Source code for psi4_step.accelerated_optimization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Acclerated optimization using MOPAC for Hessians."""

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback

import numpy as np
import optking
from scipy.optimize import minimize, OptimizeResult
from scipy.optimize._optimize import (

from .optimizer import Optimizer
import psi4_step
import seamm
from seamm_util import units_class, Q_
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("psi4")

optking_logger = logging.getLogger("optking")

[docs] def norm(V): return np.linalg.norm(V)
[docs] def abs_max(V): return max(abs(elem) for elem in V)
[docs] def abs_min(V): return min(abs(elem) for elem in V)
[docs] def rms(V): return np.sqrt(np.mean(V**2))
[docs] class AcceleratedOptimization(psi4_step.Energy): def __init__( self, flowchart=None, title="Accelerated Optimization", extension=None, ): """Initialize the node""" logger.debug("Creating AcceleratedOptimization {}".format(self)) super().__init__(flowchart=flowchart, title=title, extension=extension) self._calculation = "optimization" self._model = None self._metadata = psi4_step.metadata self.parameters = psi4_step.AcceleratedOptimizationParameters() self.description = "A geometry optimization" self._E = None self._derivatives = None self._triangle = None # Triangule Hessian matrix self.prolog = None self.epilog = None self.iteration = 0 self._restart_wfn = None self._counters = {}
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Prepare information about what this node will do""" if not P: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() text = super().description_text(P=P, calculation_type="Geometry optimization") added = "The geometry optimization will use the {optimization method} " if P["max geometry steps"] == "default": added += "method, using the default maximum number of steps, which" added += " is based on the system size." else: added += "method, with no more than {max geometry steps} steps." if P["geometry convergence"] == "Custom": added += " The convergence criterion is" else: added += " The convergence criterion is '{geometry convergence}'." if P["recalc hessian"] != "never": added += ( " The Hessian will be recalculated with MOPAC every {recalc hessian}" " steps. Note that calculating the second derivatives with MOPAC is " "not expensive!" ) return text + "\n" + __(added, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def input_text(self, node0, memory, restart=None): """Create the first and last parts of the Psi4 input. Parameters ---------- node0 : seamm.Node The first node in the Psi4 subflowchart memory : str Amount of memory to allocate Psi4 n_threads : int Number of threads to use in Psi4 restart : str = None A wavefunction file to restart from """ prolog = textwrap.dedent( f""" import json import numpy as np import pprint memory {memory} """ ) node = node0 tmp = [] while node is not None: if node == self: break text = node.get_input() tmp.append(text) tmp.append("clean()") tmp.append("clean_variables()") # tmp.append('clean_options()') node = # Add our input tmp.append("") tmp.append("#" * 80) tmp.append(f"# {self.header}") tmp.append("#" * 80) tmp.append("") # Add in the input from the energy part of things tmp.append(super().get_input(calculation_type="gradient", restart=restart)) # Write out the wavefunction tmp.append("") tmp.append("wfn.to_file('wfn')") # Write out the final structure tmp.append("") tmp.append("# Write the final structure to disk") tmp.append("molecule = get_active_molecule()") tmp.append("tmp = molecule.to_dict()") tmp.append("for item, value in tmp.items():") tmp.append(" if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):") tmp.append(" tmp[item] = value.tolist()") tmp.append("") tmp.append("# Add the energy and gradients") tmp.append("tmp['energy'] =") tmp.append("tmp['gradient'] = wfn.gradient().to_array().tolist()") tmp.append("") tmp.append("with open('final_structure.json', 'w') as fd:") tmp.append(" json.dump(tmp, fd, sort_keys=True, indent=3)") epilog = "\n".join(tmp) return prolog, epilog
