Source code for seamm_installer.mac

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Mac OS specific routines handling unique operations.

* Creating the 'app'
* Installing Launch Agents to handle the Dashboard and JobServer

import datetime
import getpass
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import plistlib
import shutil
import subprocess

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def create_app( exe_path, *args, identifier=None, name="SEAMM", version="0.1.0", user_only=False, icons=None, copyright=None, ): """Create an application bundle for a Mac app. Parameters ---------- exe_path : pathlib.Path or str The path to the executable (required). Either a path-like object or string identifier : str The bundle identifier. If None, is set to 'org.molssi.seamm.<name>'. name : str The name of the app version : str = "0.1.0" The version of the app. user_only : bool = False Whether to install for just the current user. Defaults to all users. icons : pathlib.Path or string Optional path to the icns file to use. copyright : str The human-readable copyright. Defaults to "Copyright 2017-xxxx MolSSI" """ if identifier is None: identifier = "org.molssi.seamm." + name if copyright is None: year = copyright = f"Copyright 2017-{year} MolSSI" if user_only: applications_path = Path("~/Applications").expanduser() else: applications_path = Path("/Applications") contents_path = applications_path / (name + ".app") / "Contents" contents_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create the script to run the executable macos_path = contents_path / "MacOS" macos_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=False, exist_ok=True) script_path = macos_path / name path = Path(exe_path).expanduser().resolve() cmd = '"' + str(path) + '"' for arg in args: cmd += f" {arg}" script_path.write_text(f"#!/bin/bash\n{cmd}\n") script_path.chmod(0o755) # And put the icons in place resources_path = contents_path / "Resources" resources_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=False, exist_ok=True) icons_path = resources_path / (name + ".icns") path = Path(icons).expanduser().resolve() shutil.copyfile(path, icons_path) # write the PList file describing the app. data = { "CFBundleIdentifier": identifier, "CFBundleName": name, "CFBundleShortVersionString": version, "CFBundleExecutable": name, "CFBundleIconFile":, "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion": "en", "CFBundlePackageType": "APPL", "LSApplicationCategoryType": "", "NSHumanReadableCopyright": copyright, } plist_path = contents_path / "Info.plist" with"wb") as fd: plistlib.dump(data, fd)
[docs] def delete_app(name, missing_ok=False): """Delete the app given. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the app. missing_ok : bool = False Don't throw an error if the app does not exist. """ apps = get_apps() if name in apps: shutil.rmtree(apps[name]) elif not missing_ok: raise FileNotFoundError(f"App '{name}' does not exist.")
[docs] def get_apps(): paths = ( Path("~/Applications").expanduser(), Path("/Applications"), ) apps = {} for path in paths: for file_path in path.glob("*.app"): name = file_path.stem apps[name] = file_path return apps
[docs] def update_app(name, version, missing_ok=False): """Update the version for a Mac app. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the app version : str The version of the app. missing_ok : bool = False Don't throw an error if the app does not exist. """ apps = get_apps() if name in apps: app_path = Path(apps[name]) contents_path = app_path / "Contents" plist_path = contents_path / "Info.plist" with"rb") as fd: data = plistlib.load(fd) data["CFBundleShortVersionString"] = version with"wb") as fd: plistlib.dump(data, fd) elif not missing_ok: raise FileNotFoundError(f"App '{name}' does not exist.")
[docs] class ServiceManager: def __init__(self, prefix=""): """A manager for handling services (agents) on MacOS. Parameters ---------- prefix : str The prefix for all services, limiting searches, etc. """ self.prefix = prefix self._data = None # Dictionary of existing services self._uid = os.getuid() self._paths = ( (Path("~/Library/LaunchAgents").expanduser(), f"gui/{self.uid}"), (Path("/Library/LaunchAgents"), f"gui/{self.uid}"), (Path("/Library/LaunchDaemons"), "system"), ) @property def data(self): if self._data is None: self._data = {} pattern = self.prefix + ".*" for path, domain in self.paths: for file_path in path.glob(pattern): name = file_path.stem target = f"{domain}/{name}" short_name = file_path.suffixes[-2][1:] self._data[short_name] = (domain, target, file_path) return self._data @property def paths(self): return self._paths @property def uid(self): return self._uid
