Source code for seamm_jobserver.jobserver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The JobServer for the SEAMM environment.

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import psutil
import shutil
import sqlite3
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback

import seamm_jobserver
import seamm_util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

[docs] def run(): """Helper routine to run the JobServer from the command-line""" jobserver = seamm_jobserver.JobServer() jobserver.start()
[docs] def humanize(memory, suffix="B", kilo=1024): """ Scale memory to its proper format e.g: 1253656 => '1.20 MiB' 1253656678 => '1.17 GiB' """ if kilo == 1000: units = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P"] elif kilo == 1024: units = ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi"] else: raise ValueError("kilo must be 1000 or 1024!") for unit in units: if memory < kilo: return f"{memory:.2f} {unit}{suffix}" memory /= kilo
[docs] class TkTextHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def __init__(self, widget): super().__init__() self.text = widget
[docs] def emit(self, record): msg = self.format(record) self.text.insert("end", msg) self.text.insert("end", "\n")
[docs] class JobServer( def __init__(self, logger=logger): """Initialize the instance Parameters ---------- check_interval : integer Number of seconds between checks for new jobs in the database """ super().__init__() self.check_interval = 1 self.status_interval = 5 self.logger = logger self.options = None self.seamm_options = None self.stop = False self.total_jobs = 0 self.previous_jobs = 0 self.successful_jobs = 0 self.ended_jobs = 0 self.failed_jobs = 0 self._db = None self._db_path = None self._tasks = set() self._jobs = {} self._tk_root = None self._after_id = None self._status_id = None self._widget = {} self._times = {"JobServer": {}} # Provide dict like access to the widgets to make the code cleaner def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow [] access to the widgets.""" return self._widget[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Allow [key] access to set a widget.""" self._widget[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): """Allow deletion of widgets.""" if key in self._widget: self._widget[key].destroy() del self._widget[key] def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration over the widgets""" return iter(self._widget) def __len__(self): """Provide the nmber of widgets, for e.g. len() command.""" return len(self._widget) @property def db_path(self): return self._db_path @db_path.setter def db_path(self, value): if value != self._db_path: # Close any connection to the database if self._db is not None: self._db.close() self._db = None if value is not None:"Opening the database '{value}'") self._db = sqlite3.connect(value) self._db_path = value @property def db(self): return self._db
[docs] def check_for_finished_jobs(self): """Check whether jobs have finished.""" finished = [] for job_id, data in self._jobs.items(): pid = data["pid"] process = data["process"] try: is_running = process.is_running() if process.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: is_running = False except Exception: is_running = False if is_running: self.logger.debug(f"Job {job_id} is running as process {pid}") else: finished.append(job_id) try: status = process.returncode except Exception: status = "unknown" self.logger.debug(f"Job {job_id} finished, code={status}.") if status is None or status == 0:"Job {job_id} finished successfully ({pid=}).") self.successful_jobs += 1 elif status == "unknown": f"Job {job_id} finished with unknown status ({pid=})." ) self.ended_jobs += 1 else:"Job {job_id} failed ({pid=} {status=}).") self.failed_jobs += 1 for job_id in finished: del self._jobs[job_id] del self._times[job_id]
