Source code for seamm.tk_flowchart

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The flowchart is a visual representation of a flowchart
drawn on a Tk canvas. The nodes of the graph are shown as
ovals, rectangles, etc. with the edges indicated by arrows
from one node to another.

The outline of a  node has the following Tk tags: ::

    node=xxxxx type=outline

The title: ::

    node=xxxxx type=title

When the mouse is over the node, the anchor points are activated.
They have the following tags: ::

    node=xxxxx type=anchor anchor=<point>

When the mouse is over one of the active anchor points, it is
covered with a larger circle, with tags: ::

    node=xxxxx type=active_anchor anchor=<point>

Edges are indicated by directional arrows between nodes. The
arrows have the following tags: ::

    edge=xxxxx type=arrow

When the mouse if over an arrow, it is shown to be active by placing
two red squares on the base and head of the arrow: ::

    type=arrow_base arrow=<item> edge=xxxxx
    type=arrow_head arrow=<item> edge=xxxxx

Clicking on either of these allows dragging the head or tail to
another anchor point on the same or another node (but not on the
same node as the tail/head for head/tail!). If the arrow is dropped
anywhere else it just snaps back to its original place.

import copy
import logging
import math
import pkg_resources
import pprint  # nopep8
import sys
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.filedialog as tk_filedialog
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