[docs] def run(self, node0, memory, n_threads): """Run the accelerated optimization. Parameters ---------- node0 : seamm.Node The first node in the Psi4 subflowchart memory : str Amount of memory to allocate Psi4 n_threads : int Number of threads to use in Psi4 """ # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) self.description = [] self.description.append(__(self.description_text(PP), **PP, indent=self.indent)) # Handle the system _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(P) # Get the input other than the structure self.n_threads = n_threads self._node0 = node0 self._memory = memory if self._restart_wfn is not None: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text( node0, memory, restart="old_wfn.npy" ) else: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text(node0, memory) max_iterations = P["max geometry steps"] if max_iterations == "default": max_iterations = 2 * 3 * configuration.n_atoms self._counters["surrogate"] = 0 self._counters["hessian"] = 0 self._counters["main"] = 0 # self._test(directory) # return use_surrogate = False if use_surrogate: if True: optimizer = Optimizer( energy_callback=self.runPsi4, surrogate_callback=self.runMOPAC ) x0 = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates() optimizer.optimize(x0) else: for self.iteration in range(max_iterations + 1): converged = self._surrogate_optimization( directory / f"step_{self.iteration:03d}" ) if converged: printer.normal("Converged!!!!!!") break else: printer.normal("NOT Converged!!!!!!") else: # Iterate molecule = configuration.to_qcschema_dict() optking_options = { "step_type": P["optimization method"], "g_convergence": P["geometry convergence"], "opt_coordinates": P["coordinates"], "hess_update": P["hessian update"], } if P["recalc hessian"] == "every step": optking_options["full_hess_every"] = 1 elif P["recalc hessian"] == "at beginning": optking_options["full_hess_every"] = 0 elif P["recalc hessian"] == "never": optking_options["full_hess_every"] = -1 else: optking_options["full_hess_every"] = P["recalc hessian"] # "max_force_g_convergence": 4.5e-04, # "rms_force_g_convergence": 3.0e-04, # "intrafrag_hess": "SIMPLE", optimizer = optking.CustomHelper(molecule, optking_options) # The initial coordinates as NUMPY array. Psi4 may reorient, so need # to run and cache the first results for self.iteration in range(max_iterations + 1): subdirectory = directory / f"step_{self.iteration:03d}" subdirectory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) needed = optimizer.calculations_needed() factor = Q_(1.0, "a_0").m_as("Å") xyz = [] for row in optimizer.geom: xyz.append([val * factor for val in row]) configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(xyz) if "hessian" in needed: # Run MOPAC self._triangle = self._run_MOPAC_Hessian(subdirectory / "MOPAC") H = np.array(self._hessian(None)) optimizer.HX = H E, dE = self._run_psi4(subdirectory) optimizer.E = E optimizer.gX = dE optimizer.compute() optimizer.take_step() lines = optimizer.test_convergence(str_mode="table").splitlines() if self.iteration == 0: printer.normal("\n".join(lines[0:-2])) else: printer.normal(lines[-3]) converged = optimizer.test_convergence() if converged is True: printer.normal("Optimization SUCCESS:") break else: printer.normal("Optimization FAILURE:\n") result = optimizer.close() if False: printer.normal(result) printer.normal(f" Calls to Psi4: {self._counters['main']:4d}") printer.normal(f" to Hessian: {self._counters['hessian']:4d}") printer.normal(f" to surrogate: {self._counters['surrogate']:4d}")
def _test(self, directory): """Calculate derivatives as a check""" # Handle the system _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) xyz0 = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates(as_array=True) # Run MOPAC and Psi4 Emopac, gradients = self._run_MOPAC_SPE(directory / "MOPAC") E0, dE0 = self._run_psi4(directory / "Psi4") print(f"{E0=:9.6f}") # And the correction to MOPAC dE delta_E = E0 - Emopac delta_dE = dE0 - gradients angstrom2bohr = Q_(1.0, "Å").m_as("a_0") direction = np.array(dE0) / norm(dE0) direction.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) for factor in range(-3, 4, 1): dxyz = direction * (factor / 10) xyz = xyz0 + dxyz.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) / angstrom2bohr configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(xyz) E, dE = self._run_MOPAC_SPE(directory / f"step{factor}") Ep, dEp = self._run_psi4(directory / f"psi4_{factor}") delta_E1 =, delta_dE) E = E + delta_E + delta_E1 dE += delta_dE print( f"{factor:2d} {E:9.6f} {, direction.flatten()):9.6f} " f"{Ep:9.6f} {, direction.flatten()):9.6f}" ) def _surrogate_optimization(self, directory): """Optimize using MOPAC gradients shifted by real ones.""" debug = False # Handle the system _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() molecule = configuration.to_qcschema_dict() # "g_convergence": "gau", optking_options = { "opt_coordinates": "cartesian", "g_convergence": "cfour", "max_force_g_convergence": 4.5e-04, "rms_force_g_convergence": 3.0e-04, "FULL_HESS_EVERY": 1, "intrafrag_hess": "SIMPLE", } # "hess_update": "none", optimizer = optking.CustomHelper(molecule, optking_options) # First calculate the derivatives with both Psi4 and MOPAC xyz0 = np.array(optimizer.geom).flatten() factor = Q_(1.0, "a_0").m_as("Å") xyz = xyz0 * factor configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(xyz.