Source code for seamm_installer.installer_base

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

import seamm_installer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

prolog = """\
# Configuration options for SEAMM.
# The options in this file override any defaults in SEAMM
# and its plug-ins; however, command-line arguments will
# in turn override the values here.
# The keys should have dashes '-' separating words. In either case,
# the command line options is '--<key with dashes>' and the variable
# name inside SEAMM is '<key with underscores>', e.g. 'log-level' in
# this file corresponds to the command line option '--log-level'
# and the variable in SEAMM 'log_level'.
# The file is broken into sections, with a name in square brackets,
# like [lammps-step]. Within each section there can be a series of
# option = value statements. '#' introduces comment lines. The
# section names and variables should be in lower case except for
# the [DEFAULT] and [SEAMM] sections which are special.
# [DEFAULT] provides default values for any other section. If an
# option is requested for a section, but does not exist in that
# section, the option is looked for in the [DEFAULT] section. If it
# exists there, the corresponding value is used.
# The [SEAMM] section contains options for the SEAMM environment
# itself. On the command line these come before any options for
# plug-ins, which follow the name of the plug-in. The plug-in name is
# also the section in this file for that plug-in.
# All other sections are for the plug-ins, and generally have the form
# [xxxxx-step], in lowercase.
# Finally, options can refer to options in the same or other sections
# with a syntax like ${section:option}. If the section is omitted,
# the current section and [DEFAULT] are searched, in that
# order. Otherwise the given section and [DEFAULT] are searched.