from PIL import ImageTk, Image

import seamm
from .tk_open import TkOpen
from .tk_publish import TkPublish

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def grey(value): return 255 - (255 - value) * 0.1
[docs] class TkFlowchart(object): def __init__(self, master=None, flowchart=None, namespace=""): """Initialize a Flowchart object Keyword arguments: """ self.toplevel = None self.master = master self._flowchart = flowchart self.filename = None self._stack = [] self.graph = seamm.Graph() # Setup the plugin handling self.plugin_manager = seamm.PluginManager(namespace) # Job handler self._job_handler = seamm.TkJobHandler() self.canvas_width = 500 self.canvas_height = 500 self.grid_x = 300 # Width of the columns for the step display self.grid_y = 70 # Height of the rows for the step display = 50 self.halo = 8 # How many pixels to consider 'near' = None self._x0 = None self._y0 = None self.selection = None self.active_nodes = [] self.in_callback = False self.canvas_after_callback = None self.popup_menu = None # Create the panedwindow = tk.PanedWindow(self.master, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL), expand=1) # On the left put the tree of nodes self.tree = ttk.Treeview( for group in self.plugin_manager.groups(): self.tree.insert("", "end", group, text=group) for plugin in self.plugin_manager.plugins(group): self.tree.insert(group, "end", plugin, text=plugin, tags="node") self.tree.tag_bind( "node", sequence="<ButtonPress-1>", callback=self.create_node ) # and the main canvas with scrollbars next to the right self.canvas_frame = ttk.Frame( self.canvas_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.canvas_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.xscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.canvas_frame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) self.xscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.EW) self.yscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.canvas_frame) self.yscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NS) self.canvas = tk.Canvas( self.canvas_frame, width=self.canvas_width, height=self.canvas_height, xscrollcommand=self.xscrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=self.yscrollbar.set, scrollregion=(0, 0, 2000, 2000), ) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) self.xscrollbar.config(command=self.xview) self.yscrollbar.config(command=self.yview) # Set up scrolling on the canvas with the mouse scrollwheel or similar self.canvas.bind("<Enter>", self._bound_to_mousewheel) self.canvas.bind("<Leave>", self._unbound_to_mousewheel) # background image filepath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/SEAMM.png") self.image = self.prepared_image = Image.eval(self.image.convert("RGB"), grey) w, h = self.image.size r_w = self.canvas_width / w r_h = self.canvas_height / h factor = r_w if r_w < r_h else r_h w = int(factor * w) h = int(factor * h) self.working_image = self.prepared_image.resize((w, h)) = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.working_image) # self.background = self.canvas.create_image( # self.canvas_width / 2, # self.canvas_height / 2, #, # anchor='center') self.background = self.canvas.create_image( 0, 0,, anchor="center" ) # The gui partner for the start node... self.create_start_node() # Set up the bindings self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.canvas_configure) self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.mouse_motion) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.canvas.bind("<Double-ButtonPress-1>", self.double_click) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-2>", self.right_click) else: self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-3>", self.right_click) logger.debug("Finished initializing tk_flowchart") def __iter__(self): return self.graph.__iter__() @property def flowchart(self): """The flowchart, which holds the nodes""" return self._flowchart @flowchart.setter def flowchart(self, value): self._flowchart = value @property def master(self): """The window that is our master""" return self._master @master.setter def master(self, value): if value: self.toplevel = value.winfo_toplevel() self._master = value
[docs] def tag_exists(self, tag): """Check if the node with a given tag exists""" for node in self: if node.tag == tag: return True return False
[docs] def get_node(self, tag): """Return the node with a given tag""" if isinstance(tag, int): tag = str(tag) for node in self: if str(node.uuid) == tag: return node return None
[docs] def last_node(self, tk_node="1"): """Find the last node walking down the main execution path from the given node, which defaults to the start node""" logger.debug("Finding last node") # Handle loops! for node in self: node.node.visited = False logger.debug( " reset visited {} {} = {}".format( node.node.visited, node.title, node ) ) return self.last_node_helper(tk_node)
