Source code for psi4_step.energy_parameters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Global control parameters for Psi4

import logging

from psi4_step import methods, dft_functionals
import seamm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EnergyParameters(seamm.Parameters): """The control parameters for the energy.""" parameters = { "level": { "default": "recommended", "kind": "string", "format_string": "s", "enumeration": ("recommended", "advanced"), "description": "The level of disclosure in the interface", "help_text": ( "How much detail to show in the GUI. Currently 'recommended' " "or 'advanced', which shows everything." ), }, "method": { "default": "Kohn-Sham (KS) density functional theory (DFT)", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": [x for x in methods if methods[x]["level"] == "normal"], "format_string": "s", "description": "Method:", "help_text": ("The computational method to use."), }, "advanced_method": { "default": "Kohn-Sham (KS) density functional theory (DFT)", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": [x for x in methods], "format_string": "s", "description": "Method:", "help_text": ("The computational method to use."), }, "functional": { "default": "B3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": [ x for x in dft_functionals if dft_functionals[x]["level"] == "normal" ], "format_string": "s", "description": "DFT Functional:", "help_text": ("The exchange-correlation functional to use."), }, "advanced_functional": { "default": "B3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": [x for x in dft_functionals], "format_string": "s", "description": "DFT Functional:", "help_text": ("The exchange-correlation functional to use."), }, "dispersion": { "default": "d3bj", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ["none", "d3bj", "d3mbj", "nl"], "format_string": "s", "description": "Dispersion correction:", "help_text": ("The dispersion correction to use."), }, "spin-restricted": { "default": "default", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("default", "yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Spin-restricted:", "help_text": ( "Whether to restrict the spin (RHF, ROHF, RKS) or not " "(UHF, UKS)." " Default is restricted for singlets, unrestricted otherwise." ), }, "use damping": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Damp the iterations:", "help_text": ( "Whether to damp the iterations using a fraction of the previous " "density to damp oscillations." ), }, "damping percentage": { "default": 20.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Percent damping:", "help_text": "Percent of previous density to use to damp oscillations.", }, "damping convergence": { "default": 0.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Damp to convergence:", "help_text": "Convergence level to stop damping. 0 = always damp.", }, "use level shift": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Use a level shift:", "help_text": ("Whether to use a level shift to help convergence."), }, "level shift": { "default": 5.0, "kind": "float", "default_units": "E_h", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Level shift:", "help_text": "The amount to shift the occupied orbitals down.", }, "level shift convergence": { "default": 0.01, "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Stop when converged to:", "help_text": "Convergence level to stop level shifting.", }, "use soscf": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Use second order SCF:", "help_text": ("Whether to use the second order SCF to help convergence."), }, "soscf starting convergence": { "default": 0.01, "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Start when converged to:", "help_text": "Convergence level to start second order SCF.", }, "soscf convergence": { "default": 0.001, "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Microiteration convergence:", "help_text": "Convergence level for SOSCF microiterations.", }, "soscf max iterations": { "default": 5, "kind": "integer", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Maximum microiterations:", "help_text": "Maximum number of SOSCF microiterations.", }, "soscf print iterations": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Print microiterations:", "help_text": "Print information about the SOSCF microiterations.", }, "density convergence": { "default": "default", "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("default",), "format_string": "s", "description": "Density convergence criterion:", "help_text": ( "Criterion for convergence of the density, default 10^-6 for " "SCF, 10^-8 optimization." ), }, "energy convergence": { "default": "default", "kind": "float", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("default",), "format_string": "s", "description": "Energy convergence criterion:", "help_text": ( "Criterion for convergence of the energy, default 10^-6 for " "SCF, 10^-8 optimization." ), }, "convergence error": { "default": "yes", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Error if not converged:", "help_text": "Whether to throw an error if not converged.", }, "maximum iterations": { "default": 100, "kind": "integer", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "s", "description": "Maximum iterations:", "help_text": "Maximum number of SCF iterations.", }, "freeze-cores": { "default": "yes", "kind": "enumeration", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Freeze core orbitals:", "help_text": ( "Whether to freeze the core orbitals in correlated " "methods" ), }, "stability analysis": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "s", "description": "Do stability analysis:", "help_text": ("Analyze the stability of the SCF/DFT wavefunction."), }, "results": { "default": {}, "kind": "dictionary", "default_units": "", "enumeration": tuple(), "format_string": "", "description": "results", "help_text": ("The results to save to variables or in " "tables. "), }, "create tables": { "default": "yes", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "", "description": "Create tables as needed:", "help_text": ( "Whether to create tables as needed for " "results being saved into tables." ), }, } output = { "density": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "", "description": "Plot total density:", "help_text": "Whether to plot the total charge density.", }, "orbitals": { "default": "no", "kind": "boolean", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("yes", "no"), "format_string": "", "description": "Plot orbitals:", "help_text": "Whether to plot orbitals.", }, "selected orbitals": { "default": "-1, HOMO, LUMO, +1", "kind": "string", "default_units": "", "enumeration": ("all", "-1, HOMO, LUMO, +1"), "format_string": "", "description": "Selected orbitals:", "help_text": "Which orbitals to plot.", }, } def __init__(self, defaults={}, data=None): """Initialize the instance, by default from the default parameters given in the class""" super().__init__( defaults={ **EnergyParameters.parameters, **EnergyParameters.output, **defaults, }, data=data, )