.. _dashboard-management: ********************** Managing the Dashboard ********************** As noted in the :ref:`software-ecosystem`, the Dashboard provides support for users and groups with specific access permission. For standalone usage by individuals on a local machine, beyond changing the default password, there is nothing else in this section that might be important to the users. However, for user-groups employing one shared dashboard, the user management aspect becomes important. Dashboard allows the account administrators to add or remove users and organize them in groups to streamline sharing the research outcomes between various group members and among multiple teams. Initial Setup ------------- .. note:: A `video of setting the initial passwords `_ is available on the `SEAMM YouTube channel `_. When the Dashboard is installed, two user accounts will be created automatically: an **admin** account and one **user** account with the default account name duplicated from the username on the host machine. By default, the initial passwords for the **admin** and **user** accounts are set to **admin** and **default**, respectively. Since both accounts have administrative privileges, one can use either for the initial setup. However, since the users may not know the username chosen for their account by the administrator, it might be more convenient to start with the **admin** account. After logging in with the admin user, make sure that the Dashboard is up and running (see the :ref:`installation` section for details on how to run the Dashboard). Then, open the main page of the Dashboard |dashboard_link| (will open in a new tab): .. figure:: dashboard_images/login.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: The Public User pull-down button in the Dashboard The **Public** user pull-down button at top-right of the Dashboard Click on ``Log in`` and put the username **admin** and **admin** again in the password field. This should take you to a slightly different Dashboard page as shown below: .. figure:: dashboard_images/admin_login.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: The **admin** User pull-down button in the Dashboard The **admin** user pull-down button at top-right of the Dashboard Click on the ``Manage Users`` menu item to get to the page for managing users: .. figure:: dashboard_images/manage_users.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: The Manage Users page The Manage Users page User #1 is always **admin** and user #2 should be you. Click on the ``Manage User`` button for the **admin** user: .. figure:: dashboard_images/change_password.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: The change password section of manage user Changing the user's password Click on the lock symbol at the top-right corner of the section to allow changes. Then, enter the new password and confirm it one more time: .. figure:: dashboard_images/change_password_2.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: Changing the password Changing the password The Dashboard does not allow the admin to leave the user's contact information blank. Thus, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the lock button to be able to make changes and enter a name and an email address for the **admin** account: .. figure:: dashboard_images/contact_information.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: The contact information for a user The contact information for a user Finally, click ``Update User Information`` to accept the changes. Users should change their account password after their first access to it. Now repeat the process for your user. .. note:: If your machine is connected to the outside world in any way, it is very important to change the passwords of the accounts and to use good, strong passwords. If you don't use a password manager that can generate and save inscrutable passwords for you, try using a phrase of 3 or so words that you can rememeber and try to use some numbers and special characters. Adding and Removing Users ------------------------- In order to add a new user, start by clicking on the ``Create New User`` button at the top-right corner of the **Manage Dashboard Users** page: .. figure:: dashboard_images/add_user_button.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: Button for adding users Adding new users In order to delete a user account, start from the ``Remove User`` tab to manage the user account: .. figure:: dashboard_images/remove_user_button.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: Button for removing a user Removing a user .. Shortcut link .. |dashboard_link| raw:: html http://localhost:55055