[docs] def last_node_helper(self, tk_node): """Helper routine to handle the recursion""" # get the node to start the traversal if isinstance(tk_node, str): tk_node = self.get_node(tk_node) logger.debug( " last tk_node helper: {} {} = {}".format( tk_node.node.visited, tk_node.title, tk_node ) ) tk_node.node.visited = True next_tk_node = None for edge in self.graph.edges(tk_node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution": if edge.node2.node.visited: logger.debug( "\ttk_node {} {} has been visited".format( edge.node2.title, edge.node2 ) ) next_tk_node = edge.node2 else: logger.debug( "\trecursing to tk_node {} {}".format( edge.node2.title, edge.node2 ) ) return self.last_node_helper(edge.node2) if next_tk_node is not None: tk_node = next_tk_node logger.debug( "\tchecking visited tk_node {} {} for new nodes".format( tk_node.title, tk_node ) ) if tk_node.node.extension == "Join": logger.debug("\t tk_node is a join node, so look at next") for edge in self.graph.edges(tk_node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution": logger.debug( "\ttk_node after join node is {} {}".format( edge.node2.title, edge.node2 ) ) tk_node = edge.node2 for edge in self.graph.edges(tk_node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution": if edge.node2.node.visited: logger.debug( "\tnode {} {} has been visited".format( edge.node2.title, edge.node2 ) ) else: logger.debug( "\trecursing to tk_node {} {}".format( edge.node2.title, edge.node2 ) ) return self.last_node_helper(edge.node2) logger.debug("\treturning {} {}".format(tk_node.title, tk_node)) return tk_node
[docs] def add_edge(self, u, v, edge_type="execution", edge_subtype="next", **kwargs): edge = self.graph.add_edge( u, v, edge_type, edge_subtype, edge_class=seamm.TkEdge, canvas=self.canvas, **kwargs, ) edge.draw() return edge
[docs] def edges(self, node=None, direction="both"): return self.graph.edges(node, direction)
[docs] def new_file(self, event=None): self.filename = None self.clear() # Reset the metadata self.flowchart.reset_metadata()
[docs] def help(self, event=None): print("Help!!!!")
[docs] def debug(self, event): print(event)
[docs] def open_file(self, event=None): filename = tk_filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".flow") if filename == "": return self.filename = filename
[docs] def open(self, filename): if isinstance(filename, list): filename = filename[0] self.from_flowchart() self.filename = filename
[docs] def clear(self, all=False): """Clear our graphics""" for item in self.canvas.find_all(): if item != self.background: self.canvas.delete(item) # and the graph self.graph.clear() # recreate the start node if not all: self.create_start_node() self.draw()
[docs] def create_start_node(self): """Create the start node""" # Check if the start node exists start_node = self.flowchart.get_node("1") if start_node is None: start_node = seamm.StartNode() tk_start_node = seamm.TkStartNode( tk_flowchart=self, canvas=self.canvas, node=start_node, x=self.grid_x / 2, y=self.grid_y / 2, ) self.graph.add_node(tk_start_node) logger.debug( "Created start node {} at {}, {}".format( tk_start_node, start_node.x, start_node.y ) ) return tk_start_node
[docs] def properties(self): """Get and set the properties of the flowchart.""" start_node = self.get_node("1") start_node.edit()
[docs] def publish(self, event=None): """Publish the flowchart to a repository such as Zenodo.""" self.update_flowchart() publisher = TkPublish(self) publisher.edit()
[docs] def save(self, event=None): if self.filename is None: self.save_file() else: self.update_flowchart() self.flowchart.write(self.filename) self.flowchart.clear()
[docs] def save_file(self, event=None): filename = tk_filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".flow") if filename != "": # suffixes = pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes # if len(suffixes) == 0 or '.flow' not in suffixes: # filename = filename + '.flow' self.filename = filename
[docs] def about(self, text="In about"): print(text)
[docs] def preferences(self): print("In preferences")
[docs] def draw(self): for tk_node in self: tk_node.draw()
[docs] def canvas_configure(self, event): """Redraw the background as the canvas changes size Only after the process is idle! """ if self.canvas_after_callback is None: self.canvas_after_callback = self.canvas.after_idle( self.canvas_configure_doit )
[docs] def canvas_configure_doit(self): """Redraw the background as the canvas changes size This keeps the background image as large as possible and centered in the flowchart canvas. """ if self.canvas_after_callback is not None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.canvas_after_callback) self.canvas_after_callback = None w, h = self.image.size cw = self.canvas.winfo_width() ch = self.canvas.winfo_height() r_w = cw / w r_h = ch / h factor = r_w if r_w < r_h else r_h w = int(factor * w) h = int(factor * h) self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.background, image=None) # self.canvas.coords(self.background, cw / 2, ch / 2) self.canvas.coords(self.background, 0, 0) del self.working_image self.working_image = self.prepared_image.resize((w, h)) del = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.working_image) # self.canvas.itemconfigure( # self.background,, anchor='center') self.canvas.itemconfigure(self.background,, anchor="nw")