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3)) directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Run MOPAC and Psi4 Emopac, gradients = self._run_MOPAC_SPE(directory / "MOPAC") E, dE = self._run_psi4(directory / "Psi4") tmp = gradients.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) tmp2 = np.sum(tmp, axis=0) tmp3 = " ".join([f"{val:12.9f}" for val in tmp2]) print(f"sum dEm {tmp3}") tmp = dE.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) tmp2 = np.sum(tmp, axis=0) tmp3 = " ".join([f"{val:12.9f}" for val in tmp2]) print(f"sum dEp {tmp3}") tmp -= tmp2 / configuration.n_atoms dE = tmp.flatten() tmp = dE.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) tmp2 = np.sum(tmp, axis=0) tmp3 = " ".join([f"{val:12.9f}" for val in tmp2]) print(f"sum dEp {tmp3}") if debug: print("MOPAC gradients") print(gradients) print("Psi4 derivatives") print(dE) # And the correction to MOPAC dE delta_E = E - Emopac delta_dE = dE - gradients if debug: m0 = abs_max(delta_dE) m1 = abs_max(gradients) m2 = abs_max(dE) rms2 = rms(dE) print(f"maxes: {m0:9.6f} {m1:9.6f} {m2:9.6f} {rms2:9.6f} {E:12.7f}") if debug: print("Correction") print(delta_dE) P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() max_iterations = P["max geometry steps"] if max_iterations == "default": max_iterations = 2 * 3 * configuration.n_atoms max_iterations = 2 converged = False for self.iteration in range(max_iterations + 1): subdirectory = directory / f"step_{self.iteration:03d}" subdirectory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) needed = optimizer.calculations_needed() xyz1 = np.array(optimizer.geom).flatten() factor = Q_(1.0, "a_0").m_as("Å") xyz = xyz1 * factor configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(xyz.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3)) if "hessian" in needed: # Run MOPAC self._triangle = self._run_MOPAC_Hessian(subdirectory / "MOPAC") H = np.array(self._hessian(None)) Unit = np.identity(configuration.n_atoms * 3) * 0.0 optimizer.HX = H + Unit eigvals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(H + Unit).tolist() txt = " ".join([f"{val:6.3f}" for val in eigvals]) print(f"Eigenvalues {txt}") E, dE = self._run_MOPAC_SPE(subdirectory) Esv = E dEsv = np.array(dE) if debug: # And Psi4 for testing Ex, dEx = self._run_psi4(subdirectory / "Psi4") dxyz = xyz1 - xyz0 delta_E1 =, delta_dE) if debug and optimizer.HX is not None: tmp = np.matmul(optimizer.HX, dxyz) m1 = tmp.max() m0 = delta_dE.max() e1 =, tmp) e0 =, delta_dE) print(f"max = {m1:9.6f} {m0:9.6f} delta E {e1:9.6f} {e0:9.6f}") E += delta_E + delta_E1 dE += delta_dE if debug: m0 = abs_max(delta_dE) m1 = abs_max(dEsv) m2 = abs_max(dE) rms2 = rms(dE) print(f"-----> {m0:9.6f} {m1:9.6f} {m2:9.6f} {rms2:9.6f} {E:12.7f}") if debug: print(f"{Esv=} {delta_E=} {delta_E1=} --> {E} vs {Ex}") tmp = [f"{val:10.6f}" for val in dE.tolist()] print(" ".join(tmp)) tmp = [f"{val:10.6f}" for val in dEx.tolist()] print(" ".join(tmp)) optimizer.E = E optimizer.gX = dE optimizer.compute() optimizer.take_step() lines = optimizer.test_convergence(str_mode="table").splitlines() if self.iteration == 0: print("\n".join(lines[0:-2])) else: print(lines[-3]) if optimizer.test_convergence(): converged = self.iteration == 0 result = optimizer.close() factor = Q_(1.0, "a_0").m_as("Å") xyzf = np.array(result["final_molecule"]["geometry"]) * factor # configuration.atoms.set_coordinates( # xyzf.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) # ) tmp = " ".join([f"{val:9.6f}" for val in xyz.tolist()]) print(f" xyz: {tmp}") tmp = " ".join([f"{val:9.6f}" for val in xyzf.tolist()]) print(f"xyzf: {tmp}") break return converged
[docs] def run_old(self, node0, memory, n_threads): """Run the accelerated optimization. Parameters ---------- node0 : seamm.Node The first node in the Psi4 subflowchart memory : str Amount of memory to allocate Psi4 n_threads : int Number of threads to use in Psi4 """ # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) self.description = [] self.description.append(__(self.description_text(PP), **PP, indent=self.indent)) # Handle the system _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(P) # Get the input other than the structure self.n_threads = n_threads if self._restart_wfn is not None: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text( node0, memory, restart="old_wfn.npy" ) else: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text(node0, memory) # Iterate max_iterations = P["max geometry steps"] if max_iterations == "default": max_iterations = 2 * 3 * configuration.n_atoms # The initial coordinates as NUMPY array. Psi4 may reorient, so need # to run and cache the first results self.iteration = 0 x0 = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates(as_array=True).flatten() self._E, self._derivatives = self._step(x0) # Set the iteration count back this initial time self.iteration = 0 subdirectory = directory / f"step_{self.iteration:03d}" json_file = subdirectory / "final_structure.