[docs] def check_for_new_jobs(self): """Check the database for new jobs that are runnable.""" cursor = self.db.cursor() self.logger.debug("Checking jobs in datastore") cursor.execute( "SELECT id, path, json_extract(parameters, '$.cmdline')" " FROM jobs" " WHERE status = 'submitted'" ) while True: result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: break job_id, path, cmdline = result cmdline = json.loads(cmdline) pid = self.start_job(job_id, path, cmdline) current_time = cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "UPDATE jobs" " SET status='running', started = ?," " parameters=json_set(jobs.parameters, '$.pid', ?)" " WHERE id = ?", (current_time, pid, job_id), ) self.db.commit()"Started job {job_id} with pid={pid}, path={path}")
[docs] def gui_create(self): """Create the tkinter GUI.""" import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText # Initialize Tk self._tk_root = tk.Tk() self._tk_root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.gui_on_closing) app_name = f"JobServer {self.seamm_options['root']}" self._tk_root.title(app_name) # The menus menu = tk.Menu(self._tk_root) # Set the about and preferences menu items on Mac if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): app_menu = tk.Menu(menu, name="apple") menu.add_cascade(menu=app_menu) app_menu.add_command(label="About " + app_name, command=self.gui_about) app_menu.add_separator() self._tk_root.createcommand( "tk::mac::ShowPreferences", self.gui_preferences ) # self._tk_root.createcommand( # "tk::mac::OpenDocument", tk_flowchart.open_file # ) self.CmdKey = "Command-" else: self.CmdKey = "Control-" notebook = ttk.Notebook(self._tk_root) notebook.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NSEW) self["notebook"] = notebook self._tk_root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self._tk_root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Button for exiting the JobServer w = ttk.Button(self._tk_root, text="Exit", command=self.gui_on_closing) w.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.E) # Tab for the log self["log frame"] = frame = ttk.Frame(notebook) notebook.add(frame, text="Log", sticky=tk.NSEW) # Add a scrolled text area for logging self["log"] = log = ScrolledText(frame, wrap=tk.WORD, font=("TkFixedFont",)) log.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NSEW) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) w = ttk.Button(frame, text="Clear", command=lambda: log.delete("1.0", "end")) w.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W) # Insert the initial log info into the widget logfile = self.options["log_file"] self["log"].insert("end", f"The JobServer is starting in {Path.cwd()}\n") self["log"].insert( "end", f" version = {seamm_jobserver.__version__}\n" ) self["log"].insert("end", f" datastore = {self.db_path}\n") self["log"].insert("end", f" check interval = {self.check_interval}\n") self["log"].insert("end", f" log file = {logfile}\n") if not self.options["no_windows"]: self["log"].insert("end", "Using the GUI.\n") if len(self._ini_files) == 0: self["log"].insert("end", "No .ini files were used\n") else: self["log"].insert("end", "The following .ini files were used:\n") for filename in self._ini_files: self["log"].insert("end", f" {filename}\n") self["log"].insert("end", "\n") # And set up logging to echo to the log widget th = TkTextHandler(self["log"]) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") th.setFormatter(formatter) th.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.addHandler(th) # Tab for the status self["status frame"] = frame = ttk.Frame(notebook) notebook.add(frame, text="Status", sticky=tk.NSEW) # Add a scrolled text area for logging self["status"] = w = ScrolledText(frame, wrap=tk.WORD, font=("TkFixedFont",)) w.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NSEW) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Fill the screen sw = self._tk_root.winfo_screenwidth() sh = self._tk_root.winfo_screenheight() width = int(0.9 * sw) - 50 height = int(0.9 * sh) - 50 x = int(0.1 * sw / 2) y = int(0.1 * sh / 2) self._tk_root.geometry(f"{width}x{height}+{x}+{y}")
[docs] def gui_about(self): """Provide information about the JobServer.""" from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showinfo( "About SEAMM JobServer", f"SEAMM JobServer v{seamm_jobserver.__version__}" )