[docs] def click(self, event): """Handle a left-click on the canvas by finding out what the mouse is on/in/near and doing the appropriate thing, such as selecting to preparing to move the item. """ cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) items = self.canvas.find_closest(cx, cy, self.halo) self.selection = [] for item in items: tags = self.get_tags(item) if "type" in tags and ( tags["type"] == "arrow_base" or tags["type"] == "arrow_head" ): arrow = int(tags["arrow"]) xys = self.canvas.coords(item) x0 = xys[0] y0 = xys[1] x1 = xys[-2] y1 = xys[-1] = self.get_tags(arrow)["arrow"] = arrow["x0"] = x0["y0"] = y0["x1"] = x1["y1"] = y1 self._x0 = cx self._y0 = cy logger.debug(" for dragging arrow head or base") logger.debug("{}".format( if tags["type"] == "arrow_base":["arrow_base"] = item["arrow_head"] = self.canvas.find_withtag( "type=arrow_head" ) self.mouse_op = "drag arrow base" self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.drag_arrow_base) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.drop_arrow_base) else:["arrow_base"] = self.canvas.find_withtag( "type=arrow_base" )["arrow_head"] = item self.mouse_op = "drag arrow head" self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.drag_arrow_head) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.drop_arrow_head) if "node" in tags: node = tags["node"] if tags["type"] == "active_anchor": # Connecting from an anchor to another node x, y = node.anchor_point(tags["anchor"]) self.mouse_op = "Connect" arrow = self.canvas.create_line( x, y, cx, cy, arrow=tk.LAST, tags="type=active_arrow" ) = (node, tags["anchor"], x, y, arrow) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.drag_arrow) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.drop_arrow) else: if node.is_inside(cx, cy, self.halo): self.selection.append(node) node.selected = True self._x0 = cx self._y0 = cy self.mouse_op = "Move" self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.move) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.end_move) else: node.selected = False
[docs] def double_click(self, event): """Handle a double-click on the canvas by finding out what the mouse is on/in/near and doing the appropriate thing. """ cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) result = self.find_items(cx, cy) self.selection = [] if result is None: # Handle a right-click out side anything print("Double-click outside objects") return if result[0] == "node": node = result[1] if node.is_inside(cx, cy): node.double_click(event) return if result[0] == "item": item = result[1] tags = self.get_tags(item) if "type" in tags and tags["type"] == "arrow": self.right_click_on_arrow(event, item, tags)
[docs] def right_click(self, event): """Handle a right-click on the canvas by finding out what the mouse is on/in/near and doing the appropriate thing, such as posting an action menu """ cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) result = self.find_items(cx, cy) self.selection = [] if result is None: # Handle a right-click out side anything print("Right-click outside objects") return if result[0] == "node": node = result[1] if node.is_inside(cx, cy): node.right_click(event) return if result[0] == "item": item = result[1] tags = self.get_tags(item) if "type" in tags and tags["type"] == "arrow": self.right_click_on_arrow(event, item, tags)
[docs] def move(self, event): """Move selected items""" cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) deltax = cx - self._x0 deltay = cy - self._y0 self._x0 = cx self._y0 = cy for item in self.selection: item.move(deltax, deltay)
[docs] def end_move(self, event): """End the move of selected items""" self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", "") self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", "") cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) deltax = cx - self._x0 deltay = cy - self._y0 for item in self.selection: item.end_move(deltax, deltay) item.selected = False self._x0 = None self._y0 = None self.mouse_op = None self.selection = None
[docs] def create_node(self, event): """Create a node using the type in menu. This is a bit tricky because we need to create both the node and its graphical partner, each of which needs to know the other. """ # not scrolling the left pane yet item = self.tree.identify_row(event.y) plugin_name = self.tree.item(item, option="text") (last_node, x, y, anchor1, anchor2) = self.next_position() edge_subtype = last_node.default_edge_subtype() logger.debug("creating {} node".format(plugin_name)) # The node. node = self.flowchart.create_node(plugin_name) # The graphics partner plugin = self.plugin_manager.get(plugin_name) logger.debug(" plugin object: {}".format(plugin)) tk_node = plugin.create_tk_node( tk_flowchart=self, canvas=self.canvas, x=0, y=0, node=node ) self.graph.add_node(tk_node) # And figure out where the node should be # Use the grid approach x0 = last_node.x y0 = last_node.y if anchor1 == "s": tk_node.x = x0 tk_node.y = y0 + self.grid_y elif anchor1 == "e": tk_node.x = x0 + self.grid_x tk_node.y = y0 else: dx, dy = tk_node.anchor_point(anchor2) # flip sign to get direction right tk_node.x = x - dx tk_node.y = y - dy # And connect this to the last node in the existing flowchart, # which is probably what the user wants. self.add_edge( last_node, tk_node, "execution", anchor1=anchor1, anchor2=anchor2, edge_subtype=edge_subtype, ) # And update the picture on screen self.draw()
