Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Setup DFTB+"""

import configparser
import csv
import gzip

    import importlib.metadata as implib
except Exception:
    import importlib_metadata as implib
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import textwrap

import hsd
from tabulate import tabulate

import dftbplus_step
import seamm
from seamm_util import Q_, units_class, element_data
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

from .base import DftbBase

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("DFTB+")

[docs] class Energy(DftbBase): def __init__( self, flowchart=None, title="Single-Point Energy", extension=None, logger=logger ): """Initialize the node""" logger.debug("Creating Energy {}".format(self)) super().__init__(flowchart=flowchart, title=title, extension=extension) self._calculation = "energy" self._model = None self._metadata = dftbplus_step.metadata self.parameters = dftbplus_step.EnergyParameters() self.description = ["Energy of DFTB+"] @property def header(self): """A printable header for this section of output""" return "Step {}: {}".format(".".join(str(e) for e in self._id), self.title) @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return dftbplus_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return dftbplus_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Prepare information about what this node will do""" if P is None: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() if P["SCC"] == "No" and not self.is_expr(P["SCC"]): text = "Doing a non-self-consistent calculation." else: text = ( "Doing a self-consistent charge calculation with a convergence" f" criterion of {P['SCCTolerance']} charge units and a limit " f"of {P['MaxSCCIterations']} iterations." ) third_order = P["ThirdOrder"] if self.is_expr(third_order): text += ( " Whether to do a 3rd order calculation and if so, " f"what type, will be determined by {third_order}." ) elif third_order == "Default for parameters": text += ( " Whether to do a 3rd order calculation and if so, " "what type, will be determined by the parameter set used." ) elif third_order == "Partial": text += ( " The older style 3rd order calculation with just on-site " "elements will be used. This should be used only for " "compatibility." ) elif third_order == "Full": text += " This is a full 3rd order calculation." hcorrection = P["HCorrection"] if self.is_expr(hcorrection): text += ( " Whether to correct the hydrogen interactions will be " f"determined by {hcorrection}." ) elif hcorrection == "Default for parameters": text += ( " Whether and how to correct interactions with hydrogen " "atoms will be determined by the parameter set used." ) elif hcorrection == "Damping": text += ( " Interactions with hydrogen atoms will be corrected " "using damping with an exponent of " f"{P['Damping Exponent']}." ) elif hcorrection == "DFTB3-D3H5": text += ( " Interactions with hydrogen atoms will be corrected " "using the D3H5 method." ) if P["SpinPolarisation"] == "none": text += ( " Closed shell systems will be spin-restricted. Open-shell will be " "spin-unrestricted. " ) elif P["SpinPolarisation"] == "colinear": text += ( " The system will be handled with spin, starting either from spins on " "the structure, if present, or the spin-multiplicity of the system." ) elif P["SpinPolarisation"] == "noncolinear": text += ( " The system will be handled using noncolinear spins, starting " "from spins on the atoms in the structure." ) if P["RelaxTotalSpin"] == "no": text += " Any spins will be fixed at the initial value." else: text += " Any spins will be optimized." kmethod = P["k-grid method"] if kmethod == "grid spacing": text += ( " For periodic system a Monkhorst-Pack grid with a spacing of " f"{P['k-spacing']} will be