Source code for seamm_installer.update

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Update requested components of SEAMM."""
import platform

from .datastore import update as update_datastore
from .metadata import development_packages, development_packages_pip
from . import my
from .util import find_packages, get_metadata, package_info, run_plugin_installer

system = platform.system()
if system in ("Darwin",):
    from .mac import ServiceManager

    mgr = ServiceManager(prefix="org.molssi.seamm")
elif system in ("Linux",):
    from .linux import ServiceManager

    mgr = ServiceManager(prefix="org.molssi.seamm")
    raise NotImplementedError(f"SEAMM does not support services on {system} yet.")

[docs] def setup(parser): """Define the command-line interface for updating SEAMM components. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser The main parser for the application. """ subparser = parser.add_parser("update") subparser.set_defaults(func=update) subparser.add_argument( "--all", action="store_true", help="Fully update the SEAMM installation", ) subparser.add_argument( "--gui-only", action="store_true", help="Update only packages necessary for the GUI", ) subparser.add_argument( "modules", nargs="*", default=None, help="Specific modules and plug-ins to update.", )
[docs] def update(): """Update the requested SEAMM components and plug-ins. Parameters ---------- """ # Need to track packages that require services to be restarted. service_packages = ("seamm-datastore", "seamm-dashboard", "seamm-jobserver") initial_version = {p: package_info(p)[0] for p in service_packages} if my.options.all: # First update the conda environment # environment = my.conda.active_environment # print(f"Updating the conda environment {environment}") # my.conda.update(all=True) update_packages("all") else: update_packages(my.options.modules) if my.development: update_development_environment() final_version = {p: package_info(p)[0] for p in service_packages} # And restart any services that need if ( initial_version["seamm-datastore"] is not None and final_version["seamm-datastore"] is not None and final_version["seamm-datastore"] > initial_version["seamm-datastore"] ): service_name = "dev_dashboard" if my.development else "dashboard" if mgr.is_installed(service_name): mgr.stop(service_name) update_datastore() mgr.start(service_name) print(f"Restarted the {service_name} because the datastore was updated.") service_name = "dev_jobserver" if my.development else "jobserver" if mgr.is_installed(service_name): mgr.restart(service_name) print(f"Restarted the {service_name} because the datastore was updated.") else: if ( initial_version["seamm-dashboard"] is not None and final_version["seamm-dashboard"] is not None and final_version["seamm-dashboard"] > initial_version["seamm-dashboard"] ): service_name = "dev_dashboard" if my.development else "dashboard" if mgr.is_installed(service_name): mgr.restart(service_name) print(f"Restarted the {service_name} because it was updated.") if ( initial_version["seamm-jobserver"] is not None and final_version["seamm-jobserver"] is not None and final_version["seamm-jobserver"] > initial_version["seamm-jobserver"] ): service_name = "dev_jobserver" if my.development else "jobserver" if mgr.is_installed(service_name): mgr.restart(service_name) print(f"Restarted the {service_name} because it was updated.")
[docs] def update_packages(to_update): """Update SEAMM components and plug-ins.""" metadata = get_metadata() # Find all the packages packages = find_packages(progress=True) if to_update == "all": to_update = [*packages.keys()] for package in to_update: available = packages[package]["version"] channel = packages[package]["channel"] installed_version, installed_channel = package_info(package) # Skip packages that aren't installed. if installed_version is None: continue pinned = "pinned" in packages[package] and packages[package]["pinned"] if pinned: spec = f"{package}=={available}" print(f"pinning {package} to version {available}") else: spec = package ptype = packages[package]["type"] if installed_version < available: # Convert conda-forge url in channel to 'conda-forge' if "/conda-forge" in channel: channel = "conda-forge" print( f"Updating {ptype.lower()} {package} from version {installed_version} " f"to {available}" ) if channel == installed_channel: if channel == "pypi": if pinned: my.pip.install(spec) else: my.pip.update(spec) else: if pinned: my.conda.install(spec) else: my.conda.update(spec) else: if installed_channel == "pypi": my.pip.uninstall(package) else: my.conda.uninstall(package) if channel == "pypi": my.pip.install(spec) else: my.conda.install(spec) # See if the package has an installer if not metadata["gui-only"] and not my.options.gui_only: run_plugin_installer(package, "update")
[docs] def update_development_environment(): """Update packages needed for development.""" packages = [*development_packages] print(f"Updating Conda development packages {' '.join(packages)}") my.conda.update(packages) packages = [*development_packages_pip] print(f"Updating PyPI development packages {' '.join(packages)}") my.pip.update(packages)