionality': '[n_atoms]', 'json_section': 'mulliken', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'atoms_proj_spin': {'description': 'Mulliken spins on atoms', 'dimensionality': '[n_atoms]', 'json_section': 'mulliken', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'change_charge_density': {'description': 'SCF final delta charge density', 'dimensionality': '[n_iterations]', 'json_section': 'scf_iteration', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'change_forces': {'description': 'SCF final delta forces', 'dimensionality': '[n_iterations]', 'json_section': 'scf_iteration', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'change_spin_density': {'description': 'SCF final delta spin density', 'dimensionality': '[n_iterations]', 'json_section': 'scf_iteration', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'change_sum_eigenvalues': {'description': 'SCF final delta eigenvalue sum', 'dimensionality': '[n_iterations]', 'json_section': 'scf_iteration', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'clock_time_total': {'description': 'Total wallclock time', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'dispersion_energy': {'calculation': ['energy', 'optimization'], 'description': 'vdW energy correction', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 're': 'Libmbd: Evaluated energy: *([-+E.0-9]+)', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'units': 'eV'}, 'energy': {'description': 'energy', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'type': 'float', 'units': 'eV'}, 'gradients': {'description': 'gradients', 'dimensionality': [3, 'n_atoms'], 'type': 'float', 'units': 'eV/Å'}, 'maximum_force': {'calculation': ['optimization'], 'description': 'Maximum force', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 're': 'Maximum force component is *([-+E.0-9]+) +eV/A', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'units': 'eV/Å'}, 'model': {'description': 'The model string', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'type': 'string'}, 'n_basis': {'description': 'Number of basis fnctns', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'n_electrons': {'description': 'Number of electrons', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'n_spin': {'description': 'Number of spins', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'norm_force_atoms': {'calculation': ['optimization'], 'description': 'Norm of force on atoms', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 're': '\\|\\| Forces on atoms \\|\\| = *([-+E.0-9]+) +eV/A', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'units': 'eV/Å'}, 'relaxation_step_number': {'calculation': ['optimization'], 'description': 'Number of geometry steps', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'time_total': {'description': 'Total cpu time', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'total_energy': {'calculation': ['energy', 'optimization'], 'description': 'The total energy', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'property': 'total energy#FHIaims#{model}', 're': 'Total energy of the DFT / Hartree-Fock s.c.f. calculation : *([-+.0-9]+) eV', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'units': 'eV'}, 'total_energy^': {'calculation': ['energy', 'optimization'], 'description': 'SCF iteration energy', 'dimensionality': '[n_iterations]', 'json_section': 'scf_iteration', 'type': <class 'float'>, 'units': 'eV'}, 'total_number_of_loops': {'calculation': ['energy', 'optimization'], 'description': 'Number of SCF iterations', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'final_output', 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'total_spin': {'description': 'Total spin', 'dimensionality': 'scalar', 'json_section': 'mulliken', 'type': <class 'float'>}}}#
Description of the computational models for FHIaims.
Hamiltonians, approximations, and basis set or parameterizations, only if appropriate for this code. For example:
metadata["computational models"] = { "Hartree-Fock": { "models": { "PM7": { "parameterizations": { "PM7": { "elements": "1-60,62-83", "periodic": True, "reactions": True, "optimization": True, "code": "mopac", }, "PM7-TS": { "elements": "1-60,62-83", "periodic": True, "reactions": True, "optimization": False, "code": "mopac", }, }, }, }, }, }
fhi_aims_step.optimization module#
Non-graphical part of the Optimization step in a FHI aims flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.optimization.Optimization(flowchart=None, title='Optimization', extension=None, module='fhi_aims_step.optimization', logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.optimization (WARNING)>)[source]#
The non-graphical part of a Optimization step in a flowchart.
- parser#
The parser object.
- Type:
- options#
It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings.
- Type:
- subflowchart#
A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed.
- Type:
- parameters#
The control parameters for Optimization.
- Type:
See also
- analyze(P=None, indent='', configuration=None, data={}, **kwargs)[source]#
Do any analysis of the output from this step.
Also print important results to the local step.out file using “printer”.
- Parameters:
indent (str) – An extra indentation for the output
- description_text(P=None, configuration=None)[source]#
Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc.
- Parameters:
P (dict) – An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters.
- Returns:
A description of the current step.
- Return type:
- property git_revision#
The git version of this module.
- property header#
A printable header for this section of output
- run(lines=None)[source]#
Run an Optimization step.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The next node object in the flowchart.