used." ) elif kmethod == "supercell folding": text += ( f" For periodic systems a {P['na']} x{P['nb']} x{P['nc']} " "Monkhorst-Pack grid will be used." ) # Plotting plots = [] if P["total density"]: plots.append("total density") if P["difference density"]: plots.append("difference density") if P["total spin density"]: plots.append("spin density") if P["orbitals"]: if len(plots) > 0: text += f"\nThe {', '.join(plots)} and orbitals " text += f"{P['selected orbitals']} will be plotted." else: text += f"\nThe orbitals {P['selected orbitals']} will be plotted." return self.header + "\n" + __(text, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def get_input(self): """Get the input for an initialization calculation for DFTB+""" # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Need the configuration for charges, spins, etc. system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) periodicity = configuration.periodicity atoms = configuration.atoms # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) # Set up the description. self.description = [] self.description.append(__(self.description_text(PP), **PP, indent=4 * " ")) # Determine the input and as we do so, replace any default values # in PP so that we print what is actually done dataset = self.parent._dataset parameter_set = self.model model, parameter_set_name = parameter_set.split("/", 1) # Main control of the Hamiltonian if model == "DFTB": # template result = { "Analysis": { "PrintForces": "Yes", }, "Hamiltonian": {"DFTB": {}}, } hamiltonian = result["Hamiltonian"]["DFTB"] else: result = { "Analysis": { "PrintForces": "Yes", }, "Hamiltonian": {"xTB": {}}, } hamiltonian = result["Hamiltonian"]["xTB"] # Basic parameters hamiltonian["SCC"] = P["SCC"] if P["SCC"] == "Yes": hamiltonian["SCCTolerance"] = P["SCCTolerance"] hamiltonian["MaxSCCIterations"] = P["MaxSCCIterations"] hamiltonian["ConvergentSccOnly"] = "No" if P["Filling"] == "Gaussian": filling = hamiltonian["Filling = MethfesselPaxton"] = {} filling["Order"] = 1 if P["Filling"] == "Methfessel-Paxton": filling = hamiltonian["Filling = MethfesselPaxton"] = {} filling["Order"] = 2 else: filling = hamiltonian["Filling = Fermi"] = {} filling["Temperature [K]"] = P["Filling Temperature"].m_as("K") # Detail for the models if model == "DFTB": if "defaults" in dataset: all_defaults = {**dataset["defaults"]} else: all_defaults = {} if self.parent._subset is not None: subset = self.parent._subset if "defaults" in subset: all_defaults.update(subset["defaults"]) if "Energy" in all_defaults and "SCC" in all_defaults["Energy"]: defaults = all_defaults["Energy"]["SCC"] else: defaults = {} if P["SCC"] == "Yes": # mixer = hamiltonian["Mixing = Simple"] = {} # mixer["MixingParameter"] = 0.05 third_order = P["ThirdOrder"] if third_order == "Default for parameters": if "ThirdOrder" in defaults: third_order = defaults["ThirdOrder"] PP["ThirdOrder"] = defaults["ThirdOrder"] else: third_order = "No" PP["ThirdOrder"] = "No" if third_order == "Full": hamiltonian["ThirdOrderFull"] = "Yes" elif third_order == "Partial": hamiltonian["ThirdOrder"] = "Yes" elif third_order == "No": hamiltonian["ThirdOrder"] = "No" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Don't recognize ThirdOrder = '{third_order}'") hcorrection = P["HCorrection"] if hcorrection == "Default for parameters": if "HCorrection" in defaults: hcorrection = defaults["HCorrection"]["value"] hamiltonian["HCorrection"] = {hcorrection: {}} block = hamiltonian["HCorrection"][hcorrection] PP["HCorrection"] = hcorrection if hcorrection == "Damping": if "Damping Exponent" in defaults["HCorrection"]: damping = defaults["HCorrection"]["Damping Exponent"] PP["Damping Exponent"] = damping else: damping = P["Damping Exponent"] block["Exponent"] = damping else: hamiltonian["HCorrection"] = "None {}" PP["HCorrection"] = "None {}" else: hamiltonian["HCorrection"] = hcorrection if hcorrection == "Damping": if ( "HCorrection" in defaults and "Damping Exponent" in defaults["HCorrection"] ): damping = defaults["HCorrection"]["Damping Exponent"] PP["Damping Exponent"] = damping else: damping = P["Damping Exponent"] hamiltonian["Damping Exponent"] = damping have_charges = False if "charge" in atoms: have_charges = True charges = "charge" elif "formal_charge" in atoms: have_charges = True charges = "formal_charge" if have_charges: for tmp in atoms[charges]: if tmp is None: have_charges = False break initial_charges = P["initial charges"] if initial_charges == "default": # Use charge file from previous step or charges on atoms if self.get_previous_charges(missing_ok=True) is not None: hamiltonian["ReadInitialCharges"] = "Yes" elif have_charges: if periodicity == 0: charges = [*atoms[charges]] else: charges = [ atoms[charges][i] for i in self.mapping_from_primitive ] # Ensure sums exactly to charge delta = (configuration.charge - sum(charges)) / len(charges) hamiltonian["InitialCharges"] = { "AllAtomCharges": "{" + f"{', '.join(str(c + delta) for c in charges)}" + "}" } elif initial_charges == "from previous step": if self.get_previous_charges(): hamiltonian["ReadInitialCharges"] = "Yes" elif initial_charges == "from structure": if have_charges: if periodicity == 0: charges = [*atoms[charges]] else: charges = [ atoms[charges][i] for i in self.mapping_from_primitive ] # Ensure sums exactly to charge delta = (configuration.charge - sum(charges)) / len(charges) hamiltonian["InitialCharges"] = { "AllAtomCharges": "{" + f"{', '.join(str(c + delta) for c in charges)}" + "}" } # Handle charge and spin hamiltonian["Charge"] = configuration.charge multiplicity = configuration.spin_multiplicity have_spins = "spin" in atoms if have_spins: for tmp in atoms["spin"]: if tmp is None: have_spins = False break if P["SCC"] == "Yes": if P["SpinPolarisation"] == "none": hamiltonian["SpinPolarisation"] = {} elif ( periodicity == 0 and multiplicity == 1 and P["SpinPolarisation"] == "from system" ): hamiltonian["SpinPolarisation"] = {} elif ( periodicity != 0 and P["SpinPolarisation"] == "from system" and multiplicity == 1 and not have_spins ): hamiltonian["SpinPolarisation"] = {} else: noncollinear = P["SpinPolarisation"] == "noncollinear" H = hamiltonian["SpinPolarisation"] = {} if noncollinear: section = H["NonCollinear"] = {} else: section = H["Collinear"] = {} reading_charge_file = ( "ReadInitialCharges" in hamiltonian and hamiltonian["ReadInitialCharges"] == "Yes" ) if not reading_charge_file: if have_spins: if periodicity == 0: spins = atoms["spin"] else: spins = [ atoms["spin"][i] for i in self.mapping_from_primitive ] section["InitialSpins"] = { "AllAtomSpins": "{" + f"{', '.join(str(c) for c in spins)}" + "}" } else: section["UnpairedElectrons"] = multiplicity - 1 section["RelaxTotalSpin"] = P["RelaxTotalSpin"].capitalize() # Get the spin constants package = self.__module__.split(".")[0] files = [ p for p in implib.files(package) if == "spin-constants.json" ] if len(files) != 1: raise RuntimeError( "Can't find spin-constants.json file. Check the installation!" ) data = files[0].read_text() spin_constant_data = json.loads(data) # First check if we have shell resolved constants or not spin_constants = hamiltonian["SpinConstants"] = {} symbols = sorted([*set(atoms.symbols)]) dataset_name = self.model # e.g. "DFTB - mio" key = dataset_name.split("/")[1] if key in spin_constant_data: constants = spin_constant_data[key] else: constants = spin_constant_data["GGA"] # Bit of a kludgy test. If not shell-resolved there is one constant # per shell, i.e. 1, 2 or 3 for s, p, d. If resolved, there are 1, 4, 9. shell_resolved = False for symbol in symbols: if len(constants[symbol]) > 3: shell_resolved = True break if shell_resolved: if P["ShellResolvedSpin"] == "yes": spin_constants["ShellResolvedSpin"] = "Yes" else: spin_constants["ShellResolvedSpin"] = "No" shell_resolved = False else: spin_constants["ShellResolvedSpin"] = "No" # And add them and the control parameters if shell_resolved: for symbol in symbols: spin_constants[symbol] = ( "{" + " ".join([str(c) for c in constants[symbol]]) + "}" ) else: for symbol in symbols: shells = element_data[symbol]["electron configuration"] shell = shells.split()[-1] tmp = constants[symbol] if "s" in shell: spin_constants[symbol] = str(tmp[0]) elif "p" in shell: if len(tmp) == 4: spin_constants[symbol] = str(tmp[3]) elif len(tmp) == 9: spin_constants[symbol] = str(tmp[4]) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Error in spin constants for {symbol}: {tmp}" ) elif "d" in shell: if len(tmp) == 9: spin_constants[symbol] = str(tmp[8]) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Error in spin constants for {symbol}: {tmp}" ) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Can't handle spin constants for {symbol}" ) # Integration grid in reciprocal space if configuration.periodicity == 3: kmethod = P["k-grid method"] if kmethod == "grid spacing": lengths = configuration.cell.reciprocal_lengths() spacing = P["k-spacing"].to("1/Å").magnitude na = round(lengths[0] / spacing) nb = round(lengths[0] / spacing) nc = round(lengths[0] / spacing) na = na if na > 0 else 1 nb = nb if nb > 0 else 1 nc = nc if nc > 0 else 1 elif kmethod == "supercell folding": na = P["na"] nb = P["nb"] nc = P["nc"] oa = 0.0 if na % 2 == 1 else 0.5 ob = 0.0 if nb % 2 == 1 else 0.5 oc = 0.0 if nc % 2 == 1 else 0.5 kmesh = ( "SupercellFolding {\n" f" {na} 0 0\n" f" 0 {nb} 0\n" f" 0 0 {nc}\n" f" {oa} {ob} {oc}\n" " }" ) hamiltonian["KPointsAndWeights"] = kmesh self.description.append( __( f"The mesh for the Brillouin zone integration is {na} x {nb} x {nc}" f" with offsets of {oa}, {ob}, and {oc}", indent=4 * " ", ) ) # If reading the charge file, use a text file if ( "ReadInitialCharges" in hamiltonian and hamiltonian["ReadInitialCharges"] == "Yes" ): if "Options" not in result: result["Options"] = { "ReadChargesAsText": "Yes", "SkipChargeTest": "Yes", } else: result["Options"]["ReadChargesAsText"] = "Yes" result["Options"]["SkipChargeTest"] = "Yes" # And are we plotting the density or orbitals? plotting = False for key in ( "total density", "total spin density", "difference density", "orbitals", ): if P[key]: plotting = True break if plotting: if "Options" not in result: result["Options"] = { "WriteDetailedXml": "Yes", } else: result["Options"]["WriteDetailedXml"] = "Yes" if "Analysis" not in result: result["Analysis"] = { "WriteEigenvectors": "Yes", } else: result["Analysis"]["WriteEigenvectors"] = "Yes" return result
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", data={}, out=[]): """Parse the output and generating the text output and store the data in variables for other stages to access """ options = self.parent.options # Get the configuration and basic information system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) symbols = configuration.atoms.symbols atoms = configuration.atoms periodicity = configuration.periodicity # Read the detailed output file to get the number of iterations directory = Path( path = directory / "detailed.out" lines = iter(path.read_text().splitlines()) data["scc error"] = None for line in lines: if "SCC error" in line: tmp = next(lines).split() data["scc error"] = float(tmp[3]) # Print the key results if periodicity == 3: # May have primitive cell.... Zcell = len(symbols) / len(self.mapping_from_primitive) data["#_primitive_cells"] = Zcell if Zcell != 1: text = ( "The total