Source code for seamm.parameters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Control parameters for a step in a MolSSI flowchart"""

from distutils.util import strtobool
import importlib
import json
import logging
from seamm_util import Q_
from seamm_util import ureg
import pprint

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# All for a default root context for evaluating expressions
# and variables

root_context = None

[docs] def set_context(context): """Set the default root context for evaluating variables and expressions in parameters.""" global root_context root_context = context
[docs] class Parameter( """A single parameter, with defaults, units, description, etc. This is object is a dict-like mutable mapping with properties to make it appear to be a simple object with attributes. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize this parameter""" logger.debug("\nParameter.__init__") self._data = {} self.dimensionality = None self._widget = None self.reset() # Handle positional or keyword arguments for data in args: if isinstance(data, dict): self.update(data) else: raise RuntimeError("Positional arguments must be dicts") self.update(kwargs) logger.debug("Finished constructing Parameter\n") def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow [] access to the dictionary!""" return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Allow x[key] access to the data""" self._data[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): """Allow deletion of keys""" del self._data[key] def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration over the object""" return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): """The len() command""" return len(self._data) def __repr__(self): """The official string representation of this object""" if self.units is None or self.units == "": return self.value else: return ("{} {}").format(self.value, self.units) def __str__(self): if self.units is None or self.units == "": if self.kind == "integer": try: value = int(self.value) return ("{:" + self.format_string + "}").format(value) except Exception: return ("{}").format(self.value) if self.kind == "float": try: value = float(self.value) return ("{:" + self.format_string + "}").format(value) except ValueError: return ("{}").format(self.value) if self.format_string == "": return str(self.value) else: return ("{:" + self.format_string + "}").format(self.value) else: if self.kind == "integer": try: value = int(self.value) return ("{:" + self.format_string + "} {}").format( value, self.units ) except ValueError: return ("{} {}").format(self.value, self.units) if self.kind == "float": try: value = float(self.value) return ("{:" + self.format_string + "} {}").format( value, self.units ) except Exception: return ("{} {}").format(self.value, self.units) if self.format_string == "": return "{} {}".format(self.value, self.units) else: return ("{:" + self.format_string + "} {}").format( self.value, self.units ) def __contains__(self, item): """Return a boolean indicating if a key exists.""" if item in self._data: return True return False def __eq__(self, other): """Return a boolean if this object is equal to another""" return self._data == other._data
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of the dictionary""" return self._data.copy()
@property def value(self): """The current value of the parameter. May be a value, a Python expression containing variables prefix with $, standard operators or parentheses.""" if "value" not in self._data: self._data["value"] = self._data["default"] result = self._data["value"] if result is None: result = self._data["default"] return result @value.setter def value(self, value): self._data["value"] = value @property def default(self): """The current default of the parameter. May be a value, a Python expression containing variables prefix with $, standard operators or parenthesise, or a pint units quantity.""" return self._data["default"] @default.setter def default(self, value): self._data["default"] = value @property def kind(self): """The type of the parameter: integer, float, string, enum or special. This can be used to convert the value to the correct type in e.g. get_value.""" return self._data["kind"] @kind.setter def kind(self, value): if value not in ("integer", "float", "string"): raise RuntimeError( "The 'kind' must be 'integer', 'float', or " "'string', not '{}'".format(value) ) self._data["kind"] = value @property def units(self): """The units, as a string. These need to be compatible with pint""" if "units" not in self._data: self._data["units"] = self._data["default_units"] if self._data["units"] is None: return self["default_units"] return self._data["units"] @units.setter def units(self, value): logger.debug("units: value = '{}'".format(value)) if value == "": value = None if value is None: self.dimensionality = None else: tmp = ureg(value) logger.debug(" tmp = '{}'".format(tmp)) if self.dimensionality is None: self.dimensionality = tmp.dimensionality logger.debug(" dimensionality = '{}'".format(self.dimensionality)) if tmp.dimensionality != self.dimensionality: raise RuntimeError( ( "Units '{}' have a different dimensionality than " "the parameters: '{}' != '{}'" ).format(value, tmp.dimensionality, self.dimensionality) ) self._data["units"] = value @property def default_units(self): """The default units, as a string. These need to be compatible with pint""" return self._data["default_units"] @default_units.setter