[docs] def gui_event_loop(self): """The callback for the main loop when using Tk""" if self.stop: self._tk_root.quit() try: self.check_for_finished_jobs() self.check_for_new_jobs() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error: {e}\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") self._after_id = self._tk_root.after( int(self.check_interval * 1000), self.gui_event_loop )
[docs] def gui_on_closing(self): """Check that the user wants to stop the JobServer, and do so""" from tkinter import messagebox if messagebox.askyesno("Exit", "Do you want to exit the JobServer?"): self.stop = True
[docs] def gui_preferences(self): """Provide access to the preferences for the JobServer.""" from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showinfo( "SEAMM JobServer Preferences", "Currently there are no preferences" )
[docs] def gui_status(self, status): """Display the current load and jobs.""" text = self["status"] text.delete("1.0", "end") text.insert("end", f"Status at {status['time']}\n\n") text.insert("end", f"Jobs previously running: {status['previous jobs']:4d}\n") text.insert("end", f" started: {status['total jobs']:4d}\n") text.insert("end", f" completed successfully: {status['successful jobs']:4d}\n") text.insert("end", f" failed: {status['failed jobs']:4d}\n") text.insert("end", f" unknown status: {status['ended jobs']:4d}\n\n") # Cpu usage on machine text.insert("end", f" User time: {status['machine user time']:10.1f}\n") text.insert("end", f"System time: {status['machine system time']:10.1f}\n") text.insert("end", f" Idle time: {status['machine idle time']:10.1f}\n") text.insert("end", f" CPU %: {status['machine % cpu']:10.1f}\n") available = status["available memory"] pct = status["memory % used"] total = status["total memory"] text.insert("end", f" Memory available: {available} {pct:5.1f}%") text.insert("end", f" total: {total}") text.insert("end", "\n\n") # The jobserver itself if "JobServer" in status: js = status["JobServer"] cpu_percent = js["cpu %"] cpu = js["cpu time"] rss = js["resident memory"] memory_percent = js["memory %"] text.insert( "end", f"JobServer: cpu {cpu_percent:.1f}% {cpu:.1f} " f"memory {rss} {memory_percent:.1f}%\n", ) for job_id in sorted(status["Jobs"].keys()): js = status["Jobs"][job_id] memory_percent = js["memory %"] rss = js["resident memory"] cpu_percent = js["cpu %"] cpu = js["cpu time"] text.insert( "end", f"\n{job_id}: cpu {cpu_percent:.1f}% {cpu:.1f} " f"memory {rss} {memory_percent:.1f}%\n", ) if "sub processes" in js: for pid in sorted(js["sub processes"].keys()): sub = js["sub processes"][pid] memory_percent = sub["memory %"] rss = sub["resident memory"] cpu_percent = sub["cpu %"] cpu = sub["cpu time"] name = sub["name"] text.insert( "end", f" {pid}: {name} cpu {cpu_percent:.1f}% " f"{cpu:.1f} memory {rss} {memory_percent:.1f}%\n", )
[docs] def gui_status_loop(self): """The callback for the the status.""" try: status = self.status() status_file = self.options["status_file"] if status_file != "none": status_file = Path(status_file).expanduser() with open(status_file, "w") as fd: json.dump(status, fd, indent=4) self.gui_status(status) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error: {e}\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}") self._status_id = self._tk_root.after( int(self.status_interval * 1000), self.gui_status_loop )
[docs] def initialize(self): """Parse the command-line and setup the JobServer""" parser = self.setup_parser() parser.parse_args() self.options = parser.get_options("JobServer") self.seamm_options = parser.get_options("SEAMM") # Make sure the logs folder exists (avoid FileNotFoundError) logfile = Path(self.options["log_file"]).expanduser() # Set the logging level for the JobServer itself logger.setLevel(self.options["log_level"]) # create file handler fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s") fh.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger self.logger.addHandler(fh) # Where is the datastore? datastore = Path(self.seamm_options["datastore"]).expanduser() # Get the database file / instance db_path = datastore / "seamm.db" self.check_interval = self.options["check_interval"] # Log how we are starting self._ini_files = parser.get_ini_files()"The JobServer is starting in {Path.cwd()}")" version = {seamm_jobserver.__version__}")" datastore = {db_path}")" check interval = {self.check_interval}")" log file = {logfile}") if not self.options["no_windows"]:"Using the GUI.") if len(self._ini_files) == 0:"No .ini files were used") else:"The following .ini files were used:") for filename in self._ini_files:" {filename}")"") # And create the GUI if needed. if not self.options["no_windows"]: self.gui_create() # Open the database self.db_path = db_path
