Source code for seamm_installer.linux

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Linux OS specific routines handling unique operations.

* Installing daemons to handle the Dashboard and JobServer

from configparser import ConfigParser
import getpass
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import shutil
from string import Template
import subprocess

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

app_text = """\
[Desktop Entry]
# The version of the desktop entry specification to which this file complies


user_text = """\

service_text = """\

[docs] def list_to_dict(lst): res_dct = {lst[i]: lst[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(lst), 2)} return res_dct
[docs] def create_app( exe_path, *args, name="SEAMM", comment="the Simulation Environment for Atomistic and Molecular Modeling", user_only=False, icons=None, **kwargs, ): """Create an application bundle for a Linux app. Parameters ---------- exe_path : pathlib.Path or str The path to the executable (required). Either a path-like object or string name : str The name of the app comment : str = "the Simulation Environment for Atomistic and Molecular Modeling" A comment for use in tooltips, etc. user_only : bool = False Whether to install for just the current user or all users (default). icons : pathlib.Path or str Optional path to the icns files to use. kwargs : Other keywords arguments for compatibility with other OS's. Ignored """ if user_only: applications_path = Path("~/.local/share/applications/").expanduser() applications_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: applications_path = Path("/usr/local/share/applications/") # And put the icons in place icons_path = Path("~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/").expanduser() path = Path(icons).expanduser().resolve() for icon in path.iterdir(): dimensions = icon.stem if "x" in dimensions: directory = icons_path / dimensions / "apps" directory.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(icon, directory / f"{name}.png") # And the desktop file itself. desktop = Template(app_text).substitute( name=name, comment=comment, exe=exe_path, icon=name, ) desktop_path = applications_path / f"{name}.desktop" desktop_path.write_text(desktop)
[docs] def delete_app(name, missing_ok=False): """Delete the app given. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the app. missing_ok : bool = False Don't throw an error if the app does not exist. """ apps = get_apps() if name in apps: apps[name].unlink(missing_ok=missing_ok) elif not missing_ok: raise FileNotFoundError(f"App '{name}' does not exist.")
[docs] def get_apps(): """Return a list of all user applications. Returns ------- {str: str} Dictionary of app names and paths to the desktop file. """ paths = ( Path("~/.local/share/applications/").expanduser(), Path("/usr/local/share/applications/"), ) apps = {} for path in paths: for file_path in path.glob("*.desktop"): name = file_path.stem apps[name] = file_path return apps
[docs] def update_app(name, version, missing_ok=False): """Update the version for a Linux app. Since the desktop file does not have the version, nothing to do. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the app version : str The version of the app. missing_ok : bool = False Don't throw an error if the app does not exist. """ apps = get_apps() if name in apps: pass elif not missing_ok: raise FileNotFoundError(f"App '{name}' does not exist.")
[docs] class ServiceManager: def __init__(self, prefix=""): """A manager for handling services on Linux Parameters ---------- prefix : str The prefix for all services, limiting searches, etc. """ self.prefix = prefix self._data = None # Dictionary of existing services self._uid = os.getuid() self._paths = ( (Path("~/.config/systemd/user").expanduser(), "user"), (Path("/etc/systemd/user"), "all users"), (Path("/etc/systemd/system"), "system"), ) @property def data(self): if self._data is None: self._data = {} pattern = self.prefix + ".*" for path, domain in self.paths: for file_path in path.glob(pattern): service = file_path.stem short_name = file_path.suffixes[-2][1:] self._data[short_name] = (domain, service, file_path) return self._data @property def paths(self): return self._paths @property def uid(self): return self._uid
[docs] def create( self, name, exe_path, *args, user_agent=True, user_only=True, stderr_path=None, stdout_path=None, exist_ok=False, ): """Create a service on Linux. Linux supports three types of services. This function uses `user_agent` and `user_only` to control which is selected. 1. A user service for a single user, which runs while that user is logged in. (True, True) 2. A service installed by the admin that is available for all users, and runs when any user is logged in. (True, False) 3. A system-wide service that runs when the machine is booted. (False, not used) Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the agent exe_path : pathlib.Path or str The path to the executable (required). Either a path-like object or string args : [] List of arguments for the program. user_agent : bool = True Whether to create a per-user agent (True) or system-wide daemon (False) user_only : bool = True Whether to install for just the current user (True) or all users (False). Only affects user agents, not daemons which are always system-wide. stderr_path : pathlib.Path or str = None The file to direct stderr. Defaults to "~/SEAMM/logs/<name>.out" stdout_path : pathlib.Path or str = None The file to direct stdout. Defaults to "~/SEAMM/logs/<name>.out" exist_ok : bool = False If True overwrite an existing file. """ identifier = self.prefix + "." + name if user_agent: if user_only: systemd_path = self.paths[0][0] systemd_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) service_path = systemd_path / f"{identifier}.service" else: systemd_path = self.paths[1][0] service_path = systemd_path / f"{identifier}.service" else: systemd_path = self.paths[2][0] service_path = systemd_path / f"{identifier}.service" if service_path.exists(): if not exist_ok: raise FileExistsError() description = name.replace("-", " ").title().replace("Seamm", "SEAMM") # Handle any arguments program_arguments = [str(x) for x in args] arguments = list_to_dict(program_arguments) if "--root" in arguments: root_path = Path(arguments["--root"]).expanduser() else: root_path = Path("~/SEAMM").expanduser() wd_path = root_path / "services" wd_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create the command with arguments cmd = exe_path if len(program_arguments) > 0: cmd += " " cmd += " ".join(program_arguments) # And the service file if user_agent: service = Template(user_text).substitute( description=description, wd=str(wd_path), exe=cmd, ) else: # System-wide daemons need the username username = getpass.getuser() service = Template(user_text).substitute( description=description, user=username, wd=str(wd_path), exe=cmd, ) # Reset the service data so it is re-read self._data = None # Write the file ... we may not have permission, so catch that. try: service_path.write_text(service) except PermissionError: downloads = Path("~/Downloads").expanduser() downloads.mkdir(exist_ok=True) path = downloads / f"{name}.service" path.write_text(service) print(f"\nYou do not have permission to write to {systemd_path}.") print("If you have administrator access, run the following commands:") print("") print(f" sudo mv {path} {service_path}") print(f" sudo chown root:root {service_path}") print("") print("To move the temporary copy of the file to the correct locations.") except Exception as e: print("Caught error?") print(e) print() raise
[docs] def delete(self, service, ignore_errors=False): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_name, path =[service] # Check if it is running if self.is_running(service): self.stop(service) # Now remove the files path.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Fix up service data del[service] else: # Check if the service file exists, and remove if it does. for path, _ in self.paths: systemd_path = path / f"{self.prefix}.{service}.service" systemd_path.unlink(missing_ok=True)
[docs] def file_path(self, service): "Return the path to the unit file for the service." data = if service in data: return data[service][2] return ""
[docs] def is_installed(self, service): return service in self.list()
[docs] def is_running(self, service): result = False services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] if "user" in domain: cmd = f"systemctl --user is-active {service_target}" else: cmd = f"systemctl is-active {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 0: result = True else: result = False else: result = False return result
[docs] def list(self): return
[docs] def restart(self, service, ignore_errors=False): self.stop(service, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) self.start(service, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
[docs] def start(self, service, ignore_errors=False): if not self.is_running(service): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] if "user" in domain: cmd = f"systemctl --user --now enable {path}" else: cmd = f"systemctl --now enable {path}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0 and not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError( f"Starting the service '{service}' was not successful:\n" f"{result.stderr}" ) elif not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError( f"Service '{service}' cannot be started because it is not installed" )
[docs] def status(self, service): status = {"service": service} services = self.list() if service in services: status["exists"] = True status["running"] = self.is_running(service) # Get the root directory and, for the dashboard, port path =[service][2] logger.debug(f"Checking {path} for the root and port") config = ConfigParser() root = None port = None name = None if "Service" in config.sections() and "ExecStart" in config["Service"]: keywords = list_to_dict(shlex.split(config["Service"]["ExecStart"])[1:]) root = keywords.get("--root") port = keywords.get("--port") if "--dashboard-name" in keywords: name = keywords.get("--dashboard-name") status["root"] = root status["port"] = port status["dashboard name"] = name else: status["exists"] = False return status
[docs] def stop(self, service, ignore_errors=False): services = self.list() if service in services: domain, service_target, path =[service] # Check if it is running if self.is_running(service): if "user" in domain: cmd = f"systemctl --user disable {service_target}" else: cmd = f"systemctl disable {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 0: pass elif not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not stop the service '{service}':") if "user" in domain: cmd = f"systemctl --user stop {service_target}" else: cmd = f"systemctl stop {service_target}" result =, shell=True, text=True, capture_output=True) if result.returncode == 0: pass elif not ignore_errors: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not stop the service '{service}':")