Source code for from_smiles_step.from_smiles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""a node to create a structure from a SMILES string"""

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import traceback

import from_smiles_step
import seamm
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("from_smiles")

[docs] class FromSMILES(seamm.Node): def __init__(self, flowchart=None, extension=None): """Initialize a specialized start node, which is the anchor for the graph. Keyword arguments: """ logger.debug("Creating FromSMILESNode {}".format(self)) super().__init__( flowchart=flowchart, title="from SMILES", extension=extension, logger=logger ) self.parameters = from_smiles_step.FromSMILESParameters() @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return from_smiles_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return from_smiles_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Return a short description of this step. Return a nicely formatted string describing what this step will do. Keyword arguments: P: a dictionary of parameter values, which may be variables or final values. If None, then the parameters values will be used as is. """ if not P: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() if P["notation"] == "perceive": if P["smiles string"][0] == "$": text = ( "Perceive the line notation (SMILES, InChI,...) and create the " "structure from the string in the variable '{smiles string}', " ) else: text = ( "Perceive the line notation (SMILES, InChI,...) and create the " "structure from the string '{smiles string}', " ) else: if P["smiles string"][0] == "$": text = ( "Create the structure from the {notation} in the variable" " '{smiles string}', " ) else: text = "Create the structure from the {notation} '{smiles string}', " text += seamm.standard_parameters.structure_handling_description(P) return self.header + "\n" + __(text, **P, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def run(self): """Create 3-D structure from a SMILES string""" self.logger.debug("Entering from_smiles:run") next_node = super().run(printer) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Print what we are doing printer.important(self.description_text(P)) if P["smiles string"] is None or P["smiles string"] == "": return None notation = P["notation"] # Get the system system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(P, same_as=None) # Create the structure in the given configuration text = P["smiles string"] if notation == "perceive": if len(text) == 27: tmp = text.split("-") if ( len(tmp) == 3 and len(tmp[0]) == 14 and len(tmp[1]) == 10 and len(tmp[2]) == 1 ): notation = "InChIKey" if notation == "perceive": if text[0:7] == "InChI=": notation = "InChI" else: notation = "SMILES" if notation == "SMILES": configuration.from_smiles(text) elif notation == "InChI": configuration.from_inchi(text) elif notation == "InChIKey": configuration.from_inchikey(text) elif notation == "name": configuration.PC_from_identifier(text, namespace="name") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Can not handle line notation '{text}'") # Now set the names of the system and configuration, as appropriate. seamm.standard_parameters.set_names(system, configuration, P, _first=True) # Finish the output printer.important( __( f"\n Created a molecular structure with {configuration.n_atoms} " "atoms." f"\n System name = {}" f"\n Configuration name = {}", indent=4 * " ", ) ) printer.important("") # Add the citations for Open Babel self.references.cite( raw=self._bibliography["openbabel"], alias="openbabel_jcinf", module="from_smiles_step", level=1, note="The principle Open Babel citation.", ) # See if we can get the version of obabel path = shutil.which("obabel") if path is not None: path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() try: result = [str(path), "--version"], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_output=True, text=True, ) except Exception: version = "unknown" else: version = "unknown" lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 9 and tmp[0] == "Open": version = tmp[2] month = tmp[4] year = tmp[6] break if version != "unknown": try: template = string.Template(self._bibliography["obabel"]) citation = template.substitute( month=month, version=version, year=year ) self.references.cite( raw=citation, alias="obabel-exe", module="from_smiles_step", level=1, note="The principle citation for the Open Babel executables.", ) except Exception as e: printer.important(f"Exception in citation {type(e)}: {e}") printer.important(traceback.format_exc()) return next_node