[docs] def setup_parser(self): """Setup the command-line parser.""" parser = seamm_util.seamm_parser("JobServer") parser.add_parser("JobServer") parser.add_argument( "SEAMM", "--version", action="version", version=f"JobServer version {seamm_jobserver.__version__}", ) parser.add_argument( "JobServer", "--log-level", default="INFO", type=str.upper, choices=["NOTSET", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], help=( "The level of informational output for jobs, defaults to '%(default)s'" ), ) parser.add_argument( "JobServer", "--no-windows", "-nw", action="store_true", help="Don't use a graphical interface.", ) parser.add_argument( "JobServer", "--check-interval", type=float, default=1.0, action="store", help="The interval for checking for new jobs.", ) parser.add_argument( "JobServer", "--log-file", default="${SEAMM:root}/logs/jobserver.log", action="store", help="Where to save the logs.", ) parser.add_argument( "JobServer", "--status-file", default="${SEAMM:root}/logs/jobserver_status.json", action="store", help="Where to save the JSON of the status.", ) return parser
[docs] def start(self): """Start the main event loop.""" if self.options is None: self.initialize() # Find any jobs already running for row in self.db.execute( "SELECT id, json_extract(parameters, '$.pid')" " FROM jobs" " WHERE status = 'running'" ): job_id, pid = row if pid is None: finished = True else: finished = False try: process = psutil.Process(pid=pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: finished = True pass else: if process.is_running(): self._jobs[job_id] = {"pid":, "process": process} self._times[job_id] = {} else: finished = True if finished:"Job {job_id} already finished (pid={pid}).") try: current_time = cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "UPDATE jobs" " SET status = 'finished', finished = ?," " parameters=json_remove(jobs.parameters, '$.pid')" " WHERE id = ?", (current_time, job_id), ) self.db.commit() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f"Could not update job {job_id}: {e}") else: self.previous_jobs += 1"Job {job_id} is still running (pid={pid}).") if self._tk_root is not None: self._after_id = self._tk_root.after(10, self.gui_event_loop) self._status_id = self._tk_root.after(int(1000), self.gui_status_loop) self._tk_root.mainloop() else: while not self.stop: # If nothing to do sleep and then check for new jobs if len(self._tasks) == 0: time.sleep(self.check_interval) else: pass try: self.check_for_finished_jobs() self.check_for_new_jobs() status = self.status() status_file = self.options["status_file"] if status_file != "none": status_file = Path(status_file).expanduser() with open(status_file, "w") as fd: json.dump(status, fd, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}\n\n{traceback.format_exc()}")"Stopping the JobServer and closing the database.") self._db.close()"Good bye!")
[docs] def start_job(self, job_id, wdir, cmdline=""): """Run the given job. Parameters ---------- job_id : integer The id of the job to run. """"Starting job {}".format(job_id)) path = sys.executable if path is not None and path != "": exe = Path(path).parent / "run_from_jobserver" else: exe = shutil.which("run_from_jobserver") cmd = [str(exe)] cmd.append(str(job_id)) cmd.append(str(wdir)) cmd.append(str(self.db_path)) # Check if in docker container cgroup = Path("/proc/self/cgroup") if ( Path("/.dockerenv").is_file() or cgroup.is_file() and "docker" in cgroup.read_text() ): cmd.append("--executor") cmd.append("docker") # Environment variable for debug output if "SEAMM_LOG_LEVEL" in os.environ: cmd.append("--log-level") cmd.append(os.environ["SEAMM_LOG_LEVEL"]) cmd.extend(cmdline) process = psutil.Popen( cmd, cwd=wdir, close_fds=True, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) self._jobs[job_id] = {"pid":, "process": process} self._times[job_id] = {} self.logger.debug(f" process = {process}") self.total_jobs += 1 return