def default_units(self, value): if value == "": value = None if value is None: self.dimensionality = None else: tmp = ureg(value) if self.dimensionality is None: self.dimensionality = tmp.dimensionality if tmp.dimensionality != self.dimensionality: raise RuntimeError( ( "The default units '{}' have a different " "dimensionality than the parameters: " "'{}' != '{}'" ).format(value, tmp.dimensionality, self.dimensionality) ) self._data["default_units"] = value @property def enumeration(self): """The possible values for an enumerated type.""" return self._data["enumeration"] @property def format_string(self): """The format string for the value""" return self._data["format_string"] @format_string.setter def format_string(self, value): self._data["format_string"] = value @property def description(self): """Short description of this parameter, preferable just a few words""" return self._data["description"] @description.setter def description(self, value): self._data["description"] = value @property def help_text(self): """A longer description of this parameter that is suitable for e.g. help text.""" return self._data["help_text"] @help_text.setter def help_text(self, value): self._data["help_text"] = value @property def has_units(self): """Does this parameter have units associated?""" if self.dimensionality is None: return False if self.dimensionality == "": return False return True @property def is_expr(self): """Is the current value a variable reference or expression?""" if isinstance(self.value, str) and len(self.value) > 0: return self.value and self.value[0] == "$" else: return False
[docs] def get(self, context=None, formatted=False, units=True): """Return the value evaluated in the given context""" if self.is_expr: if context is None: global root_context if root_context is None: raise RuntimeError("No context available") result = eval(self.value[1:], root_context) else: result = eval(self.value[1:], context) else: result = self.value # If it is an enum, just return that. if self.enumeration is not None and result in self.enumeration: if self.kind == "boolean": return bool(strtobool(result)) else: return result # convert to proper type if self.kind == "integer": result = int(result) elif self.kind == "float": result = float(result) elif self.kind == "boolean": if isinstance(result, str): result = bool(strtobool(result)) elif not isinstance(result, bool): result = bool(result) elif self.kind == "list" or self.kind == "periodic table": if not isinstance(result, list): if isinstance(result, str) and len(result) > 0 and result[0] != "$": result = json.loads(result) return result elif self.kind == "dictionary": if not isinstance(result, dict): result = json.loads(result) return result # format if requested if formatted: fstring = self.format_string if fstring is not None and fstring != "": result = f"{result:{fstring}}" if self.units is not None and self.units != "": result += " " + self.units # and run into pint quantity if requested if units and self.units is not None and self.units != "": result = Q_(result, self.units) return result
[docs] def set(self, value): """Set the fields based on the type of value given""" if self.kind == "special" or self.kind == "periodic table": self.value = value elif self.kind == "list": self.value = value elif isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 1: self.value = value[0] elif len(value) == 2: self.value = value[0] self.units = value[1] else: raise RuntimeError( "Parameter.set expected a sequence of length " "1 or 2, not '{}'".format(len(value)) ) else: self.value = value
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset to an empty state""" self._data = { "default": None, "kind": None, "widget": None, "default_units": None, "enumeration": None, "format_string": None, "group": "", "description": None, "help_text": None, } self.dimensionality = None
[docs] def widget(self, frame, **kwargs): """Return a widget for handling the parameter""" # Will this keep the graphics isolated? import seamm_widgets as sw logger.debug("Creating widget for {}".format(type(self))) if self._widget is not None: logger.debug(" Destroying existing widget.") try: self._widget.destroy() except Exception: pass labeltext = kwargs.pop("labeltext", self.description) if self.kind == "special": module_name, class_name = self["widget"].split(".") mdl = importlib.import_module(module_name) cls = getattr(mdl, class_name) w = cls(frame, labeltext=labeltext, **kwargs) w.set(self.value) elif self.kind == "periodic table": w = sw.PeriodicTable(frame, **kwargs) w.set(self.value) elif self.enumeration is not None: if len(self.enumeration) > 0: width = max(len(x) for x in self.enumeration) if width < 10: width = 10 else: width = 10 if self.dimensionality is None: logger.debug(" making LabeledCombobox") w = sw.LabeledCombobox( frame, labeltext=labeltext, values=self.enumeration, width=width, **kwargs, ) w.set(self.value) else: logger.debug(" making UnitCombobox") w = sw.UnitCombobox( frame, labeltext=labeltext, values=self.enumeration, width=width, **kwargs, ) w.set(self.value, self.units) else: if self.dimensionality is None: logger.debug(" making LabeledEntry") w = sw.LabeledEntry(frame, labeltext=labeltext, **kwargs) w.set(self.value) else: logger.debug(" making UnitEntry") w = sw.UnitEntry(frame, labeltext=labeltext, **kwargs) w.set(self.value, self.units) self._widget = w logger.debug(" returning {}".format(w)) return w