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: data = json.load(fd) else: raise RuntimeError("Structure and gradients from Psi4 not available.") self.iteration = 0 x0 = np.array(data["geom"]) configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(x0.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3)) # Run MOPAC self._triangle = self._run_MOPAC_Hessian(subdirectory / "MOPAC") H = self._hessian(None) print("MOPAC Hessian") for n, row in enumerate(H.tolist()): txt = [f"{val:6.3f}" for val in row[: n + 1]] print(" ".join(txt)) print("") singular = np.linalg.svd(H, compute_uv=False, hermitian=True).tolist() txt = [f"{val:.6f}" for val in singular] print("Singular values") print(" ".join(txt)) print(f"{singular[-7]} {singular[-6]}") self._rcond = (singular[-7] + singular[-6]) / 2 print("") Hk = np.linalg.pinv(H, rcond=self._rcond, hermitian=True) print("Inverse") for n, row in enumerate(Hk.tolist()): txt = [f"{val:6.3f}" for val in row[: n + 1]] print(" ".join(txt)) print("") eigvals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(H).tolist() txt = [f"{val:6.3f}" for val in eigvals] print("Eigenvalues") print(" ".join(txt)) print("") # Set up to restart from the previous wavefunction self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text(node0, memory, restart="old_wfn.npy") result = minimize(self._step, x0, method=self._bfgs, jac=True) # result = minimize(self._step, x0, method="BFGS", jac=True) # result = minimize( # self._step, # x0, # method="trust-exact", # jac=True, # hess=self._hessian, # ) # for key, value in result.items(): # print(key) # print(value) print("BFGS inverse Hessian") for n, row in enumerate(result["hess_inv"].tolist()): txt = [f"{val:6.3f}" for val in row[: n + 1]] print(" ".join(txt)) # Output the summary of the minimization if result["success"]: text = ( "\nThe optimization converged in {nit} steps to {fun:.7f} E_h. " "This required {nfev} evaluations of the energy and derivatives." ) printer.normal(__(text, **result, indent=4 * " ")) else: text = ( "\nThe optimization failed: {message} after {nit} steps, which " "required {nfev} evaluations of the energy and derivatives. The " "final energy was {fun:.7f} E_h." )
def _run_MOPAC_SPE(self, directory): """Run the MOPAC flowchart in the given directory.""" # Get the MOPAC flowchart self._counters["surrogate"] += 1 directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/")) flowchart = seamm.Flowchart( name="MOPAC", parent=self, namespace="org.molssi.seamm", directory=directory, parser_name="MOPAC subflowchart", ) / "MOPAC_PM7_SPE.flow") # Find the handler for job.out and set the level up job_handler = None out_handler = None for handler in job.handlers: if ( isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler) and "job.out" in handler.baseFilename ): job_handler = handler job_level = job_handler.level job_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): out_handler = handler out_level = out_handler.level out_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) # Redirect output _file_handler = logging.FileHandler(directory / "subflowchart.out") _file_handler.setLevel(printing.NORMAL) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="{message:s}", style="{") _file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) job.addHandler(_file_handler) # Set up the argument parser for this node. parser = flowchart.parser parser.epilog = textwrap.dedent( """ The plug-ins in this flowchart are listed above. Options, if any, for plug-ins are placed after the name of the plug-in, e.g.: test.flow lammps-step --log-level DEBUG --np 4 To get help for a plug-in, use --help or -h after the plug-in name. E.g. test.flow lammps-step --help """ ) parser.usage = "%(prog)s [options] plug-in [options] plug-in [options] ..." # Now traverse the flowchart, setting up the ids and parsers flowchart.set_ids() flowchart.create_parsers() # And handle the command-line arguments and ini file options. parser.parse_args([])"Parsed the command-line arguments") # Get the command line options options = parser.get_options() # Set the options in each step for node in flowchart: step_type = node.step_type" setting options for {step_type}") if step_type in options: node._options = options[step_type] if "SEAMM" in options: node._global_options = options["SEAMM"] # Write out an initial summary of the flowchart before doing anything # Reset the visited flag for traversal flowchart.reset_visited() # Get the start node next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") # describe ourselves printer.normal("\nDescription of the flowchart\n----------------------------") while next_node: # and print the description try: next_node = next_node.describe() except