[docs] def status(self): """Get the current load, etc.""" status = {} t_now = status["time"] = f"{t_now:%H:%M:%S}" status["previous jobs"] = self.previous_jobs status["total jobs"] = self.total_jobs status["successful jobs"] = self.successful_jobs status["failed jobs"] = self.failed_jobs status["ended jobs"] = self.ended_jobs # Cpu usage on machine times = psutil.cpu_times() status["machine user time"] = round(times.user, 1) status["machine system time"] = round(times.system, 1) status["machine idle time"] = round(times.idle, 1) status["machine % cpu"] = round(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None), 1) memory = psutil.virtual_memory() total = humanize( available = humanize(memory.available) pct = 100 * memory.available / status["available memory"] = available status["total memory"] = total status["memory % used"] = round(pct, 1) # The jobserver itself job_id = "JobServer" t = self._times[job_id] process = psutil.Process() pid = if pid not in t: t[pid] = { "user": 0.0, "system": 0.0, "time": time.perf_counter(), } else: tpid = t[pid] if process.is_running(): # Still running! with process.oneshot(): cpu = process.cpu_times() memory = process.memory_info() memory_percent = process.memory_percent() memory_percent = float(memory_percent) user = float(cpu.user) system = float(cpu.system) rss = humanize(memory.rss) t1 = time.perf_counter() delta_t = t1 - tpid["time"] pct_user = (user - tpid["user"]) / delta_t * 100.0 pct_system = (system - tpid["system"]) / delta_t * 100.0 cpu_percent = pct_user + pct_system cpu = user + system tpid["time"] = t1 tpid["user"] = user tpid["system"] = system status["JobServer"] = { "cpu %": round(cpu_percent, 1), "cpu time": round(cpu, 1), "resident memory": rss, "memory %": round(memory_percent, 1), } js = status["Jobs"] = {} for job_id, data in self._jobs.items(): pid = data["pid"] if job_id not in self._times: self._times[job_id] = {} t = self._times[job_id] if pid not in t: t[pid] = { "user": 0.0, "system": 0.0, "time": time.perf_counter(), } else: tpid = t[pid] process = data["process"] try: if process.is_running(): # Still running! with process.oneshot(): cpu = process.cpu_times() memory = process.memory_info() memory_percent = process.memory_percent() memory_percent = float(memory_percent) user = float(cpu.user) system = float(cpu.system) rss = humanize(memory.rss) t1 = time.perf_counter() delta_t = t1 - tpid["time"] pct_user = (user - tpid["user"]) / delta_t * 100.0 pct_system = (system - tpid["system"]) / delta_t * 100.0 cpu_percent = pct_user + pct_system cpu = user + system tpid["time"] = t1 tpid["user"] = user tpid["system"] = system js[job_id] = { "cpu %": round(cpu_percent, 1), "cpu time": round(cpu, 1), "resident memory": rss, "memory %": round(memory_percent, 1), } sub = js[job_id]["sub processes"] = {} for p in process.children(recursive=True): with p.oneshot(): pid = name = cpu = p.cpu_times() memory = p.memory_info() memory_percent = p.memory_percent() if pid not in t: t[pid] = { "user": 0.0, "system": 0.0, "time": time.perf_counter(), } else: tpid = t[pid] memory_percent = float(memory_percent) user = float(cpu.user) system = float(cpu.system) rss = humanize(memory.rss) t1 = time.perf_counter() delta_t = t1 - tpid["time"] pct_user = (user - tpid["user"]) / delta_t * 100.0 pct_system = (system - tpid["system"]) / delta_t * 100.0 cpu_percent = pct_user + pct_system cpu = user + system tpid["time"] = t1 tpid["user"] = user tpid["system"] = system sub[pid] = { "name": name, "cpu %": round(cpu_percent, 1), "cpu time": round(cpu, 1), "resident memory": rss, "memory %": round(memory_percent, 1), } except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( f"Warning getting status of {job_id}: {e}\n\n" f"{traceback.format_exc()}" ) return status
if __name__ == "__main__": run()