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """Remove the given node""" # remove the graphical rendering node.undraw() # and edges node.remove_edge("all") # and the node itself self.graph.remove_node(node)
[docs] def next_position(self): """Find a reasonable place to position the next step in the flowchart.""" last_node = self.last_node() # center of node x0 = last_node.x y0 = last_node.y # Get the anchor point the last node wants to use anchor1 = last_node.next_anchor() # and the inverse for the new node anchor2 = anchor1.translate("".maketrans("news", "swen")) # Find the point 'gap' past the anchor point of the last # node, looking from the center (0, 0) x1, y1 = last_node.anchor_point(anchor1) dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 norm = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) x = x1 + * (dx / norm) y = y1 + * (dy / norm) return (last_node, x, y, anchor1, anchor2)
[docs] def mouse_motion(self, event, exclude=()): """Track the mouse and highlight the node under the mouse It appears that the canvas find_closest does not work properly in Python. Even if you give it a tag to look below, it always returns the topmost item, so we cannot loop through items. Instead we use find_overlapping, which does return a list. However, if the mouse is e.g. inside a rectangle but far enough from the edges find_overlapping does not find it. In this case we use the current tag to find the object. """ if self.in_callback: print("IN CALLBACK!!!!!!") return self.in_callback = True result = None self.canvas.delete("type=active_anchor") self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_base") self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_head") cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) active = [] items = self.canvas.find_overlapping( cx + self.halo / 2, cy + self.halo / 2, cx - self.halo / 2, cy - self.halo / 2, ) if len(items) == 0: # If we are within e.g. a rectangle, it may not overlap # but will be the current item, so if nothing overlaps # use the current item (if there is one). items = self.canvas.find_withtag("current") # Loop backwards since the 'top' item is at the end of the list # and is probably the item we want. for item in items[::-1]: if item in exclude: continue tags = self.get_tags(item) # on an arrow? if "type" in tags and tags["type"] == "arrow": xys = self.canvas.coords(item) x0 = xys[0] y0 = xys[1] x1 = xys[-2] y1 = xys[-1] self.canvas.create_rectangle( x0 - self.halo / 2, y0 - self.halo / 2, x0 + self.halo / 2, y0 + self.halo / 2, tags=["type=arrow_base", "arrow=" + str(item), tags["edge"].tag()], outline="red", fill="red", ) self.canvas.create_rectangle( x1 - self.halo / 2, y1 - self.halo / 2, x1 + self.halo / 2, y1 + self.halo / 2, tags=["type=arrow_head", "arrow=" + str(item), tags["edge"].tag()], outline="red", fill="red", ) break if "node" in tags: node = tags["node"] if node.is_inside(cx, cy, self.halo): active.append(node) if node not in self.active_nodes: node.activate() self.active_nodes.append(node) # are we close to any anchor points? point = node.check_anchor_points(cx, cy, self.halo) if point is None: self.canvas.delete("type=active_anchor") else: node.activate_anchor_point(point, self.halo) result = (node, point) break # deactivate any previously active nodes for node in self.active_nodes: if node not in active: node.deactivate() self.active_nodes = active self.in_callback = False return result
[docs] def find_items(self, x, y, exclude=()): """Return the 'top' node under the mouse coordinates x, y It appears that the canvas find_closest does not work properly in Python. Even if you give it a tag to look below, it always returns the topmost item, so we cannot loop through items. Instead we use find_overlapping, which does return a list. However, if the mouse is e.g. inside a rectangle bat far enough from the edges find_overlapping does not find it. In this case we use the current tag to find the object. """ items = self.canvas.find_overlapping( x + self.halo / 2, y + self.halo / 2, x - self.halo / 2, y - self.halo / 2 ) if len(items) == 0: # If we are within e.g. a rectangle, it may not overlap # but will be the current item, so if nothing overlaps # use the current item (if there is one). items = self.canvas.find_withtag("current") # Loop backwards since the 'top' item is at the end of the list # and is probably the item we want. for item in items[::-1]: if item in exclude: continue tags = self.get_tags(item) if "node" in tags: node = tags["node"] if node.is_inside(x, y, self.halo): # are we close to any anchor points? point = node.check_anchor_points(x, y, self.halo) return ("node", node, point) return ("item", item) return None
[docs] def get_tags(self, item): """Return the tags of "item" as a dict. Any added tags like "active" are added to the "extra" dict entry. """ tags = {} tags["extra"] = [] for x in self.canvas.gettags(item): if "=" in x: key, value = x.split("=") if "node" in key: tags[key] = self.get_node(value) elif "edge" == key: tags[key] = seamm.TkEdge.str_to_object[value] else: tags[key] = value else: tags["extra"].append(x) return tags
