Source code for dftbplus_step.band_structure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Setup DFTB+"""

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import textwrap

import numpy as np
import pandas
import seekpath

import dftbplus_step
import seamm
from seamm_util import Q_, units_class
import seamm_util.printing as printing
from seamm_util.printing import FormattedText as __

from .base import DftbBase

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
job = printing.getPrinter()
printer = printing.getPrinter("DFTB+")

[docs] def fix_label(label): "Convert a label such as GAMMA to the greek letter." if label == "GAMMA": return "\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA}" else: return label
[docs] class BandStructure(DftbBase): def __init__( self, flowchart=None, title="Band Structure", extension=None, logger=logger ): """Initialize the node""" logger.debug("Creating BandStructure {}".format(self)) super().__init__(flowchart=flowchart, title=title, extension=extension) self._calculation = "band structure" self._model = None self._metadata = dftbplus_step.metadata self.parameters = dftbplus_step.BandStructureParameters() self.description = ["Band Structure for DFTB+"] self.sym_points = None # Points along graphs of symmetry lines self.sym_labels = None # Labels of the symmetry lines self.path = None # Coordinates along the path self.energy_step = None # The step that got the energy and density @property def header(self): """A printable header for this section of output""" return "Step {}: {}".format(".".join(str(e) for e in self._id), self.title) @property def version(self): """The semantic version of this module.""" return dftbplus_step.__version__ @property def git_revision(self): """The git version of this module.""" return dftbplus_step.__git_revision__
[docs] def description_text(self, P=None): """Prepare information about what this node will do""" if not P: P = self.parameters.values_to_dict() text = "Calculate the band structure with {nPoints} points." return self.header + "\n" + __(text, indent=4 * " ").__str__()
[docs] def get_input(self): """Get the input for an initialization calculation for DFTB+""" # Create the directory directory = Path( directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) P = self.parameters.current_values_to_dict( context=seamm.flowchart_variables._data ) # Have to fix formatting for printing... PP = dict(P) for key in PP: if isinstance(PP[key], units_class): PP[key] = "{:~P}".format(PP[key]) # Set up the description. self.description = [] self.description.append(__(self.description_text(PP), **PP, indent=self.indent)) # Currently use the previous energy step as source of the density try: self.energy_step = self.get_previous_charges() except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Could not find charges from previous step!") energy_in = self.energy_step.get_input() H = energy_in["Hamiltonian"] if "DFTB" in H: dftb = H["DFTB"] dftb["MaxSCCIterations"] = 1 dftb["ReadInitialCharges"] = "Yes" dftb["KPointsAndWeights"] = self.kpoints(P["nPoints"]) # Cannot use initial charges when reading charges from file. if "InitialCharges" in dftb: del dftb["InitialCharges"] result = { "Options": { "ReadChargesAsText": "Yes", "SkipChargeTest": "Yes", }, "Hamiltonian": H, } return result
[docs] def analyze(self, indent="", data={}, out=[]): """Parse the output and generating the text output and store the data in variables for other stages to access """ # Print the key results text = "Prepared the band structure graph." # Prepare the band structure graph(s) if "fermi_level" in self.energy_step.results: Efermi = list( Q_(self.energy_step.results["fermi_level"], "hartree") .to("eV") .magnitude ) else: raise RuntimeError("Serious problem in the Band Structure: no Fermi level!") # Need the DOS information either from a preceding DOS step or the energy step step = self.find_previous_step(dftbplus_step.DOS) if step is None: step = self.energy_step else: # Is it after the energy step? dos_id = int(step._id[-1]) energy_id = int(self.energy_step._id[-1]) if dos_id < energy_id: step = self.energy_step dos_path = Path( / "DOS.csv" if dos_path.exists(): DOS = pandas.read_csv(dos_path, index_col=0) else: DOS = None wd = Path( self.band_structure( wd / "band.out", self.sym_points, self.sym_labels, Efermi=Efermi, DOS=DOS, ) printer.normal(__(text, **data, indent=self.indent + 4 * " ")) # Put any requested results into variables or tables self.store_results( data=data,, results=self.parameters["results"].value, create_tables=self.parameters["create tables"].get(), )
[docs] def kpoints(self, nPoints): """Create the lines of kpoints for DFTB+.""" system, configuration = self.get_system_configuration(None) cell_data = configuration.primitive_cell() # Get the lines seekpath_output = seekpath.get_path(cell_data[0:3], with_time_reversal=True) # Get the total length of the path. total_length = 0.0 for start_label, stop_label in seekpath_output["path"]: start_coord = np.array(seekpath_output["point_coords"][start_label]) stop_coord = np.array(seekpath_output["point_coords"][stop_label]) start_coord_abs = start_coord, seekpath_output["reciprocal_primitive_lattice"] ) stop_coord_abs = stop_coord, seekpath_output["reciprocal_primitive_lattice"] ) segment_length = np.linalg.norm(stop_coord_abs - start_coord_abs) total_length += segment_length # And extra points needed -- 1 at start, and one at each break last_label = "" extra_points = 0 for start_label, stop_label in seekpath_output["path"]: if start_label != last_label: extra_points += 1 last_label = stop_label n = nPoints - extra_points result = [] last_label = "" total = 0 self.sym_points = points = [] self.sym_labels = labels = [] self.path = path = [] for start_label, stop_label in seekpath_output["path"]: start_coord = np.array(seekpath_output["point_coords"][start_label]) stop_coord = np.array(seekpath_output["point_coords"][stop_label]) start_coord_abs = start_coord, seekpath_output["reciprocal_primitive_lattice"] ) stop_coord_abs = stop_coord, seekpath_output["reciprocal_primitive_lattice"] ) segment_length = np.linalg.norm(stop_coord_abs - start_coord_abs) # See if we needed an added point at the start if start_label != last_label: x, y, z = start_coord.tolist() result.append(f" 1 {x:7.4f} {y:7.4f} {z:7.4f} # {start_label}") total += 1 points.append(total) labels.append(fix_label(start_label)) path.append(f"{x:6.3f} {y:6.3f} {z:6.3f}") last_label = stop_label num_points = max(2, int(round(n * segment_length / total_length))) x, y, z = stop_coord.tolist() result.append(f"{num_points:4} {x:7.4f} {y:7.4f} {z:7.4f} # {stop_label}") delta = (stop_coord - start_coord) / num_points for i in range(num_points): start_coord += delta x, y, z = start_coord.tolist() path.append(f"{x:6.3f} {y:6.3f} {z:6.3f}") total += num_points points.append(total) labels.append(fix_label(stop_label)) result.append("}") result = textwrap.indent("\n".join(result), 8 * " ") return "Klines {\n" + result