energy of the primitive cell is {total_energy:.6f} E_h." f" There are {Zcell:.0f} primitive cells in the conventional cell." ) else: text = "The total energy of the unit cell is {total_energy:.6f} E_h." else: Zcell = 1 data["#_primitive_cells"] = None text = "The total energy is {total_energy:.6f} E_h." if data["scc error"] is not None: text += " The charges converged to {scc error:.6f}." # Handle the chemical and empirical formulas formula, empirical, Z = configuration.formula data["formula"] = formula data["empirical_formula"] = empirical data["Z"] = Z data["energy_per_formula_unit"] = data["total_energy"] * Zcell / Z # Calculate the energy of formation if self.parent._reference_energy is not None: dE = data["total_energy"] - self.parent._reference_energy dE = Q_(dE, "hartree").to("kJ/mol").magnitude if periodicity == 3: dE = dE * Zcell text += ( f" The calculated formation energy of the cell ({formula}) is " f"{dE:.1f} kJ/mol." ) data["energy of formation"] = dE else: text += ( f" The calculated formation energy is {dE:.1f} kJ/mol for formula " f"{formula}." ) data["energy of formation"] = dE if Z != 1: text += ( f" For the empirical formula {empirical} it is {dE / Z:.1f} kJ/mol." ) else: text += " Could not calculate the formation energy because some reference " text += "energies are missing." data["energy of formation"] = None # Prepare the DOS graph(s) if "fermi_level" in data: # Efermi = list(Q_(data["fermi_level"], "hartree").to("eV").magnitude) Efermi = [Q_(data["fermi_level"], "hartree").to("eV").magnitude] else: Efermi = [0.0] wd = Path( self.dos(wd / "band.out", Efermi=Efermi) text_lines = [] # Get charges and spins, etc. if "gross_atomic_charges" in data: # Add to atoms (in coordinate table) if "charge" not in atoms: atoms.add_attribute( "charge", coltype="float", configuration_dependent=True ) charges = data["gross_atomic_charges"] if periodicity == 0: atoms["charge"][0:] = charges else: tmp = [charges[i] for i in self.mapping_to_primitive] atoms["charge"][0:] = tmp # Print the charges and dump to a csv file table = { "Atom": [], "Element": [], "Charge": [], } with open(directory / "atom_properties.csv", "w", newline="") as fd: writer = csv.writer(fd) if "gross_atomic_spins" in data: header = " Atomic charges and spins" table["Spin"] = [] writer.writerow(["Atom", "Element", "Charge", "Spin"]) for atom, symbol, q, s in zip( range(1, len(symbols) + 1), symbols, data["gross_atomic_charges"], data["gross_atomic_spins"][0], ): q = f"{q:.3f}" s = f"{s:.3f}" writer.writerow([atom, symbol, q, s]) table["Atom"].append(atom) table["Element"].append(symbol) table["Charge"].append(q) table["Spin"].append(s) else: header = " Atomic charges" writer.writerow(["Atom", "Element", "Charge"]) for atom, symbol, q in zip( range(1, len(symbols) + 1), symbols, data["gross_atomic_charges"], ): q = f"{q:.2f}" writer.writerow([atom, symbol, q]) table["Atom"].append(atom) table["Element"].append(symbol) table["Charge"].append(q) if len(symbols) <= int(options["max_atoms_to_print"]): text_lines.append(header) text_lines.append( tabulate( table, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql", colalign=("center", "center"), ) ) if "gross_atomic_spins" in data: # Add to atoms (in coordinate table) if "spin" not in atoms: atoms.add_attribute( "spin", coltype="float", configuration_dependent=True ) spins = data["gross_atomic_spins"][0] if periodicity == 0: atoms["spin"][0:] = spins else: tmp = [spins[i] for i in self.mapping_to_primitive] atoms["spin"][0:] = tmp # And requested plots of density, orbitals, etc. if "element data" in self.parent._dataset: try: text += self.make_plots(data) except Exception as e: text += f"There was an error making the plots: {str(e)}" else: text += f"Orbital plots not supported for {self.model}" text = str(__(text, **data, indent=8 * " ")) text += "\n\n" text += textwrap.indent("\n".join(text_lines), 12 * " ") printer.normal(text) # Put any requested results into variables or tables self.store_results( configuration=configuration, data=data, create_tables=self.parameters["create tables"].get(), )