# Default values for options in any section.

# Options for the SEAMM infrastructure.


[docs] class InstallerBase(object): """A base class for plug-in installers. This base class provides much of the functionality needed by installers for plug-ins, but not the functionality specific to a given plug-in. Attributes ---------- section : str The section of the configuration file to use. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, ini_file="~/.seamm.d/seamm.ini", logger=logger): # Create the ini file if it does not exist. self._check_ini_file(ini_file) self.logger = logger # and make the configuration, conda and pip objects self._configuration = seamm_installer.Configuration(ini_file) self._conda = seamm_installer.Conda() self._pip = seamm_installer.Pip() # Setup the parseer for the command-line self.options = None self.subparser = {} self.parser = self.setup_parser() # Other attributes self.section = None self.path_name = None self.executables = None self.resource_path = None self._exe_config = seamm_installer.Configuration(None) self.environment = None @property def conda(self): """The Conda object to use for accessing Conda.""" return self._conda @property def configuration(self): """The Configuration object for working with the ini file.""" return self._configuration @property def exe_config(self): # The ini data for the executables return self._exe_config @property def pip(self): """The Pip object used for working with pip.""" return self._pip
[docs] def ask_yes_no(self, text, default=None): """Ask a simple yes/no question, returning True/False. Parameters ---------- text : str The text of the question. Returns ------- bool True for yes; False, no """ if default is None: answer = input(f"{text} y/n: ") elif default == "yes": answer = input(f"{text} [y]/n: ") elif default == "no": answer = input(f"{text} y/[n]: ") else: answer = input(f"{text} y/n: ") while True: if len(answer) == 0: if default == "yes": return True elif default == "no": return False else: answer = answer[0].lower() if answer == "y": return True elif answer == "n": return False input("Please answer 'y' or 'n': ")
def _check_ini_file(self, ini_file): """Ensure that the ini file exists. If it does not, it will be created and a template written to it. The template contains a prolog with a description of the file followed by empty [DEFAULT] and [SEAMM] sections, which ensures that they are present and at the top of the file. """ path = Path(ini_file).expanduser().resolve() if not path.exists(): path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path.write_text(prolog)
[docs] def check(self): """Check the installation and fix errors if requested. If the option `yes` is present and True, this method will attempt to correct any errors in the configuration file. Use `--yes` on the command line to enable this. The information in the configuration file is: installation How the executables are installed. One of `user`, `modules` or `conda` conda-environment The Conda environment if and only if `installation` = `conda` modules The environment modules if `installation` = `modules` {self.path_name} The path where the executables are. Automatically defined if `installation` is `conda` or `modules`, but given by the user is it is `user`. Returns ------- bool True if everything is OK, False otherwise. If `yes` is given as an option, the return value is after fixing the configuration. """ self.logger.debug("Entering check method.") if not self.configuration.section_exists(self.section): if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( f"There is no section for {self.section} in the configuration " f" file ({self.configuration.path}).\nAdd one?", default="yes", ): self.check_configuration_file() print( f" Added the {self.section} section to the configuration file " f"{self.configuration.path}" ) # Get the values from the executable configuration data = self.exe_config.get_values("local") # Save the initial values, if any, of the key configuration variables if self.path_name in data and data[self.path_name] != "": path = Path(data[self.path_name]).expanduser().resolve() initial_exe_path = path else: initial_exe_path = None if "installation" in data and data["installation"] != "": initial_installation = data["installation"] else: initial_installation = None if "conda-environment" in data and data["conda-environment"] != "": initial_conda_environment = data["conda-environment"] else: initial_conda_environment = None if "modules" in data and data["modules"] != "": initial_modules = data["modules"] else: initial_modules = None # Is there a valid -path? self.logger.debug( "Checking for the executable in the initial path " f"{initial_exe_path}." ) if initial_exe_path is None or not self.have_executables(initial_exe_path): exe_path = None else: exe_path = initial_exe_path self.logger.debug(f"initial-exe-path = {initial_exe_path}.") # Is there an installation indicated? if initial_installation in ("conda", "modules", "local", "docker"): installation = initial_installation else: installation = None self.logger.debug(f"initial-installation = {initial_installation}.") if installation == "conda": # Is there a conda environment? conda_environment = None if initial_conda_environment is None or not self.conda.exists( initial_conda_environment ): if exe_path is not None: # see if this path corresponds to a Conda environment for tmp in self.conda.environments: tmp_path = self.conda.path(tmp) / "bin" if tmp_path == exe_path: conda_environment = tmp break if conda_environment is not None: if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( "The Conda environment in the config file " "is not correct.\n" f"It should be {conda_environment}. Fix?", default="yes", ): self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", "conda") self.exe_config.set_value( "local", "conda-environment", conda_environment ) conda_exe = shutil.which("conda") if conda_exe is None: print( " Cannot find the path to the conda executable! " "Please fix the path in the configuration file." ) else: self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", conda_exe) # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print( " Corrected the conda environment to " f"{conda_environment}" ) else: conda_environment = None print( " The mopac.ini file specifies using a Conda environment, " "however, the executable(s) are not in the environment." ) else: # Have a Conda environment! conda_path = self.conda.path(initial_conda_environment) / "bin" self.logger.debug( f"Checking for executable in conda-path: {conda_path}." ) if self.have_executables(conda_path): # All is good! conda_environment = initial_conda_environment conda_exe = shutil.which("conda") if conda_exe is None: print( " Cannot find the path to the conda executable! " "Please fix the path in the configuration file." ) else: self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", conda_exe) print(" The conda path is correct.") else: conda_environment = None print( " The mopac.ini file specifies using a Conda environment, " "however, the executable(s) are not in the environment." ) elif installation == "modules": print(f"Can't check the actual modules {initial_modules} yet") if initial_conda_environment is not None: if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( "A Conda environment is given: " f"{initial_conda_environment}.\n" "A Conda environment should not be used when using " "modules. Remove it from the configuration?", default="yes", ): # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print( " Using modules, so removed the conda-environment from " "the configuration" ) elif installation == "docker": if "container" in data and data["container"] != "": container = data["container"] print(f" Setup to use the docker container {container}") else: print(" Setup to use docker, but the container is not set!") if initial_conda_environment is not None: if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( "A Conda environment is given: " f"{initial_conda_environment}.\n" "A Conda environment should not be used when using " "docker. Remove it from the configuration?", default="yes", ): # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) print( " Using docker, so removed the conda-environment from " "the configuration" ) else: if exe_path is None: # No path or executable in the path! environments = self.conda.environments if self.environment in environments: # Make sure it is first! environments.remove(self.environment) environments.insert(0, self.environment) for tmp in environments: tmp_path = self.conda.path(tmp) / "bin" if self.have_executables(tmp_path): if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( f"There are no valid executables in the {self.path_name}" " in the config file, but there are in the Conda " f"environment {tmp} ({tmp_path}).