Source code for seamm.tk_start_node

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The start node in a flowchart"""

import copy
import pprint  # noqa: F401
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

import seamm
import seamm_widgets as sw

[docs] class TkStartNode(seamm.TkNode): """The Tk-based graphical representation of a Start node""" anchor_points = { "s": (0, 0.5), "e": (0.5, 0.0), "w": (-0.5, 0.0), } def __init__( self, tk_flowchart=None, node=None, canvas=None, x=150, y=50, w=200, h=50 ): """Initialize a node Keyword arguments: """ super().__init__( tk_flowchart=tk_flowchart, node=node, canvas=canvas, x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h ) # Temporary storage for authors self._author_data = []
[docs] def right_click(self, event): """Display the properties of the flowchart.""" if self.popup_menu is not None: self.popup_menu.destroy() self.popup_menu = tk.Menu(self.canvas, tearoff=0) self.popup_menu.add_command(label="Edit..", command=self.edit)
[docs] def edit(self): """Present a dialog for editing this step's parameters. Subclasses can override this. """ # Create the dialog if it doesn't exist if self.dialog is None: self.create_dialog() # After full creation, reset the dialog. This may do nothing, # or may layout the widgets, but can only be done after fully # creating the dialog. self.reset_dialog() # And resize the dialog to fit... self.fit_dialog() self.update_widgets() # And put it on-screen, the first time centered. result = self.dialog.activate(geometry="centerscreenfirst") if result == "OK": self.capture_metadata() self.cleanup_authors()
[docs] def update_widgets(self): """Put the correct metadata into the widgets.""" # Update the widgets with the current metadata from the flowchart metadata = self.tk_flowchart.flowchart.metadata self["title"].set(metadata["title"]) self["description"].delete("1.0", tk.END) self["description"].insert("1.0", metadata["description"]) self["keywords"].set(", ".join(metadata["keywords"])) if "grants" in metadata: self["grants"].set(", ".join(metadata["grants"])) # layout the authors self._author_data = copy.deepcopy(metadata["creators"]) self.layout_authors()
[docs] def cleanup_authors(self): """Destroy the internal widgets and reset the internal author data.""" for data in self._author_data: for w in data["widgets"].values(): w.destroy() self._author_data = []
[docs] def capture_metadata(self): """Capture the metadata from the widgets and put to the flowchart.""" metadata = self.tk_flowchart.flowchart.metadata metadata["title"] = self["title"].get() metadata["description"] = self["description"].get("1.0", tk.END) keywords = [x.strip() for x in self["keywords"].get().split(",")] if "seamm-flowchart" in keywords: keywords.remove("seamm-flowchart") metadata["keywords"] = keywords authors = [] for data in self._author_data: w = data["widgets"] tmp = {} for item in ("name", "orcid", "affiliation"): value = w[item].get().strip() if value != "": tmp[item] = value if len(tmp) > 0: authors.append(tmp) metadata["creators"] = authors
[docs] def create_dialog(self): """Create a dialog for editing the flowchart properties.""" frame = super().create_dialog("Flowchart Properties") f = self.create_frame(frame) f.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) f.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) f.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
[docs] def create_frame(self, parent_widget): """Create a frame for editing the flowchart properties.""" frame = self["inner frame"] = ttk.Frame(parent_widget) # Create the widgets and grid them in row = 0 # title w = self["title"] = sw.LabeledEntry(frame, labeltext="Title:", width=100) w.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.EW) row += 1 # description w = self["description label"] = ttk.Label(frame, text="Description") w.grid(row=row, column=0) row += 1 w = self["description frame"] = sw.ScrolledFrame( frame, scroll_vertically=True, borderwidth=2, relief=tk.SUNKEN ) w.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) row += 1 f = w.interior() w = self["description"] = tk.Text(f, wrap=tk.WORD, font=("Helvetica",)) w.grid(sticky=tk.NSEW) f.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) f.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # keywords w = self["keywords"] = sw.LabeledEntry( frame, labeltext="Keywords (comma separated):", width=100 ) w.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.EW) row += 1 # grants w = self["grants"] = sw.LabeledEntry( frame, labeltext="Grants (DOIs, comma separated):", width=100 ) w.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.EW) row += 1 # authors w = self["authors label"] = ttk.Label(frame, text="Authors") w.grid(row=row, column=0) row += 1 w = self["authors frame"] = sw.ScrolledFrame( frame, scroll_vertically=True, borderwidth=2, relief=tk.SUNKEN ) w.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) row += 1 f = w.interior() self["name label"] = ttk.Label(f, text="Name (last, others)") self["orcid label"] = ttk.Label(f, text="ORCID") self["affiliation label"] = ttk.Label(f, text="Affiliation") frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) return frame
[docs] def draw(self): """Draw the node on the given canvas, making it visible""" # the outline x0 = self.x - self.w / 2 x1 = x0 + self.w y0 = self.y - self.h / 2 y1 = y0 + self.h self.border = self.canvas.create_oval( x0, y0, x1, y1, tags=[self.tag, "type=outline"], fill="white", ) # the label in the middle self.title_label = self.canvas.create_text( self.x, self.y, text=self.title, tags=[self.tag, "type=title"] )
[docs] def handle_dialog(self, result): self.dialog.deactivate(result)
[docs] def layout_authors(self): """Layout the table of authors.""" frame = self["authors frame"].interior() # Unpack any widgets for slave in frame.grid_slaves(): slave.grid_forget() # Put in the column headers. row = 0 self["name label"].grid(row=row, column=1) self["orcid label"].grid(row=row, column=2) self["affiliation label"].grid(row=row, column=3) row += 1 for data in self._author_data: name = data["name"] orcid = data.get("orcid", "") affiliation = data.get("affiliation", "") if "widgets" not in data: widgets = data["widgets"] = {} else: widgets = data["widgets"] if "remove" not in widgets: # The button to remove a row... widgets["remove"] = ttk.Button( frame, text="-", width=2, command=lambda row=row: self.remove_author(row), takefocus=True, ) if "name" not in widgets: # the authors name widgets["name"] = ttk.Entry(frame, width=50, takefocus=True) widgets["name"].insert("end", name) if "orcid" not in widgets: # The author's ORCID id widgets["orcid"] = ttk.Entry(frame, width=20, takefocus=True) widgets["orcid"].insert("end", orcid) if "affiliation" not in widgets: # The author's affiliation widgets["affiliation"] = ttk.Entry(frame, width=50, takefocus=True) widgets["affiliation"].insert("end", affiliation) widgets["remove"].grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.W) widgets["name"].grid(row=row, column=1, stick=tk.EW) widgets["orcid"].grid(row=row, column=2, stick=tk.EW) widgets["affiliation"].grid(row=row, column=3, stick=tk.EW) row += 1 # The button to add a row... if "add author" not in self: w = self["add author"] = ttk.Button( frame, text="+", width=5, command=self.add_author, takefocus=True, ) w.focus_set() else: w = self["add author"] w.lift() w.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.W) frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
[docs] def add_author(self): """Add a new row to the author table.""" self._author_data.append({"name": "", "orcid": "", "affiliation": ""}) self.layout_authors()
[docs] def remove_author(self, row): """Remove a author entry from the table. Parameters ---------- row : int The row in the table to remove. Note the first author is at row 1. """ index = row - 1 data = self._author_data[index] if "widgets" in data: for w in data["widgets"].values(): w.destroy() del self._author_data[index] self.layout_authors()