[docs] def drag_arrow(self, event): """Drag an arrow from the anchor on the node to the mouse Used when creating a new edge. """ logger.debug("drag arrow") node, anchor, x, y, arrow = cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) logger.debug( " x = {}, y = {}, cx = {}, cy = {}, arrow = {}".format(x, y, cx, cy, arrow) ) self.canvas.coords(arrow, x, y, cx, cy) # Check for being near another nodes anchor point result = self.find_items(cx, cy, exclude=(arrow,)) logger.debug(" result = {}".format(result)) if result is not None and result[0] == "node": logger.debug(" node = {}".format(node)) logger.debug(" result[1] = {}".format(result[1])) if node == result[1]: self.canvas.delete("type=active_anchor") logger.debug(" deactivate {}".format(result[1])) result[1].deactivate() else: logger.debug(" activate_node {} {}".format(result[1], result[2])) self.activate_node(result[1], result[2])
[docs] def drop_arrow(self, event): """The user has dropped a new arrow somewhere! If it is on another node, make the connection. If it is in empty space or on the original node, just cancel the operation. """ self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", "") self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", "") node, anchor, x, y, arrow = cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) self.canvas.coords(arrow, x, y, cx, cy) # Check for being near another nodes anchor point result = self.find_items(cx, cy) self.canvas.delete(arrow) if result is not None and result[0] == "node": other_node, point = result[1:] if node != other_node and point is not None: edge_subtype = node.default_edge_subtype() self.add_edge( node, other_node, "execution", anchor1=anchor, anchor2=point, edge_subtype=edge_subtype, ) = None self.mouse_op = None
[docs] def drag_arrow_base(self, event): """Drag the base of an exisiting arrow""" # move arrow cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) self.canvas.coords(["arrow"], cx, cy,["x1"],["y1"]) # move base icon deltax = cx - self._x0 deltay = cy - self._y0 self._x0 = cx self._y0 = cy self.canvas.move(["arrow_base"], deltax, deltay) # move the label if there is one edge =["edge"] if edge.has_label: self.canvas.coords( edge.label_id, edge.label_position(cx, cy,["x1"],["y1"]), ) self.canvas.coords(edge.label_bg_id, self.canvas.bbox(edge.label_id)) # Check for being near another nodes anchor point result = self.find_items( cx, cy, exclude=(["arrow"],["arrow_base"]) ) if result is not None and result[0] == "node": self.activate_node(result[1], result[2], exclude=(["edge"].node2,))
[docs] def activate_node(self, node, point=None, exclude=()): """Activate a node, i.e. display the anchor points, unless it is in the exclusion list. Also, if the anchor point is given, make it active. """ active = [] if node in exclude: self.canvas.delete("type=active_anchor") node.deactivate() else: active.append(node) if node not in self.active_nodes: node.activate() self.active_nodes.append(node) if point is None: self.canvas.delete("type=active_anchor") else: node.activate_anchor_point(point, self.halo) # deactivate any previously active nodes for node in self.active_nodes: if node not in active: node.deactivate() self.active_nodes = active
[docs] def drop_arrow_base(self, event): """The user has dropped the arrow somewhere! If it is on another node, make the connection. If it is in empty space or on the original node, just cancel the operation. """ self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", "") self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", "") # Check for being near another nodes anchor point cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) result = self.find_items(cx, cy) edge =["edge"] if result is None: # dropped on empty space self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_base") self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_head") edge.draw() elif result[0] == "node": # dropped on another node node1, anchor1 = result[1:] if edge.node1 == node1: edge.anchor1 = anchor1 edge.draw() else: # remove current connection and create new, in # that order -- otherwise tend to remove edge # completely if it is moved on same node. node2 = edge.node2 anchor2 = edge.anchor2 edge_subtype = edge.edge_subtype self.remove_edge(["arrow"]) self.add_edge( node1, node2, edge_type="execution", edge_subtype=edge_subtype, anchor1=anchor1, anchor2=anchor2, ) = None self.mouse_op = None
[docs] def drag_arrow_head(self, event): """Drag the head of an arrow""" # move arrow cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) self.canvas.coords(["arrow"],["x0"],["y0"], cx, cy) # move base icon deltax = cx - self._x0 deltay = cy - self._y0 self._x0 = cx self._y0 = cy self.canvas.move(["arrow_head"], deltax, deltay) # move the label if there is one edge =["edge"] if edge.has_label: self.canvas.coords( edge.label_id, edge.label_position(["x0"],["y0"], cx, cy), ) self.canvas.coords(edge.label_bg_id, self.canvas.bbox(edge.label_id)) # Check for being near another nodes anchor point result = self.find_items( cx, cy, exclude=(["arrow"],["arrow_head"]) ) if result is not None and result[0] == "node": self.activate_node(result[1], result[2], exclude=(["edge"].node1,))