Exception: message = "Error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() print(message) logger.critical(message) raise except: # noqa: E722 message = ( "Unexpected error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() ) print(message) logger.critical(message) raise printer.normal("") # And actually run it! printer.normal(("Running the flowchart\n" "---------------------")) try: next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") while next_node is not None: try: next_node = except DeprecationWarning as e: print("\nDeprecation warning: " + str(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: pass # Get the derivatives and return them. E = self.get_variable("_mopac_energy") gradients = self.get_variable("_mopac_gradients") dE = np.array(gradients).flatten() # Set output back _file_handler.close() job.removeHandler(_file_handler) if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(job_level) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(out_level) return E, dE def _run_MOPAC_Hessian(self, directory): """Run the MOPAC flowchart in the given directory.""" self._counters["hessian"] += 1 # Get the MOPAC flowchart directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/")) flowchart = seamm.Flowchart( name="MOPAC", parent=self, namespace="org.molssi.seamm", directory=directory, parser_name="MOPAC subflowchart", ) / "MOPAC_PM7_Hessian.flow") # Find the handler for job.out and set the level up job_handler = None out_handler = None for handler in job.handlers: if ( isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler) and "job.out" in handler.baseFilename ): job_handler = handler job_level = job_handler.level job_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): out_handler = handler out_level = out_handler.level out_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) # Redirect output _file_handler = logging.FileHandler(directory / "subflowchart.out") _file_handler.setLevel(printing.NORMAL) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="{message:s}", style="{") _file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) job.addHandler(_file_handler) # Set up the argument parser for this node. parser = flowchart.parser parser.epilog = textwrap.dedent( """ The plug-ins in this flowchart are listed above. Options, if any, for plug-ins are placed after the name of the plug-in, e.g.: test.flow lammps-step --log-level DEBUG --np 4 To get help for a plug-in, use --help or -h after the plug-in name. E.g. test.flow lammps-step --help """ ) parser.usage = "%(prog)s [options] plug-in [options] plug-in [options] ..." # Now traverse the flowchart, setting up the ids and parsers flowchart.set_ids() flowchart.create_parsers() # And handle the command-line arguments and ini file options. parser.parse_args([])"Parsed the command-line arguments") # Get the command line options options = parser.get_options() # Set the options in each step for node in flowchart: step_type = node.step_type" setting options for {step_type}") if step_type in options: node._options = options[step_type] if "SEAMM" in options: node._global_options = options["SEAMM"] # Write out an initial summary of the flowchart before doing anything # Reset the visited flag for traversal flowchart.reset_visited() # Get the start node next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") # describe ourselves printer.normal("\nDescription of the flowchart\n----------------------------") while next_node: # and print the description try: next_node = next_node.describe() except Exception: message = "Error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() print(message) logger.critical(message) raise except: # noqa: E722 message = ( "Unexpected error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() ) print(message) logger.critical(message) raise printer.normal("") # And actually run it! printer.normal(("Running the flowchart\n" "---------------------")) try: next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") while next_node is not None: try: next_node = except DeprecationWarning as e: print("\nDeprecation warning: " + str(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: pass # Get the Hessian matrix and return it. triangle = [] with open(directory / "1" / "hessian.dat") as fd: lines = if lines[0] != "!molssi hessian 1.0": raise IOError("Not a hessian file!") for line in lines[1:]: if line[0] == "@": pass else: triangle.append([float(val) for val in line.split()]) # Set output back _file_handler.close() job.removeHandler(_file_handler) if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(job_level) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(out_level) return triangle def _hessian(self, x, *args): """Return the Hessian matrix to SciPY.""" n = len(self._triangle) matrix = np.zeros((n, n)) i = 0 for i, row in enumerate(self._triangle): for j, val in enumerate(row): matrix[i, j] = val matrix[j, i] = val return matrix def _run_psi4(self, directory): self._counters["main"] += 1 directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() # Add the structure structure = self.parent._convert_structure(name="initial") # And run the calculation files = {} if self._restart_wfn is not None: files["old_wfn.npy"] = self._restart_wfn self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text( self._node0, self._memory, restart="old_wfn.npy" ) else: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text(self._node0, self._memory) files["input.dat"] = self.prolog + structure + self.epilog return_files = ["output.dat", "wfn.npy", "final_structure.json"] exe_path = Path(self.parent.options["psi4_path"]) env = { "PSIPATH": str(exe_path), "PATH": str(exe_path), } local = seamm.ExecLocal() exe = exe_path / "psi4" result = cmd=[str(exe), f"-n {self.n_threads}"], files=files, return_files=return_files, env=env, in_situ=True, directory=directory, ) if result is None: self.logger.error("There was an error running Psi4") return None # Capture the wavefunction for restarts self._restart_wfn = result["wfn.npy"]["data"] json_file = directory / "final_structure.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: data = json.load(fd) else: raise RuntimeError("Structure and gradients from Psi4 not available.") self._E = data["energy"] self._derivatives = np.array(data["gradient"]).flatten() return self._E, self._derivatives def _step(self, x): _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() x0 = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates(as_array=True).flatten() if self.iteration != 0 or self._E is None: # Update the coordinates in the configuration xyz = x.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3) configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(xyz) # Add the structure structure = self.parent._convert_structure(name="initial") # Make directory to work in directory = Path( subdirectory = directory / f"step_{self.iteration:03d}" subdirectory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # And run the calculation files = {"input.dat": self.prolog + structure + self.epilog} if self._restart_wfn is not None: files["old_wfn.npy"] = self._restart_wfn return_files = ["output.dat", "wfn.npy", "final_structure.json"] exe_path = Path(self.parent.options["psi4_path"]) env = { "PSIPATH": str(exe_path), "PATH": str(exe_path), } local = seamm.ExecLocal() exe = exe_path / "psi4" result = cmd=[str(exe), f"-n {self.n_threads}"], files=files, return_files=return_files, env=env, in_situ=True, directory=subdirectory, ) if result is None: self.logger.error("There was an error running Psi4") return None # Capture the wavefunction for restarts self._restart_wfn = result["wfn.npy"]["data"] json_file = subdirectory / "final_structure.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: data = json.load(fd) else: raise RuntimeError("Structure and gradients from Psi4 not available.") self._E = data["energy"] self._derivatives = np.array(data["gradient"]).flatten() # Run MOPAC # self._triangle = self._run_MOPAC_Hessian(subdirectory / "MOPAC") if self.iteration == 0: text = " It Energy (Ha) RMS deriv Max deriv RMS xyz Max xyz" printer.normal(__(text, indent=self.indent + 4 * " ")) text = "--- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------" printer.normal(__(text, indent=self.indent + 4 * " ")) rmsd = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(self._derivatives))) maxd = np.amax(np.abs(self._derivatives)) if self.iteration > 0: rms_step = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(x - x0))) max_step = np.amax(np.abs(x - x0)) text = ( f"{self.iteration:3d} {self._E:15.7f} {rmsd:10.6f} {maxd:10.6f} " f"{rms_step:10.6f} {max_step:10.6f}" ) else: text = f"{self.iteration:3d} {self._E:15.7f} {rmsd:10.6f} {maxd:10.6f}" printer.normal(self.indent + 4 * " " + text) self.iteration += 1 return self._E, self._derivatives def _bfgs( self, fun, x0, args=(), jac=None, callback=None, gtol=1e-5, norm=np.Inf, eps=_epsilon, maxiter=None, disp=False, return_all=False, finite_diff_rel_step=None, xrtol=0, **unknown_options, ): """ Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the BFGS algorithm. Options ------- disp : bool Set to True to print convergence messages. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to perform. gtol : float Terminate successfully if gradient norm is less than `gtol`. norm : float Order of norm (Inf is max, -Inf is min). eps : float or ndarray If `jac is None` the absolute step size used for numerical approximation of the jacobian via forward differences. return_all : bool, optional Set to True to return a list of the best solution at each of the iterations. finite_diff_rel_step : None or array_like, optional If `jac in ['2-point', '3-point', 'cs']` the relative step size to use for numerical approximation of the jacobian. The absolute step size is computed as ``h = rel_step * sign(x) * max(1, abs(x))``, possibly adjusted to fit into the bounds. For ``method='3-point'`` the sign of `h` is ignored. If None (default) then step is selected automatically. xrtol : float, default: 0 Relative tolerance for `x`. Terminate successfully if step size is less than ``xk * xrtol`` where ``xk`` is the current parameter vector. """ # _check_unknown_options(unknown_options) retall = return_all x0 = np.asarray(x0).flatten() if x0.ndim == 0: x0.shape = (1,) if maxiter is None: maxiter = len(x0) * 200 sf = _prepare_scalar_function( fun, x0, jac, args=args, epsilon=eps, finite_diff_rel_step=finite_diff_rel_step, ) f = myfprime = sf.grad old_fval = f(x0) gfk = myfprime(x0) k = 0 N = len(x0) I = np.eye(N, dtype=int) # noqa: E741 H = self._hessian(None) Hk = np.linalg.pinv(H, rcond=self._rcond, hermitian=True) # Hk = I # Sets the initial step guess to dx ~ 1 old_old_fval = old_fval + np.linalg.norm(gfk) / 2 old_old_fval = None xk = x0 if retall: allvecs = [x0] warnflag = 0 gnorm = vecnorm(gfk, ord=norm) while (gnorm > gtol) and (k < maxiter): pk =, gfk) print(f"{old_fval=} {old_old_fval=}") try: alpha_k, fc, gc, old_fval, old_old_fval, gfkp1 = _line_search_wolfe12( f, myfprime, xk, pk, gfk, old_fval, old_old_fval, amin=1e-100, amax=1e100, ) except _LineSearchError: # Line search failed to find a better solution. warnflag = 2 break print(f"{old_fval=} {old_old_fval=} {alpha_k=}") sk = alpha_k * pk xkp1 = xk + sk if retall: allvecs.append(xkp1) xk = xkp1 if gfkp1 is None: gfkp1 = myfprime(xkp1) yk = gfkp1 - gfk gfk = gfkp1 if callback is not None: callback(xk) k += 1 gnorm = vecnorm(gfk, ord=norm) if gnorm <= gtol: break # See Chapter 5 in P.E. Frandsen, K. Jonasson, H.B. Nielsen, # O. Tingleff: "Unconstrained Optimization", IMM, DTU. 1999. # These notes are available here: # if alpha_k * vecnorm(pk) <= xrtol * (xrtol + vecnorm(xk)): break if not np.isfinite(old_fval): # We correctly found +-Inf as optimal value, or something went # wrong. warnflag = 2 break rhok_inv =, sk) # this was handled in numeric, let it remaines for more safety # Cryptic comment above is preserved for posterity. Future reader: # consider change to condition below proposed in gh-1261/gh-17345. if rhok_inv == 0.0: rhok = 1000.0 if disp: print("Divide-by-zero encountered: rhok assumed large") else: rhok = 1.0 / rhok_inv A1 = I - sk[:, np.newaxis] * yk[np.newaxis, :] * rhok A2 = I - yk[:, np.newaxis] * sk[np.newaxis, :] * rhok Hk =,, A2)) + ( rhok * sk[:, np.newaxis] * sk[np.newaxis, :] ) fval = old_fval if warnflag == 2: msg = _status_message["pr_loss"] elif k >= maxiter: warnflag = 1 msg = _status_message["maxiter"] elif np.isnan(gnorm) or np.isnan(fval) or np.isnan(xk).any(): warnflag = 3 msg = _status_message["nan"] else: msg = _status_message["success"] if disp: print("%s%s" % ("Warning: " if warnflag != 0 else "", msg)) print(" Current function value: %f" % fval) print(" Iterations: %d" % k) print(" Function evaluations: %d" % sf.nfev) print(" Gradient evaluations: %d" % sf.ngev) result = OptimizeResult( fun=fval, jac=gfk, hess_inv=Hk, nfev=sf.nfev, njev=sf.ngev, status=warnflag, success=(warnflag == 0), message=msg, x=xk, nit=k, ) if retall: result["allvecs"] = allvecs return result
[docs] def runPsi4(self, x, needed=("E", "dE")): self._counters["main"] += 1 directory = Path( / f"Psi4_{self._counters['main']}" directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() x_orig = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates() configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(x.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3)) # Add the structure structure = self.parent._convert_structure(name="initial") configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(x_orig) # And run the calculation files = {} if self._restart_wfn is not None: files["old_wfn.npy"] = self._restart_wfn self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text( self._node0, self._memory, restart="old_wfn.npy" ) else: self.prolog, self.epilog = self.input_text(self._node0, self._memory) files["input.dat"] = self.prolog + structure + self.epilog return_files = ["output.dat", "wfn.npy", "final_structure.json"] exe_path = Path(self.parent.options["psi4_path"]) env = { "PSIPATH": str(exe_path), "PATH": str(exe_path), } local = seamm.ExecLocal() exe = exe_path / "psi4" result = cmd=[str(exe), f"-n {self.n_threads}"], files=files, return_files=return_files, env=env, in_situ=True, directory=directory, ) if result is None: self.logger.error("There was an error running Psi4") return None # Capture the wavefunction for restarts self._restart_wfn = result["wfn.npy"]["data"] json_file = directory / "final_structure.json" if json_file.exists(): with as fd: data = json.load(fd) else: raise RuntimeError("Structure and gradients from Psi4 not available.") E = data["energy"] dE = np.array(data["gradient"]).flatten() * Q_("E_h/a_0").m_as("E_h/Å") return E, dE
