Source code for psi4_step.thermochemistry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Non-graphical part of the Thermochemistry step in a Psi4 flowchart

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources

from tabulate import tabulate

import psi4_step
import molsystem
import seamm
from seamm_util import Q_, units_class
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

# In addition to the normal logger, two logger-like printing facilities are
# defined: "job" and "printer". "job" send output to the main job.out file for
# the job, and should be used very sparingly, typically to echo what this step
# will do in the initial summary of the job.
# "printer" sends output to the file "step.out" in this steps working
# directory, and is used for all normal output from this step.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("Psi4")

# Add this module's properties to the standard properties
path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/"))
csv_file = path / "properties.csv"
if path.exists():

[docs] class Thermochemistry(psi4_step.Energy): """ The non-graphical part of a Thermochemistry step in a flowchart. Attributes ---------- parser : configargparse.ArgParser The parser object. options : tuple It contains a two item tuple containing the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings. subflowchart : seamm.Flowchart A SEAMM Flowchart object that represents a subflowchart, if needed. parameters : ThermochemistryParameters The control parameters for Thermochemistry. See Also -------- TkThermochemistry, Thermochemistry, ThermochemistryParameters """ def __init__( self, flowchart=None, title="Thermochemistry", extension=None, logger=logger, ): """A substep for Thermochemistry in a subflowchart for Psi4. You may wish to change the title above, which is the string displayed in the box representing the step in the flowchart. Parameters ---------- flowchart: seamm.Flowchart The non-graphical flowchart that contains this step. title: str The name displayed in the flowchart. extension: None Not yet implemented logger : Logger = logger The logger to use and pass to parent classes Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Creating Thermochemistry {self}") super().__init__( flowchart=flowchart, title=title, extension=extension, logger=logger, ) self._calculation = "thermochemistry" self._model = None self._metadata = psi4_step.metadata self.parameters = psi4_step.ThermochemistryParameters() @property def header(self): """A printable header for this section of output""" return "Step {}: {}".format(".".join(str(e) for e in self._id), self.title) @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return psi4_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return psi4_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Create the text description of what this step will do. The dictionary of control values is passed in as P so that the code can test values, etc. Parameters ---------- P: dict An optional dictionary of the current values of the control parameters. Returns ------- str A description of the current step. """ if not P: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() text = super().description_text(P=P, calculation_type="Thermochemistry") added = ( "\nThe thermodynamic functions will be calculated at temperature {T} and " "pressure {P}." ) return text + "\n" + __(added, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def get_input(self, calculation_type="frequency"): """Get the input for an optimization calculation for Psi4""" _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # references = self.parent.references P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) self.description = [] self.description.append(__(self.description_text(PP), **PP, indent=self.indent)) # Figure out what we are doing! The method is HF, B3LYP, CCSD, etc. if P["level"] == "recommended": method_string = P["method"] else: method_string = P["advanced_method"] if method_string in psi4_step.methods: method = psi4_step.methods[method_string]["method"] else: method = method_string if method == "dft": if P["level"] == "recommended": functional_string = P["functional"] else: functional_string = P["advanced_functional"] method = psi4_step.dft_functionals[functional_string]["name"] if ( P["dispersion"] != "none" and len(psi4_step.dft_functionals[functional_string]["dispersion"]) > 1 ): method = method + "-" + P["dispersion"] lines = [] lines.append("") lines.append("#" * 80) lines.append(f"# {self.header}") lines.append("#" * 80) lines.append("") # lines.append("initial.find_point_group(tolerance=1.0e-5)") lines.append("initial.symmetrize(1.0e-5)") lines.append("point_group = initial.point_group().symbol()") lines.append("") if not P["use existing parameters"]: # Add in the input from the energy part of things lines.append(super().get_input(calculation_type=calculation_type)) else: lines.append(f"Eelec, wfn = frequency('{method}', return_wfn=True)") # Orbital plots lines.append(self.plot_input()) lines.append( f""" set writer_file_label thermo set hessian_write on thermo_vibinfo = vibanal_wfn(wfn) path = Path(core.get_writer_file_prefix('thermo') + '.vibrec') with as fd: tmp = json.load(fd) tmp2 = dict() for key, value in tmp.items(): if type(value) == str: tmp2[key] = json.loads(value) else: tmp2[key] = value with path.with_name('@{self._id[-1]}+thermochemistry.json').open('w') as fd: json.dump(tmp2, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=3) """ ) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", **kwargs): """Do any analysis of the output from this step. Also print important results to the local step.out file using "printer". Parameters ---------- indent: str An extra indentation for the output """ # Read in the results from json directory = Path( json_file = directory / "thermochemistry.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: tmp = json.load(fd) # Process the data, changing units d = {} metadata = self.metadata["results"] for key, value in tmp.items(): if key in metadata: from_units = value["units"].replace("Eh", "E_h") to_units = metadata[key]["units"] if from_units == to_units: d[key] = value["data"] else: d[key] = Q_(value["data"], from_units).m_as(to_units) # Put any requested results into variables or tables self.store_results(data=d, create_tables=True) # And the output table = { "": [ "Units", "Electronic", "Translational", "Rotational", "Vibrational", "Total Correction", "Total (E_h)", ], "S": [ "J/mol/K", round(d["S_elec"], 2), round(d["S_trans"], 2), round(d["S_rot"], 2), round(d["S_vib"], 2), round(d["S_tot"], 2), ], "Cv": [ "J/mol/K", round(d["Cv_elec"], 2), round(d["Cv_trans"], 2), round(d["Cv_rot"], 2), round(d["Cv_vib"], 2), round(d["Cv_tot"], 2), ], "Cp": [ "J/mol/K", round(d["Cp_elec"], 2), round(d["Cp_trans"], 2), round(d["Cp_rot"], 2), round(d["Cp_vib"], 2), round(d["Cp_tot"], 2), ], "E": [ "kJ/mol", round(d["E_elec"], 2), round(d["E_trans"], 2), round(d["E_rot"], 2), round(d["E_vib"], 2), round(d["E_corr"], 2), round(d["E_tot"], 6), ], "H": [ "kJ/mol", round(d["H_elec"], 2), round(d["H_trans"], 2), round(d["H_rot"], 2), round(d["H_vib"], 2), round(d["H_corr"], 2), round(d["H_tot"], 6), ], "G": [ "kJ/mol", round(d["G_elec"], 2), round(d["G_trans"], 2), round(d["G_rot"], 2), round(d["G_vib"], 2), round(d["G_corr"], 2), round(d["G_tot"], 6), ], } text = "" tmp = tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple_outline", disable_numparse=True, numalign="decimal", stralign="center", colalign=( "center", "decimal", "decimal", "decimal", "decimal", "decimal", "decimal", ), ) length = len(tmp.splitlines()[0]) text += "\n" parameters = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) T = parameters["T"] P = parameters["P"] text += f"Thermodynamic Functions at {T:.2f~P} and {P:.2f~P}".center(length) text += "\n" text += tmp text += "\n" printer.normal(__(text, indent=8 * " ", wrap=False, dedent=False)) else: text = ( "\nThere are no thermochemistry results from Psi4. Perhaps it " f"failed? Looking for {str(json_file)}." ) printer.normal(__(text, indent=self.indent + 4 * " ")) raise RuntimeError(text)