Source code for strain_step.strain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Non-graphical part of the Strain step in a SEAMM flowchart

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import pprint  # noqa: F401
import textwrap

from tabulate import tabulate

import strain_step
import seamm
from seamm_util import ureg, Q_  # noqa: F401
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

# In addition to the normal logger, two logger-like printing facilities are
# defined: "job" and "printer". "job" send output to the main job.out file for
# the job, and should be used very sparingly, typically to echo what this step
# will do in the initial summary of the job.
# "printer" sends output to the file "step.out" in this steps working
# directory, and is used for all normal output from this step.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("Strain")

[docs]class Strain(seamm.Node): """ The non-graphical part of a Strain step in a flowchart. Attributes ---------- parser : configargparse.ArgParser The parser object. options : tuple It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings. subflowchart : seamm.Flowchart A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed. parameters : StrainParameters The control parameters for Strain. See Also -------- TkStrain, Strain, StrainParameters """ def __init__(self, flowchart=None, title="Strain", extension=None, logger=logger): """A step for Strain in a SEAMM flowchart. You may wish to change the title above, which is the string displayed in the box representing the step in the flowchart. Parameters ---------- flowchart: seamm.Flowchart The non-graphical flowchart that contains this step. title: str The name displayed in the flowchart. extension: None Not yet implemented logger : Logger = logger The logger to use and pass to parent classes Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Creating Strain {self}") super().__init__( flowchart=flowchart, title="Strain", extension=extension, module=__name__, logger=logger, ) # yapf: disable self.parameters = strain_step.StrainParameters() @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return strain_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return strain_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc. Parameters ---------- P: dict An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters. Returns ------- str A description of the current step. """ if not P: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() text = "If the system is periodic it will be strained as follows:\n\n" text = self.header + "\n" + __(text, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__() epsilon = "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON}" table = {} table["Direction"] = ( f"{epsilon}(xx) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT ONE}", f"{epsilon}(yy) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT TWO}", f"{epsilon}(zz) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT THREE}", f"2{epsilon}(yz) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT FOUR}", f"2{epsilon}(xz) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT FIVE}", f"2{epsilon}(xy) = {epsilon}\N{SUBSCRIPT SIX}", ) table["Strain"] = ( P["strain_xx"], P["strain_yy"], P["strain_zz"], P["strain_yz"], P["strain_xz"], P["strain_xy"], ) text += " Strains\n" text += textwrap.indent( tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql", colalign=("right", "decimal"), ), self.indent + 12 * " ", ) return text
[docs] def run(self): """Run a Strain step. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- seamm.Node The next node object in the flowchart. """ next_node = super().run(printer) # Get the values of the parameters, dereferencing any variables P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Get the current system and configuration (ignoring the system...) system, starting_configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) periodicity = starting_configuration.periodicity if periodicity != 3: printer.important( __("System is not periodic, so doing nothing.", indent=self.indent) ) return # Print what we are doing printer.important(__(self.description_text(P), indent=self.indent)) directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if ( "structure handling" in P and P["structure handling"] == "be put in a new configuration" ): configuration = system.create_configuration( periodicity=periodicity, coordinate_system=starting_configuration.coordinate_system, atomset=starting_configuration.atomset, bondset=starting_configuration.bondset, ) configuration.cell.parameters = starting_configuration.cell.parameters configuration.charge = starting_configuration.charge configuration.spin_multiplicity = starting_configuration.spin_multiplicity coordinates = starting_configuration.atoms.get_coordinates() configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(coordinates) else: configuration = starting_configuration configuration.strain( P["strain_xx"], P["strain_yy"], P["strain_zz"], P["strain_yz"], P["strain_xz"], P["strain_xy"], ) table = {} table["Parameter"] = ( "a", "b", "c", "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}", "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA}", "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA}", ) table["Initial"] = starting_configuration.cell.parameters table["Final"] = configuration.cell.parameters text = "" text += " Strained Cell\n" text += textwrap.indent( tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql", colalign=("center", "decimal", "decimal"), ), self.indent + 7 * " ", ) printer.important(text) # Add other citations here or in the appropriate place in the code. # Add the bibtex to data/references.bib, and add a self.reference.cite # similar to the above to actually add the citation to the references. return next_node
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", **kwargs): """Do any analysis of the output from this step. Also print important results to the local step.out file using "printer". Parameters ---------- indent: str An extra indentation for the output """ printer.normal( __( "This is a placeholder for the results from the Strain step", indent=4 * " ", wrap=True, dedent=False, ) )