[docs] def drop_arrow_head(self, event): """The user has dropped the arrow somewhere! If it is on another node, make the connection. If it is in empty space or on the original node, just cancel the operation. """ self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", "") self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", "") # Check for being near another nodes anchor point cx = int(self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)) cy = int(self.canvas.canvasy(event.y)) result = self.find_items(cx, cy) edge =["edge"] if result is None: # dropped on empty space self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_base") self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_head") edge.draw() elif result[0] == "node": # dropped on another node node2, anchor2 = result[1:] if edge.node2 == node2: edge.anchor2 = anchor2 edge.draw() else: # remove current connection and create new, in # that order -- otherwise tend to remove edge # completely if it is moved on same node. node1 = edge.node1 anchor1 = edge.anchor1 self.remove_edge(["arrow"]) self.add_edge( node1, node2, "execution", anchor1=anchor1, anchor2=anchor2 ) = None self.mouse_op = None
[docs] def right_click_on_arrow(self, event, item, tags): """Handle a right click on an arrow""" if self.popup_menu is not None: self.popup_menu.destroy() self.popup_menu = tk.Menu(self.canvas, tearoff=0) self.popup_menu.add_command( label="Delete", command=lambda: self.remove_edge(item) ) self.popup_menu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
[docs] def remove_edge(self, item): """Remove an edge from the graph and visually""" tags = self.get_tags(item) edge = tags["edge"] tag = edge.tag() self.graph.remove_edge( edge.node1, edge.node2, edge.edge_type, edge.edge_subtype ) # Delete the tag, not item, so that we get all labels, etc. self.canvas.delete(tag) self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_base") self.canvas.delete("type=arrow_head")
[docs] def print_edges(self, event=None): """Print all the edges. Useful for debugging!""" print("All edges in tk_flowchart") for edge in self.edges(): print( " {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( edge.node1.tag, edge.anchor1, edge.node2.tag, edge.anchor2, edge.edge_type, edge.edge_subtype, ) )
[docs] def print_items(self): """Print all the items on the canvas, for debugging""" print() for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("type=arrow"): print("{}: {}".format(item, self.canvas.gettags(item)))
[docs] def run(self, event=None): """Run the current flowchart""" # Ensure that the flowchart is up-to-date flowchart = self.update_flowchart() # Do the graphical "stuff" self._job_handler.submit_with_dialog(flowchart=flowchart)
[docs] def push(self): """Save a copy of the current flowchart on the stack.""" self.update_flowchart() self._stack.append(self.flowchart.to_dict())
[docs] def pop(self): """Replace the current flowchart with the version on the stack.""" self.flowchart.from_dict(self._stack.pop()) self.from_flowchart()
[docs] def pop_and_discard(self): """Remove the saved copy from the stack""" self._stack.pop()
[docs] def update_flowchart(self): """Update the non-graphical flowchart""" wf = self.flowchart # Make sure there is nothing in the flowchart wf.clear(all=True) # Add all the non-graphical nodes, making copies so that # when the flowchart is cleared our objects still exist translate = {} for node in self: translate[node] = wf.add_node(copy.copy(node.node)) node.update_flowchart() # And the edges for edge in self.edges(): attr = {} for key in edge: if key not in ("node1", "node2", "edge_type", "edge_subtype", "canvas"): attr[key] = edge[key] node1 = translate[edge.node1] node2 = translate[edge.node2] wf.add_edge(node1, node2, edge.edge_type, edge.edge_subtype, **attr) return wf
[docs] def from_flowchart(self): """Recreate the graphics from the non-graphical flowchart""" wf = self.flowchart self.clear() # Add all the non-graphical nodes, making copies so that # when the flowchart is cleared our objects still exist translate = {} for node in wf: extension = node.extension if extension is None: # Start node translate[node] = self.get_node("1") else: new_node = copy.copy(node) logger.debug("creating {} node".format(extension)) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get(extension) logger.debug(" plugin object: {}".format(plugin)) tk_node = plugin.create_tk_node( tk_flowchart=self, canvas=self.canvas, node=new_node ) translate[node] = tk_node tk_node.from_flowchart() self.graph.add_node(tk_node) tk_node.draw() # And the edges for edge in wf.edges(): node1 = translate[edge.node1] node2 = translate[edge.node2] attr = {} for key in edge: if key not in ("node1", "node2"): attr[key] = edge[key] self.add_edge(node1, node2, **attr)
