Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Setup and run Psi4"""

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path

from openbabel import openbabel

import psi4_step
import seamm
from seamm_util import units_class
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("psi4")

[docs] class Energy(seamm.Node): def __init__(self, flowchart=None, title="Energy", extension=None, logger=logger): """Initialize the node""" logger.debug("Creating Energy {}".format(self)) super().__init__( flowchart=flowchart, title=title, extension=extension, logger=logger ) self._calculation = "energy" self._model = None self._metadata = psi4_step.metadata self.parameters = psi4_step.EnergyParameters() self.description = "A single point energy calculation" @property def header(self): """A printable header for this section of output""" return "Step {}: {}".format(".".join(str(e) for e in self._id), self.title) @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return psi4_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return psi4_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text( self, P=None, calculation_type="Single-point energy", configuration=None, ): """Prepare information about what this node will do""" if P is not None: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() if P["level"] == "recommended": method = P["method"] else: method = P["advanced_method"] if self.is_expr(method): text = f"{calculation_type} using method given by {method}." elif ( method in psi4_step.methods and psi4_step.methods[method]["method"] == "dft" ): if P["level"] == "recommended": functional = P["functional"] else: functional = P["advanced_functional"] text = f"{calculation_type} using {method} with an " text += f"exchange-correlation potential of {functional}" if ( functional in psi4_step.dft_functionals and len(psi4_step.dft_functionals[functional]["dispersion"]) > 1 and P["dispersion"] != "none" ): text += f" with the {P['dispersion']} dispersion correction." else: text += " with no dispersion correction." else: text = f"{calculation_type} using {method}." # Spin if P["spin-restricted"] == "yes": text += " The spin will be restricted to a pure eigenstate." elif P["spin-restricted"] == "default": if configuration is not None: if configuration.spin_multiplicity == 1: text += " The spin will be restricted to a pure eigenstate." else: text += " The spin will not be restricted and may not be a " text += "proper eigenstate." else: text += " The spin will be restricted to a pure " text += "eigenstate for singlet states. Otherwise it will not " text += "be restricted and may not be a proper eigenstate." elif self.is_expr(P["spin-restricted"]): text += " Whether the spin will be restricted to a pure " text += "eigenstate will be determined by {P['spin-restricted']}" else: text += " The spin will not be restricted and may not be a " text += "proper eigenstate." # Plotting if isinstance(P["density"], str): density = P["density"] != "no" else: density = P["density"] if isinstance(P["orbitals"], str): orbitals = P["orbitals"] != "no" else: orbitals = P["orbitals"] if density: if orbitals: text += "\nThe alpha and beta electron, total, and spin densities, " text += f"and orbitals {P['selected orbitals']} will be plotted." elif orbitals: text += f"\nThe orbitals {P['selected orbitals']} will be plotted." return self.header + "\n" + __(text, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def get_input(self, calculation_type="energy", restart=None): """Get the input for an energy calculation for Psi4""" # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) self.description = [] self.description.append( __( self.description_text(PP, configuration=configuration), **PP, indent=self.indent, ) ) lines = [] if calculation_type == "energy": lines.append("") lines.append("#" * 80) lines.append(f"# {self.header}") lines.append("#" * 80) # Figure out what we are doing! if P["level"] == "recommended": method_string = P["method"] else: method_string = P["advanced_method"] # Allow the full name, or the short name, or just pray. if method_string in psi4_step.methods: method = psi4_step.methods[method_string]["method"] else: method = method_string.lower() for key in psi4_step.methods: if psi4_step.methods[key]["method"] == method: break else: method = method_string # lines.append('set scf_type df') # lines.append('set guess sad') multiplicity = configuration.spin_multiplicity spin_restricted = P["spin-restricted"] if spin_restricted == "default": if multiplicity == 1: restricted = True else: restricted = False elif spin_restricted == "yes": restricted = True else: restricted = False if method == "dft": if restricted: lines.append("set reference rks") else: lines.append("set reference uks") else: if restricted: if multiplicity == 1: lines.append("set reference rhf") else: lines.append("set reference rohf") else: lines.append("set reference uhf") if "freeze-cores" in P and P["freeze-cores"] == "yes": lines.append("set freeze_core True") else: lines.append("set freeze_core False") if P["stability analysis"]: lines.append("set stability_analysis True") # Convergence parameters and methods lines.append("set fail_on_maxiter False") # Psi4 hangs! Cope in the plug-in lines.append(f"set maxiter {P['maximum iterations']}") if P["density convergence"] != "default": lines.append(f"set d_convergence {P['density convergence']}") if P["energy convergence"] != "default": lines.append(f"set e_convergence {P['energy convergence']}") if P["use damping"]: lines.append(f"set damping_percentage {P['damping percentage']}") lines.append(f"set damping_convergence {P['damping convergence']}") if P["use level shift"]: lines.append(f"set level_shift {P['level shift']}") lines.append(f"set level_shift_cutoff {P['level shift convergence']}") if P["use soscf"]: lines.append("set soscf True") lines.append( f"set soscf_start_convergence {P['soscf starting convergence']}" ) lines.append(f"set soscf_conv {P['soscf