- Return type:
- property version#
The semantic version of this module.
fhi_aims_step.optimization_parameters module#
Control parameters for the Optimization step in a SEAMM flowchart
- class fhi_aims_step.optimization_parameters.OptimizationParameters(defaults={}, data=None)[source]#
The control parameters for Optimization.
You need to replace the “time” entry in dictionary below these comments with the definitions of parameters to control this step. The keys are parameters for the current plugin,the values are dictionaries as outlined below.
parameters = { "time": { "default": 100.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "ps", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": ".1f", "description": "Simulation time:", "help_text": ("The time to simulate in the dynamics run.") }, }
- parameters{str: {str: str}}
A dictionary containing the parameters for the current step. Each key of the dictionary is a dictionary that contains the the following keys:
- parameters[“default”] :
The default value of the parameter, used to reset it.
- parameters[“kind”]enum()
Specifies the kind of a variable. One of “integer”, “float”, “string”, “boolean”, or “enum”
While the “kind” of a variable might be a numeric value, it may still have enumerated custom values meaningful to the user. For instance, if the parameter is a convergence criterion for an optimizer, custom values like “normal”, “precise”, etc, might be adequate. In addition, any parameter can be set to a variable of expression, indicated by having “$” as the first character in the field. For example, $OPTIMIZER_CONV.
- parameters[“default_units”]str
The default units, used for resetting the value.
- parameters[“enumeration”]: tuple
A tuple of enumerated values.
- parameters[“format_string”]: str
A format string for “pretty” output.
- parameters[“description”]: str
A short string used as a prompt in the GUI.
- parameters[“help_text”]: str
A longer string to display as help for the user.
See also
- parameters = {'force_convergence': {'default': 0.01, 'default_units': 'eV/Å', 'description': 'Force convergence:', 'enumeration': (), 'format_string': '.4f', 'help_text': 'The convergence criterion for the force in the optimization', 'kind': 'float'}, 'optimize_cell': {'default': 'yes', 'default_units': '', 'description': 'Optimize the cell (if periodic):', 'enumeration': ('yes', 'fixing the angles', 'no'), 'format_string': '', 'help_text': 'Allow the lattice vectors to change during optimization. ', 'kind': 'enumeration'}, 'pressure': {'default': 0.0, 'default_units': 'GPa', 'description': 'Pressure:', 'enumeration': (), 'format_string': '.1f', 'help_text': 'The applied pressure.', 'kind': 'float'}}#
fhi_aims_step.optimization_step module#
- class fhi_aims_step.optimization_step.OptimizationStep(flowchart=None, gui=None)[source]#
Helper class needed for the stevedore integration.
This must provide a description() method that returns a dict containing a description of this node, and create_node() and create_tk_node() methods for creating the graphical and non-graphical nodes.
The dictionary for the description is the class variable just below these comments. The felds are as follows:
- my_description{str, str}
A human-readable description of this step. It can be several lines long, and needs to be clear to non-expert users. It contains the following keys: description, group, name.
- my_description[“description”]tuple
A description of the Optimization step. It must be clear to non-experts.
- my_description[“group”]str
Which group in the menus to put this step. If the group does not exist it will be created. Common groups are “Building”, “Control”, “Custom”, “Data”, and “Simulations”.
- my_description[“name”]str
The name of this step, to be displayed in the menus.
- create_node(flowchart=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the new node object.
- Parameters:
flowchart (seamm.Node) – A non-graphical SEAMM node
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as title, namespace or extension representing the title displayed in the flowchart, the namespace for the plugins of a subflowchart and the extension, respectively.
- Return type:
- create_tk_node(canvas=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Create and return the graphical Tk node object.
- Parameters:
canvas (tk.Canvas) – The Tk Canvas widget
**kwargs (keyword arguments) – Various keyword arguments such as tk_flowchart, node, x, y, w, h representing a graphical flowchart object, a non-graphical node for a step, and dimensions of the graphical node.
- Return type:
- description()[source]#
Return a description of what this step does.
- Returns:
- Return type:
dict(str, str)
- my_description = {'description': 'An interface for Optimization', 'group': 'Calculations', 'name': 'Optimization'}#
fhi_aims_step.substep module#
Base class for substeps in the FHI-aims step
- class fhi_aims_step.substep.Substep(flowchart=None, title='no title', extension=None, logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.substep (WARNING)>, module='fhi_aims_step.substep')[source]#
A base class for substeps in the FHI-aims step.
- property global_options#
Dictionary of global options
- property input_only#
Whether to write the input only, not run MOPAC.
- property is_runable#
Indicate whether this not runs or just adds input.
- property is_spin_polarized#
If the calculation is set up a spin polarized.