def _bound_to_mousewheel(self, event): """Set the bindings on the canvas, used when the mouse enters the canvas """ self.canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", self._on_mousewheel) # self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", self._on_mousewheel) # self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", self._on_mousewheel) def _unbound_to_mousewheel(self, event): """Remove the bindings on the canvas, used when the mouse leaves the canvas """ self.canvas.unbind_all("<MouseWheel>") # self.canvas.unbind_all("<Button-4>") # self.canvas.unbind_all("<Button-5>") def _on_mousewheel(self, event): """Handle the mousewheel or similar events. There are two choices for how to scroll, and it may differ from OS to OS. As set up here on a Mac the mouse drags the canvas in the direction of travel, thus to go down in the canvas you drag upwards, and vice versa. Flip the signs to change this """ if event.num == 5 or < 0: delta = 1 else: delta = -1 self.canvas.yview_scroll(delta, "units") x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.canvas.cget("scrollregion").split(" ") f0, f1 = self.canvas.yview() y = (int(y1) - int(y0)) * f0, "moveto", self.background, 0, y)
[docs] def xview(self, command, amount, *args): """Scroll in the x direction, keeping the background picture stationary""" self.canvas.xview(command, amount, *args) x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.canvas.cget("scrollregion").split(" ") f0, f1 = self.canvas.xview() x = (int(x1) - int(x0)) * f0 f0, f1 = self.canvas.yview() y = (int(y1) - int(y0)) * f0, "moveto", self.background, x, y)
[docs] def yview(self, command, amount, *args): """Scroll in the y direction, keeping the background picture stationary""" self.canvas.yview(command, amount, *args) x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.canvas.cget("scrollregion").split(" ") f0, f1 = self.canvas.xview() x = (int(x1) - int(x0)) * f0 f0, f1 = self.canvas.yview() y = (int(y1) - int(y0)) * f0, "moveto", self.background, x, y)
[docs] def clean_layout(self, event=None): """Clean the visual layout of the flowchart""" # clear the visited flag for node in self: node.node.visited = False # get the node to start the traversal node = self.get_node("1") # traverse the nodes, finding what loops they are in self._loops = {} # what loops a node is in self._in_loop = {"start": []} # ordered list of nodes directly in a loop loops = tuple() self._loop_helper(loops, node) logger.debug("\nloops\n\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(self._loops))) logger.debug("\nin loops\n\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(self._in_loop))) # Move the nodes to the correct place on the grid x = 0 y = 0 self._loopxy = {"start": (0, 0)} self._layout_nodes("start", x, y) logger.debug("\nmax x,y\n\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(self._loopxy))) # Fix the edges for edge in self.edges(): # only work on edges that go upwards x0, y0 = edge.node1.anchor_point(edge.anchor1) x1, y1 = edge.node2.anchor_point(edge.anchor2) logger.debug(" edge {}: {}, {} to {}, {}".format(edge, x0, y0, x1, y1)) if y1 < y0: edge.coords = [x0, y0] logger.debug(" edge.node1 = {}".format(edge.node1)) loop = self._loops[edge.node1][-1] xmax, ymax = self._loopxy[loop] xmax = (xmax + 1) * self.grid_x ymax = (ymax + 1) * self.grid_y dx = 10 * len(self._loops[edge.node1]) dy = 0 # Down far enough edge.coords.append(x0) edge.coords.append(ymax - dy) # Right far enough edge.coords.append(xmax - dx) edge.coords.append(ymax - dy) # up edge.coords.append(xmax - dx) edge.coords.append(y1) # and to the node edge.coords.append(x1) edge.coords.append(y1) else: edge.coords = [x0, y0, x1, y1] # Redraw everything self.draw() del self._loops del self._in_loop del self._loopxy
def _layout_nodes(self, loop, x, y): """Recursively position nodes""" for node in self._in_loop[loop]: x0 = int(node.x) y0 = int(node.y) node.x = int((x + 0.5) * self.grid_x) node.y = int((y + 0.5) * self.grid_y) logger.debug( "node {} {} = {:3d} {:3d} ({:3d} {:3d}) {}".format( x, y, int(node.x), int(node.y), x0, y0, node ) ) xmax, ymax = self._loopxy[loop] if x > xmax: xmax = x if y > ymax: ymax = y self._loopxy[loop] = (xmax, ymax) if node in self._in_loop: self._loopxy[node] = (x + 1, y) x1, y = self._layout_nodes(node, x + 1, y) self._loopxy[loop] = (x1, y) else: y += 1 return x, y def _loop_helper(self, loops, node): """A helper to traverse graph finding the grid locations of the nodes""" node.node.visited = True self._loops[node] = loops logger.debug("node = {}, loops = {}".format(node, loops)) if len(loops) == 0: self._in_loop["start"].append(node) else: self._in_loop[loops[-1]].append(node) if node.node_type == "loop": loops = loops + (node,) self._in_loop[node] = [] # nodes in the loop for edge in self.graph.edges(node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution" and edge.edge_subtype == "loop": node2 = edge.node2 if not node2.node.visited: self._loop_helper(loops, node2) loops = loops[0:-1] # end exiting the loop for edge in self.graph.edges(node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution" and edge.edge_subtype == "exit": node2 = edge.node2 if not node2.node.visited: self._loop_helper(loops, node2) else: for edge in self.graph.edges(node, direction="out"): if edge.edge_type == "execution": node2 = edge.node2 if not node2.node.visited: self._loop_helper(loops, node2)