[docs] def make_plots(self, data): """Create the density and orbital plots if requested. Parameters ---------- data : dict() Dictionary of results from the calculation (results.tag file) """ text = "\n\n" P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Get the configuration and basic information system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) periodicity = configuration.periodicity # Read the detailed output file to get the number of iterations directory = Path( # Make the input input_data = { "Options": { "TotalChargeDensity": P["total density"], "TotalChargeDifference": P["difference density"], "TotalSpinPolarisation": P["total spin density"], "PlottedLevels": {}, "PlottedSpins": "1:-1", "PlottedKPoints": {}, "NrOfPoints": [P["nx"], P["ny"], P["nz"]], "NrOfCachedGrids": "-1", "Verbose": "Yes", }, "DetailedXml": "detailed.xml", "EigenvecBin": "eigenvec.bin", "Basis": { "Resolution": "0.01", }, } options = input_data["Options"] if periodicity == 0: options["PlottedRegion"] = { "OptimalCuboid": {}, } else: options["PlottedRegion"] = { "UnitCell": {}, } options["FillBoxWithAtoms"] = True # Add the wavefunction info for the elements symbols = configuration.atoms.symbols # The information about the dataset dataset = self.parent._dataset subset = self.parent._subset if subset is not None: if "element data" in subset: subset_data = subset["element data"] else: subset_data = {} if "element data" in dataset: element_data = dataset["element data"] else: element_data = {} basis = input_data["Basis"] missing = [] for element in symbols: if ( subset is not None and element in subset_data and "wfc" in subset_data[element] ): basis[element] = subset_data[element]["wfc"] elif element in element_data and "wfc" in element_data[element]: basis[element] = element_data[element]["wfc"] else: missing.append(element) if len(missing) > 0: txt = "', '".join(missing) return ( "Cannot plot the density and orbitals because the basis set " "information for elements '{txt}' is not available." ) if P["orbitals"] and not ( periodicity != 0 and (P["selected k-points"] == "none" or P["selected k-points"] == "") ): options["ChargeDensity"] = "No" options["RealComponent"] = "Yes" # And the info about the orbitals. Find the level of the HOMO. # band.out looks like this: # KPT 1 SPIN 1 KWEIGHT 1.0000000000000000 # 1 -24.450 1.00000 # 2 -11.172 1.00000 # 3 -9.085 1.00000 # 4 -9.085 1.00000 # 5 9.934 0.00000 # # KPT 1 SPIN 2 KWEIGHT 1.0000000000000000 # 1 -22.899 1.00000 # 2 -9.992 1.00000 # 3 -7.484 0.50000 # 4 -7.484 0.50000 # 5 10.324 0.00000 homos = {} band_path = directory / "band.out" lines = band_path.read_text().splitlines() first = True homo = 0 for line in lines: line = line.strip() if first: first = False tmp = line.split() kpoint = int(tmp[1]) spin = int(tmp[3]) if kpoint not in homos: homos[kpoint] = {} elif line == "": first = True continue else: tmp = line.split() if float(tmp[2]) > 0.1: homos[kpoint][spin] = int(tmp[0]) homo = int(tmp[0]) if int(tmp[0]) > homo else homo n_orbitals = int(tmp[0]) n_spins = len(homos[1]) last_kpoint = kpoint # and work out the orbitals txt = P["selected orbitals"] if txt == "all": options["PlottedLevels"] = "1:-1" else: orbitals = [] for chunk in txt.split(","): chunk = chunk.strip() if ":" in chunk or ".." in chunk: if ":" in chunk: first, last = chunk.split(":") elif ".." in chunk: first, last = chunk.split("..") first = first.strip().upper() last = last.strip().upper() if first == "HOMO": first = homo elif first == "LUMO": first = homo + 1 else: first = int(first.