[docs] def runMOPAC(self, x, needed=("E", "dE")): """Run the MOPAC flowchart in the given directory.""" self._counters["surrogate"] += 1 directory = Path( / f"MOPAC_{self._counters['surrogate']}" directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Set the coordinates _, configuration = self.get_system_configuration() x_orig = configuration.atoms.get_coordinates() configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(x.reshape(configuration.n_atoms, 3)) # Get the MOPAC flowchart path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "data/")) flowchart = seamm.Flowchart( name="MOPAC", parent=self, namespace="org.molssi.seamm", directory=directory, parser_name="MOPAC subflowchart", ) / "MOPAC_PM7_surrogate.flow") # Find the handler for job.out and set the level up job_handler = None out_handler = None for handler in job.handlers: if ( isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler) and "job.out" in handler.baseFilename ): job_handler = handler job_level = job_handler.level job_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) elif isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler): out_handler = handler out_level = out_handler.level out_handler.setLevel(printing.JOB) # Redirect output _file_handler = logging.FileHandler(directory / "subflowchart.out") _file_handler.setLevel(printing.NORMAL) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="{message:s}", style="{") _file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) job.addHandler(_file_handler) # Set up the argument parser for this node. parser = flowchart.parser parser.epilog = textwrap.dedent( """ The plug-ins in this flowchart are listed above. Options, if any, for plug-ins are placed after the name of the plug-in, e.g.: test.flow lammps-step --log-level DEBUG --np 4 To get help for a plug-in, use --help or -h after the plug-in name. E.g. test.flow lammps-step --help """ ) parser.usage = "%(prog)s [options] plug-in [options] plug-in [options] ..." # Now traverse the flowchart, setting up the ids and parsers flowchart.set_ids() flowchart.create_parsers() # And handle the command-line arguments and ini file options. parser.parse_args([])"Parsed the command-line arguments") # Get the command line options options = parser.get_options() # Set the options in each step for node in flowchart: step_type = node.step_type" setting options for {step_type}") if step_type in options: node._options = options[step_type] if "SEAMM" in options: node._global_options = options["SEAMM"] # Write out an initial summary of the flowchart before doing anything # Reset the visited flag for traversal flowchart.reset_visited() # Get the start node next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") # describe ourselves printer.normal("\nDescription of the flowchart\n----------------------------") while next_node: # and print the description try: next_node = next_node.describe() except Exception: message = "Error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() print(message) logger.critical(message) raise except: # noqa: E722 message = ( "Unexpected error describing the flowchart\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() ) print(message) logger.critical(message) raise printer.normal("") # And actually run it! printer.normal(("Running the flowchart\n" "---------------------")) try: next_node = flowchart.get_node("1") while next_node is not None: try: next_node = except DeprecationWarning as e: print("\nDeprecation warning: " + str(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: pass # Set the coordinates back configuration.atoms.set_coordinates(x_orig) # Get the derivatives and return them. E = self.get_variable("_mopac_energy") gradients = self.get_variable("_mopac_gradients") dE = np.array(gradients).flatten() # Get the Hessian matrix and return it. triangle = [] with open(directory / "1" / "hessian.dat") as fd: lines = if lines[0] != "!molssi hessian 1.0": raise IOError("Not a hessian file!") for line in lines[1:]: if line[0] == "@": pass else: triangle.append([float(val) for val in line.split()]) n = len(triangle) d2E = np.zeros((n, n)) i = 0 for i, row in enumerate(triangle): for j, val in enumerate(row): d2E[i, j] = val d2E[j, i] = val # Set output back _file_handler.close() job.removeHandler(_file_handler) if job_handler is not None: job_handler.setLevel(job_level) if out_handler is not None: out_handler.setLevel(out_level) if "d2E" in needed: return E, dE, d2E else: return E, dE