[docs] def set_from_widget(self): """Set the value from the widget, ignoring if there is no widget.""" if self._widget is not None: self.set(self._widget.get())
[docs] def reset_widget(self): """Reset the values in the widget, if it has been created.""" if self._widget is not None: if self.dimensionality is None: self._widget.set(self.value) else: self._widget.set(self.value, self.units)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert into a string suitable for editing""" result = dict() # if self['kind'] == 'list': # result['value'] = json.dumps(self.value) # elif self['kind'] == 'dict': # result['value'] = json.dumps(self.value) # else: # result['value'] = self.value result["value"] = self.value result["units"] = self.units return result
[docs] def update(self, data): """Update values from a dict This assumes that the static data such as 'kind' and 'default' has been created already. """ logger.debug("Parameter.update....") for key, value in data.items(): logger.debug("{:>10s} {}".format(key, value)) if key in ("value", "default"): # if self['kind'] in ('list', 'dictionary'): # self._data[key] = json.loads(value) # else: self._data[key] = value elif key == "units": self._data[key] = value elif key not in self: raise RuntimeError( "update: dictionary not compatible with Parameters," " which do not have an attribute '{}'".format(key) ) else: self._data[key] = value # Update the dimensionality if needed if "units" in self._data: self.units = self._data["units"] if "default_units" in self._data: self.default_units = self._data["default_units"]
[docs] def debug_print(self): logger.debug("\nParameter instance:\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(self._data)))
[docs] class Parameters( """A dict-like container for parameters""" def __init__(self, defaults={}, data=None): """Create an instance, optionally from a dict""" logger.debug("\nParameters.__init__") logger.debug(pprint.pformat(defaults)) self.defaults = defaults logger.debug("\ndefaults:\n{}".format(pprint.pformat(defaults))) self._data = {} self.initialize() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("\nafter defaults:") for key, value in self.items(): logger.debug(" {}: {}".format(key, pprint.pformat(value._data))) if data: if isinstance(data, dict): self.update(data) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("\nafter data:") for key, value in self.items(): logger.debug( " {}: {}".format(key, pprint.pformat(value._data)) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "A Parameters object can be initialized with a dict object" ) def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow [] access to the dictionary!""" return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Allow x[key] access to the data""" self._data[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): """Allow deletion of keys""" del self._data[key] def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration over the object""" return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): """The len() command""" return len(self._data) def __repr__(self): """The string representation of this object""" return repr(self._data) def __str__(self): """The pretty string representation of this object""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __contains__(self, item): """Return a boolean indicating if a key exists.""" if item in self._data: return True return False def __eq__(self, other): """Return a boolean if this object is equal to another""" return self._data == other._data
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of the dictionary""" return self._data.copy()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a new dictionary with the pertinent data The Parameter class only saves the value and units, as everything else comes form the constructor below """ data = {} for key in self: try: data[key] = self[key].to_dict() except: # noqa: E722 logger.critical( ("An error occurred in Parameters.to_dict " "with key '{}'").format( key ) ) logger.critical(("The type of the key is '{}'").format(type(self[key]))) raise return data
[docs] def from_dict(self, data): """Recreate the object from a dictionary""" self._data = dict() # Put back in all the constant data self.initialize() # and update with the new data self.update(data)
[docs] def initialize(self): for key, value in self.defaults.items(): self[key] = Parameter(value)
[docs] def update(self, data): for key in data: self[key].update(data[key])
[docs] def values_to_dict(self): """Return a dict of the raw values of the parameters formatted for printing""" data = {} for key in self: try: data[key] = str(self[key]) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Cannot format '{}': {}".format(key, str(e))) data[key] = "#err#" return data
[docs] def current_values_to_dict(self, context=None, formatted=False, units=True): """Return the current values of the parameters, resolving any expressions, etc. in the given context or the root context is none is given.""" data = {} for key in self: data[key] = self[key].get(context=context, formatted=formatted, units=units) return data
[docs] def set_from_widgets(self): """Convenience function to set the parameters from their widgets.""" for key in self: self[key].set_from_widget()
[docs] def reset_widgets(self): """Convenience function to reset the widgets to the current value.""" for key in self: try: self[key].reset_widget() except ValueError as e: logger.warning("Error resetting widget for {}: {}".format(key, str(e))) raise except Exception: raise