- property options#
Dictionary of options for this step
fhi_aims_step.tk_energy module#
The graphical part of a Energy step
- class fhi_aims_step.tk_energy.TkEnergy(tk_flowchart=None, node=None, canvas=None, x=None, y=None, w=200, h=50, my_logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.tk_energy (WARNING)>)[source]#
The graphical part of a Energy step in a flowchart.
- tk_flowchart#
The flowchart that we belong to.
- Type:
TkFlowchart = None
- node#
The corresponding node of the non-graphical flowchart
- Type:
Node = None
- canvas#
The Tk Canvas to draw on
- Type:
tkCanvas = None
- dialog#
The Pmw dialog object
- Type:
- x#
The x-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- y#
The y-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- w#
The width in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 200
- h#
The height in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 50
- self[widget]#
A dictionary of tk widgets built using the information contained in Energy_parameters.py
- Type:
See also
- create_dialog(title='Energy')[source]#
Create the dialog. A set of widgets will be chosen by default based on what is specified in the Energy_parameters module.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
See also
- reset_dialog(widget=None)[source]#
Layout the widgets in the dialog.
The widgets are chosen by default from the information in Energy_parameter.
This function simply lays them out row by row with aligned labels. You may wish a more complicated layout that is controlled by values of some of the control parameters. If so, edit or override this method
- Parameters:
widget (Tk Widget = None)
- Return type:
See also
- reset_energy_frame(widget=None)[source]#
Layout the widgets in the dialog.
The widgets are chosen by default from the information in Energy_parameter.
This function simply lays them out row by row with aligned labels. You may wish a more complicated layout that is controlled by values of some of the control parameters. If so, edit or override this method
- Parameters:
widget (Tk Widget = None)
- Return type:
See also
- reset_kspace_frame(widget=None)[source]#
Layout the widgets in the dialog.
The widgets are chosen by default from the information in Energy_parameter.
This function simply lays them out row by row with aligned labels. You may wish a more complicated layout that is controlled by values of some of the control parameters. If so, edit or override this method
- Parameters:
widget (Tk Widget = None)
- Return type:
See also
fhi_aims_step.tk_fhi_aims module#
The graphical part of a FHI-aims step
- class fhi_aims_step.tk_fhi_aims.TkFHIaims(tk_flowchart=None, node=None, namespace='org.molssi.seamm.fhi_aims.tk', canvas=None, x=None, y=None, w=200, h=50)[source]#
The graphical part of a FHI-aims step in a flowchart.
- tk_flowchart#
The flowchart that we belong to.
- Type:
TkFlowchart = None
- node#
The corresponding node of the non-graphical flowchart
- Type:
Node = None
- canvas#
The Tk Canvas to draw on
- Type:
tkCanvas = None
- dialog#
The Pmw dialog object
- Type:
- x#
The x-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- y#
The y-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- w#
The width in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 200
- h#
The height in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 50
- self[widget]#
A dictionary of tk widgets built using the information contained in FHI-aims_parameters.py
- Type:
See also
fhi_aims_step.tk_optimization module#
The graphical part of a Optimization step
- class fhi_aims_step.tk_optimization.TkOptimization(tk_flowchart=None, node=None, canvas=None, x=None, y=None, w=200, h=50, my_logger=<Logger fhi_aims_step.tk_optimization (WARNING)>)[source]#
The graphical part of a Optimization step in a flowchart.
- tk_flowchart#
The flowchart that we belong to.
- Type:
TkFlowchart = None
- node#
The corresponding node of the non-graphical flowchart
- Type:
Node = None
- canvas#
The Tk Canvas to draw on
- Type:
tkCanvas = None
- dialog#
The Pmw dialog object
- Type:
- x#
The x-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- y#
The y-coordinate of the center of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = None
- w#
The width in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 200
- h#
The height in pixels of the picture of the node
- Type:
int = 50
- self[widget]#
A dictionary of tk widgets built using the information contained in Optimization_parameters.py
- Type:
See also
- create_dialog(title='Optimization')[source]#
Create the dialog. A set of widgets will be chosen by default based on what is specified in the Optimization_parameters module.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
See also
- reset_dialog(widget=None)[source]#
Layout the widgets in the dialog.
The widgets are chosen by default from the information in Optimization_parameter.
This function simply lays them out row by row with aligned labels. You may wish a more complicated layout that is controlled by values of some of the control parameters. If so, edit or override this method
- Parameters:
widget (Tk Widget = None)
- Return type:
See also
Module contents#
fhi_aims_step A SEAMM plug-in for FHI-aims