Source code for seamm_installer.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utility methods for the SEAMM installer."""

from datetime import datetime
import json
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
import pprint
import shutil
import subprocess

from platformdirs import user_data_dir
import requests

from .conda import Conda
from .metadata import core_packages, molssi_plug_ins, excluded_plug_ins
from . import my
from .pip import Pip

[docs] class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Class for handling the package versions in JSON."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, pkg_resources.extern.packaging.version.Version): return {"__type__": "Version", "data": str(obj)} else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs] class JSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """Class for handling the package versions in JSON.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(object_hook=self.dict_to_object)
[docs] def dict_to_object(self, d): if "__type__" in d: type_ = d.pop("__type__") if type_ == "Version": return pkg_resources.parse_version(d["data"]) else: # Oops... better put this back together. d["__type__"] = type return d
[docs] def find_packages(progress=True, update=None, update_cache=False, cache_valid=1): """Find the Python packages in SEAMM. Parameters ---------- progress : bool = True Whether to print out dots to show progress. update_cache : bool = False Update the cache (package db) no matter what. cache_valid : int = 1 How many days before updating the cache. Defaults to a week. Returns ------- dict(str, str) A dictionary with information about the packages. """ if True: url = "" try: response = requests.get(url) record = response.json(cls=JSONDecoder) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Error finding the package list from Zenodo: {str(e)}") # Find SEAMM_packages.json url = None for data in record["files"]: if data["key"] == "SEAMM_packages.json": url = data["links"]["self"] break if url is None: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to get the package list from Zenodo. " "There is no file 'SEAMM_packages.json'" ) try: response = requests.get(url) package_db = response.json(cls=JSONDecoder) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Error getting the package list from Zenodo: {str(e)}") return package_db["packages"] user_data_path = Path(user_data_dir("seamm-installer", appauthor=False)) package_db_path = user_data_path / "downloads.json" if package_db_path.exists(): try: with"r") as fd: package_db = json.load(fd, cls=JSONDecoder) except Exception as e: my.logger.warning(f"Exception reading the package cache: {e}") age = cache_valid else: db_date = datetime.fromisoformat(package_db["date"]) age = - db_date packages = package_db["packages"] else: user_data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) age = None if not (update_cache or age is None) and age.days < cache_valid: print(f"Using the package database which is {age.days} days old.") print( " run 'seamm-installer refresh-cache' if you think packages have been " "added or updated recently." ) # If the installer has been updated, the list of excluded packages may have # changed. So check. for package in excluded_plug_ins: if package in packages: del packages[package] # Convert conda-forge url in channel to 'conda-forge' for data in packages.values(): if "/conda-forge" in data["channel"]: data["channel"] = "conda-forge" return packages # Update the package list and database! print("Finding all the packages that make up SEAMM. This may take several minutes.") # Use pip to find possible packages. packages = query="SEAMM", progress=progress, newline=False, update=update ) for package in excluded_plug_ins: if package in packages: del packages[package] # Need to add molsystem and reference-handler by hand for package in core_packages: if package not in packages: tmp = query=package, exact=True, progress=True, newline=False, update=update ) my.logger.debug(f"Query for package {package}\n{pprint.pformat(tmp)}\n") if package in tmp: packages[package] = tmp[package] # Set the type for package in packages: if package in core_packages: packages[package]["type"] = "Core package" elif package in molssi_plug_ins: packages[package]["type"] = "MolSSI plug-in" else: packages[package]["type"] = "3rd-party plug-in" # Check the versions on conda, and prefer those..."Find packages: checking for conda versions") for package, data in packages.items():" {package}") conda_packages = package, progress=True, newline=False, update=update ) if conda_packages is None: continue tmp = conda_packages[package] if tmp["version"] >= data["version"]: data["version"] = tmp["version"] data["channel"] = tmp["channel"] if "/conda-forge" in data["channel"]: data["channel"] = "conda-forge" if progress: if update is None: print("", flush=True) else: update() # Save the package database for future use package_db = { "date":, "packages": packages, } # pprint.pprint(package_db) with"w") as fd: json.dump(package_db, fd, cls=JSONEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print(f"Wrote the package database to {str(package_db_path)}.") # Convert conda-forge url in channel to 'conda-forge' for data in packages.values(): if "/conda-forge" in data["channel"]: data["channel"] = "conda-forge" return packages
[docs] def get_metadata(): """Get the metadata for this installation. Returns ------- {str: any} A dictionary of the metadata. """ # Get the metadata for the installation environment = my.conda.active_environment user_data_path = Path(user_data_dir("seamm-installer", appauthor=False)) path = user_data_path / (environment + ".json") if path.exists(): try: with"r") as fd: metadata = json.load(fd, cls=JSONDecoder) except Exception as e: my.logger.error(f"Exception reading the metadata for {environment}: {e}") my.logger.error(f" File path is {path}") raise RuntimeError(f"Error reading metadata from {path}") else: metadata = { "environment": environment, "development": "dev" in environment, "gui-only": False, } user_data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w") as fd: json.dump(metadata, fd, cls=JSONEncoder) return metadata
[docs] def initialize(): if my.conda is None: my.conda = Conda() my.logger.debug("Setup conda in __init__") if my.pip is None: my.pip = Pip()
[docs] def package_info(package, conda_only=False): """Return info on a package Parameters ---------- package: The name of the package. Returns ------- (str, str) The version and channel (pip or conda) for the current installation. """"Info on package '{package}'") # See if conda knows it is installed my.logger.debug(" Checking if installed by conda") data = if data is None: version = None channel = None my.logger.debug(" No.") else: my.logger.debug(f"Conda:\n---------\n{pprint.pformat(data)}\n---------\n") version = data["version"] channel = data["channel"]" version {version} installed by conda, channel {channel}") if "/conda-forge" in channel: channel = "conda-forge" if conda_only: return version, channel # See if pip knows it is installed if channel is None: my.logger.debug(" Checking if installed by pip") try: data = except Exception as e: my.logger.debug(" No.", exc_info=e) pass else: my.logger.debug(f"Pip:\n---------\n{pprint.pformat(data)}\n---------\n") if "version" in data: version = data["version"] channel = "pypi"" version {version} installed by pip from pypi") return version, channel
[docs] def run_plugin_installer(package, *args, verbose=True): """Run the plug-in installer with given arguments. Parameters ---------- package The package name for the plug-in. Usually xxxx-step. args Command-line arguments for the plugin installer. Returns ------- xxxx The result structure from, or None if there is no installer. """"run_plugin_installer {package} {args}") if package == "seamm": return None installer = shutil.which(f"{package}-installer") if installer is None:" no local installer, returning None") return None else: if verbose: print(f" Running the plug-in specific installer for {package}.") result =[installer, *args], capture_output=True, text=True)" ran the local installer: {result}") return result
[docs] def set_metadata(metadata): """Set the metadata for this installation. Parameters ---------- {str: any} A dictionary of the metadata. """ # Find the metadata for the installation environment = my.conda.active_environment user_data_path = Path(user_data_dir("seamm-installer", appauthor=False)) path = user_data_path / (environment + ".json") user_data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w") as fd: json.dump(metadata, fd, cls=JSONEncoder)