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if first < 0: first = homo + first else: first = homo + 1 + first if last == "HOMO": last = homo elif last == "LUMO": last = homo + 1 else: last = int(last.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if last < 0: last = homo + last else: last = homo + 1 + last orbitals.extend(range(first, last + 1)) else: first = chunk.strip().upper() if first == "HOMO": first = homo elif first == "LUMO": first = homo + 1 else: first = int(first.removeprefix("HOMO").removeprefix("LUMO")) if first < 0: first = homo + first else: first = homo + 1 + first orbitals.append(first) # Remove orbitals out of limits tmp = orbitals orbitals = [] for x in tmp: if x > 0 and x <= n_orbitals: orbitals.append(x) options["PlottedLevels"] = orbitals if periodicity != 0: if P["selected k-points"] == "all": options["PlottedKPoints"] = "1:-1" else: kpoints = [] for chunk in P["selected k-points"].split(","): chunk = chunk.strip() if ":" in chunk or ".." in chunk: if ":" in chunk: first, last = chunk.split(":") elif ".." in chunk: first, last = chunk.split("..") first = int(first.strip()) last = int(last.strip()) if first < 1: first = 1 if last > last_kpoint: last = last_kpoint kpoints.extend(range(first, last + 1)) else: first = int(chunk.strip()) if first > 0 and first <= last_kpoint: kpoints.append(first) options["PlottedKPoints"] = kpoints # Write the input file. path = directory / "waveplot_in.hsd" hsd.dump(input_data, str(path)) # And run WAVEPLOT seamm_options = self.parent.global_options # Read configuration file for DFTB+ ini_dir = Path(seamm_options["root"]).expanduser() full_config = configparser.ConfigParser() / "dftbplus.ini") executor = self.parent.flowchart.executor executor_type = if executor_type not in full_config: raise RuntimeError( f"No section for '{executor_type}' in DFTB+ ini file " f"({ini_dir / 'dftbplus.ini'})" ) config = dict(full_config.items(executor_type)) result = cmd=["waveplot", ">", "waveplot.out"], config=config,, files={}, return_files=["*"], in_situ=True, shell=True, ) if result is None: logger.error("There was an error running the DOS code") return None # Finally rename and gzip the cube files n_processed = 0 paths = directory.glob("wp-*.cube") for path in paths: filename = path.stem if filename == "wp-abs2": out = directory / "Total_Density.cube.gz" with"rb") as f_in: with, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) n_processed += 1 path.unlink() elif filename == "wp-abs2diff": out = directory / "Difference_Density.cube.gz" with"rb") as f_in: with, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) n_processed += 1 path.unlink() elif filename == "wp-spinpol": out = directory / "Spin_Density.cube.gz" with"rb") as f_in: with, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) n_processed += 1 path.unlink() else: tmp = filename.split("-") if len(tmp) != 5: text += f" Problem handling cube file {}\n" else: spin = int(tmp[1]) kpoint = int(tmp[2]) orbital = int(tmp[3]) form = tmp[4] # homo = homos[kpoint][spin] if orbital == homo: name = "HOMO" elif orbital == homo + 1: name = "LUMO" elif orbital < homo: name = f"HOMO{orbital - homo}" else: name = f"LUMO+{orbital - homo - 1}" if n_spins > 1: if spin == 1: name += "↑" else: name += "↓" if form != "real": name += " chg density" if periodicity != 0: name = f"kpt={kpoint} " + name name += ".cube.gz" out = directory / name with"rb") as f_in: with, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) n_processed += 1 path.unlink() # Write the structure file if periodicity == 0: path = directory / "structure.sdf" configuration.to_sdf(path) text += f"Successfully handled {n_processed} density and orbital cube files." return text