convergence']}") lines.append(f"set soscf_max_iter {P['soscf max iterations']}") if P["soscf print iterations"]: lines.append("set soscf_print True") lines.append("") if method == "dft": if P["level"] == "recommended": functional_string = P["functional"] else: functional_string = P["advanced_functional"] # Allow the full name, or the short name, or just pray. if functional_string in psi4_step.dft_functionals: functional = psi4_step.dft_functionals[functional_string]["name"] else: functional = functional_string.lower() for key in psi4_step.dft_functionals: if psi4_step.dft_functionals[key]["name"] == functional: break else: functional = functional_string if ( P["dispersion"] != "none" and len(psi4_step.dft_functionals[functional_string]["dispersion"]) > 1 ): functional = functional + "-" + P["dispersion"] if restart is None: lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = {calculation_type}('{functional}', return_wfn=True)" ) else: if calculation_type == "gradient": lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = energy('{functional}', return_wfn=True," f" restart_file='{restart}')" ) lines.append(f"G = gradient('{functional}', ref_wfn=wfn)") else: lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = {calculation_type}('{functional}', " f"return_wfn=True, restart_file='{restart}')" ) else: if restart is None: lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = {calculation_type}('{method}', return_wfn=True)" ) else: if calculation_type == "gradient": lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = energy('{method}', return_wfn=True, " f" restart_file='{restart}')" ) lines.append(f"G = gradient('{method}', ref_wfn=wfn)") else: lines.append( f"Eelec, wfn = {calculation_type}('{method}', return_wfn=True, " f" restart_file='{restart}')" ) if calculation_type != "gradient": # Dump the properties to a json file filename = f"@{self._id[-1]}+properties.json" lines.append( f""" try: oeprop( wfn, "MULTIPOLE(5)", "ESP_AT_NUCLEI", "LOWDIN_CHARGES", "MULLIKEN_CHARGES", "WIBERG_LOWDIN_INDICES", "MAYER_INDICES", "NO_OCCUPATIONS", title="PROP" ) except Exception: print("Failed to calculate properties") variables = scalar_variables() variables.update(wfn.scalar_variables()) arrays = array_variables() for item in arrays: variables[item] = array_variable(item).np.tolist() arrays = wfn.array_variables() for item in arrays: variables[item] = wfn.array_variable(item).np.tolist() variables["Eelec"] = Eelec variables["_method"] = "{method}" variables["_method_string"] = "{method_string}" with open("{filename}", "w") as fd: json.dump(fix_multipoles(variables), fd, sort_keys=True, indent=3) """ ) # Orbital plots lines.append(self.plot_input()) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", data={}, out=[]): """Parse the output and generating the text output and store the data in variables for other stages to access """ # Read in the results from json directory = Path( json_file = directory / "properties.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: data = json.load(fd) # Put any requested results into variables or tables self.store_results( data=data, create_tables=self.parameters["create tables"].get(), ) text = "The calculated energy is {Eelec:.6f} E_h." else: data = {} tmp = str(json_file) text = ( "\nThere are no results from Psi4. Perhaps it " f"failed? Looking for {tmp}." ) printer.normal(__(text, **data, indent=self.indent + 4 * " ")) raise RuntimeError(text) # Write the structure locally for use in density and orbital plots system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetOutFormat("sdf") obMol = configuration.to_OBMol(properties="all") title = f"SEAMM={}/{}" obMol.SetTitle(title) sdf = obConversion.WriteString(obMol) path = directory / "structure.sdf" path.write_text(sdf) printer.normal(__(text, **data, indent=self.indent + 4 * " "))
[docs] def plot_input(self): """Generate the input for plotting to cube files.""" _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) tasks = [] if P["density"]: tasks.append("density") orbitals = [] if P["orbitals"]: tasks.append("orbitals") # and work out the orbitals txt = P["selected orbitals"] if txt == "all": pass else: # Which is the HOMO orbital? # This will not work with ECPs. n_electrons = ( sum(configuration.atoms.atomic_numbers) - configuration.charge ) multiplicity = configuration.spin_multiplicity homo = (n_electrons - (multiplicity - 1)) // 2 + (multiplicity - 1) for chunk in txt.split(","): chunk = chunk.strip() if ":" in chunk or ".." in chunk: if ":" in chunk: first, last = chunk.split(":") elif ".." in chunk: first, last = chunk.split("..") first = first.strip().upper() last = last.strip().upper() if first == "HOMO": first = homo elif first == "LUMO": first = homo + 1 else: first = int(first.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if first < 0: first = homo + first else: first = homo + 1 + first if last == "HOMO": last = homo elif last == "LUMO": last = homo + 1 else: last = int(last.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if last < 0: last = homo + last else: last = homo + 1 + last orbitals.extend(range(first, last + 1)) else: first = chunk.strip().upper() if first == "HOMO": first = homo elif first == "LUMO": first = homo + 1 else: first = int(first.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if first < 0: first = homo + first else: first = homo + 1 + first orbitals.append(first) if len(tasks) == 0: return "" lines = [] txt = "', '".join(tasks) lines.append("") lines.append("# Cube files for density and orbitals") lines.append(f"set cubeprop_tasks ['{txt}']") if len(orbitals) > 0: txt = ", ".join([f"{i}, {-i}" for i in orbitals]) lines.append(f"set cubeprop_orbitals [{txt}]") lines.append("") lines.append("cubeprop(wfn)") lines.append( f""" # Prefix the files with the substep number paths = Path.cwd().glob('*.cube') for path in paths: name = newpath = path.with_name('@{self._id[-1]}+' + name) path.rename(newpath) """ ) return "\n".join(lines)