\n" "Use them?", default="yes", ): conda_environment = tmp exe_path = tmp_path self.exe_config.set_value("local", self.path_name, exe_path) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", "conda") self.exe_config.set_value( "local", "conda-environment", conda_environment ) # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value( "local", "conda-environment", None ) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print( " Will use the conda environment " f"'{conda_environment}'" ) break if exe_path is None: # Haven't found it. Check in the path. exe_path = self.executables_in_path() if exe_path is not None: if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( "Found valid executable(s) in the PATH at " f"{exe_path}\n" "Use them?", default="yes", ): self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", "local") # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print(" Using the executable(s) at {exe_path}") if exe_path is None: # Can't find the executable(s) print( f" Cannot find the executable(s): {', '.join(self.executables)}." "\n You will need to install them." ) if ( initial_installation is not None and initial_installation != "not installed" ): if self.options.yes or self.ask_yes_no( "The configuration file indicates that the executable(s) " "are installed, but they can't be found.\n" "Fix the configuration file?", default="yes", ): # Update the configuration file. self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print( " Since no executable(s) were found, cleared " "the configuration." ) else: print(" The check completed successfully.")
[docs] def check_configuration_file(self): """Checks that the necessary section for the plug-in is in the configuration file. """ if not self.configuration.section_exists(self.section): # Get the text of the data path = self.resource_path / "configuration.txt" text = path.read_text() # Add it to the configuration file and write to disk. self.configuration.add_section(self.section, text)
[docs] def have_executables(self, path): """Check whether the executables are found at the given path. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path The directory to check. Returns ------- bool True if all of the executables are found. """ for executable in self.executables: tmp_path = path / executable if not tmp_path.exists(): self.logger.debug(f"Did not find {executable} in {path}") return False self.logger.debug(f"Found all executables in {path}") return True
[docs] def executables_in_path(self): """Check whether the executables are found in the PATH. Returns ------- pathlib.Path The path where the executables are, or None. """ path = None for executable in self.executables: path = shutil.which(executable) if path is not None: path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() break # And check that have all the executables if path is not None and self.have_executables(path): return path else: return None
[docs] def install(self): """Install using a Conda environment.""" print( f" Installing Conda environment '{self.environment}'. This " "may take a minute or two." ) self.conda.create_environment(self.environment_file, name=self.environment) # Update the configuration file. self.check_configuration_file() # Update the executable configuration file. self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", "conda") conda_exe = shutil.which("conda") if conda_exe is not None: self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", conda_exe) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", self.environment) # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print(" Done!\n")
[docs] def run(self): """Do what the user asks via the commandline.""" self.options = self.parser.parse_args() if "method" not in self.options: self.parser.print_help() else: # Run the requested subcommand self.options.method()
[docs] def setup_parser(self): """Parse the command line into the options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--log-level", default="WARNING", type=str.upper, choices=["NOTSET", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], help=("The level of informational output, defaults to " "'%(default)s'"), ) parser.add_argument( "--environment", default="seamm", type=str.lower, help="The conda environment for seamm, defaults to '%(default)s'", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() self.subparser["subparsers"] = subparsers # check self.subparser["check"] = check = subparsers.add_parser("check") check.add_argument( "-y", "--yes", action="store_true", help="Answer 'yes' to all prompts" ) check.set_defaults(method=self.check) # install self.subparser["install"] = install = subparsers.add_parser("install") install.set_defaults(method=self.install) # update self.subparser["update"] = update = subparsers.add_parser("update") update.set_defaults(method=self.update) # uninstall uninstall = subparsers.add_parser("uninstall") self.subparser["uninstall"] = uninstall uninstall.set_defaults(method=self.uninstall) # show self.subparser["show"] = show = subparsers.add_parser("show") show.set_defaults( # Parse what we know so that we can set up logging. tmp = parser.parse_known_args() self.options = tmp[0] # Set up the logging level = self.options.log_level logging.basicConfig(level=level) # Don't know why basicConfig doesn't seem to work! self.logger.setLevel(level)"Logging level is {level}") return parser
[docs] def show(self): """Show the current installation status.""" self.logger.debug("Entering show") # See if the executables are already registered in the configuration file if not self.exe_config.section_exists("local"): print(" There is no section in the configuration file for 'local'.") data = self.exe_config.get_values("local") if "code" in data: print(f" The command line:\n\t{data['code']}") else: print("! There is no command line specified.") if "installation" in data: installation = data["installation"] if installation == "conda": if "conda-environment" in data and data["conda-environment"] != "": print( " run using the Conda environment " f"{data['conda-environment']}." ) name, version = self.exe_version(data) print(f" {name} version {version}.") else: print("! run from an unknown Conda environment.") elif installation == "modules": if "modules" in data and data["modules"] != "": print(f" run using module(s) {data['modules']}.") else: print("! run using unknown modules.") elif installation == "local": pass elif installation == "docker": line = f" run using the Docker container {data['container']}" if "platform" in data: line += f" for {data['platform']}." else: line += "." print(line) else: print(f"! Unknown installation method '{installation}'") else: print("! Does not seem to be configured to run!")
[docs] def uninstall(self): """Uninstall the Conda environment.""" # See if the executables are already registered in the configuration file data = self.exe_config.get_values("local") if "installation" in data and data["installation"] == "conda": if "conda-environment" in data and data["conda-environment"] != "": environment = data["conda-environment"] print( f" Uninstalling Conda environment '{environment}'. This " "may take a minute or two." ) self.conda.remove_environment(environment) # Update the configuration file. self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print(" Done!\n")
[docs] def update(self): """Update the installation, if possible.""" # See if the executables are already registered in the configuration file data = self.exe_config.get_values("local") if "installation" in data and data["installation"] == "conda": environment = self.environment if "conda-environment" in data and data["conda-environment"] != "": environment = data["conda-environment"] print( f" Updating Conda environment '{environment}'. This may " "take a minute or two." ) self.conda.update_environment(self.environment_file, name=environment) # Update the configuration file, just in case. self.exe_config.set_value("local", "installation", "conda") conda_exe = shutil.which("conda") if conda_exe is not None: self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda", conda_exe) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "conda-environment", environment) # Clean up the environment file self.exe_config.set_value("local", "modules", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "container", None) self.exe_config.set_value("local", "platform", None) print(" Done!\n") else: print( "! Unable to update the executables because they were not installed " "using Conda" )