[docs] def create( self, name, exe_path, *args, user_agent=True, user_only=True, stderr_path=None, stdout_path=None, exist_ok=False, ): """Create a service on MacOS. The Mac supports three types of services. This function uses `user_agent` and `user_only` to control which is selected. 1. A user Launch Agent for a single user, which runs while that user is logged in. (True, True) 2. A Launch Agent installed by the admin that is available for all users, and runs when any user is logged in. (True, False) 3. A system-wide service that runs when the machine is booted. (False, not used) Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the agent exe_path : pathlib.Path or str The path to the executable (required). Either a path-like object or string args : [] List of arguments for the program. user_agent : bool = True Whether to create a per-user agent (True) or system-wide daemon (False) user_only : bool = True Whether to install for just the current user (True) or all users (False). Only affects user agents, not daemons which are always system-wide. stderr_path : pathlib.Path or str = None The file to direct stderr. Defaults to "~/SEAMM/logs/<name>.out" stdout_path : pathlib.Path or str = None The file to direct stdout. Defaults to "~/SEAMM/logs/<name>.out" exist_ok : bool = False If True overwrite an existing file. """ identifier = self.prefix + "." + name if user_agent: if user_only: launchd_path = self.paths[0][0] plist_path = launchd_path / f"{identifier}.plist" else: launchd_path = self.paths[1][0] plist_path = launchd_path / f"{identifier}.plist" else: launchd_path = self.paths[2][0] plist_path = launchd_path / f"{identifier}.plist" if plist_path.exists(): if not exist_ok: raise FileExistsError() if stderr_path is None: stderr_path = Path(f"~/SEAMM/logs/{name}.out").expanduser() if stdout_path is None: stdout_path = Path(f"~/SEAMM/logs/{name}.out").expanduser() # And the plist file itself. program_arguments = [str(exe_path)] for arg in args: program_arguments.append(str(arg)) plist = { "Label": identifier, "KeepAlive": True, "ProgramArguments": program_arguments, "ProcessType": "Interactive", "StandardErrorPath": str(stderr_path), "StandardOutPath": str(stdout_path), } # System-wide daemons need the username if not user_agent: username = getpass.getuser() plist["UserName"] = username # Reset the service data so it is re-read self._data = None # Write the file ... we may not have permission, so catch that. try: launchd_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"wb") as fd: plistlib.dump(plist, fd) except PermissionError: path = Path("~/Downloads").expanduser() / f"{identifier}.plist" with"wb") as fd: plistlib.dump(plist, fd) print(f"\nYou do not have permission to write to {launchd_path}.") print("If you have administrator access, run the following commands:") print("") print(f" sudo mv {path} {plist_path}") print( " sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.molssi.seamm" ".dashboard.plist" ) print("") print("To move the temporary copy of the file to the correct locations.") print("Then start the services as follows:") print("") except Exception as e: print("Caught error?") print(e) print() raise
[docs] def delete(self, service, ignore_errors=False): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] # Check if it is running if self.is_running(service): self.stop(service) # Now remove the files path.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Fix up service data del[service] else: # Check if the plist file exists, and remove if it does. for path, _ in self.paths: launchd_path = path / f"{self.prefix}.{service}.plist" launchd_path.unlink(missing_ok=True)
[docs] def file_path(self, service): "Return the path to the plist file for the service." data = if service in data: return data[service][2] return ""
[docs] def is_installed(self, service): return service in self.list()
[docs] def is_running(self, service): result = False services = self.list() if service in services: service_target =[service][1] cmd = f"launchctl print {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 0: result = True else: result = False else: result = False return result
[docs] def list(self): return
[docs] def restart(self, service, ignore_errors=False): self.stop(service, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) self.start(service, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
[docs] def start(self, service, ignore_errors=False): if not self.is_running(service): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] cmd = f"launchctl bootstrap {domain} {path}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0 and not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError( f"Starting the service '{service}' was not successful:\n" f"{result.stderr}" ) elif not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError( f"Service '{service}' cannot be started because it is not installed" )
[docs] def status(self, service): status = {"service": service} services = self.list() if service in services: status["exists"] = True service_target =[service][1] cmd = f"launchctl print {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) status["running"] = result.returncode == 0 # Get the root directory and, for the dashboard, port path =[service][2] logger.debug(f"Checking {path} for the root and port") with"rb") as fd: data = plistlib.load(fd) root = None port = None name = None if "ProgramArguments" in data: lines = iter(data["ProgramArguments"]) for line in lines: if "--root" in line: root = next(lines) if "--port" in line: port = next(lines) if "--dashboard-name" in line: name = next(lines) status["root"] = root status["port"] = port status["dashboard name"] = name else: status["exists"] = False return status
[docs] def stop(self, service, ignore_errors=False): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] # Check if it is running if self.is_running(service): cmd = f"launchctl bootout {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 0: pass elif not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not stop the service '{service}':")